Anyone else enjoy watching fag streamers get absolutely filtered and rage for an audience of thousands of children?
Anyone else enjoy watching fag streamers get absolutely filtered and rage for an audience of thousands of children?
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PLEASE explain what is so hard about this ghost monk. Beat her on first try didn't even come close to dying. Easy as fuck. Easiest boss in the game
The monks are the only main bosses I beat on my first try. I really don't understand what's so hard about them. They have an incredibly simple moveset, and fireworks stun them forever.
>losing to monk
literally spam L1 for the slow, telegraphed spin slashes
only way to die is not mikiri'ing the stab
What's this faggots name? I know he sold his soul to epic and acts like a douche but that's it
im watching it rn because of this thread hes fucking holding back rage, how do people get this mad its unreal
and hes popular as well
Not particularly because I find streaming as a whole to be a hive of faggotry that enforces respect for moderators, trannies, and salty scrubs.
It's good to know that there are people getting ass blasted, but I'm willing to bet that it isn't as good as you think.
I bet their audience unironically defends them getting assblasted, thinks it's okay that they get assblasted, and when a user taunts the streamer for being assblasted, the other users think it's okay to timeout the taunting one.
I.e. their audience of thousands of children won't be appalled by the assblast, instead they encourage and enable it.
does this nigger have glow in the dark hair or something?
You should have seen it yesterday. He spent over 6 hours to beat Guardian Ape.
you good stop browsing shitty streams, I saw a bunch where the chat takes the piss out of the streamer
is it on youtube?
Best I could find for you.
he uses a jet engine to dry his hair.
I enjoyed hearing that one guy smash his controller after getting reamed by Shinobi Hunter
>how do people get this mad its unreal
Well, imagine having a contract that basically tells you what you have to play. Then you have to sit their all day long trying to play a game you don't like, and that game is a hard one at that.
His rage is probably to high parts frustration.
With these people, I don't think the thought ever enters into their head "well maybe you deserve to suffer", because they just straight don't grasp the concept that punishment for incompetence is encouragement for success.
Instead they live in a huge fucking bubble where getting good isn't actually real, and so shaming people for being incompetent is to them like shaming people for having asthma.
I stop browsing ALL streams.
I've seen enough to know that they tend to be shitholes with enforced respect for trannies, jannies, and willingly incompetent people that don't even try to improve their game skills.
They also tend to have their audio levels set 10-20 decibels below other content, so when I jack my volume by +800% to +1600% to hear the stream properly, any other sound on the internet hurts my ears.
I have no idea how the fuck they manage that, but apparently Twitch is such a mind-controlled shithole that they manage to disbelieve the concept of -audio volume-.
Which is kind of impressive, to be that deluded.
You can get to Nibu really early in the game. I did both O'Rin and Monk before Genichiro with like 3 gourds and tiny hp bar, and got my shit pushed in real good.
Lategame both of these bosses are piss easy since you can just tank them with your massive posture bar
20 tries and lots of screaming later he finally beat Corrupted Monk.
Up next is Owl 1. Should be fun.
he cant even figure out how to get back to the castle lmao
A large portion of Yea Forums actually admits to watching fucking streamers. Well I’m out. I’ve been putting off suicide for quite a while now anyhow.
>Ninja plays Sekiro
Say what? Did activision pay him?
Large posture bar doesn't really matter, since you never get posture broken if you deflect everything, which is rly easy with Monk and O'rin
>That random ad for underwear
For what purpose?