VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action is not really a cyberpunk game

There's nothing "cyberpunk" about this game beyond the vaguely futuristic aesthetic. There's no grimness, no loss of humanity or subordination of the self. It's anime girls and cute doggies chatting about romance. All of the "cyberpunk elements" like the supposedly dystopian setting are entirely informed. The characters might as well have been pulled out of your local bar. It's like Cyberpunk Zero Calorieā„¢, cyberpunk trappings without any of the actual gravity the genre carries. Cyberpunk isn't just a "slap some gears on it and give them a tophat" aesthetic like steampunk.

The world's not portrayed as "bad" at all, beyond people saying "gosh it's so bad out there". The character never suffers at all. She lives a perfectly pleasant life. And "a perfectly pleasant life" is not cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is supposed to be about something, not jerking off over "OH MAN WHAT IF I HAD A LOLI SEXBOT". They explain a character having cat ears with "I got sick when I was a kid so they gave me a surgery that gave me cat ears." That's an anime level justification for body modification. It's just "hey we want this character to be a cat girl, what justification can we come up with for that".

Your character never actually interacts with any of the supposedly dystopian features of the world. She's living a life that looks like it could be carrying on in any big city right now. Every cyberpunk element in the game is a perfect example of an Informed Attribute. Compare the "dystopia" with Papers, Please, where you're actively living the nightmare. You have to choose between medicine for your child and food for yourself sometimes. Your child can die. Even a whiff of seditious thinking will have you hauled off and executed. That's a dystopia. Valhalla is a nichijou VN that happens to have characters with some prosthetics.

Not to mention the 'gameplay' is even shallower than your average visual novel.

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She lives a pleasant life until she gives the wrong drinks to the customers.

Here comes the waifu gags to defend their shit vn

I'll take that typo to the grave fuck it

Dude. They are in cyber punk venuzela. Venuzela is bad on it's own. Imagine dystopian venuzela.


hello columbian

have sex

You're right, it should be called neon noire cafe

You complain about anime, but you're the cyberpunk equivalent of a weeb.

>Cyberpunk isn't just a "slap some gears on it and give them a tophat" aesthetic like steampunk.

Yes it is.

It does have all that. But you're in the bar all day, you only hear about it from other people.

Well yeah, that's the entire point. It's a shitshow of oppressive corporations and cyberterrorism but the game's about a shitty bar in some corner of that mess that's a bit comfy but smells like dog piss sometimes. The game explicitly ISN'T about how Jill interacts with that world, you see that more with the characters she talks to, from the shady career ventures like Delay's private investigating, Alma's hacking and Jamie being a mercenary to pleasures being sold like Dorothy's "little girl fantasy" prostitution and Kira*Miki*'s idol ventures, to even a look into the life of the rich with Stella, not to mention all the characters who live normal ass working class lives, same as Jill.

None of this is the point, though. You casually glean these details by talking to them but it's all about those cozy conversations more than watching the world go to hell. Even then, you still see glimmers of consequence like with what happens to Sei. And there's also hints of the requisite pseudophilosophical bullshit you'd expect, characters like Dorothy and Anna serve that up on occasion. But yeah, it's a comfy VN in a cyberpunk world.

It's a shitty game for weebs, they don't care about any of that

> It's also not an action game
> It's also not a bartending game
Wow OP.

Shut the fuck up and post some Sei already.

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Cyberpunk has been "muh aesthetic" for literally decades. By the time steampunk was a thing it was all over. Punk is dead.

it's almost like the game's entire design philosophy is "what if cyberpunk but focused on the faceless masses just trying to get by"

Cyberpunk is high-tech low-life. Fact that people are not constantly hacking each other does not mean it's not cyberpunk you autist.
Also, VA11HallA is sad at times. Sorry there's no rain and neons to tell you something is sad - you seem like the type of guy who needs some serious help with social cues. But you are an autist. I mean, whole backstory of Dorothy? Birthday guy? Old lady's brain? Fact that there are funny, good, bad and sad things happening at the same time prolly leave your NPC mind confused.
Jesus OP, you are dumb and mentally rigid as fuck. I'm not joking with you being an autist.

I know the original dev got shipped off the the gulags, but would there ever be some kind of mobile port? I'd play the crap out of this on mobile or switch at work between jobs.

FYI the PS4 version comes out in May.

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switch port's coming out in may

OP confirmed for literally not playing the game

Cyberpunk is pretty much a dead genre, you can't really fault the game for not living up to conventions that haven't been popular or relevant in decades.
>Papers, Please
Oh wait, you're not serious.

Switch port was announced

>female protagonist

Have sex

Sure. Let's go.

>Imagine dystopian venuzela.
>Dictator mad with power
>6 day blackouts
>Foreign powers hold the government reigns
>Opposition might also be controlled by foreigners
>No food or medicine
>No hope
So Venuzela

giv pusy

>this whole fucking autistic essay
This is why people don't do cyberpunk or futuristic settings anymore.

You seem to care more about the game matching your arbitrary expectations of cyberpunk than it just attempting to do what it's doing.

Of course the characters don't go through some crazy shit, the point is the events are a relatively normal daily life for the people living in a world like that. Of course the world and setting is delivered through dialogue, that's literally the point, the very idea of being the bartender exists to serve the concept that all of the game is delivered through dialogue.

If you want it to go all in with showing the worst parts of the setting and focusing on them you are literally missing the entire point, being that this is about people who just live their lives in a setting like that.

It fucking amazes me people like you actually exist sometimes. It's like you think everything exists to serve the genre and not that a genre is just a collection of similar ideas.

Venezuela but with loli robo prostitutes

It's not really a game, either