Is it worth resubbing for the XV event and free server transfer? Also will we ever see another healer?

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>Is it worth resubbing for the XV event
>Also will we ever see another healer?

>Is it worth resubbing for the XV event
Free week during the event
>will we ever see another healer?
Yeah, maybe

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Is there a server worth moving too?

Thats your call isnt it

I don't know, is it?

Just coming back from a long break. What the fuck is Eureka? Is it worth doing? Is it fun?

if anything, just don't go to primal
If you zone out and just watch something on the side, its alright, being with friends helps out but it just takes a long ass time

>What the fuck is Eureka?
>Is it worth doing
It gives some gear that's needed for BiS but unless you have the raid and tome gear to fill out the rest of the BiS it's just worse than tome/raid gear. The relic weapons tied to it are RNG so if you want one you'll have to spend about 50 hours rerolling it.
>Is it fun?
It's the literal least fun piece of content in the entire game.

Crafting and chocobos are the only fun content left in the game.

Who here is swapping to Hrothgar for all that bunnypuss?
Bunnygirls are mad for huge lion dudes.

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One of those games I'll never be able to bring myself to play again. Was fun for about 700 hours.

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I would rather run the same dungeon 100000 times than spend more than 5 minutes in Eureka.

Hyurchads rise up.

The trips have spoken, guess I won't even bother checking it out.

Any niggas on Ragnarok looking for a small comfy FC hit me up

>leveling AST
>doing the job quests
>scene is meant to show you the vast Kugane nught sky
>dumb fucking airship from the 24 mans blockinf the view

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youre fine without it unless you really like glowy weapons

No to both

>free trial player
>already a glamour whore

I'm not gonna make it

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I wish they would finally remove the class restrictions. Fucking NPCs use glamour that they shouldn't be supposed to be able to wear, why can't we

>want to buy some of the cool-ass gear from the GS prize claim
>they're all job-specific
>only 10 glamour plates for like 20 fucking jobs

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What did she mean by this?

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>Levelling roulette
>Catboy THM spams blizzard 1
>Uses the cat sit pose every pull

He was new, give him a break.

Fuck you no I wasn't.

Being new is not an excuse for not being able to read your skills and seeing that Fire I does more damage than Blizzard I

Nah that's just furry tier.

Have you ever met a cuck?

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the only ones who are going to be mad for huge lion dudes are other huge lion dudes
and also catbois

how the fuck do MMO-obsessed scum like this have significant others and i don't

>MMO-obsessed scum like this have significant others and i don't
Tell a girl that you'll financially provider for her while letting her fuck as many other men as she wants and I'm sure you'll get one instantly

Seething wow fag

Ok this faggot cat is pissing me off now
>Uses the elevator and leaves the healer out
>Starts RPing

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>finally get the full Weeping City scouting set
>think it would look nice on my MNK
>can't glam it
the scouting and striking sets are fucking palette swaps ffs, I'm mad but its probably harder to fix than it sounds
I don't mind not being able to equip it for my MNK obviously, but must glamming it be restricted also?

>want to do savage raiding but too autistic and have zero confidence in my performance
>spend most of my time crafting and gathering between content luls
>feels nice able to gather mats and craft glam gear by myself
Would still like to raid one day when I work up the nerve to apply to a static

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>players randomly start spamming emotes
>they clog up the chat log
>they always have those shrill fucking voices
why do players do this? was next to two players just used /surprise at each other for nearly a solid minute without stopping

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>tfw dark knight gets a devil trigger

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To be fair they're the same potency. It would require an extra couple of points of IQ to read the astral fire/umbral ice buffs and find out that fire is much stronger

>everything under it gets DA'd automatically
>halves MP cost of TBN and lowers CD to 5s

just play a dps class bro, you'll have fuck-all to worry about other than standing in AoEs

easiest way to get into it is to join or make a training pf and look up a guide beforehand, people in training groups tend to be very patient, but you also must show progress or they will get fed up, just don't make the same mistakes constantly really
savage raids aren't as hard as you might think, there can be a lot going on at one time, but usually what you need to do individually is quite little in terms of mechanics

>in eureka
>someone complaining about having to do eureka
>someone tells them they can go do something else or play another game if they're not having fun
>they suddenly shut up and keep playing

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This type of shit goes on 24/7 whenever I'm in Limsa Lominsa.

People don't actually talk to each other in this game, just emote spam. It's fucking creepy.

>>in eureka
Sorry for your brain damage.

Was gonna sub during Easter Break, this is perfect.

Linkshells, FCs and /tells exist, user

2 more years

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This user gets it. Buns are for humes.

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fuck off meowie

>Tanking Aetherochemical Research Facility
>Run into an elevator
>Go down
>Realize that the healer didn't make it as the cast bar fills up
>Try to jump for it
>No luck
>Healer jumps into the elevator
>She laughs at me

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I never went further than Anemos but it was fun just because of how everyone there wasn't having fun doing the actual content and instead just filled the shout chat with jokes and banter to make the process less painful
then I went into Pagos and there was none of that so I gave up, I would have continued if any of my friends of FC mates were up for it but they all gave up on Pagos as well
hopefully the next iteration of Eureka is less shit

Too dumb to raid. Too dumb to understand crafting. I just wander around aimlessly looking for something to do.

What's the class I can play where my teammates won't blame me when I screw up because they already assumed I was retarded? I also don't want to press more than 3 buttons.

I just want to play this casually and do dressup/RP and exploring.

i like crafting because i can't let anyone down

just report them for emote spamming

What don't you understand about crafting bro?

Don't worry you are 95% of the playerbase.

SAM without a doubt.


Definitely Red Mage

literally any dps except MCH

>the feet
didn't viera have normal shoes in addition to high heels in tactics? proving that they were purely a fashion choice?


Filthy catgirls actually think viera are going to be short and round and not tall and aggressive looking HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA

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I don't get half the skills especially the specialty ones. I see pictures of people doing like 350 steps and I am just so lost at how that is even possible.

based npc user

play Red Mage, you don't need a single braincell and its pretty flashy to boot, defo the special needs job

I've never seen that outfit before. What class/character is it? I don't play FF XIV. I just really love cute witch outfits.

the era of cat girls and lizards are over

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Turn off emotes in the chat settings. Emote spammers are pure cancer

Free trial up to level 35 and free base game with Twitch Prime.

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Are there any consolefag healers here?
How do you guys handle targeting? I sometimes accidentally heal myself instead of my tank when going for consecutive cures and the wasted seconds have nearly resulted in the tank dying a few times. Should I just be hard-targeting the tank and soft-targeting enemies for DPS so I don't fuck up scrolling through the party list?

I wouldn't had resubbed back if I knew this.
I wanted to start saving MGP for the mount but it only took two days go from 0 MGP to 300 MGP

all it needed was a new engine

noooooo i'd only like viera if they were actually elin from tera instead nnoooooooooooo

RDM. Nearly impossible to screw up

Black Mage I think

Exactly, I cant wait for hot tight lion dude ass

its the vanya robe, healer/casters can wear it
this game has a lot of pointy hats so you might like it

Yeah, its piss easy to make mgp, sitting on 500k for the event RN

Flipping this question around, what is the MOST HIGH IQ class?

I'm leveling every single class to 35 before I give my money to Jew Enix for the starter edition, but I'm really not sure I'll make it in time for the XV event. Are there any other cool mounts I can get as a consolation prize?

Not him but but as a zero confidence autist I find DPS to easily be the most successful role it's not just dodging AoEs that's literally everyone's job you have to maintain a tight rotation and if you fuck it up once you're suddenly behind and grey parsing and people want to kick you, on the other hand healing is far easier and idiot friendly keeping people alive is easy and you don't have much of a rotation, keep your dots up, spam your damage spell and pom and cs when you can and even if you do fuck your dps up on healer groups are far more forgiving and willing to let it slide as long as you've kept everyone alive even more so if the other healer is an idiot and you still keep the group up while constantly rezzing them

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Probably BLM, requires you to know the fight well enough for you to be able to pre-position for mechanics, dropping your ley lines in specific placces so that you can dodge everything within the circle

i'd say sam. at least with rdm they might expect you to raise healers

So how garbage is o12s to PF? I've only attempted 9 and 10 since unlock and 10 has pretty much made me swear off pf at this point.

Stressful I meant

Dragoon maybe? considering all the stupid shit you have to do in order to not die

First time playing problem.
I just hit 15 on my first class and now its making me do a dungeon to progress the story and I don't want to look like an idiot and go the wrong way or die to stupid stuff.
I haven't leveled any DPS jobs either since I was just doing the story. If I knew the dungeons were required for the story to progress I would have just played a DPS first to learn them. Are people gonna flame me for not knowing whats going on?

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>considering all the stupid shit you have to do in order to not die
You mean not fucking jump when there's an AoE in front of you? DRG is braindead

Do we actually know if it the mount is going to disappear? I believe they said the garo gear would be limited time, but that is still possible to get.

90% of the dungeons are straight lines and you get a full map of them to see where the dead ends are. Just don't bother with any dead ends and you'll be fine.

I swear to got O10S is the hardest fight in this entire tier. That thing is a technical issue not a fight. I haven't done O12S in PF myself but others from my static have and they absolutely hated it, they said it's especially bad now with the echo because retards think they can faceroll it

Generally no unless you don't pay attention to their advice and keep fucking up.

Unironically this with how a lot fights are designed you do pretty much all the heavy lifting if your group is optimizing for dps.

fuck squeenix, drg should be immune to damage while jumping

>but that is still possible to get.
Only through the mogstation :^)

I don't know man, its one of the dps i got to max and never touched it after

On one hand im super happy because i was curious about resubbing just before the expansion hit
On the other hand its the final month before exams

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I'd argue that 10 is one of the worst fights in the game it snapshots 6 months before the aoe actually hits you.

If you're on EU O12S is apparently nigh impossible to PF because PFs there use some full retard strat made by a retarded redditor that sends your healers outside healing range for Hello World

I cleared it like 2 weeks before echo in PF without many problems. I hope you're ready for the "rot didn't pass in HW2" episode and the "wipes to archive all" episode and their reruns though.

If you act cute then no

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No balls

No dungeons are linear and despite what Yea Forums will try to meme you into believing the community is super hugbox in game and will flip their shit at anyone that's mean to a newbie (assuming the newbie isn't being a dick about being new of course) actually getting kicked or raged at is rare as shit and normally only happens if you're actively trying to start something or in high level pugs where people are always mad at everything

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everyone in this game bends over for newbies like you, just say you're new and you're free of criticism most of the time. you're already ahead most people if you're self aware of your skill

early dungeons dont require any hard knowledge and you can just move from pull to pull

The vendor is still there in the wolves' den and the saucer

At that level, no. But DO speak up and say you're new, most folks are willing to help you, and take their advice on rotations and tips. Also, find "The Smith" at any city's Inn and do his Role Quests - not only does it teach you the general basics, but it gives you a full set of armor AND a +XP gain ring that comes in EXTREMELY handy later.

Later, at 50-60+ and beyond, I STRONGLY recommend you watch videos before going into dungeons so you have a clue. Some shit comes out of left field and noone on their Roulette run wants to waste time wiping, sorry. Go in educated, everyone leaves happy including you. Most don't Spoil the story, other than the boss's identity in some dungeons, but boo-fucking-hoo, your anti-spoiler stance does not outweight wasting 20-30mins of 4 peoples' time.

Oh and the best episode, "my healer got carried to where he is now and he doesn't know how to fucking cast a heal spell during hello world"

This but unironically. Yoshi keeps talking about MUH JOB IDENTITY but doesn't make DRGs take no damage while jumping? That's fucking autistic

Don't be a bitch, going the "wrong way" will lead to a small room with a bunch of extra mobs and a chest, then you can go back to the original path. Mobs give a fuck ton of exp so you're doing everybody a favor more than anything. Not to mention that you get an achievement for uncovering the whole map, which you should do on first playthrough.

You mean no self-control
I'll fuck myself if i resub too early
I wont even be able to just quit after the free period expires i'll just sub with money

Complete garbage, no and no.

As long as you ask questions and aren't easily offended while being ready to actually take advice people are fine. Just don't be thin skinned and you're good cause the great community thing is a fucking joke. Mostly because of the redditor I'll play my way or bitch on the forums mentality.

Periods and commas please


Just push it till the end of your exams, then resub with a week before ShB and you win probably

>This but unironically. Yoshi keeps talking about MUH JOB IDENTITY but doesn't make DRGs take no damage while jumping? That's fucking autistic
>MNKs don't have Counter
>BLMs don't utilize elemental damage
>Gravity doesn't deal 1/4th of the enemy's health
>DRK doesn't sacrifice health to boost its damage
>you can still control your WAR during Berserk
>BRDs use bows
But BLU can't be a real job because reasons. It's IMPOSSIBLE. :^)

I went in at launch and tried to chain mobs and thought it was fucking awful. I started again a month ago and doing NMs is actually fun.

Give me shota bunny boys or give me death!

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Why is it always the faggot catboys?

Being a grammarless retard doesn't make you more Yea Forums(nel) than anyone

It's impossible to read your stream of consciousness that actively contradicts itself

At that point i'd just unsubscribe until relevant content comes for you. No reason wasting free time and money.

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>Periods and commas, please.
eat all the dicks

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Youre still around huh

Bros help I can't stop thinking about her.
Every night I dream of pumping her womb full of my seed

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>Some shit comes out of left field
There has literally not been a single unique new mechanic since ARR except for the active time maneuver or whatever it's called. If you can honestly make it to SB dungeons and suddenly feel lost then you have brain damage.

Looked up some of the witch-y looking outfits and it really does have some good looking and cute robes and pointy hats. Nice.

What combat/crafting guild has the best storyline?

Correcting people's grammar does make you reddit

Yes, hello!

whats the endgame besides raiding and crafting

Nobody corrected you.

I don't want mutant giraffe children, Alisaie is for anal only

Nobody's correcting your grammar, you're being told to use grammar.

I doubt anyone would think anything of the WoL asking for some alone time with her comatose body user

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>15 minutes in que for ifrit normal
I just want to continue the story

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Imagine being this pedantic

Tell that to most of the pubbie faggots I get in DF that still don't understand the now-standard "STack up, dumbass" marker, among other things. You're not wrong, people are just fucking stupid and I'm trying to make sure he's not one of them.

ask around to do it unsync'ed

Should have leveled healer

ironic post

You would have hated Yea Forums 10 years ago

reminding you all that no one important will die

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>ShB ends with WoL choking Myste on a beach

>Should have played this job that you aren't interested in because yoshida is a fucking hack
>oh you pay money for this game and expect to be able to do whatever you want in it? too bad

>ywn introduce Alisaie to her daughter after waking from her 11 month coma
Why live?

I can't believe Edmont is dying next expansion.

Take it back.

I've been here since 05 I don't particularly care about playing the who's the newfag game with you

>What is Titania
>What is Oberon