How do you respond without sounding mad?

How do you respond without sounding mad?

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ur mom is ezr lol

stfu nigger

Don't respond you fucking retard

Ah well, I tried my best.

You make the thread again tomorrow.

I know you are, but what am I?

>Not muting all game chats when it's obvious you're going to lose

You're not ready yet kid

GG isn't Good Game?
Someone messaged me this after a match in Titanfall 2 and I replied

thanks you too


sorry, I was afk banging my supermodel gf, what happened?

>Good game, well played
Like I say always, when there aren't throwers, afkers or temper tantrums in general.
People usually spam gg ez as a joke or because they are a-hole. I don't have time to ask if they mean it as a joke or such. Let people write what they want in videogames.

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Can also be Git Gud

Shift + enter

you're a nigger


No! Fuck you, Leather man.

Go fuck yourself.

so was your butthole

Haha well played fellow player.


GG brah.


By preemptively saying gg ez yourself before they have the chance to say it.

tell them I'll snap their legs

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>Ask him if he's ok.
>You don't have to tell me what happened, but you do have to eat this." as I hand him a bowl of eggs.
>Ask if he needs a ride home.
>Tell him to take care.

>lose hard
>do this
Makes you seem desperate to win anything, even beating someone to the punch with an insult that doesn't apply to them desu

Nothing. Mute everyone at the start and leave the match as soon as it's over.

gg and God loves you

i am jewish btw

No u

The only correct answer.

Then leave the room.

gg ez to you too

y-you too


i just say gg or say nothing. anything else is mad town stuff

no hablo espanol :=)))


>Not muting all game chats permanently

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