Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?

Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?

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You will never get (you)s with such a weak post, OP

*Move away from the mic for Big breath*

Because they keep winning

Modern Sony hates me. I hate them back.

They don't.
Yea Forums just hates non-games and VR shit, which Sony happens to be doing.

Yea Forums is populated by shut-in weebs, trannies and furries, do you really care what they think?

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Honestly this is the real reason, when you break it down to the real motivations here, it's because Sony doesn't want the kind of person that browses Yea Forums, in fact they're disgusted by them.
So it's only natural for Yea Forums to hate them back.
That's why Yea Forums retreats so hard into Nintendo titles, they feel unloved and even hated by Sony.
It's a clash of everything these two "sides" stand for and believe in.
Additionally, with the focus on VR, sony is making it clear that they want to distance themselves from the kind of demographic Yea Forums happens to be in even more.

There's a fundamental cultural divide here that can't be mended and it's only getting wider.

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>shut-in weebs, trannies and furries
I mean, that USED to be Sony's target audience back in the Vita days.
It's just that they realized they can make more money catering to normies.

>Sony doesn't want the kind of person that browses Yea Forums, in fact they're disgusted by them.
what the fuck are you talking about you damn autist, explain yourself. are you saying Yea Forums is one person?

lack of ape escape 4

Why are they disgusted by me
I am a cool guy

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Sony always wins.
Success breeds jealousy always.

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Censorship, killed my favorite UK studios, push movie shit, lose every single exclusives except the trash movie, and moved to California

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Literally who?

Because it's popular

>pisses off weebs and pedos daily
>eradicates literal who studios
>consistently produces GOTY-quality games that push the industry forward every year
>is owned by first world whites and Chads that don't give a fuck about graphics or frames

Sounds pretty fucking based if you ask me.

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I'm going to make some generalizations here, but i'm trying to make a point:

>Yea Forums likes uncensored games and there's a chunk of this board that is heavily japanophile
Sony censors nip games because they want to cater as hard as possible to the west normies
>Yea Forums likes difficult, unforgiving games
Sony is trying to make their games easy and accessible for everyone, because they want normies
>Yea Forums has right wing inclinations
Sony is cashing hard into left wing pandering to get in normies and milk political approval by association
>Yea Forums doesn't like VR for games
Sony is doubling down on VR games for the upcoming gen harder than ever
>Yea Forums likes classic Sony IPs and hates re-imaginings and cinematic experiences
Sony either ignores classic IPs, or re-imagine them to be more "appealing to the masses", while also shitting out cinematic experiences like there's no tomorrow.

It's black and white yin and yang, the two can't coexist anymore.
They're alienating weebs, righties, people that want oldschool type games, it's everything Yea Forums is about, the reaction here is normal and inevitable.

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>Last of Us
>pushing games forward

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The only reason is they compete and win against nintendo and pc. If it was sega, they would hate them just as much regardless of what bullshit they spout following my post.

I really don't know who this is.

because their console is shit, their controller is shit, their exclusives are shit, their online is shit, psn is shit, ps+ is shit, pretty much everything to do with them has been shit this entire gen. if they offered good products and services i wouldn't hate them

American centered site that idolizes BING BING WAHOO.
They would still find excuses to hate Sony if the censorship thing didn't happen.

This genuinely hurt me

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Buttdevasted PC incels and Nintendo manchildren.

>They would still find excuses to hate Sony if the censorship thing didn't happen.
I mean, they did.
Yea Forums has been veemently hating Sony way before the censorship thing started to happen.

>Why does Yea Forums hate Sony so much?
It's the same as pokemon games, twitter screencaps and eceleb shit, it's not vidya.
Movie "games" belong to Yea Forums

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This, just look around. Epic Store is destroying the PC gayming meme community, and Nintendies are still getting the same 3 games at 720p 25fps and coping. Xbox fucking died in 2013.

Sony won.

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The fanboys.

Screencaping these two because FUCKING THIS!

Yea Forums was already hating Sony way before all that shit happened. The PS3 ended up being a must own platform at the end of its life cycle and the PS4 was a promising console when it launched and Yea Forums had a massive hateboner for both.

I think it's just that this board is filled with Steam PCMR fanboys with a sizeable Nintendo fanbase and Sony is the biggest competition to both so naturally they are the enemy.