Stop trying to justify stealing games.
Fucking knew it.
How the fuck is piracy politics?
Or are you one of those retards that have /pol/ living in their head rent free?
*lobbies pushes laws that punish non-pirates over pirates in all parts of the world anyway*
>how the fuck is law politics
Gee, I don't know.
I mean it's pretty obvious, the people who want to pirate are people that had no intention of buying anyways
Untrue, no matter the pseudo science studies you push, piracy = stealing
You are just pirating stuff, you aren't peter pan
Those who copy are justified
For duplicating some bytes, they call a crime.
Shh shh
Ironic that you'd use lyrics from one of the biggest Napster whiners.
delete this
Yea Forums is anti pirate pls think of the companys
its becoming a communist shithole bit by bit
if you actually read the study you would find out they "suppressed" it because the methodology of the study was heavily flawed and had a wide margin of error(partly due to the nature of the study)
its fucking obvious that relying on people to self report an illegal action is retarded
also the study was inconclusive, meaning they didn't have enough info to find shit either way
I'll think about them when they start thinking about me. Maybe then they'll show us some respect.
Like you're going to say anything against the fucking Wizard who can copy and create matter
Still gonna pirate.
>the people who want to pirate are people that had no intention of buying anyways
What about when pirates spend their time on Yea Forums evangelizing to non-pirates about how great piracy is? If they ever successfully change anyone's mind, your argument fails. But the purpose of your argument is to convince us that piracy is okay, so really, you are one of those guys. If you argue your point successfully then someone who isn't a pirate will become a pirate, and then your point becomes wrong.
Not quite following the thought process of how squashing a study that couldn't prove rich shitheads deserve more money is communist. Seems more like the polar opposite, in fact.
Easy there buyfags or you’ll be too naughty to earn enough good boy points to buy your next game.
Last time i pirated something I got a strike from cox and that they would pull my fucking internet out. Also most vpns are fucking expensive and suck ass.
based cox fucking over flyover states
>durr law is politics, unlike outrage culture and internet debates about us vs them hurr
fuck off, go back to watching your sargon sjw cringe compilation
>no link to the actual study
I actually believe that piracy doesn't affect sales for good games and even improves them. For bad games piracy does what demos used to do.Why do you think most games stopped making demos?
Every study done by the EU is on the EU official site. The EU is based and i don't need you or them to tell me that piracy doesn't affect sales. People who don't pirate buy less games since they are not as invested into gaming. People who don't pirate are the CoD and FIFA retards that buy one game every year.
If you are a salty Brexiteer mad at the EU i suggest that you go and spill your bile over here
Cool? Go ahead.
>because the methodology of the study was heavily flawed and had a wide margin of error
that's what they always says when it doesn't fir their narratives, every country as done this at some point and they still do it today
Nobody cares.
>eu is based
I sure love unelected bureaucrats. Can’t wait for that EU army
so is the piracy discussion anything else than
>but it's just a copy lmao you still have it, I wasn't going to buy it anyways
what if I make a videogame and turns out to be pretty good, but I don't get barely any sales but a lot of pirated copies?
I'll have a lot of fans but barely no money to continue doing videogames
I'm not talking about the big AAA companies btw
You must be living under a rock, user. Did Article 13 flew over your head?
if I think it's good I'll end up buying it when I can.
If it's coming from the "EU", you know it's wrong. If anything this goes in line with their globalist thinking that people should get gibs for "free" at the cost of the hardworking people that earned it. Don't fall for their cryptocommunism
Now that's a very hard thing to research. You'd have to find out how many of those pirates would have bought the game if they had not gotten it for free.
but not everyone thinks like that
probably you, and you're not sure if you'll end buying it
dude, they did a self reported survey asking only 5000 people if they did an illegal action over the phone
5000 people is not enough to determine industry wide effects for industries that yield millions upon millions of customers.
I had cox in california, retard
then you deserve what you got
you won't be getting that many people who pirate your game, especially if it's good.
if it's good then it'll be popular and it'll attract more people who'll buy your game compared to people who'll pirate it.
>I sure love unelected bureaucrats. Can’t wait for that EU army
This but unironically. Look at the job the British elected politicians are doing compared to the unelected bureaucrats of the EU. I am glad that i am not British and can be only proud of the EU unelected bureaucrats(even tho i did not elect them they are still doing a banging job). The EU army sounds great. But none of this is videogames so maybe you should make a thread on ?
I really don't understand this whole piracy issue. If piracy actually doesn't harm sales, then why such a push to suppress it?
how many times have you posted this thread now?
No the real point of the whole discussion is that if we assume that piracy does actually hurt sales, what is the proposed solution? The reality is there isn't a solution unless you want to start streaming like google is doing which is not viable for 99% of your customer base. The problem is publishers using piracy as an excuse to push anti-consumer shit (as in people who buy the game). Fact is you CAN NOT stop piracy, and trying to stop it results in an objectively worse experience for the person actually buying the game.
They only get away with it because the average tard doesn't know how computers work and think that an unbreakable lock is able to be made.
i dont justify i dont care about the well being of american or euro studios if they release a game will be playing for free if they dont well theres a 60 year catalog of vidya in the net to play , a pirate like me and million other was never going to buy your game regardless is not a lost sale , if the game is on pc will wait for a crack or torrent and then play but paying for a video game? pffff good luck with that
>barely no money to continue doing videogames
How'd you make the first videogame with no fans and no money?
>make your product an arranged set of 0's and 1's
>get upset when suddenly those 0's and 1's are on my machine too
My money is spent on tangible things, thank you very much
Why don't they copy women for you to fuck? Is it rape if you're having sex with a mindless copy of a real person?
what the fuck kind of mental gymnastics is this
It affects the sales of really bad games and undercuts the marketing triple AAA publishers spend millions on. Once work of mouth goes out on how bad your game is and people test it and confirm it you won't be getting any sales. On the other hand piracy helps good games to get a stable word of mouth behind them.
Judging by all the (you)s I get in piracy thread, plenty of people care lmao. Cry more buycuck
>arbitrarily place your heich-to-oh molecules outside your body
>get sued for murder
what the fuck
Someone post it.
Piracy does not harm creators, but making piracy legal would.
I don't understand how piracy could possibly help sales. Maybe it's just me since I never buy games I pirate, but it just seems really illogical.
What should i cry about? And yes i do buy games and i feel good about it. I am not forcing you to buy games so i don't see why you are so defensive?
Games are unenjoyable, formulaic, incestuously developed inbred garbage. The exceptions don't make the rule. No one with more than double digit IQ would be buying them to begin with so of course it doesn't hurt sales.
Old boomers are really fucking bitter about someone using their products for free, they would rather make less money than have someone play a game or watch a movie without paying for it unironically
>posting this again after getting bftfo 50 other times
Thank you Epic Games for funding my piracy. I will let the devs know what I think of their game after I pirate it, feedback is important.
So basically people aren’t snitching on themselves?
Piracy doesn’t hurt sales because pirates won’t admit to it
Because Denuvo needs to pay their employees lmao
Link it or you're full of shit.
So are they going to change laws now?
This is about video games though
Nobody on /pol/ wants to talk about kiddieshit like pirating video games. Stay in your containment board.
Idgaf about the EU since most quality torrents are from russia
Intellectual property is very problematic. I mean look at books. Everyone can copy a book and while in the creation of a book a lot less people are involved when it comes to the printing it's a whole other matter so don't to pull me that argument especially now when videogames are moving almost entirely into the digital space.
Still what some of you are missing is that owning something actually feels good. That's why we buy books and videogames that we like even if we can get them for free.
>i buy books
>i have a library card
>i buy games on GOG
>i go to the cinema
If something is worth it i'll pay for it. If i am not sure i will pirate it and if it isn't worth it i won't spend my time on it. I have only so much time to spend on my hobbies.
The source is me and my personal observations an habits.
>i pirate a game that i am interested in
>if the game is bad i chuck it off my HDD
>if the game is good i buy it from my favorite store(GOG).
Think of it like varying levels of support for the creators/distributors. Someone that doesn't know your game exists and hasn't bought or played the game is pretty much the lowest level of support. Someone that knows about the game but has no interest in it is just a tiny bit higher since they might at least talk about it passingly or become a higher tier support member eventually. Someone that knows about a game and played it without buying it is next, and these are the pirates or people being lent a physical copy. They might love or hate the game, but they at least played it and will be more likely to join in on discussion that might catch the interest of others. Pretty much above that are people who buy the games they know about and want to play, or those who have already played and want to contribute. They make up your sales. The point is, someone pirating a game is still someone participating in the grand game of sales since they could end up promoting the game they pirated, even accidentally just by discussing it. The level of influence they have is not known however, I don't think it can be measured.
I always liked to put down hard drug use when they had anonymous health surveys at school
I was going to buy Pokémon Sun/Moon until the game leaked early and I thought the game was shit
>Companies trying to squeeze out more money from copyright
Still don't see how it's Communist
Piracy and leaks are bad for bad games. Who knew.
>I am glad that i am not British
That makes two of us glad you're not British.
nah, was gonna buy sekiro but pirated because i could play a day earlier
was pretty fun
Paying for digital distribution is not a sale, it is a donation
Why does the industry and its shills refuse to admit this fact?
An example of the opposite is when Deus Ex Human Revolution leaked, and it completely turned people's opinions around. That game sold great.
It turns out that advertising is actually completely fucking useless, user. Tell me, how many times have you seen an ad and then bought the product because of the ad? Chances are you are just like the rest of the human race and have never actually done that. This is particularly true for pretty much every generation after Boomers, who were the last generation to really grow up without being acutely aware that products were being marketed not out of benevolence but rather trying to get stuff sold.
What does get people to buy things is human testimony, however. People saying that a product is good is what gets people to buy things. As an example, Hotline Miami didn't sell pretty much at all until it went up on The Pirate Bay. A week later, it was raking in the dosh. Why? Because people played the pirated copy, saw that it was good, and either bought it because it was fucking good, or bought it because they heard from someone else that it was fucking good. It's also a proven fact that people are far more likely to buy a product that they've tried before having bought, which piracy allows.
"Pirates don't buy games" is a meme made up by marketers and managers to justify putting out shitty poor-quality videogames.
sociology isn't a real science anyways, this study is as valid as any other. The entire field is useless with rampant P-Hacking.
If the game is bad it doesn't deserve to be bought
a game having good sales is not indicitive of no sales lost through piracy
I called this out when we first had this thread. That 'study' is so hilariously flawed that anyone taking it seriously is an idiot. Their methodology of collecting data is asking their questions in a way to try to get random people to admit they had committed a crime and believing them when they said they will buy the game after pirating the game. There is zero scientific basis for their conclusion.
Morality doesn’t exist so there’s thing wrong with piracy.
well, there will never be a "scientific" study on it since it's all based on non measurable human intention.
the only people scared of piracy know that the only sales they would get are from people who they take advantage of, word of mouth is important and if your game is bad piracy means people will know, its similar to music which we know makes more money when piracy is promoted, and many artists release their music for free online because they make new fans who will buy their music or donate and buy merch
If a game is bad will you play it? No. It only stands to reason that you won't buy something that you don't plan on playing.
The last good game by Fromsoft was Dark Souls 2. I didn't even bother pirating Sekiro after i watched a few youtube videos. Fromsoft are dead to me.
P.S. Youtube has a lot more to do with ''lost'' sales than anything else t b h.
Not to mention the funniest thing about all this is hack journalists all claimed the report proves piracy doesn't hurt sales when if you actually read the fucking thing instead of just copying and pasting from other people's articles it says it does the opposite. Movies and music it outright says see significant revenue loss. What it says about games is that things like DLC, microtransactions, etc. are an effective tool for combating piracy and offset the losses that result from piracy. At no point does it ever claim piracy does not hurt sales, it does the opposite. All this study ever proved is journalists are lazy morons and retards believe fake news when it tells them what they want to hear.
>piracy doesn't harm devs because i wouldn't have bought the game anyway
>robbing a store doesn't harm the store because no one would have bought the games anyway
Shut up, sweeney
Haven't the main Pogeymen games been the same thing for decades already?
>>robbing a store doesn't harm the store because no one would have bought the games anyway
fucking retard, they lose nothing and still make a shitton of profits
> good game
> dark souls 2
i still listen to RATM
What physical item are you getting when you pirate a game online, opposed to stealing at a store?
Not the same thing, especially when you can pretty much get your kicks by just watching the game being played. Can you imagine if watching food on Youtube could satisfy your hunger? Your food analogy is bad as you can see.
I've bought at least seven games that I've pirated last gen. Granted I prices for the games ranged from $3 to $20, compared to $60+ when they were released.
Compared to Dark Souls 3, Bloodborn and Sekiro it IS a good game.
yes it is now shut the fuck up
Games are not a commodity. It doesn't matter that you aren't stealing a physical product. What you are doing is failing to compensate someone for their time. It'd be no different if your own employer decided to just not pay you for your labor. They haven't taken any physical property away from you, have they? Does that mean no harm has been done to you? Of course not. They stole your time, a finite resource.
who gives a shit
you make the game
i pirate it
deal with it
you are not entitled to any compensation from me
So in the end, the first guy never actually paid for his copy and still painted it red?
Except developers are already paid, usually a salary they agree upon, when they're making the game. Publishers, the dicks in this case, are getting money when you buy the game.
When you pirate a game no one is losing a product.
>Rage Against The Machine
What a faggy fucking band.
Let's be honest, people who pirate games most likely won't buy the game if pirating was not an option. The mistake that publishers make is assuming that all that million downloaded copies mean dozens of millions of lost revenue, when in reality the revenue loss would be like a very small fraction of that assumed value.
Those who died are justified
For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died
By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Those who died are justified
For wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
You justify those that died
By wearing the badge, they're the chosen whites
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me!
>They stole your time, a finite resource.
Let's talk about stealing time. How are you expected to give out your time and your money blindly to a product without knowing how that product behaves?
>doctored trailets
>doctored gameplay videos
>paid up journalists for positive reviews
>marketing garbage in your face
>no more game demos(with a few exceptions)
My time is precious to me. I have only a finite amount of it after all. Anti-consumer publishers and developers can all burn in hell for wasting my time.
Exactly, which is probably why the government scrapped their 'study'. They had assumed the group had collected data about pirated games and assigned monetary values lost or something.more ground, instead they gotten a survey. It probably wasn't even peer-reviewed.
I have downloaded TBs of games, music, movies, and TV yet have never got a physical item when my download is finished.
Am I doing something wrong?
Oh quit trying to justify stealing you fuck.
>many songs complain about capitalism and exploitation
>still signed to a major label in 2019
All that has happened is someone has offset the initial cost. That's called an investment. At the end of the day the arrangement is still to enjoy the fruits of the labor you have to compensate for the costs involved. There's nothing more pathetic than claiming piracy is fine because it's morally righteous. You are basically just saying "I have no argument."
I'm absolutely shocked that a handful of pc mustard race neckbeards stealing games from multi-billion dollar corporations has very little impact. Really.
Pirating is a justifiable way to demo a game, or stick it to bullshit companies like EA
It's not stealing if the orginal item is still there, you fucking retard.
It's sharing or copying.
Those who died, are justified.
>How are you expected to give out your time and your money blindly to a product without knowing how that product behaves?
Fuck off. This is the age of youtube and twitch. You cannot seriously claim your only option is to blind buy and therefore piracy is justified.
>b-but pls give us our royalty payments capitalist pigs
>he didn't blast this song when he was pissed at his parents while playing Doom 2
>he didn't finger his first girl while she was wearing Jinco jeans and he doesn't still get oddly turned on by comically large pants, Earthworm Jim (it was on TV), and this song plus "You and me baby ain't nothing but mammals so let's do it like they do on the discovery channel..."
Because I want to try it
they most likely scrapped it because german, austrian and french software security firms first lobbied for a european piracy study but eventually didnt like the outcome.
>which is probably why the government
they didnt even read it likely, and most politicians have 0 knowledge on tech, statistics, practical cases etc.
otherwise they wouldnt have passed an impossible law for upload filter
>op makes a thread about videogames
go dilate
They took a nosedive in quality with the shift to 3D
fuck off discord tranny
Yes, because all of those people on youtube and twitch are not paid to promote the game LMAO. What was it? 1 million to that faggot streamer to promote a game on twitch? You watch youtube to see if you are interested enough to pirate and you pirate to see if you are interested enough to buy.
>don't trust youtube personalities
>don't trust streamers
>trust only yourself
>they most likely scrapped it because german, austrian and french software security firms first lobbied for a european piracy study but eventually didnt like the outcome.
You do know the study actually says piracy DOES harm sales, right? It HELPS their case. Actually read the fucking thing and don't just assume retard journalists copying and pasting each other's headlines know what they are talking about.
How was the thing even suppressed anyway? I keep hearing that the EU suppressed the study but it appears to be all over the media so I don't know how that works. I suspect the reality is it just took a while before anyone noticed it.
I'm literally forced to pirate because PC is digital only and I'm not willing to pay for digital distribution.
Once a game is made it has 0 scarcity and infinite supply unless put into physical form, even then the physical form is the only thing with monetary worth. Pirating a game is not the same as your employer not paying you, piracy is an unauthorized copy and paste of something infinite, your time isn't infinite. Even if the devs aren't already paid it wouldn't matter, they charge for the game which is infinite. Every time a hair dresser cuts someone's hair they have to use their finite tine. Digital distribution is neither a good or service.
Charging for a download license is unethical and immoral and should be illegal.
Games deserve to be pirated, the industry is pushing digital distribution as hard as they can which forces people who want physical copies to pirate. If a game ever gets an official physical release for PC on blu-ray, an actual physical release not a download code in a box, then I would buy it for that reason alone. I started pirating because of Steam.
But the pirate is also a wizard. In this case it's the buyfag that's the powerless chump.
>the whole world is a conspiracy against me and that's why I'm justified in breaking the law
Why would you trust yourself when you've demonstrated yourself to be a retard?
>piracy DOES harm sales
no proof
I'm 20, user. The first time I ever heard Justified was in a Call of Duty fan video after one of my friends showed it to me when we were in the computer lab.
I pirated telltale shit once and it made me happy when the company went down under.
>Is it rape if you're having sex with a mindless copy of a real person
Feminists would probably say yes because you're raping their image or something like that.
good goy
RATM was on an Indie label.
>Pirating a game is not the same as your employer not paying you, piracy is an unauthorized copy and paste of something infinite, your time isn't infinite.
What you are arguing is if the fruits of your labor as an employee result in something that is "infinite" then you don't deserve to be compensated for your labor. So you believe, for example, software developers don't deserve to be paid? Musicians don't deserve to be paid? Actors don't deserve to be paid?
How could such a study even be done? You'd need an alternate universe where piracy didn't exist as a control group. If you're testing the effectiveness of a new drug for example, you use a placebo or existing treatment in one group, and the actual drug in another. No such condition is possible to test piracy, because it's universal.
this I made up the worst person I could imagine
2 partners every week, hard drug use, kleptomania
then a couple of weeks after they hit you with the mandatory health seminar for everyone about protected sex and drug useage
The study in question is the proof. It does not say what all these retard journalists claim it says.
sample size was not big enough
fuck off you dumb fucking mutt
>Work at a grocery store
>Someone steals packs of Magic and Pokemon cards
>It's pay-from-scan, so we don't have to pay WotC a dime for anything that doesn't physically get rung up at our registers
If you want my money then release a physical copy.
Oh yes, that's so much better.
>stealing 01s
it's not real bruh
it literally is though
you have no idea what you are talking about
>How could such a study even be done?
read the abstract
>the rest of the post
Based and redpilled
What exactly are you expecting? You're crying about "Muh Corporate Sellouts" but these people haven't been relevant in years besides the obligatory concerts.
It was big enough when people thought it proved piracy didn't hurt sales. There's been dozens of these fucking studies now and they all come back with the same goddamn results. Eventually you guys are going to have to accept the fact that piracy IS a problem to the long term welfare of the entertainment industry and that's all there is to it. I can't even begin understand how someone could possibly be retarded enough to think not paying for something that cost money to produce does no harm. Of course it fucking does.
pirates never have the intention of buying a game so no money is lost
are all you americans this fucking stupid?
Now do the same thing with proving drawings are not real
Fucking zoomers.
If you read the study it states there was insufficient information to draw any conclusion on game piracy.
Lol this fucking fallacy
The study probably had inconclusive results on whether piracy hurts sales because it is virtually impossible to determine so, even with a massive government funded study.
>pirates never have the intention of buying a game so no money is lost
This declaration is contrary to the data but even if it's true who gives a shit? "You're fucked anyway" does not entitle you to the product without providing compensation. And I'm not American, you dumb fuck.
>demonstrated yourself to be a retard?
Didn't some youtuber admit that publishers were paying youtubers to promote games? That's why now they all have to say that they were paid for playing a certain game?
Literally the best song in San Andreas
>I'm so glad the EU looks out for the consumers' interests
stop acting as if it's stealing.
Only materialists and heathens would be against pirating.
I used to kind of like them until I realized that all of their songs were exactly the same
kek i get it
Clean your axe wound, jew. Don't forget to dilate.
There's a difference between acknowledging SOME youtubers being involved in paid promotion schemes and declaring the whole world is a giant conspiracy to rip me off with shit products.
Psychologists have a term for what all the pirates in this thread are doing; rationalization.
>...a defense mechanism in which controversial behaviors or feelings are justified and explained in a seemingly rational or logical manner to avoid the true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable—or even admirable and superior—by plausible means. It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning.
Basically, you are all deluding yourself with bullshit moral righteousness.
Oh, so there haven't be numerous times of fake gameplay footage and lies at E3?
Lying articles bought up by publishers?
Game review scores bought by publishers?
Or have you forgotten?
>Having to explain "Rationalization"
Are you literally retarded or underage?
There is a term for what you're doing and it's b8ting.
None of which has effectively buried the truth for long and it doesn't justify piracy anyway.
Last time I used the term none of the idiots around here knew what it meant. They all thought it was a good thing.
Most of the time I don't bother buying unless it was actually a good game, like Va11halla or Undertale.
>For 300 thousand years, survive and grow based solely on the fact that we're capable of exchanging information and learning from each other
>Jews suddenly appear and take a position of power
>Exchanging information is now illegal and morally wrong
Explain this.
Copyright infringement is not theft. Neck yourself, corporate drone.
>rob a store
>they lose nothing
What. Also as someone who worked at a store you're not striking back at some corporate entity so much as the overworked and underpaid staff who get their hours cut and bonuses docked because there was over 500k in thefts the previous year.
Cool /pol/.
Then why didn't they do it right or just do it again? Oh right, because that's just an excuse to sweep it under the rug.
>(partly due to the nature of the study)
>and declaring the whole world is a giant conspiracy to rip me off with shit products
There is no "conspiracy" involved. Look around, you drooling imbecile, every space that isn't occupied by windows or doors is riddled with billboards filled with advertisements aimed at selling you shit products. You have become so used to this garbage, that you have become incapable of registering it. Every fucking moment of every day you are assailed by ads of countless companies that peddle their shit. On bus stops, on buses themselves, on TV, on every major fucking website, this shithole included and you're trying to tell me that the world is not infested by faggots that want to rip you off and sell you shit you don't need?
How's that Russian Collusion going?
legally supported piracy, you get 5 cents for every gigabyte of video game you download
but article 13 means you can't use websites like Yea Forums, normie shit like facebook or any "social media"
do you move to Europe?
>near half a million and nothing to show for it
The only thing a large govt is good for is hiring more bureaucrats and paying their salary
>Yea Forums hates piracy
>lives in the same street as /t/
Russia helped Trump win, but he never breached the line of offering something for it. The thing you need to ask yourself is "why would a foreign power want to choose our leader for us?"
>what if I make a videogame and turns out to be pretty good, but I don't get barely any sales but a lot of pirated copies?
And what if the sky turns green and potatoes start attacking humans XD?
>it doesn't justify piracy anyway
Yes it does. If publishers don't abide by the laws and try to go around them at every turn to sell you a trash product you are perfectly justified. Now you are not justified if the game is actually good and worth the money.
Mu has a sharethread up almost always. v should do likewise and share links to vidya.
Reminder that there is OBJECTIVELY NO PROOF that piracy hurts the industry more than it helps and the closest thing we have to proof (OP's study) shows the opposite trend.
Ignore the trolls and party on, fellow pirates.
The EU can fuck off, and take their shittt studies done by whatever dumbass college kid they convinced to do. I could easily go out, and find a set of data and come up with enough bullshit to say whatever I want about it. I'm gonna keep doing what I want and these fags can fuck right off.
Not that user. No, they don't, fuck greedy game corporations. I pirate all games but I will rely on you to buy them instead.
Quite possibly to choose the only person who didn't want to go in a pointless rivalry with Russia, like every other candidate wanted back in 2016. Which is good, because I really don't think we should play proxy in some shitty war overseas just because "muh russia".
well you're wrong
the psp died because of pirates
source: my ass
every time
This board is completely infested by sub 100 IQ normalfags that lack abstract thought and don't know anything about any of the processes involved behind financing game development. They call the act of copyright infringement of digital media "stealing" or "pirating", like it's actually tantamount to robbing or sinking a ship on the high seas and go on ridiculous mental leaps to justify their position that is faulty since the very beginning because it's based on an erroneous premise.
Fucking faggot. I like your idea though, /tg/ is also plastered with rulebook pdfs and nobody has a problem with it because even in the tiny industry of TTRPGs piracy has never hurt anything.
>hiding a study because you don't like the results
this is why you can't trust """"""studies""""""
Yea Forums is filled with autistic anti-piracy faggots that shitpost on the board. The other boards don't have this problem and even give a shit about piracy.
I hate my government but I hate these fucks even more. At least my government fears me because I have guns while these clowns party and frolic because they successfully took away the people's right to arms
Fucking this. As a developer I get angry when people pirate my game. Is why I'm waiting for gaming to be a streaming service. Stadia is the beginning of the end of piracy. Just like Spotify was the end of music piracy and Netflix the end of movie piracy.
PSP died because publishers overreacted to pirates and stopped supporting the system
>Just like Spotify was the end of music piracy and Netflix the end of movie piracy.
Dumb whore
this is great news for epic, since gaymers want them to know they will pirate but in the end it doesn't affect sales and they win :^)
Epic has been owned by Sony since the 80s.
Looks like Revelation only released a single from an album released on Epic.
Only excuse I hear is "They had to be on a major label to get their message out to the masses"
Of course it's 2019 and Prophets of Rage are signed to Fantasy, which has a distribution partnership with WB.
Fuck, even Epitaph and Fat Wreck Chords are distributed by ADA and RED, which are owned by WB and Sony, respectively.
He's right though. Statistics prove that piracy for those media dropped by more than 85%.
Didn't it effect game sells for the Nintendo DS and Dreamcast because of how easy it was to pirate games for them?
Here's an idea? How about you and your fellow devs try to make better games and rebuild the trust between you and your customers? Maybe if your games weren't so shit maybe people would pirate less because at the end of the day pirating is just demoing the full game to make sure it isn't garbage
I go onto Yea Forums entirely for sharethreads and itaots memes. But I'd gladly do my part to ensure Yea Forums could enjoy sharethreads of their own. Not just Vidya pirating, but the sharing of fun and exciting content and mods for games in general. 8ch has sharethreads on their Vidya board, so why dont we?
because mods will remove it but keep offtopic threads up until bump limit
Make something that isn't a pixelshit platformer #20931 and I'll consider giving you my money
Well who cares what the EU says, they're showing political and structural weakness now that Britain is leaving.
We dont justify we just dont care
>Here's an idea? How about you and your fellow devs try to make better games and rebuild the trust between you and your customers? Maybe if your games weren't so shit maybe people would pirate less because at the end of the day pirating is just demoing the full game to make sure it isn't garbage
Stop trying to justify piracy. You thieves.
>britain leaving
it's like you want england to become even more poverty stricken. they can't agree on a plan so..
TOC, not RED, but still Sony owned
the board is riddled with corporate shills and wage slaves, they'll shitpost any thread related to piracy to oblivion just like this one, they fear what they cannot understand
Wow, 300 whole pages.
Does this impress the American?
Nobody knows what happens after, not even the EU or England. Nobody really fucking knows. Literally. Just look it up.
>Just like Spotify was the end of music piracy and Netflix the end of movie piracy.
Wait a year or two when Disney comes out with their own service and NetFlix starts losing licensed shows.
Read an article that about 40% of those who cut the cord are upset they're now paying almost as much for streaming as they did for cable.
thats true but also i've seen threads about piracy but everyone acts entitled and snobbish.
>ugh not spoon feeding
>ugh google
>what if I make a videogame and turns out to be pretty good, but I don't get barely any sales but a lot of pirated copies?
>I'll have a lot of fans but barely no money to continue doing videogames
Most adults have more money than time. If they like your game, they will buy it. Heck, I just spent $50 on Gary Grigsby's War in the West. Even I know I'm not autistic enough to really get into it, I feel obligated to support this game after sinking so many dollars into Paradox's shit.
My stance is that piracy is theft, but I'm okay with being a thief because game devs are faggots.
Go get a real job
I do not fear the landlubber jannies or those scurvy ridden paycucks. It's time we answer the code
Piracy and Autism is one helluva drug
Americans are upset a near 400 page investigation was summarized into 4 pages.
It's like they've never heard of a book report or know what a summary is.
>My stance is that piracy is theft
Objective reality disagrees, as copyright infringement and laws that govern it are separate from the laws that are concerned with thievery. You don't even understand how the world around you functions, you have zero right to hold an opinion on anything.
Then your business will die because capitalism will ensure a better product
Why do you feel the need to justify piracy so bad? Is that guilt hm?
I'm impressed they managed to stretch out what would be five words into 300 pages
I feel the need to show up braindead corporate drones whenever they rear their stupid heads.
me personally i've had a bad experience in where I paid full price and the game was buggy as fuck. so I always try to play it before I buy it. if not i'll just keep the cracked version
They should have seen it coming. It's a common business tactic to start better and cheaper than the competition then fuck everyone over as soon they get a consumer base that won't/can't leave.
>lol stupid americans need short paper
>lol stupid americans too dumb for short paper they need long paper, everything in america extra large burger even the reports
What will you loons come up with next
I don't know who you are or even if you're still in this thread, and I'm not even the guy you were replying to, but I want you to know that I read your post and you're an absolute fucking moron and it pains me that you're probably not baiting and that this is actually how your mind works.
Yep, piracy allows for more consumer freedom, something that's been gone for a few years now.
I do not need to justify my piracy to you, landlubber. You're merely jealous you're not man enough to take the things you want. But I suppose I can thank you for paying on my behalf.
He's completely correct though, basic ads don't work. Only extremely aggressive and personalized marketing works, which is why everyone wants your data so that they could sell you personalities that would market best things to you that you'd be most likely to buy.
When will it ever count, then? Fucking never, that's when. Now shut the fuck up and go suck your government's cock.
Stop acting like an icon of justice after you stole something. You're a thief, niggy.
'ate publishers
'ate buying
'ate corporates
'ate paycucks
love me torrents
love downloading
love Codex
love CPY
simple as
Have you guys seen this video
Then you make a second game and get the fanbase you've established from your lenient policy on piracy to buy it.
If they want my money, I should own that physical copy. If not, I'm just going to pirate. I'm not going to risk losing my money because of some corporate error.
Wasnt that study just a questionnaire?
word of mouth is incredibly powerful. hotline miami devs have said they attributed the game getting so big by being fine with people pirating the game, and even went to torrents to leave comments with downloads to update the game because they wanted people to play the most current version even if they pirating it.
there have been authors, comedians, writers that all have said they owe a large amount of their success from people pirating their stuff and liking it so much that they wanted to show support by buying their stuff and telling others, and that they would have passed on their stuff if they didn't pirate it.
It does harm sales. I would buy them if I couldn't steal them.
The issue isn’t whether it’s harming or not, it’s if it’s legal or not, ethical or not.
Hint: it’s not.
Good go- I mean customer!
>a study that found
no, it was a badly done student paper with no real proof, only a big conclusion. by your logic all white men should be in prison because of that paper feminist sent a few years ago.
It's neither stealing nor copyright infringement. It's only treated as illegal because corporations want it to be, It will always be ethical to not purchase an unethical product. You only buy a license to play that can get revoked at any time along with only getting a portion of a complete product and having the rest sold separately and using predatory micro transactions to get even money out of you. If people want to stop piracy, they should just make something worth paying for.
I like how every other board is okay with piracy and not much shit flinging but on Yea Forums it's a total fucking shitfest. Fucking why?
Is it underage retards? Or is it shills? If shills why don't they do this on other boards?
Redditors and Reseterafags along with mods from those places. Say what you want about /pol/ but at least they get called out for their bullshit and get btfo there. But here on Yea Forums they've managed to get a foothold on here
It's for the sake of being contrarian. I'm surprised not many people have figured this out over the years. Also the power of the (you), it drives a lot of people to say down right stupid things
Too many virtue signalling normalfags
*Booooooat hoooorn.*
Like usual it's Redditors who are upset they cannot pirate on their cucksoles so they get irrationally angry at everyone who pirates. Whether they be on pc or mobile. I wonder why they do it. There's no way they're getting paid to.
If anything pirating helps game developers
How about a more likely scenario where you make a game and it turns out to be shit, but you get more sales than you deserve and people will waste their money on you
I took a picture of the Mona Lisa, the Mona Lisa is now worthless.
I was on Yea Forums last week and came across a thread where they are literally just sharing links and talking about the fucking content. I wish Yea Forums was like that, could find some cool indie games or games under the rader from late 90's early 2000's that not many people know of
Maybe Hiro should just remove (You)'s all together. It makes you only care about your own post and it would encourage people to read the whole thread
I don't understand why plebbit/resetera keeps on coming here
the zoom zooms have been programed to love big corporate
>I wonder why they do it
Because they can't pirate and hate seeing others do something they can't. Either they're too stupid to figure it out or have been conditioned by companies to believe its the worst thing you can do.
>why plebbit/resetera keeps on coming here
The (you) is just a convenience. The attention seeking would still happen either way. It was just as bad before it was implemented, though people shitposted about it less.
>that kid in the american flag shirt with the dickhead haircut
For you literal retards out there a VPN is under $10 a month and will give you infinity free movies, music, games, and television shows. There's no reason to EVER spend money on something unless you want to support the creators.
*Blocks your path*
Keep in my smug frogs won't help you
too many morally self righteous pirates that feel the need to justify their actions, rather than just telling naysayers to fuck off
Did you pirate it?
My provider will flat out not allow any PTP traffic and terminate my service if I try enough times
If you think I'm directly opening a .pdf link in my browser without running it through first you need to lurk moar.
NordVPN and PIA are both much, much cheaper than that if you go for 1- or 2-year contracts, 10$ a month is expensive af. Also Humble sometimes has a nice VPN deal in their software bundles, but best check to see if it's actually a real VPN.
Also if you don't live in a piracy-hostile country you may consider just using your ISP's free proxy for your torrent client instead since that's free.
>not allow any PTP traffic
considering some launchers actually use these nowadays,
On what base they reason blocking a specific protocol?
>cost of DVD case and DVD = 50 cents
>price in store = $60
>30-35% goes to the store
>15% or so actually goes to the devs
>devs move to digital only stores
>now devs get 70-80% of the cut
>price in digital store = $50
Devs can keep four times as much as they could through physical sales, and yet they still want to charge $50 for a four hour experience. Far more people are involved in making a movie, but you don't see them trying to sell movie tickets for $50. It has benefited the devs, while taking the right of resale from gamers. Don't do digital. Demand physical.
Because it's sometimes used for piracy. This apparently warrants a complete ban. You'll see this practice a lot on public wifi or school networks.
Imagine being so far left you think Rage Against the Machine are far right, how fucking left would you have to be?
Only jews are against pirating
They should ban also http traffic as well then, since thats how mostly people pirate.
that's literally the link the website in OP gives you but ok
Sure it does, I mostly just buy games that have online features that dont work in the pirated version.
I've got a secret for ya
(I still pirate every film I ever watch)
Because those serveries offered convince. Most people who pirate aren't doing it because they want to steal. Most people who pirate were never going to buy your product in the first place.
Its either Randy Bitchford or Tim Sweeny
>he doesn't pirate his content and remove it from his disk space to physical backups to have a full library
Then drop them, I guarantee you you won't be alone because that's fucking retarded and can fuck with home offices. I live out in the boonies and I have a couple different options, surely you've got something to turn to.