Bloodstained new area and bossu:

GOTY 2019

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Why does it look so much worse than the old castlevania games?

Is that really the best they could do? It looks like a PSP game with all the jaggies taken out.

>Level up doesn't freeze you in place some more
I never had an issue with that but i remember some people complaining. Gameplay and level design seem good but that area is still pretty ugly for the most part

making "metroidvanias" in 2.5D doesn't work. It just exposes how boring the genre is and how slow it is. If it was a full 2D game it would look and play better. And b4 some stupid fucking shill tells me it controls exactly like SOTN. It doesn't feel that way. Having SOTN physics in a 2.5D game makes it feel off.

Should have been 2D.

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because you are old

Lol, it looks like Mirror of Fate.
Castlevania is dead.

Did they cut the boss design down? The CotM version had a cool gimmick but it's not present in the supposed "main" game.

fucking horrid animations

weird to see that cat pic without the edit.

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WayForward really cleaned up the visuals. Everything pops instead of just looking like flat surfaces on a 2.5d plane. Really impressed

You are retarded as fuck. There were 3d areas in SotN too, so did gameplay suddenly get worse in those places, eg the chapel? And all "2d" games on ps1 were actually textures on polygons, not actual sprites (of which the hardware simply wasn't capable physically), so ALL ps1 games are "2.5d" (ie. real-time 3d graphics). Literally Genesis/Snes type real 2d was impossible on ps1.


>There were 3d areas in SotN too
cringe and gaypilled

What, Wayforward? Really?

It still looks like shit.

Are you having a stroke or something?

Yes, they came through and made this game looks tolerable. Compare this to an old e3 demo which looks like fucking ass.

no way. these spinning rooms are too cool.

WF was contracted to help finish/polish the game by Summer. However, the extent of what they've actually done is anyone's guess.

WF ruining another title.

Seems like they actually added some kind of real time equipment swapping in the game. The radial they've shown has eight slots so potentially you can move between eight weapons more or less on the fly. Sounds cool as shit.


Article is retarded and sounds like a journalist failing to understand the game but there are some decent details in there.

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What, turning everything into the sickest purple hue is a good thing in your book?
It looks like puke

Wow, that looks so much better.
The 3D team should just kill themselves.

Looks like a 6/10 game. Might buy it for $5

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This looks slow and boring why would I play this as someone who doesn't give a fuck about muh castlevania?

That actually looks better, m8
Both are very ugly, though.

You're not the target audience. This was a game specially for fucking morons who shelled out $200 a pop to give to a con man.

The boss design is still garbage in both versions

What the fuck is with those animations, zero soul. Reminds me of rotoscope shit.

If you don't love this amazing game, you are stupid. I know that's insulting but it's also true!

This. I hate that stupid fake 2D look where big bosses just look like a drawing that was cut out and pasted onto the game.

It looks nice enough in the 2D one.
The 3D one just looks hideous and lazy.

is it still censored?

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Her movement looks like ass and so do the enemies, but I think her attacks look really good and seem like they pack a punch. It's like two different animators designed those.

>has nipples

Is this still in beta mode? It feels like there are alot of SFX missing when you hit enemies or when enemies do an attack.


If anything, the tits are more explicit now. They're not cow tits but the nipples are clearly defined and textured.

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ITT: crying that a game dares to not be pixelshit
I can't wait until the pixel meme dies

Imagine trying to live day to day with this user's brain.

>female protagonist
>not half naked
Hard pass.

Is this some kind of anticensorship?


Only real issues for me are the lack of satisfying hit sounds from attacks, coupled with HU HA HAW YA HU HAW HA HA HAW YA. Why is there no cool slash when the sword hits? WHY? And the scarf physics are really weird. Like worse than before, it almost looks like it jumps up before she does. And lastly Otherwise, the game looks cool.

>Vagina dentata

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I guess, or they just decided this look was sexier. She actually has a ridiculous body, giant monster pussy not withstanding. Go to 6:01:30 in this video and just watch her emerge from the water:

The animation literally just serves to show off her tits.

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>using a potion
>using items ever in an IGAvania

Post a good video instead please

They look like actual titties now

There aren't any. Every single person who has any kind of journalist credentials gets wrecked in this game for some reason. It's really painful to watch. I dunno if they just aren't used to SOTN style movement anymore or what.

You know, if you want to play a Castlevania game, there is always Castlevania. Don't see why people wanted a pretender that steals the franchise's concepts.

Because there hasn't been a new Castlevania in ages, and it is clear Konami has no interest in making one, let alone any games at all.

This ! So much this !

Because you can only play through the same castle so many times before craving something new and Konami has no idea how to make games anymore.

Do you never want sequels to games you enjoy?

Lmfao there's still people waiting for this game, iga is a hack, accept it fags, Kojimbo is the next one.

her screaming when she gets a new monster soul is really fucking annoying

Shitstained shill. Theres a reason we all call this game MN9 2.0, and the next TORtanic...

So much based & redpilled

Is the demo dumbed down for the journalists? 'Cause it looks real fucking easy from that video.

Glad i'm not the only one

Hey voice lines are a bit too loud and common.

I don't like her english va.
I dunno Yea Forums, I'm not feeling this one at all.
Right now I'm playing Castlevania Aria of Sorrow and I'm having a hard time killing this grim reaper boss that starts throwing a giant, spinning double headed scythe.

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I'm not even getting the game, I was just answering your laughably stupid question, you fucking simpleton.

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It's MM9 all over again.

They've talked about fixing that in the final build. They got a lot of feedback in the backer demo about it.

>the next TORtanic...
no one even knows what this game is

Is that faggot complaining about knockback and i-frames on a castlevania game? I don't care if the game is a scam or not, but holy shit

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Having just recently finished my first run of Symphony of the Night ever, and having beat both Sorrow games & played the fuck out of Harmony of Despair, I don't think this game looks too bad, I see some shit it does better than those games, and nothing glaringly awful in the effects department like MN9 had, so I think this game's gonna hold up. My only complaint is that the boss seems to go on forever and looks way too easy to get the pattern down for, but I'm sure that the length can be mitigated with better equipment on final release.
I heard the Switch version is real fuckin' bad when played on the PAX demos, so I'm hoping they follow through on optimizing it like they said they would for release, I already got RotN on Switch, so I'd like to keep my series consistent between consoles so I ain't having to constantly swap cords around.

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Is this soulful or soulless?

What's the latest version of Aradia's game now?

All this does is make me wish there was a new REAL Castlevania.

Thats probably not a good thing, is it?


thats good news
hopefully they mix it up a bit


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It just looks so so lifeless to me. like it's lacking soul(unironically).

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The attacks have no real impact.
I hope that, if they do make a sequel, it's 2d somehow. That way they can at least add a little flash to enemies that get hit.

>few Aussies developers with no experience make Hollow Knight
>experienced Japanese developers make this garbage

Fuck yes I'm behind. Time to update.

Is this on Game Journalist difficulty setting? The player is incredibly bad but takes almost no damage

How far behind? Because if you missed like the last three, the game's map doubled in size again.

fromsoft castlevania when?


I think I last played 22. I remember the Waterfall area and the really dark forest area.

wait, wasnt this one supposed to be a porn/hentai game?

It was suppose to be released on the PSP after all.

>"I hate to say that, being a fan of Castlevania, but Bloodstained is possibly a bit too retro for my tastes."
So wait, it'll be good? Fucking can't wait!

Well now it has a second, darker waterfall area, the graveyard got extended, there's an underground lab, and the start of a castle.

No, that's Miriam's girlfriend's game.

It's so visually unappealing.

That's Night of Revenge.

>Castlevania but slow, quiet, and you're fighting more against controls & geometry than monsters
Both Castlevania 64 games already exist, user.

The other thing is that the screaming is only when she first gets a new shard. It's supposed to show that the crystals are painful for her I think. That's also why she leaves crystalized areas of her skin uncovered.

I wish they would finish this game I kickstarted this like an eon ago.

>2D sidescrolling in this day and age
Why not make it 3D?

They have three settings last they showed. Normal, Hard, Nightmare.
Bets Normal is now game journalist difficulty.

There's something uncanny about the way this game uses 2.5d that makes the whole thing feel like it completely lacks any weight or fluidity.
It's like they were trying to imitate the sprite movement and it doesn't fucking work with 3d models.

Oh baby that sounds good. Any good h-scenes added or is it still like two?

LITERAL Onions boy game!

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Igavania if you don’t like it then don’t buy it.

>internal area
Looks ok, the notharpies felt a little too passive, but this was the best part.

>outside of tower
The camera was waaaaaay to far away, you cant appreciate the models of the werwolves and the combat looks worse just to get a dynamic view of their little rotating tower gimmick (which is not impressive, too many fucking games have done this already).

>boss fight
Like the design but the fight itself looks awful, the animations are 2d stuff but in a 3d model, it looks absolute STIFF, which is not as bad on 2d but 3d gives depth and when things arent moving properly, they really stick out.

Overall the gameplay looks competent, but they should have just gone full 2d, yeah its more expensive and takes more time, but at least his experience with it would have move things faster instead of this development hell we are having.

Is bloodstained more onions than indivisible now ?

I don't know what your version number is, but it was probably like
>4 h-scenes or more
>a new weapon
>like five new rings
>some new holy and dark paper items
>a bunch of enemies
The twitter says the next update has unparryable attacks, unblockable attacks, and a new boss being added.

Is the second castlevania for N64 worth emulating?

Aren't they the same game?

Second one has more playable characters. That you need to play as before you can unlock the two characters from the first game, specifically.

I believe it adds 2 characters and fixes some stuff, but castlevania 64 I only got to play with the girl because I borrowed the game for 2 days only

Dunno what's worse, how ugly it looks or how unfun to play it seems

>still can't find the english patch even though I know it exists

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going to get rekted by pic related

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Don't worry, user. It's ok.

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Look, all I want is a mod that turns the game into a h-game with rape animations for every monster in the game.

>tfw didn't back Indivisible
Feels good.

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im glad they have a story element to it but they should vary up the scream a little so it doesnt get repetitive

That game already exists, and it's in 2d.

i hope the gameplay in that game is good because the art looks like ass

Yeah but I want it on a game with decent gameplay.

That game already exists.

Shanoa's Shanono

I-it's shopped, I bet! user must have made this just torment me! There's no real patch!

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Have you never seen spinning rooms in 2D?

It's ok, user.
You can know that I'm constantly upset that we still don't fucking get the nuns' cross-whip as a weapon! What the fuck?!

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Why does this game always, ALWAYS pop up in Bloodstained threads when it's obviously a porn version of Bloodborne? The font, the descriptions of the weapons, even a ripoff of the Kirkhammer. I don't see what the comparison with Bloodstained is :/

>when it's obviously a porn version of Bloodborne
Go check the old blog. Her concept art started popping up just after Bloodstained got funded, but it slowly tilted towards a Bloodborne/Dark Souls 3 system and setting over time, with Sekiro stuff getting added this month.

forced meme because the protags look similar

Are you by chance blind? It has one very obvious thing in common.

>Two things looking alike is now a meme

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what game

keyword being forced

Keyword being you're fucking autistic.

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>someone makes a porn parody
>bringing up the similarities is "forced"

looks like one of Falcom's early games, also is the guy playing a journalist? they should have enabled journalist difficulty

What would Journalist Difficulty look like?

>those visual improvements
Based Wayworward.

>that complete lack of Hit feedback
Every single Castlevania and even the 2D 8bit CotM spinoff had that.

Sadly this takes more work in today's tech world. It's easier to make shitty 3d models and bind them to a single plain.

That looks not fun

Is this a fucking mobile game?

>>Level up doesn't freeze you in place some more
That's for the familiar.

I noticed that too, in the other games they make the boss/enemy flash Everytime you land a hit. I would assume that since it's 3d it would look weird so they didn't add it it, but holy shit I really hope they change that.

The lack of Hit feedback makes the game instant trash in my eyes, you can't tell shit.
The rotating tower stages also has horrible visual feedback for where you actually are against the background and enemy hitboxes, which could be easily solved with a proper drop shadow.
It's clear IGA has no idea what the fuck he's doing and it's just another ConMan No9 style scam.

The shitposting about this game is kind of wild. Honestly that boss looks pretty fun, the person playing just sucks ass and keeps jumping into the dragon. 90% of the damage in that video is because of that, not actually getting hit by attacks.

Yeah the shitposting feels incredibly forced, don't know what Yea Forums's fucking problem is.

Give Bloodporne english patch plox

The things people don't like about this game and trailer in question have nothing to do with the players ability. What are you talking about?

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it looks so soulless holy shit

See Are you paid shills?
What the fuck do my complains about complete lack of Hit confirmation and lack of proper visual cues for actual character position in the environment have to do with the journo sucking dick at the game?

One of the very first fucking posts talks about how slow it looks
Part of the reason why its "slow" is because the guy playing sucks ass.

I'm a discord tranny, get it right

Look man, I've already stumbled through the game using Google Translate and I wanna take it easy now

Does the phrase "Through dick, unity" mean nothing to you?

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I agree with you for the most part. This game could use that old school flashing white effect when things are getting damaged though. Has a little more oomph than just the numbers. Would also help with identifying when Miriam's invincibility is ending.

>Part of the reason why its "slow" is because the guy playing sucks ass.

No it doesn't. The game is just overall slow. Look at any gameplay footage. The game is slow.

Its the same speed as SOTN, get your shitposting up to date.

Yeah I agree, and something for hit detection on enemies outside of damage would be nice. Maybe its better with other weapons.

>Does the phrase "Through dick, unity" mean nothing to you?

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i'll make sure to draw


>vinesauce video playing in the background
>literally a second after seeing this post hear vinny doing the meat voice
Fucking unreal timing

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Cute cinnamon roll.

i gotta understand how to draw cinnamon roll good so imma draw cinnamon roll's descendant equilibrium girl and also work on her vn and also blonde cinnamon roll

Looks mediocre. The retro Bloodstained is prob going to end up being the better game.

>equilibrium girl

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holy fuck her voice is so annoying

hit sparks and good attack sounds would make a world of difference. Now there's barely any difference between hitting and missing.

It looks fun. Her initial jump needs just a bit more of a visual wind-up to it, and a light or flash would be nice to better indicate when an enemy's taking damage, but otherwise the gameplay looks very solid.

The instrumentation on that boss fight sounds a bit weak though. Not quite Castlevania, and it doesn't feel like it's where it wants to be.

Its not a matter of being patient, at this point its never ever.

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yes shanghai'd the predecessor of cinnamon roll who look like youmu

am i being memed? theres clearly a red flash on hit, some of the enemies also recoiled back

There's no reason for the camera to be so zoomed out during that tower section, there is nothing visually interesting happening, the scenario is not that pretty or interesting either, and it doesn't seem to have any unique gameplay element that may require it.

I think they are talking about the boss. Although he does bleed when hit and the blood even splatters the background sometimes.

That was a rollercoaster.

it surely was especially the part where they go through the perfume department?

Ah yes, the "perfume department."

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all cinnamon roll had to do was wear a respirator

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I wonder if there will be a plague doctor outfit for her.
Busty, leathery plague doctor cinnamon roll.

not only that, but team cherry will have kicked out TWO fucking awesome metroidvanias (hollowknight, all the dlc for it, and hollowknight silksong, whole new game) in the time it has taken for fucking bloodstained to come out, and they both look way better and likely have far better lore. WHY THE FUCK DOES IT TAKE JAPS SO LONG TO RELEASE GAMES.

Its spirit is alive and well in hollowknight.

It looks so fucking stiff and awkward compared to the DS Castlevanias.

quick equilibrium

Attached: shanghai.png (1000x1000, 267K)

Go fuck yourself with that flash game

>butthurt weabo is mad that the genre got taken over by superior INDY devs because the japs can't even release a fucking game ever

Stay mad fag. This new one shits all over shitstained.

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No, I would love for that to happen.
Hollow Knight is just fucking hideous. It looks so damned lazy.

I would have gone with Dantess, but ok.

>sword stab
>sword stab
>sword stab
>sword stab
Does the person playing suck, or is this the most you can do?

Have you actually played castlevania?

A long time ago. Still stuck at this boring shit?

but there's no gunfu in those games

But she has black and white dual pistols.

>anthropomorphic bug people set in a beautiful alien world with haunting music and dark souls style story telling and lore is lazy and hideous
>muh gothic castlevania clone is totally not lazy u gaiz

I've never seen such a terrible fucking opinion.

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Your eyes are retarded, user. I'm sorry.

not until i see equilibrium

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holy crap this looks like so much garbage

i was excited now i am just completely disappointed this looks fucking terrible

where is the fun of playing this??

It's a shit game in general and ridiculously overrated.

3d graphics

i'll make sure to draw charlotte

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just like christian bale in equilibrium

But those are both black!

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As somebody who's only been following this game through occasional Yea Forums threads it's shaping up a lot better than it used to look

the castle actually looks like a castle in a finished videogame project on a middling budget and not MY FIRST UNITY DEMO

i have honestly never had my hopes for a game be so completely bulldozed in an instant as this

they completely failed. i would rather this just never be released