Is PC gaming a meme? The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive...

Is PC gaming a meme? The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive, so why would I spend $1000+ on a gayming pc when I could get better results for $300?

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Other urls found in this thread: best looking game of all time is a console exclusive/type/op/


haha console cuck

mouse + keyboard way better for all multiplayer shooters

>playing multiplayer in the first place

>so why would I spend $1000+ so i can be able to play thousands of old an new great games, when I could get one great game for $300?

Epic Games Store

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The same reason you shouldn't get an iphone. If something breaks on your ps4, I don't know what the fuck to do if I open it up.

If something goes wrong with your pc, I can open it up and troubleshoot and replace whatever's wrong.

And upgrades. You can't buy a part or two and upgrade a ps3 to a ps4. I'm using the same machine from 2008, only replaced two parts since then, and today it's moderately more powerful than a ps4 is.

Art direction =/= rendering/performance, you fucking retard.

>so why would I spend $1000+ on a gayming pc when I could get better results for $300?
with a console, you're buying everything - the power supply, cpu, gpu, etc. Every single time the next console gen comes out, you're upgrading all of those parts at once, when you don't have to.
With PC, most of the time you can upgrade the GPU alone and experience a shift from lower to higher gen graphics.

how close do you have to get before the leafs on the trees to the right actually start looking like leafs

don't worry bub it's okay to be noncompetitive

zoom zoom

Why would you pay $300 for a single game?

yes, zoom zoom. good boy

>Why would you pay $300 for a single game?
*angry switch owners bing bing wahoo in the distance*

same stale bait everyday, 300+ replies soon. why is Yea Forums so braindead?


at least $3000

Consoles are for niggers.

Just buy whatever you fucking want you fucking faggots. Why the fuck do you care if some faggots buying pc or console. It's not your money that's being spent.

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>*goes back to server filled with chink bitminers, slav hackers, BR monkeys and filipino trannies*

at least they're humans

PC was the first to cuck to digital only and Valve's tactics. Streaming games wouldn't even be taken into consideration if PC gamers didn't cuck out to digital only first.

>no good consoles since 1990s
>pc gaming being a meme

Unpopular opinion I guess, but RDR2 is extremely boring looking and the sub 30fps framerate doesn't help.
GoW and Horizon are much better console exclusives, visually.

This is actually a really good point.

Unfortunately true. Took a while for me to wake up to (((valve))). They made half life, they can't be bad! Then you learn they haven't actually made any games since then, they just contract out developers to make a game and treat them like shit, like they did Turtle Rock with L4D

There are three groups of people on Yea Forums.

1. PC mustard ricers that invaded from leddit back in early 2010s after that cocksucker yahtzee made it a meme
2. Nintentards manchildren that treat their autism with flashy lights and colorful anime to try and capture that last bit of childhood memory of when they were happy
3. """Hardcore""" gamers that own both PC and Switch and probably play CSGO or R6 Siege (most likely zoomers between 13-17)

The 'normalfag' crowd of people who play games for fun and just bought a ps4 because it's what their friends have don't browse Yea Forums.

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Technically speaking the best looking game of all time would use an ENB, which is PC only - so GTA V or Skyrim, depending on your tastes and desires, on PC, of course.

If you don't think a keyboard is better for most games, you are actually retarded.

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>plays a stealth game
>can't stop running

>plays a racing game
>can only steer hard left or hard right and only go full throttle or full brakes

>plays literally any other game
>no analog movement speed

Half Life is easily the most over rated series of all time and has done more damage to gaming than any other series
Valve has never made a good game

I can play old games on my 100 euro laptop.

it's an escape from the 500 hourly Epic Games shill threads

I would think a game like Prince of Persia Sands of Time would really suck to play with a keyboard.

You're right but I can't lie and say I don't still like hl2. Lots of good cs 1.6 memories too

Do whatever you want bud. Stop looking for approval from random internet strangers.

It's a shit point. You can't compare iPhones with ps4's. You can totally buy a second ps4 IF it breaks down, they're like 150 dollars these days.


PC is a zoomer Reddit meme, change my mind.

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I did say *most*. I prefer flying games with controllers. Platformers, FPS, RTS, Grand strategy, and a lot of other games I prefer with a keyboard, though. I'd say a good 65% of games are better with keyboards.

Objectively and also metaphysically speaking, yes. Well, 3 of those. There is the parasite and the host. Parasites are subhumans. Neanderthal, for example, is human, and not only biologically speaking.

bullshit, a consoles have such a long lifetime span, usually your pc+mb+ram combo is outdated aswell as your gfx... so you end up replacing all expensive parts anyway.


The only thing i've done since 2008 is add ram and buy a new GPU.

Its objectively a smoother more pleasant experience playing on a PC, but I don't hate my console at all, it allows me to be more comfortable while I play sitting on the couch. that being said I will 9/10 times pick to play a game at my computer just because the play-ability uptick is noticeable and my chair is nice just not as comfy as the couch.

>play-ability uptick is noticeable
nigga what

Don't use RDR2 you idiot

go from struggling to hit 60 fps on a ps4 pro to having constant over 100 in most titles on pc it really is noticeable

>the best looking game of all time

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Got a better looking one in mind?

I cant make a SFM porn with PS4
I cant shitposts on Yea Forums properly with PS4
I cant pirate easily with PS4

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You forgot 4th group, Platinum Sagacious Diamond Race of PS4 + Switch

>The best looking game of all time
>looks as good as The Witcher 3, a game released in 2015

12 years ago btw diminishing returns

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>The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive

u w0t m8

Attached: The Witcher 3 Super-Resolution 2019.04.05 - 1080p.jpg (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Pretty sure RDR2 looks better than that

>looks better than 12 year old game

no shit that's not the point

looks like a ps3 game

Have you even played Crysis or Star Citizen? Both of those games look better than your broke back mountain simulator and one released over 10 years ago.

With the blurry textures, shit resolution and all? Yeah RDR2 pretty much looks like a PS3 game

So you can play the cast majority of games with better fidelity and performance than you can on consoles.

Even if you had one game that was the single best looking game ever made, optimized so we'll on a console it ran at 144Hz at 4K, if the rest of the stuff on it generally ran at sub-60 FPS or sub-1080p, I'd rather have a PC that can run everything else at high fidelity.

Fucking autocorrect.

>phoneposter is an autist and also has a faggot opinion
off yourself

>Is PC gaming a meme?
>no paid online
>oh but you instead have to pay $15 a month for mmorpgs
>but muh server costs
go down over time.
>y-you can build a pc with better specs than a console! At the same price!
that runs the games at worse framerates, worse visuals, and I barely give a fuck about multiplat trash anyway. No one should.
>y-you can just pirate everything
you can pirate on consoles too, PC gamers are too technologically inept to do this. Even then piracy is self-cuckoldry.
>b-but I get free games if I pirate
You give up your input on the market and will have no influence over it. Enjoy your "word of mouth." No one cares what you think, faggot.

>but dood the GRAFIX
don't care about your meme machine that only plays vidya and movies and can rarely do the former above 30fps.

You group 3. are disqualified from hardcore for buying a console though. Especially one that has an emulator

Why would you gimp yourself to the worst controls ever created?

So what's going to happen when consoles make 60fps the standard? Are PClards going to move goalposts yet again and make 144fps the new requirement?

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>when consoles make 60fps the standard
will never happen. the primary console audience is normalfags who can't tell/don't care. even if it does happen pc fags aren't going to switch without m+kb support which will also never happen.

>don't care about your meme machine that only plays vidya and movies
you do realize this is a video game board? if you need a computer then buy a fucking pc, you're retarded for thinking a video game console could be used to make spreadsheets and do taxes on

>4k 60fps
>1440p 144fps
>1080p 240fps

All these are easy to achieve at different price points and monitor capable of doing it.

And honestly after playing Sekiro on PC, even with a 60fps cap. I feel sorry for console playing 30fps on base consoles or adaptive on the pros with the parry timing and shit.

>build pc and do everything on it
>spend the same price on a console and a pc that can do everything else
i choose to have everything in one place and i have the added benefit of games running better as a result.

Ps5 is going to be 4k30fps

I sincerely doubt they're going to veer away from 30fps when the average console basedboy can't tell.

I even love RDR2 and its graphics, but I really wish to see it on PC with 60fps and better controls with M+KB

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*timed console exclusive

Why should I build a PC when I can play every game that matters on my PS4 and Switch? Framerate doesn't bother me.

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Very meh there my boy. CDPR gonna have to work harder to surpass their big bros rockstar

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>best looking game of all time

lol what, witcher 3 on pc looks much better than this

idk if you're just gaming focused then you don't need a 600$+ computer

but if you want to play other games with 60fps+ on better settings when RDR2 and other console games do come to PC through emulation or just ports, then it'll be worth it.

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another thread for pcf*ts who only play dota and csgo to circlejerk about grafix

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Are RDRlets really see good graphics in this blurry mess?

You can pirate all your games, saving $3,000+ if you buy 10 games a year at full price.

Sorry, I'm not a nigger, I pay for my shit.


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>can't afford a high end gaming PC
Whatever makes you feel good about yourself.

Yeah, blurry. Don'y you see? Look at the horse or at the grass

I have it on PS4Pro and I can't wait for it to get ported on PC, away from this trainwreck of a hardware. Shit is blurry and is at 30fps, what is this, 2006? At least Xbone got native 4k.

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>PC mods will actually fix all of the gameplay issues
Really the only reason we need this on PC. Rockstar did a lot of make this game the most unfun they could

Why is it that RDR2fags always post screenshots of far off vistas and never in town? Is it because town screenshots look like a blurry mess?

Console graphics were and always will be a meme.

There's no denying that RDR2 has some really bad blurring due to TAA/dithering techniques they've used.

It looks sharper on screen, but in screenshots they really look a lot worse unless you're doing 4k res shots and downsizing.

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>can't afford to pay for a yearly subscription service

Yeah you're gonna have to step up the vegetation and lighting game to keep up

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looks like a shitty korean MMO

>The best looking game of all time is a console exclusive
>best looking
>no ray tracing

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>paying for the privilege of using your own internet connection
Imagine being this retarded, because I can't.

Yeah which no console on the market can run even at 30fps with those settings, textures, sharpness

Metro Exodus isn't a good example though of what the average person can afford to get.

They purposefully made the default version of the game look worse.

>Spending $300 for a 30FPS lock and dynamic resolution
Buying a console for graphics stopped making sense over a decade ago.

If you can't see how blurry that is, you are lost.

>spend $1000 on a pc to run a game that should be able to run on a $500 pc but it doesn't because devs can't be bothered with optimizing their games
i like pc, but most devs deserve to hang. it honestly feels like one big conspiracy where everyone's in on it except us. i bet manufacturers like intel, amd etc pay devs to not optimize their games so people get so frustrated that they don't have a choice but to spend $1000 every 2 years on upgrades if they wanna keep playing new releases.

Closed shitboxes for idiots have always held back graphics.

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>Framerate drops to 18
lmao, you fell for nvidiot's marketing schemes

>looks blurry as fuck

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still can play it when you cant :^)

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Piracy is self-defeating though, because the more you do it the less games you get.

Why is PC infested with weebs, furries, trannies and shitskins? I can't fathom it.

>he fell for the gaming pc meme
>No games
>shitty autistic community (discord was a mistake)
>have to download at least 3 different launchers to play games
>having to worry if something is going to break or crash
>having to worry about settings and framerates
>not being comfy on the couch and a big tv
>”competitive” multiplayer
>dead playerbases
>no optimization from devs
>next gen consoles are going to be 4k60fps anyways

Goddamn I feel bad for you.

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>rdr2 looks ba-

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>caring about Rockstar games
What's next, are you going to tell me GTA V is a good game? I bought that pile of shit after console fags praised it for years, it was shittier than I even thought possible. The graphics were shit too, just like RDR2.

I can literally boot my PC and be in a match of CS:GO or Overwatch faster than my PS4 will boot and load the dashboard. All while my PC has more dynamic usage and games look and run exponentially better. It also remains a high end machine for longer than a console and I can easily upgrade it when the time comes.

Just be glad they didn't buy AMD


That literally looks like Witcher 1

>I'd like to buy a copy of triple A game please
>That'll be 60 bucks for the BASE version

go back to playing ur nintendo little boy

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Gamepads no longer have a single feature better than mouse + keyboard.

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You can couch game on a PC as well, especially if we're talking about gamepad games. Don't be a retard user

It doesn't drop to 18. The same thing happens when you turn it up to 4k or higher resolution. It's called bigger specs, I don't expect consolekiddies to know anything about them.

what did OP mean by this?

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>spends $1000+ on a pc
>plays ubishit games at 20% higher framerates and pixelshit indie games that can run on a toaster

PC has no games.

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too bad the graphics were the only good part

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Making it worse until it hits PC
Good old falseflagging

Game piracy.
I pirated the equivalent of $400 of games in just the past two weeks. I'm seeding around 2 TB of games on my hard drive. It's a risk-free way to try out and play games.

>but muh bitcoin miners

Even if this were true, the money you save from piracy means you can buy a new GPU every month if you want, so it's a non-argument. Consoles are worse in literally every way.

Looks like a shit korean mmo from 2012.

Why do people just post the same shit over and over and over again? best looking game of all time is a console exclusive/type/op/

Honestly, with Valve Index about to come out, is now a good time build a new PC or should I wait till later in the year/next year? Currently have

>GTX 970
>1 TB Samsung HDD for boot
>2 TB HDD for games
>2500k stock speed

Most of that shit is like 8 years old but it still plays most games at 1080p okay.

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I'd wait for DDR5 so you don't have to replace your future motherboard and CPU if you want to upgrade in the future.
As for now, get an SSD ASAP. It's literally the most "visible" upgrade you can get, it'll make your PC lightning smooth.

Replace that 2500k. It started bottlenecking about 3 years ago at 4.2 OCed. Its a fantastic chip but its time to put it to bed.
So yeah now is a good time. Card could last you two more years, might want to get a 1660 or 2060 for a bit more.

This beats literally anything consoles can offer. It hurts me physically when I go back to play console games and it struggles to maintain 30FPS.

That, alongside anti-aliasing, vsync if you need it, and the ability to turn off all those bullshit effects like motion blur, depth of field, chromatic aberration, etc. Playing on consoles now after playing on PC for so long feels like I'm watching a slide show through some goggles filled with muddy water and jaggies.

>mfw my switch library is bigger than my ps4 library

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60fps already is a bare minimum standard, consoles are substandard
And no they won't catch up


compared to?

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This is so fucking untrue. If you buy a decent CPU and Ram at the outset they’ll easily last you 2 consoles gens at least. My 7 year old RAM and CPU is just now showing a real need for an upgrade but that’s only if I want to play on ultra. I can still play new games at 45+FPS on settings equal to or better than any console.

Damn red dead redemption 2 looks like that?

Fuck off.
I had to replace 3 PoS4s since the base system is so shit it manages to break itself with minimum use while my tower from 2008 still fucking works.
30fps on MHW? Try 12. Great system.

>breaking 3 PS4s
how retarded are you? legitimately

>Hurr durr i hate PC lol XD
>Post in Yea Forums using PC
ok retard

Not at all. Shit happens. Cycling power is enough to brick it if you are unlucky. Otherwise they start slowing down and run worse over time.

There's really not much reason to upgrade that yet.
>Replace that 2500k. It started bottlenecking about 3 years ago at 4.2 OCed. Its a fantastic chip but its time to put it to bed.
It wont be a bottleneck if he's only targeting 60fps, which I'm sure he is with a 970.

This, native 4K60 and free games.

I used to have it and still have a 970. Started hitting max CPU usage in Destiny 2 and Division 1 and only getting around 40fps. Changed it out for a 8700k and jumped to mid 80s with the same card. It's up to him if he wants to keep it.

imagine not having a good pc and a console at the same time

Well, maybe 70s. It's been a hot minute since I played D2.

Actually yeah and those new 65" big screens 4k 120hz with gsync.

Because they downgraded to graphics after a few months of release. Game looks flat as shit now with no ambient occlusion

thats still one game more than the ps4 has

YIKES that looks terrible

Yikes! Looks like trash.

pc gamers all just cheat anyway so why bother

I think to fully commit to PC I'd need an OS made to work and navigate with a controller. One thats easy to use and well designed for both monitor and TV. One you can switch in and out of desktop mode as well. One that helps skip having to load the different launchers.

Right now PC gaming is rather scattered and unorganized. Lot of great advantages tho. No paid online is a huge one.

Attached: ps5.png (1000x1741, 1.29M)

t. never played it

I played it. Had a sick 2 hour tutorial section showing off its sick snow tech that I just could not give a damn about. Flushed it and returned that sucker same day.

I dunno, division 2 for instance, hunt, wildlands, any number of games

What the fuck captcha fuck off retarded Google shits

>best looking game of all time
Those poor console peasants.

Attached: trees.jpg (480x239, 12K)

Holy shit lmao. I haven't seen sprites for trees since TDU2

Attached: Test Drive Unlimited Gol Edition (2).jpg (909x566, 71K)

Those aren't sprites, that's shitty polygon counts and low res texturing, and you can tell they can't be sprites because they blow in the wind and bend, at least get your shitposting right

you can't play Kenshi on console, this is reason enough.

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Are you senile? Sprites can do all that, dude. They make entire games with anime girl boobies bouncing around from a sprite.

the fuck are you on about, that's generally the standard for trees

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Because if you suffer from simulation sickness like me, a wider FOV or disabled head bob will make you feel better than on console

>2 hour tutorial
Yea you never played. It should take 40mins max since you can’t leave that area and you need to do the missions in order to progress
>scenario where it comes out on PC
>able to max out settings
>sudden praise starts
You know thats going to happen, just waiting for the day it’s announced so i can upgrade my shit.

I'm fucking sick of people posting The Witcher 3 as if it doesn't look like garbage

Fancy art design for sure but the actual engine tech blows dick, lighting and environment is blown the fuck out by RDR2, god forbid you compare the games in motion, or the console versions LMAO

At least post a good looking PC game like Crytek's new shit

Attached: Hunt_Screenshot_Hive_1080p.jpg (1920x1080, 1.99M)

>What is hyperbole
Fucking dense aren't ya? Lemme spell it out for you.

Its gameplay wasn't good enough for me and the visuals did not make up for it. 60 bux just to look at shit is not worth the money. Might be for you, but not for me.

No shit if it gets better graphics people will admit it has better graphics

This. It's the minimum now.

pc gaming is a meme. that's why japan isn't into it. no one cares. literally no one. it's all about dem consoles baby.

If and when it comes out on PC people will be slobbering all over the snow deformation and coloring, that's for sure

you know PC gaming is slowly growing in Japan right

It's just a blurry mess, but I guess the visual technique and the attention to detail is more important than just the technical capabilities of the system. I would like to see more variety on PC rather than just "here's your unreal engine 4 bro, it looks as good as the all the others!"

It doesn't come close to 4k60fps MHW or FF15 on PC though


no it ain't.
20 seconds of searching. Great job being a lazy shitass.

60fps is a meme

>doesn’t get past it’s 5 hour snow level
>yup game bad
Sure is retard in here
Some places are getting 80% increases in Gaming PC sales

DOA6 was literally advertised in 4K on a Gaming PC instead of say, PS4 Pro / Xbone X, remember when it got pulled off Twitch?

>user must be retarded for not liking my game! LOOK AT THIS VISUALS!
Maybe people have different taste my. Hard concept to grasp that the world does not revolve around you nor echo your opinion. . Don't worry, it comes with age.

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>is pc posting a meme
>posts a picture with worse LOD than skyrim

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if graphics don't mean anything to you, you could do the same thing and have access to all the PC games released in the last 30 years

no, 144 is the meme.

Yup. Consoles are a joke (especially Sony ones, whose games seem to run on average at about 22 FPS)

Actually Nintendo is cool, they actually care about framerate. Makes sense since their games are actually games, and framerate is the one visual technical aspect that actually affects gameplay.

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I really don't find anything impressive in the RDR2 visuals. Everything is pretty much expected. But RE2 and Devil May Cry 5 gave me the chills.

What? That’s not my game, i didn’t make it. I enjoyed playing it. It has nice visuals (wether you like it or not) , good atmosphere, good attention to detail, great characters, spotty story but wraps up well for a video game, and again good atmosphere which i think it’s important when it comes to any form of entertainment. Yea the world doesn’t revolve around my taste but im pretty sure that the world at least agrees that it’s a visually impressive game. But hey it’s whatever man, you’ll probably end up buying...i mean pirating it when it comes out on pc. Mods will fix its a few things as well. Also
>retard pc gaymer has high standards
>hurr ill buy a console exclusive game
>retard pc gaymer is surprised said game isn’t up to his retard standards

>can't stop running
have you ever heard of shift-walking/alt-walking?
>plays a racing game
yeah, keyboard+mouse sucks for that, good thing he said "most" and not "all" games
>no analog movement speed
if that's an issue just get an analog keyboard, or just plug in a controller you stupid faggot.
on PC we have this thing called "choice", I know, something that sony/microsoft/nintendo don't have

I used to play games at 30-60 fps and was fine with it. Then i got a PC that can run shit at a stable 150+fps, now playing on 30 frames gives me headaches and 60fps makes me throw up.

fuck console games

>and 60fps makes me throw up
yea no

Skyrim + Mods looks better.

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No, I won't be. I legitimately dont care for immersion anymore. I dont care for the setting either, or for the cast or story and yeah, it looks nice. Cool. Still did not like playing it.

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pc-owards actually think they are elitists? Fuckin subhumans, kek

RE2 and DMCV are pretty good in making amazing use of their visuals

They use some third party software called Simplygon to 3D scan real life objects and automatically optimize the high-res scans for in-game use, seems to work pretty well

60fps is like a shitty powerpoint slideshow that's being presented using a PC running windows 95 and 128MB of RAM. 30fps is a fucking slide projector. utterly disgusting.

i hate videogames, i have a pc exclusively for shitposting, watching asmr vids on youtube and playing fotm Yea Forums games for a week.

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>RDR2 still isn't out on PC

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181203154935.png (1920x1080, 3.25M)

>new games
>muh hardware
>muh graphics

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Why do console babies always have to brag about their handful of exclusives? I didn't bought a PC to play 3rd person shitters.

Just to learn 3rd world English.