Just got my first sticky bomb printer run. Post screenshots that are peak risk of rain.
Risk of Rain
Other urls found in this thread:
>peak risk of rain
>Post screenshots that are peak risk of rain.
>Open locked box with rusted key
>there's another rusted key inside
who is going to be the absolute madlad that trashes their whites in a rusty key printer and grabs a red item every level?
I'll be up for this, and I'll do it with huntress
Turns out Happy Mask and Clover are breddy OP together
whoever put that there will be happy to know that Who knows how long they've been locked out of their valuable, almost empty box
>titan uses jump spot to instagib me
>Spend 30 minutes whiddling down the dune strider
>Get it to 2k hp
>It heals its hp and increases its max
>its old cap was 50k
>its new cap is now 200k thanks to the monsters
Can we actually just like, remove the dune strider from the game? It's not a fun boss to fight and losing to it because its bullshit genuinely makes me want to stop playing.
Someone needs to do "it prints money!"
Just do more damage.
Can't relate, I've never had a problem with it
Clover is good with literally anything, Only reason people aren't praising it even higher is because it was NERFED from the first game.
>tfw just gone one shotted by blaze golem with over 1k health on a godly engie run.
Not peak RoR, but I've got a good demonic yeehaw.
Guess it wasn't so godly, now was it?
>stack 10 goat hooves and 5 wax quails as merc
>dune strider starts healing
>literally cant get out of it since it slows you and pulls you in faster when your in the air
>die from the cluster fuck of enemies that got in with me
Well I didn't expect to literally get one shot.
dunestrider can be hell.
if you have shit DPS and cant out kill it, brace yourself for an hour long fight that requires cheesing the teleporter to 99% so new enemies stop spawning, killing most of everything else so it has nothing to regen off of, and then finally very slowly killing the dunestrider.
the worst thing possible is if a bunch of overloading enemies spawn with the dunestruder. they can easily be an infinite healing supply for the dunestrider.
Well now you know better. Use this knowledge in the future.
>cries in 20 FPS
What do you think Bandit's R will be now? Is his current R just a prototype Dynamite?
You need to get more damage guys. If you aren't instagibbing bosses by the second loop you aren't going to make it.
>Has 2 abilities to help you escape
>Still dies
Are you retarded?
Reminded, sucks getting overloads there because it makes the map so damn dark.
>doing well as artificer
>get the golem event on the start of the second loop in titanic plains
>have few mobility items
>be dead as artificer
It's an RNG game, sometimes you just dont get enough damage items and you get a run where you can't die but also can't kill anything.
Any mods or updates come out while I was at work?
Try having better luck.
I can vouch for that user, once dune strider starts succing you either let him full heal or try to out damage him which is hard as fuck, plus escape is nearly impossible and you just gotta get lucky with it
Every my single run goes so fucking well
Then one of these:
>early elite normal enemy as a boss, which are like 100 times worse than regular bosses
>only golem level
>early magma worm in the 3rd level
>get oneshotted by a tick of burn
>fucking golems
>overloaded worms everywhere
>fucking golems
>get oneshotted by random giant jellyfish explosion behind me when there are 10000 of them
played my first game today and got one item from 10 shrine tries
thought that 3 was bad because i got an achievement but it was my 7th that got me some shit and i fucked it up 3 times afterwards
i'm not supposed to use these right
>own inability
>when you know the dunestrider does this at a certain amount
>when you have mobility/ranged attacks at your disposal
It's a special kind of retard that blames others for their faults. Did you really have absolutely no game plan going into the fight? How retarded can you get to have full information on mechanics and still engage something with no strategy?
>send this to my friend because it's pretty funny and can relate
>decide to do a 2 man run
>both go artificer for shits
>The earth rumbles...
Nuked it but it was pretty funny to have that exact situation happen
Or wait 30 seconds for it to end and kill it.
>teleport to the shop
>difficulty bumps up a notch
>leave the blue shop
>difficulty bumps up yet another notch for teleporting out
is going to the lizard's shop just a fucking trap before you get to hahahahaha?
>my runs goes great until I have to handle something slightly difficult
First video game?
>Blazing Bronze rapist horde of many
>Level 2
This is absolute bullshit of the highest order.
Even if you're point blank all you need to do is dash out and if you're really needing the extra boost just press R, Go back in when the link is broken.
So I love this game and I know it's in EA, but FUCK I am tired of putting an hour of my time into a match and just having it randomly boot me out for no reason.
Side question, Is there an optimal way of getting Lunar coins?
How do you fucking survive in only golem levels
That's not difficult, that's retarded
If you have nothing but shit for green items it's worth snooping for a red.
What the fuck are these and why are they cloaked?
I had a gameplan
Kill the boss and win
But turns out the dunestrider when it heals 100k of its hp back, destroys that plan. Oh wait, you wouldn't know what its like to get fucked by the dunestrider because your probably a drizzlet or an engineer baby who just sits there and let the game play itself.
His current R doesn't do shit, it sends out a flare looking test fireball in a straight line that sticks to enemies and does 4 damage per tick. No point in reading tea leaves if that is the way they want to go with it.
Anecdotal experience tells me that lunar coin drops are more generous on Monsoon
>How do you fucking survive in only golem levels
By not being bad.
They are cloaked chests, and they are cloaked because that's how they hide.
>dodging 6 zongs and 4 titans as merc
I want off this ride
Never seen them.
What did it have though?
The entire purpose of the dune strider is to prevent you from just building ultra defense that can’t be killed
You can’t get away with just slowly whittling it down like some other bosses
they give radar a reason to exist
Sorry, I forgot to mention:
I don't play in Drizzle like you, you pathetic cuck
I assume it's a chest
I assume it's cloaked to keep it hidden
they are a desperate attempt to get people to use the radar scanner
Monsoon or bust for me baby. Sorry about your sucktitude.
oh shit, saw the only one I've seen playing with my friend for his first round, didnt even drop anything good
Does the bug of gesture of the drowned persists through stages?
>Get obliterated at 60min point every time with 2 of my friends
Any tips? I'm guessing we get fucked because everyone runs off into a different direction scramble to get items.
So does the game still stop spawning enemies (besides what the level starts with) when the values start getting too high? Can't let the builds get too insane if the runs die after 2-3 hours.
Are the stickies as buffed as they say?
Well it would depend on the character obviously but either
>I get it early when spawns aren't too bad so I can sit on tele and dance around cover
>It's late and I should be either able to constantly dash and let aoe procs deal with most of the enemies or have equipment burst
In a game with cover and so many items, any problem you run into is just you not being creative enough.
>playing duo with a merc
>he's been carrying most of the past bossfights after I died
>spawn bosses
>he jumps in immediately
>blazing greater wisps
>literally melts in 2 seconds as soon as he gets close to them
>have to deal with this shit on my own
>die when I'm down to 5% on the second one
Enemies stop spawning because the ridiculous enemies it wants to spawn don't exist yet
They're the best damage item in the current build.
could you try getting a super long run with mega.nz
>tfw nobody I've asked this responded to me
>Is there an optimal way of getting Lunar coins?
play game
>Appear more often
>Deals more damage to a group of enemies
You tell me
The heal does not last indefinitely and you certainly do not need to keep engaging him while he's healing. That you immediately try accusing people of playing on Drizzle as soon as it's pointed out that you're doing something wrong only makes it more likely that you're someone who blames others and never improves.
Yeah, the AI director gets too rich and stops spawning enemies because they are too cheap (which is a flag when it determines to spawn an enemy)
So either Hopoo needs to add even tougher, more "expensive" enemies or fix the scaling method
>beginning to see a lot of hackers on RoR2
What's the fucking point?
Shit dude, I thought you had people going for it and I decided I'd let them get it. What's different in this one?
Stickies get nearly exponential scaling to 40. I'm almost positive the devs are going to slap them down with diminishing returns.
>open some RoR1 to pass the time
>Finally got to a second loop while remembering not to take AOE shit like Teslas and got my crab cheevo
Haha time for infinite drones
Get in here, nerds.
Does each additional sticky increase damage or just rate of the bomb being applied?
Here's a taste of late game mercenary in a 160 min monsoon game for all you drizzlets.
does anyone have the virgin commando vs chad mercenary meme from RoR 1 for me?
>playing quickplay
I miss Acrid and I hope he gets into RoR2. My poison boi needs some love.
even with 12 of them I was raping enemies pretty hard
>4 stickies
>1 leech seed
>level 5
>160 minutes
What kind of nonsense is this?
i give the art user who made this all my blessings and good runs
make it happen, my man
>Play Bootyclapss
>can just plug in my Xbox controller lay back on the couch and breeze through to an hour and a half long run
>Play Ryu Hayabusa
>by stage three I’m sitting forward, entering a blood haze as I frantically flick my mouse to the next Wisp to reset my dash off of bandolier drops, fighting everything on the map fifty feet in the air like a fucking DBZ character
You don’t have to go far as merc to have immensely more enjoyment than other classes
Cheeks is still nice for laid back play though
The way spawning works is pretty complex but it basically comes down to this
director picks random enemy card
it looks if there's been enough stages to spawn that card (irrelevant for you, but used for shit like imps)
then it looks if there's enough budget to spawn one (irrelevant for you)
then it looks if there's too much budget to spawn the maximum amount of them, multiplied by the elite version cost multiplier if they can spawn as elites
The third is what causes things to stop spawning, once the director has a budget that's more than 4 elite bosses, everything is considered too cheap and as such, nothing will ever spawn.
I've been thinking of having the maximum amount of spawnable things scale with game length, but that might make the game easier, as it might make it try to spawn 8 normal beetles instead of 3 elite beetles or whatever
I've also considered coding in in my own blighted elites, but I'm not sure how to make them threatening enough, plus some people raised concerns they wouldn't like blighted elites unless they also go invisible
>5 items
what the fuck
That webm is stupid enough that it outweighs the faggotry that comes with shitposting.
>+125 per stack
fuck me who thought this was a good idea? it's like a super crit
What happens next?
>Hopoo introduces Suffixes to regular enemies
Yeah, let's see him pull this off without a stack of stickies.
Try some math.
>Engorged: 200% health, 150% damage, 50% speed
based & monsoonpilled
Take a guess :^)
>39 stickies
>100% chance on hit to stick a bomb that does 5000% damage on an enemy
Please respond
it does not persist post teleport
It's a seed. He eats it and shits out magical fucking rainbows or some shit idk
From what Hopoo has said, we're probably not getting anymore melee characters. Even HAN-D is likely to be scrapped because they just don't work in 3D.
I don't think this has ever been mentioned before but other than the three current elite affixes (white aka frost, blue aka shield & red aka OH GOD NO) there's a bunch of additional ones
Gold - Just seems to make you golden (maybe used exclusively for aurelionite? idk)
Green - Healing aura around the target
Yellow - Increases movement speed by 200% and attack speed by 50%
Soon. maybe tomorrow?
what do i build on raiden merc?
Question, because I keep not noticing
does the personal sheild generator add sheild to you, or does it convert some of your hp to shield?
>From what Hopoo has said, we're probably not getting anymore melee characters
what did he say?
if you give that stupid tweet about datamined shit you should neck
simply give acrid a gun
We really need a booru for all this ror art
Based beetle queen transformation
NA Central/East
someone should make a Stylish Rank mod for Merc
are you retarded?
No, it does 50000% damage in an AoE.
I never mind stacking keys, that’s how you get better loot when you find the next box
Is the first one fun? I pirated it and it was kinda terrible.
It was just a tiny pixel dude shooting things and getting to a goal
Is it like Dead Cells or something?
>Didn't expect to get shot by a creature that shoots
Problem exists between chair and keyboard
The pirated version isn't any fun.
How the fuck any of the other characters wouldn't work on 3D? Is that hard to imagine things?
adds 25 raw per stack, they're still garbage
it might seem retarded to ask, but keep in mind every other effect that does shielding is a conversion of HP to shields (transcendence, wake of vultures, the elite orb presumably), I just wanted to be sure.
>Pirated copy
That's why you didn't have fun, you have no friends.
>having friends
>Overloading worm of napalm
>wake of vultures
only if you don't have the fix
Yeah the only time you want shield generator is if you go retarded with glass.
Mega of Artificer/Huntress pics:
Imgurs, if you prefer,
Artificer (and duo stuff):
If you want non-lewds/non-cheesecake(e.g. funi comics and cool platonic stuff), there's non-lewd folders in the Mega.
just play in Yea Forums rooms dimwit
The interview said if they make more they need to balance them to be viable in a 3d space. Thats it. Expect them to have I-frames out the ass or a ranged option.
>storm spirit passive equipment
This shit sucks
It’s a wimpy half transcendence that spawns electric balls that even slow moving enemies just walk out of the explosion radius of
Gimme back my crowdfunder
Make it user.
You did offered. :^)
Oh it's a team game, thanks
I don't play those at work when I play most of my games - I'll skip it
1 item in 10 tries is pretty bad luck desu, but there's 100% a point where chance shrines aren't worth it. They're definitely worth tapping at least once as they are cheaper than normal chests, but after that they get less and less worth it to keep hitting.
What I personally do is tap it until I don't get an item, so if I get an item I go again and stop if the second one is a did, but if I get nothing the first try I leave it. It's much better imo to just move on and open actual chests. I only go back and hit chance shrines some more if it's after charging the tele and they're conveniently close
What's the telegraph for Beetle Queen's spit attack?
let's hope it gets archived on the MEGA then. i dont want to miss this one
EU monsoon
Team Artificer!
Same as anyone else really
>Playable providence
I will still dream
I dunno, once you hit a certain point in the run, money gains are literally infinite with winner builds.
Yeah, shield generators will help you stay alive from the trash's weak attacks as this
webm shows. The clap is doing like 40 damage late game in monsoon, and each shield adds 25 shield. That's actually pretty good when glass has reduced your health to 200. If that merc had 2 personal shield generators and was at full health he could've survived that jelly blast+clap combo.
I had a double glass Huntress game that went two hours long in rainstorm yesterday, and I know my shield generators saved me a couple times.
Join in, I need friends.
How do I git gud to have solo monsoon runs that last long enough to do multiple loops?
I mostly play solo.
Needs more fit
Well I feel like I should try on Monsoon. I died ten minutes in so it'll take a bit. I'll run with Sacrifice on rainstorm instead so I can quickly amass a load of bullshit to carry my dumb ass.
I dont see why they couldnt make him playable. Im more hyped for a shotgun class or sniper. Though from the time I spent with bandit he has a very interesting playstyle.
I was kinda assuming we were talking about early game where managing money sorta matters. Obviously as you get later in the game you're drowning in money and it doesn't matter anymore
>Session A
>Syringe, alien head, sticky bombs, the works
>Blazing boss second stage
>Declared dead on arrival once Merc's R is done
>Session B
>Cautious slug, rusted keys, and med drones everywhere
>Bosses don't even pay attention to me
>Stage becomes a slog trying to kill a jellyfish with a paper weapon
The games been rigged from the start
How hard is it to make a booru? I'd happily update a booru along with the Mega.
I tried to join but it booted me up back to the menu
Not that same user but I'll give it a try. I'll give you an update in about 3 hours.
That R though
>Post screenshots that are peak risk of rain.
Same. It goes black screen for a moment then spits me to main menu. Tried twice.
Strange, maybe someone else needs to host
i'm not running any mods and shit, pure vanilla.
it has nothing to do with 3d and everything to do with the fact that this game now has ranged enemies that can and will hover outside of your reach
the first game didnt have this, even flying enemies would suicide bomb you
>tfw fireworks dont come out all at once anymore
Should I keep Ifrit over Preon accumulator?
Does it negate fire damage?
>42 stickies
>Only made it to level 12
yes yes
More fit you say?
I literally just got this game, how do I go about doing that?
fire and lightning aspect are really fucking strong
It will be changed.
You're a blazing now.
Give them a taste of their own medicine.
You ever had a run just bend over and let you fuck it absolutely raw?
try me
this is just for testing however
Thanks friend.
Doesn't matter, keep ifrit because I've played for over 50 hours mostly in multiplayer and haven't seen a single one of those elite items.
>Dies to dunestrider succ
>Dies to dunestrider succ
>Dies to dunestrider succ
I repeated it 3 times in the hopes you understand the totality of your retardation
>Monsoon, Huntress
>First loop, get to Rallypoint Delta
>Really good run so far, lots of close calls, but exhilarating
>FINALLY find a syringe printer
>Get killed by a barrage of golems WHEN I WAS HIDING BEHIND A WALL
I am so fucking mad.
>2 bandoliers and a hardlight afterburner in the same level as merc
it's happening lads
Every single time I make a point of being ready for that, I get distant roost.
Anyone have those old RoR1 infographics used for Yea Forums rooms?
I can’t express how much I love it
Two questions
How does the use teleporter with 10% health thing work. Do I need to be at 10% when I activate it or the whole way through? Or just the end?
And for the dont heal for 3 levels challenge. Does that mean dont get hit for 3 stages straight?
I'll be gone in like one, it's not exactly pressing or anything but I wanted to be sure this worked in case I wanted to do anything more with it like increasing the amount of things it can spawn or blighted elites
if you do post the results, just put modanon in the post & it'll show up in my ctrl+f's
If I miss the thread as a whole I still won't see it tho, which might happen if you post in 3h so might be best to just post it tomorrow
ctrl + alt + ~
check what it says
"host id {0} is already deleted" or whatever means sv_maxplayers fuckery
Black screen, booted to menu.
Must be because i'm still on campus, probably.
>fine if a bit of a chore due to slow move speed
>fun starts, can rush teleporter then whiz round the map mopping up chests with the fight money
>peak fun, deleting bosses and gibbing hordes of enemies
>eat shit and die due to complacency
It's fun but I always find a way to throw it around the same spot.
Yeah, until it also went "alright fun time's over bucko" and spawned a blazing titan.
Good stuff. A fit wizard.
I did it at boss kill but I think it was fully charged, so probably the end
Got a key printer in aquaduct but only had like 4 whites to dump into it :/
>Just at the end try picking up transcendence or hitting a sacrifice shrine right
>Green healing, just don't pick certain items up
Yours worked for me while the other guy's didn't. Maybe resetting the game fixed it. I'm running an unmodded csharp.
just the end
i know because i accidentally cheesed it with fall damage by missing a jump and falling into the tp zone
and it just counts healing items, regen is fine, as long as you dont see green numbers youre good
also slug is probably fine as well since it just boosts regen instead of healing directly
>someone made a 200% version
>Shield Generator
If they bring this back, hoo boy, I won't need any other equipment ever.
just the end. no item or altar related healing allowed, just your own passive regen
>immune to fire from the getgo
play as good as you fucking can, you won't get another run when you get that item for a long time, especially not when it's useful for the whole run
Hey so what's the current lore/store surrounding RoR1 and 2 now?
and here
I created a booru. Give me some time to upload everything and I'll link it.
any 16 player artifact hosts? ive yet to try it
Well the story of the first one is that there is a chance that there might be rain. The story is The story for two is that there is a chance of rain too.
>its another "fast fags ruin the lobby by being shit and thinking going fast is the only way to play the game" episode
Can you at least tell us if your gonna be a fast fag so we can stop the lobby and get someone else?
Providence is fucking dead but survivors are still picking through the planet in search of endless ??? and ???Data Error??? with TIME BETWEEN TIME and SOMETHING IS NOT WRONG STOP READING with implications that deleting yourself from existence is a good thing
today we learn that the corpse of a dead worm is still an active hitbox that may or may not still be actively seeking you posthumously and also promise to never make the same mistake again
Who hurt you?
>fast fag
>If you don't understand keep reading.
Risk of Rain 1's story is in the attached image, Risk of Rain 2's story is still being developed.
Slow shitters get the fuck out
Fast fags did, when they fucking keep activating the teleporter, allowing us to only get 3 items per person, then saying, "WOW WHY DID WE DIE IT WAS PERFECT" on the third level
>Got fuel cells and the preon accumulator
>Also a fuck ton of pauls hooves and energy drink
My run turned into Doom and I'm okay with this.
>One shotting double Golems with the preon
If anything this is more satisfying to use than the actual Doom BFG.
I legit burst out laughing.
Yea Forums is too dead or too split to fill 16 player lobbies
Again, give them a ranged option.
Or, make it so enemy AI doesn't pull that shit.
Ranged enemies aren't a problem for Mercenary, and he has zero ranged abilities.
The assassin that's supposedly in the works is typically a melee archetype, so it'll probably have ways of dealing with ranged.
Still, give Acrid a ranged option. Let him shoot poisonous spit or a poisonous cloud with big AoE or something, it's literally super easy to think of ideas that fit him.
Is this basically a third person shooter roguelite?
I have work in 20 minutes but in about 6 hours I'll try a run with it and let you know. pic related was my last "Stuff stopped spawning run".
Are you not playing with people who 'r' before starting the teleporter? I thought most people here do that.
>trade in all my whites for 40 bears
>do no damage and burn to death one stage later
>Going fast when the difficulty jumps up multiple bars at the end of the level
I feel like ROR2 meta is different from ROR1, the timer demands you optimize a level clearing instead of just hitting the TP asap.
The hardest part about merc in lategame is actually hitting something with dashes/eviscerate.
You move so fucking quickly during those times its hilarious and likely to get yourself killed in some equally stupid fashion.
You should have just gotten 10 bears
one bear is enough
"Assassin" could mean anything.
Mando is best(worst) survivor
my game freezes fora split second or skips 1-3 frames whenever i pick up an item this is driving me crazy how do i fix this bros
>having a good run, unlocked several achievements
>may as well go for the long road
>most of the way there
>overloading magma worm
>it shoots up beneath my feet, sending me hurtling dead into space
>And so he left, balls burning with electric flame
where da 6-8 player rooms
Solid state drive maybe.
It does the same for me. Just the game loading.
because of how long you have to spend in teleporter zone, I feel like hitting the TP asap is still optimal, because you will waste a lot less time gathering money to scrounge up an item or two before the boss
after the boss you'll likely have enough money to buy most if not all of the chests, whereas if you fuck around for a few minutes first you'll likely end up with a ton of spare money
Only place it's excusable to farm is lavaland because of the legendary chests
how do i get past the 12 stages hurdle where pretty much all of my runs end
stop picking up items :^)
i dont have an ssd am i just totally fucked then
This you need a crazy amount of bears to raise your chance after that. 7 bears will give you around 50% chance.
Not sure what the thought process was
Flying forever is fun, although the bug makes it sound like a chainsaw going off. A couple of stages later I got more Drowneds and was able to fly permanently without the bug, which was cool.
See, in another thread people were saying the best thing to do is rush the first four levels then take your time.
I tried doing that in monsoon a few times and it's fucking harder it seems like.
Also, how the fuck do people get so lucky with their drops? I'll sometimes, SOMETIMES, get like one, maybe two reds a run.
And people seem to shit on engi a lot because ez mode or something? I don't get it, I try to find a safe spot to place my turrets and in later levels they fucking go down super fast.
I don't know. I was just guessing. I don't know about you, but for me it only does it the first time I pick up any specific item, and it's only for a brief moment. Same for you?
"wouldn't it be funny if I stacked 40 bears"
i'm not very smart
what's the bug?
Well I died to some extremely bullshit instakill without really being able to enjoy it, but I took some pictures because I know you fags dig this.
Activate some newt shrines, hey presto your hurdle is now technically several stages higher without any effort.
that's pretty sick, how do I get that item?
i want blazing huntress to dot my dick
yea sorta when im really late in a run and im picking up something i have a good few stacks of it feels seamless but otherwise almost every item just makes my game hitch for a split second
First level needs to be farmed and honestly I've made a habit of resetting if I don't get at least one good item. Even a goat hoof is enough for me.
As for getting more reds, once you make it past first loop the money drop rate increases far beyond the cost so second loop legendary chest is super easy to get.
Engineers seem weak but their shields are obscenely good at blocking projectiles and Mushroom stacking is something that takes off to the stratosphere with only a few mushrooms, and since they are a common drop and nobody else wants them, they get stupidly strong stupidly fast, god forbid you pick up Healing skulls or a rack.
who the FUCK is n'kuhana?
>guaranteed a red on stage 4
>money from TP gets you nearly all of the items on a level
>If you're playing solo, equipment plus fuel cells alone can deal with almost anything until you've picked up enough items for regular dps to pick up
>sticky bombs OP
and if you're playing engi
>sticky bombs even more OP
>bandoliers are infinite shields and turrets
>can run from enemies while turrets do damage
Not sure where you're running into the problem.
Skedaddle skedinder
Your dick is now a cinder.
the key to engi mid-lategame is to stop thinking about turtling with emplacements since a) your shield doesn't have 100% uptime without afterburner b) enemies can get through (and aoe can hit you inside) and c) your turrets will be one-shot by worms, etc. later.
You'll want to start placing them relatively far apart and lay mines right on top of them so that when one turret is targeted the other can go to town. You should also be jumping around throwing out charged m1s as well. Once the game gets REALLY late, you'll want to save the shield for sticky situations only, like a laser you have no cover for. Knowing when to make a tactical retreat to get your cooldowns back is important too
also stop spacing out your posts please
Is it right to say that if I don't get Titanic Plains as my first level when trying to knock the crabs off, I should restart?
lizard god probably
open the red chests on stage 4 and pray to god you get one of the broken items like tesla
Engie and commando are opposites
commando's earlygame sucks, engie's earlygame is basically full automatic
then by endgame, commando's literally nuking the entire map and engie's getting cucked by worms instantly because turret ai has no clue how to deal with them, and turrets are the only good thing engie has going for him attackwise
For the first stage I don't rush, but I don't take my time either. It more depends on spawn vs teleport location, and luck with enemy spawns, not to mention which level you get. Rushing tp that early in the game it doesn't give you nearly enough to open all the chests.
For level two, I do roughly the same, but I pick up the pace a bit, depends on the map
For the snow level I pretty much run a circle of the map, and just hit the tp when I run into it.
Map four I farm for the gold chest(s). After that I pretty much rush all porters. Unless I get the big field level, I try to run a few crabs off the level since I still don't have that.
I remember posting this in the discord feedback channel, and getting massively downvoted by drizzlets who have never seen what happens when you don't meet their invisible dps requirement
Post increased max players mod
It's an extremely extremely rare drop from fire elites, it seemed pretty shit to me because I really like my instanuke active items. Maybe later on gets better.
It's the cute skelly under the cave forest.
Damn, the moment the laser wasn't blocked it one shot me. I couldn't even hide, I was going too fast. Bosses died in less than 10 seconds, which was fun.
Thieving Dunestrider. Every time it sucks in enemies you also lose a random item.
Picking up Gesture of the Drowned with no equipment and then picking some up causes it to fire infinitely with no cooldown until you use a teleport or portal.
I think that's just something people like you and I are just going to have to learn to live with.
I have a crash happy machine, and it scares me that I've crashed every single time. My heart can't take it.
>endgame engi
>worms focus on attacking turrets which are just shooting sticky bombs while you're flying around the map with 5+ preons nuking them
>can drop another turret for each bandoiler drop
>god forbid you get a dio's best friend and the turrets revive
Any class can be bad if you play it badly.
The problem is that engineer who survives to late game more often than the commando is more likely to get a (usually red) item that rapes things without input. Like n'kuhana's opinion or Tesla
Worth it
Anyone hosting vanilla? i would, if i wasn't from the chinese republic of australia
gosh darn it dude its still early access so maybe theyll fix it later
What I do is this
>Do I have good equipment
>Keep playing and hurry up to snow level before 10m hits for free Preon
>If Yes, keep a fast pace but take your time.
THE CALL is pretty damn good early game for drilling down bosses for extra dps.
Best in my experience is farm for 2 items while scouting in first 3 levels, then do tele, and grab any chests you can afford afterward. Stage 4 kill any titans or whatever boss enemies that have spawned, then do tele immediately. The legendary chests cost too much on stage 4.
Past that just rush tele then buy everything. Every magma level make sure you have enough to buy the legendary chest, you should still rush tele, but step outside the circle if it looks like you need more money.
Not so, the second run maps are still randomized.
Any tips for Monsoon?
I want to get Deicide but i barely can reach stage 3
What's killing you at Aqueduct / Swamp?
Do a glass lens run. There's little difference between rainstorm and monsoon when you have 2-3 of those.
In general i just can't keep up with the difficulty and lack of items. Is there a best char for this?
You can always loop back to it again, but it'll be that much harder.
So I guess the answer is yes.
I hate to be that guy, but >git gud is the answer. Just keep practicing on hard, and eventually you'll get it. There is an element of luck to it. Some people get 15 rounds in and never see an elite, some people get one 3 maps in.
where is booru?
how do I unlock more characters?
Go to settings, activate the fps limit
Fixed it for me, also fixed laggy recording problems since the game was running at like 300 fps
US - [1/16] - MODDED LOBBY
Dumb question, but once the full game is released will we unlock all the steam achievements immediately or have to do them again if we want them to show up? This is the first time I've bought an early access game.
Check the logbook.
What the fuck do the pressure plates in the desert even look like, have I just been blindly walking past them every time?
Go MUL-T since he's tanky, Engineer for his turret shield start or Merc for the floor his lava if you are having trouble with characters.
Commando can make it just requires more "git gud" on the player's part since his early game is shit, but he picks up in mid-late.
the circular shape on the door. check near rocks and trees
I've had both situations happen.
I only see them once in a while, and I'm convinced that just just don't spawn sometimes. They are obvious as shit when you see them.
>Finally decided to play Monsoon
>Actually having a good run with Engineer
>Stage 12, just downed the boss, teleporter is at 90%, decide to stand still for a little while to rest my hand
>Surprise blazing jellyfish comes from behind (somehow my turrets didn't target it) and blows up on my back
>Instant 1k damage, I had 1.100 health
>Dot kills me
that's a cute fuckin lizard
They're grey little circles on the floor. Super easy to miss, but once you've seen one you know what you're looking for.
I never got into Commando, which is a shame because he was my favourite in RoR1. Here he feels too weak unless you get some nice items.
Around jellyfish, never relax-efish
Goodnight, sweet prince. Hotpoo really needs to fix the whole "mobs stop spawning 2 hours in" bit.
>Male Lemurian
I could see most of them being tied to your save file data, I think it was like that in ror1. Though I honestly wouldn't mind making a new profile to get everything again since i'll probably have everything unlocked by the time cheevos come out, if there will be any at all.
Item related achievements would be easy to make retroactively achievable, but if they make any new ones that aren't specifically behind an in-game challenge you'd most likely have to do it again
>when your name has poo in it
heheheheh ho'poo'
>waah remove features and content because it means I can't instantly win every encounter and might actually lose in a rouge-like
I'd be all for having a separate option to enable or disable specific monsters. I'd even do an all-dunestrider run just for you.
>Start ROR2
>copy the number above
>Click Join Clipboard Lobby (while you still have number copied)
I'm gonna go ahead and say that was a facetious way of spelling roguelike and not autocorrect being retarded.
>Someone picks up meteor
What your opinion on using this in Yea Forums groups
Meteor is the most fun item in risk of rain.
>ew heterosexual intercourse
the same thing I thought bak in ror1
it fucking sucks. stop fucking using it you cunts.
im capped at 120 fps, are you at 60?
Is the best strategy to always rush the portal as quickly as possible? Feels like you're just twiddling your thumbs waiting for monsters to spawn otherwise.
A Ok so long as they shout "RISK OF RAIN" before they turn it on.
>tfw you used it twice in 16 man lobbies stage 1/2
>tfw taking all the boss loot
>red wurm
>Gets meteor
Say risk of rain when you get it
>Gets it with Gesture
Risk of monsoon nigga
Meteor is unironically a GREAT item for single player if you know how to play around it. Explosions only damage you if you're touching the ground so just jump a lot and shit.
That's a decent strategy, sometimes it's not optimal because going to a certain number stages sets the difficulty to the next instance anyways.
it's literally "Fun" the item
even more fun with gesture debate me
>read the OP
Based /vg/ poster.
>semirush the first 2
>grab whatever chest you find along the way to your teleport and maybe some nearby chests with boss gold
>grab Preon before 10 minute mark in third level
>farm the third and fourth level to a moderate-high amount of chest looted (just don't loot and then fight the boss, use the boss gold to loot the remaining chests)
>use preon to kill bosses, it carries really hard
Since someone asked for the source some other thread
>Explosions only damage you if you're touching the ground
this changes everything
Vanilla Rainstorm US East
>print 10+ bears as engineer
>get cocky in infernal depths and stay closer to my sentries than I should
>boss manages to slap my ass for 90% damage
>try to run
where the modded lobby
>staying near your turrets in imp territory
Not the user who asked but bless.
Do you have a place where you put your stuff?
On Merc and Huntress it's super easy to avoid it, with Hopoo feather it's GG.
I've used Meteor to completely wipe the map of regular mobs when I feel like I was being overwhelmed, especially early on.
had that happen. didn't know they could do that
it was on the first stage too. got fisted into the air so hard I died
>blazing stone titan
>on an unstoppable run as engie
>pop down bubble shield and let my turrets kill it
>at the very last second it manages to clip me with a fist sending me flying into another titan's laser
You're fucking asshole if you use it, that being said it'll be hilarious
>tfw any boss can use a jump spot
It wasn't like this in RoR1, they couldn't catch me.
One more
>can dash 3 (three) times, more with afterburner
>somehow couldn't figure out how to use that to escape
Stick with mul-t, retard.
No, i'm also at 120
Have you tried just re-installing it?
Clover does jack all for me, got and then right after failed a shrine 8 times in a row
>Going through 5 levels with solo Commando without a single movement modifier dropping
>Die to blazing
artist is signirsol
thanks, user
nice merc, have mine
>===Major Points===
>We want to get our content roadmap available to users as soon as possible - we will be working on that this week.
>Noting a LOT of people are dying very suddenly to blazing affixes and not enjoying it, and it will be tuned down. We do have concerns that the fire affix is artifically gating the difficulty and the game will be much easier once it’s been normalized, but we will have to address that as it comes.
>Noting people want a legitimate way to actively pursue lunar coins
>Fighting Worm isn’t fun, even though it is one of our higher effort bosses.
>People have gotten far enough into the game that things just… stop spawning. For context, the game skips spawns that it deems is too easy for the number of “spawn credits” it has. If you’ve gotten to that point congrats, the game thinks Overloading Worms are a bit too easy for you. This will naturally be fixed once higher tier monsters and affixes are added to the game. For now… it means that you terrified the whole planet.
>Some players falling through the floor on level startup
> Noting a large amount of players whose primary language isn’t English who we want to support with localized text
>Find Syringe/Sticky printer
>It's in the first fucking stage
>Noting people want a legitimate way to actively pursue lunar coins
I want this
>higher effort bosses
>still jumps in and out of the ground en masse
>doesnt even have an open mouth
>is literally just a fucking noodle model
I don't believe hopoo when other bosses that look really nice like dune strider and stone titan exist.
I legitimately don't know how you can make worm not a slag to fight
>drown 20 crabs
not this shit again
>there's a syringe printer
>but also a hoof printer
>trying to micro manage this shit in multiplayer
ill give that a go
>Some inconsistent proc coefficients for certain survivor abilities (Artificer is very very low for no reason)
Kind of wish they went into detail on which ability this is for
>>Fighting Worm isn’t fun, even though it is one of our higher effort bosses.
If he nerfs worm because of shitters I swear I will refund this once it leaves early access and never buy a hopoo game again
warning shitty fetish
Are the hitboxes based on the body segments again?
Altitude limit, more defined movement pattern that isn't "fuck off into the corner lmao"
user, they mean that the boss was designed to take more effort than average to kill.
t. worm
the whorl achievement was worse
>• Improve the other elites (Ice, Lightning) to be threatening as well
I"m a little scared how they can make ice threatening or lightning
Yeah not really sure of the point of it, also can kill yourself with it I guess
>not a gr8 fetish
I don't get it, fighting worm is more fun than the greater imp or the clay pot thing
I don't get it
So many drawfags here its awesome
Just finished this
He probably had to code unique AI and shit for it to be able move through the ground the way it does. It's totally unique in a lot of ways to all other enemies.
Other enemies are mostly just "uhh here's his model, and let's say this one can't fly, so we'll set his movement speed to X, his other stats to Y, and then give him a ranged and melee attack".
Yeah it was, at least hermit crabs run off the edge of the map if you chase
You had to bait whorls near edges and physically knock them off yourself
hitstun time
Fucking nice
Why would she be muscular? She's lazy enough to use a jetpack instead of walking.
I am worried that removing too much threat from blazing enemies might negatively impact the game. His comment was worded badly, but it seems he shares this concern too, and that the game will be tweaked if it is too easy.
I am skeptical though, because more people complain about difficulty than ease.
I do like the sudden appearance of something that bears a zero-tolerance do-or-die chance to end you. Maybe blazing can be just toned down to the point where it leaves you on your last-legs, rather than just one-shotting you.
This image is RIGHT up my avenue
pretty nice but artificers more of a mage, why is she swole
rank the lunars in order from best to worst
She really need some neck muscles
I wish that melon were my skull and I would die instantly
>thinking about graphics before gameplay in a fucking video game
go play Gone Home
She'll cast fist.
Constant 100% ice aura that slows and deals damage
Because Swole ladies are a blessing
Just needs some better AI and a little less health. Its main problem is it just seems to do whatever it wants, wereas in RoR1 it was predictable that it would try and dive into you and there were indicators where it was going to surface from. In RoR2 most of the unfun comes from the fact that getting near it does fire damage and it just spends 60% of the time in the air or flying away into some corner without really doing anything. It never feels like the worm is attacking you. Every time I die to one it just feels like I commited suicide by getting too close rather than actually fighting it.
flame bolt has a coefficient of 0.2 and snapfreeze has a coefficient of literally 0
Glass > Meaty whores > Brittle Crown if you have crowdfunder > Ascendancy if you don't have any healing items > literally nothing > the rest
Maybe blighted enemies will take that zero-tolerance role, once they are in.
i emailed hopoo with an idea i had: allow magma worms to move horizontally. basically in 3d it could be cool to run to the side of it, it could be cool to have the teleporter arena divided by it, and mostly i want to fucking dash right through that sucker sa a merc
What about making fire damage non-lethal? Successful disengagement would leave you at 1 hp, but obviously burning while taking an enemy hit will still get you killed.
Now replace the foreign fruit with someone's helmet dome.
I see you are a man of integrity like me.
try spinning that's a good trick
My dude, i dont want to assume stuff but i seriously fucking hope you can at least begin to comprehend 3D pathfinding for a worm-like enemy before you spout your ignorant fucking opinions
>Very good
>Good sometimes
Hellfire(With the certain builds can be nuts)
>doin pretty decent on a com run
>snag a red that popped out of a lockbox
>pick it up without even seeing what it was
that's pretty fucked up
maybe when those values are tweaked she can be even more of a proc monster because they're all AOE
Time to pick up transcendencey
someone host US!!!
>attempting the "no healing for three levels" achievement
>first try, accidentally pick up harvester's scythe right at the very end before I activate the teleporter
>second try, accidentally pick up harvester's scythe right when I beat the boss on the first level
I'm so fucking used to quickly picking up items and jetting, I'm so pissed. At least this time I'm playing engi on drizzle so I don't actually have to attack...
109775240999051863 US vanilla
my brother, girl abs are god's gift to mankind
1 more
>game is early in development but still fun as fuck
>mix of new players attracted to the series and veterans from the past title
>devs actually listen and act on feedback reasonably quickly
>drawfriends pump out great content, be it fetish art like the Queen's Gland + Arti pics or memes regarding Engi's Fungus or Merc and MGRR
holy fuck this is incredible
>tfw not a drawfag but have to make OC because others are too busy drawing huntress and artificer lewds
ebin fire damage xD
just a normal lobby
Reminder that it can all be taken away by newfag tranny j4nnies
>jump spot
whats that
>Finally get a good glass artifact run
>30 minutes in and I get destroyed by a lesser wisp in one shot
this is suffering.
unga bunga
control f next time
>what is being determined like DMChads and making multiple threads anyways
the geysers that launch you up
Someone's drawn some Dunestrider tentacle rape and I just haven't seen it yet, right? Big black tentacles and weird black goo everywhere, man. It's gotta exist somewhere.
Worm differences
>Lowest boss health compare to most but it's still massively dangerous to deal with due to it's speed and ability to chase anywhere
>Segments to make dps easy on dot items
>Will pop through the ground at your exact location
>Will dive to you at your location
>Gets faster the more health it loses
>Fucks off somewhere
>Massive health making fight a slog
>Flies all the way into the air for no reason and dives for fuck all
>Unpredictable since we don't know if it changes its mind constantly
>No segments
cant a man dream
haha ok
>start up your game
>Have the number above copied
>Join Clipboard Lobby
>not vagrants
Son of a fucking bitch. Does cautious slug disable the no healing achievement?
Enjoy your 7 player game
Vagrants can't pull Huntress into their rape pot to pump them full of black goo for hours and hours.
>>Massive health making fight a slog
Doesn't worm have the least health of any boss?
art is nice.
gameplay concepts are boring
that's where you're wrong kiddo
This is top tier.
>find a 3d printer
>soldiers syringe
>lensemakers glasses
>backup mags
Prismatic is basically Frenzied
Radiant is getting close to Leeching territory.
That's all i can say.
Never mind, fucking fungus. This is going to be the hardest achievement for me for fuck's sake.
is lobby created or are you just in party ?
what does your breath smell like right this instance
It's much harder to damage Worm than other bosses, which makes it just really boring
>Repeatedly check the usual sites for new RoR material
>Very little if any
This makes the dick the sad dick
doesn't damage scale down over distance? while you chip away at the worm from the ground while it fucks off to the stratosphere, it gives him a longer time to kill.
Worms are easily my fastest kills, vagrants are the annoying ones.
>still no booru
>human flesh
put it in the garbage
Its awful because its not even something difficult to do, it just involves knowing what items give you healing and making sure not to pick them up. So you're just standing away from every item box you open just in case a fucking medkit or some shit pops out and if any healing does drop you have to be mindful to not accidentally pick it up for the rest of the time you're in the level. And if you fuck up once the last ~15 minutes are basically wasted.
how do i dance
>>Fucks off somewhere
This. Every time I fight a Magma Worm it gets bored and starts diving up and down in the same spot miles away from everything.
I mean yeah but that's not what I'm going for at all. Imagine the inside of a Dunestrider being a dark, gooey rapecave that they keep victims in to feed off their orgasms and whatever other hentai bullshit.
you can make it 8 :3
lobby with about 7 people now, waiting for people still.
I get his concerns, but it's like he doesn't even play his game. On Monsoon, it is absolutely fruitless to play Mercenary or Artificer because runs are completely stopped by blazing enemies.
magma worm is an absolute slog as any character but the engineer
in a game where fire enemies can kill you in a single hit, having to look up to deal any damage is horrendous
USE vanilla
will give fungus to engi players
m8 worms are not fun right now. Not because they're hard, but because they're stupid. They don't actively attack you. 90% of my engagements with worms are them diving up and down 50 meters away from me.
Holy shit this is so much harder to do than the jetpackless artificer mod
>*silently spawns in behind you*
oh baby
I'm still working on it but here's the link before the thread dies.
I've uploaded all of the Huntress cheesecake I have, all of the Huntress lewds and the duo stuff. Working on Artificer cheesecake and lewds now, then I'll do the non-lewd stuff and consider adding monsters after but I need to collect more pics for that.
don't respond to me shitter or i'll come over to your house and beat the shit out of you it'd probably be easy because you're a giant PUSSY
Why would you do no research at all on a game before buying it?
yes perfect
Golem tracking should be locked 1 second before firing, same for wisps.
Imps should have a 2 second cooldown on phasing.
Lemurians shouldn't jump.
Crabs animation shouldn't be jittery at all.
Vagrants should have a cooldown on their killing bubble.
There should be a 3 second cooldown on spawning monsters using their skills.
And monster spawning should be balanced better, I've had map 1 spawn 10 blazing lemurians on me.
Game is pure luck right now. Worms are fine, they always have been.
Is this satire?
>0.2hr on record
The worm's the pussy, desu.
>Hurr I'm just gonna continually dive on the complete other side of Abyssal Depths, away from the teleporter because my AI doesn't allow me to venture outside my zone
>There's nothing MMO about it
Was this advertised as an MMO?
has bait gone too far
What's the easiest way to unlock the "have five lunar items in your inventory" achievement?
Go to bazaar two zones in a row and buy everything there
10 at most
Just get 11 lunar coins, activate a newt altar, and buy everything in the shop.
Hoard coins, activate newt in area one, activate newt in area two.
>early access
can they fuck off with that shit already?
I just tried this and got to the second level (wetlands) and no boss spawned from the teleporter. 7 minutes in on rainstorm.
seems something is wrong.
I got the no healing achievement just by playing the game.
If you're not a fag who farms gold to buy every single chest in the level making it past zone 3 without one dropping shouldn't be that rare.
Golem lasers can actually be easily dodge, a simple jump or sideways turn puts them off.
Titan ones don't give the player a chance to fuck off especially in a coverless environment, laser following you needs a delay to slow down before catching you cause you didn't run in cover in time.
Lesser Wisps is kinda up in the air with how they work
Worm need work, you cannot deny that.
>finish teleporter event
>clear out enemies
>hit teleporter for next stage
>dash up in the air for fun
>hp drains in less than 2 seconds
just don't play it then F A M
>made millions despite early access
Not any time soon.
forgot this
ModAnon !avhWYepV/2
This is one of the few good early access games
>Fun playing on your own or with friends
>weird/silly/awesome mods made or in the process of being made
and the fun has only begun and you bitch
This is your mind on triple A games that try to be movies.
>it's early access so it must be bad
Every time with you niggers
>yesterday, 3 a.m.
>crunching for exam, about to fall asleep
>decide to play "just a little bit"
>get the most godlike 90 minutes run
>today, have all the free time in the world
>4 runs so far and can't get past stage 3
I swear to god this game feeds on actual suffering.
>Ruining Huntress
In both these situations you could have stayed alive if you just used cover properly
Stop running around like a headless chicken when a giant is spawned, they will just shoot you because you're not paying attention and giving them line of sight.
can bears block the burning aura damage? I know they block fall damage
Archivefag here, you guys okay if I just focus on the Mega and Booru and drop the imgurs? Managing 4 links sounds 2hard.
Is this for memes and other RoR oc too or just for lewd?
Play in drizzle use huntress and rush tp.. get like two items. I got it by mistake while going for the timed chest
US Modded
Requesting backup, all units we have trapped survivors on a shitty ass planet.
Not him, think it's for both, like the other boorus.
how are you not able to get past stage 3?
also why are you spending 90 minutes on the first 3 stages?
Fine by me
Which class is best? I don't know what to play. I've unlocked them all. I like artificer but I keep dying after the first loop for some reason.
Thank you for doing what you do archive man.
its a thankless job, and most times you end up with a folder on google drive about 5 TB large because you forgot to revoke permissions.
but you're worth it man.
us east 2 slots pls respond
It's like people forgot what ''video game'' means.
Any Command mods yet?
Just use the booru, fuck mega
Have you tried hitting it harder?
mul-t = high fire rate nailgun + high dmg sniper
huntress == big ass
merc = lotsa invincibility and you can easily chain up all your moves for a ton of airtime
commando = high proc coeff, okay for all ranges
artificer = glass cannon
mult > merc > artificer > commando > huntress
Right now I'm uploading lewd and cheesecake but feel free to make an account and upload memes and other OC. I'll upload a bunch of that stuff myself eventually, be sure to mark it as safe when applicable though, easier to find lewd that way.
I forgot engineer.
mult > merc > BRING ME THE FUNGUS > artificer > commando >huntress
I hope bandit's real / finished R is an AOE, he's fun to play as it is but his weak CC is painful sometimes
>shooting the dune strider instead of all the shit it sucks in to do ultra-proc damage
git gud
>coddle retards by handholding them through everything
>can no longer make games people will want to play since you've babied the audience to the point they are retards that can only handle very basic boring design
I clap
Gotcha, and I'm glad to be of service.
I can do both just not all 4. I want to keep the Mega up because it lets you sort things in folders and lets people download in bulk.
They're all good on Rainstorm. Only Commando, Huntress, and MUL-T are good on Monsoon.