The old hunter passes you the boof, do you accept?
The old hunter passes you the boof, do you accept?
The Witcher 3 is a better game than Bloodborne.
Indeed but i his is not the question.You would accept the boof?
Demon's Souls is a better game than Bloodborne.
*hits blunt
*gives your blood dreg to my waifu
Weed is degenerate
I only accept weed firm the Soul of Cinder.
You bet
th-that's not incense
>the boof
we call them bleezies where im from but the answer is Always, Good Hunter.
Bloodborne is a better game than Bloodborne.
Ape Escape 4 is a better game than Bloodborne.
lets be real the tip is packed with a little weed while the rest is just a filler laced with some cheap ups
no. smoked too much moon grass already
No, drugs are bad and I'm going to report you to the Souls Police.
Will it grant me eyes?
>mfw about to go for a drive and a spliff
fear the old blunt
The smell of the BOOF it sings to me.
Gives me conniptions
So i've been looking for tips/guides and i see a lot of people stop leveling around 120, is there a reason for it?
No. I have terrible experiences with weed, literally has made me feel like I was just about going insane before and just isn't worth it for me. I never touch it anymore.
Old Hunter Hat + Charred set is peak fashionborne
>mfw i use the full crow set + BoM
That bastard in the Cathedral gave me so much trouble, might as well use this shit.
no bloodbourne is a better game then bloodborn
i too have done acid
Dear oh dear, what was it? The blunt, the weed, or the horrible trip? Oh, it doesn't matter. It always comes down to the stoner's helper to clean up after these sorts of messes. Tonight, gehrman hits the blunt
>accepting anything from the good Hunter
Enjoy your frenzy
Enough to give a man taco cravings.
what bongs u got bithc
Charred body, decorated old hunter trousers and old hunter gloves. Yharnam hunter hat. That was my peak for fashion in that game.
Why is weed so hard for kids to say? I’ve heard the word weed for 30 years. But every couple years someone popularizes a new word like dro or ganja or SMOKE (you have to yell it for this one) or dope or gas or any of the other million fucking stupid euphemisms.
You buy pre rolled blunts from your dealer? It takes like 30 seconds to lick and roll it. Lazy weed smoker big shock
You know I don't smoke, Ashton. Come on man.
Kek, have a (you)
no I have a drug test coming up
otherwise I definitely would
I don't do drugs because I'm not a degenerate.
I bet you drink caffeinated beverages and take aspirin you degenerate
it was called reefer before weed got popular, language changes grandpa
>old hunter
Do you even know the lore?
the truth is funny, isn't it?
I hope you crash and die
>mfw getting high and playing video games is like popping adderall to me
>play BB high af
>feel like neo in the matrix
It's not for everyone, kids
>The old hunter
>smoking grass instead of taking a hit of the sweet blood
I bet it doesn't even sing to you faggots
>get high and play bloodborne
>be lost and terrified
Games fucking scary when I'm high.
Yeah , and i drink alcohol every night as well.
>the boof
god you zoomers are fucking retarded. boofing is shoving cocaine up your asshole
so you only do drugs society approves of, got it
dude WeirdChamp
Made it here fine bro
Yeah and boof sounds fucking retarded you brain dead child. If I find you and hear you say that fucking word out loud I swear to God I will grape you in the mouth
You don’t want to be some contrarian dipshit loser do you? If it’s cool with society it’s cool with me
Do you actually think weed impairs your abilities to drive?
I've never said boof out loud before but I'll call it that all the time now
how many hits have I had?
Is that what the kids are calling it these days?
I think people truly believe weed makes you have hallucinations
>tfw wax pen holds a babby charge and currently waiting forever for it to hold enough of a charge for a proper high
I've never played Bloodborne but I read The Paleblood Hunt.
I mean, it CAN, especially if you eat it. But I literally smoke and drive every day on my commute and I've never been in an accident.
It lowers your attention, so yes. Legally you can get a DUI for getting caught.
>It lowers your attention
Wrong. THC heightens awareness and sharpens focus.
>Legally you can get a DUI
Nigga I don't give a fuck about what the law says.
People can't even stay focused in a conversation while high
>lowers your attention
Be more vague.
You don't even know how the fucking drug works, it just speeds up how quickly you're nuerons are firing off in the brain. That is literally what it does.
This is why you can spend 10 minutes thinking about something stupid, and trail off on another tanget without even realizing it
As someone who uses weed specifically so I can by hyperfocus on whatever videogame I'm playing I call complete bullshit. And are you kidding me? I'd be too paranoid to drive unsafely.
Conversations aren't driving a car you dumb fucks.
I never had any problems with it myself, but I know from experience that some people just aren't meant to touch the stuff. I once shared some homemade brownies with a dude while playing some couch coop games. Things were going alright until he started having some weird delusions or hallucinations or something and ran out of the house. The police picked him up later walking on the highway.
And yeah, I'd partake. As long as he didn't lace it with some nightmare-inducing stuff.
Doesn't matter what you call, it literally lowers focus. Your brain trails off on a million different thoughts while your playing high, your just to dumb to notice
>responding to someone who thinks weed "makes your neurons speed up"
So you get an shown why it lowers ability to focus, and then think it only applies to talking.
Holy shit dude. Lay off the weed, seriously.
Every pothead I've ever known has the reflexes of a dead cat.
>This is why you can spend 10 minutes thinking about something stupid, and trail off on another tanget without even realizing it
Because your brain is at rest when you're just talking to someone. Driving a car DEMANDS your attention, and it will be the primary thing you think of. I would only concede that this is true if you smoke extremely strong shit or too much, but someone who smokes regularly would know not to do that. Or they'll start driving very, very slowly which is great way to get pulled over.
that's the thing with drugs
you feel like you're hyperfocusing but in reality you're mumbling like a retard and laughing at nothing
nobody sees a stoner and goes 'wow, this dude is quick! look at him go". to normal people you're a drooling brainlet
>someone who thinks weed "makes your neurons speed up"
>scientifically proven to be the main effect of THC on the brain
dumb fuck lol
>So you get an shown why it lowers ability to focus
Except you did no such thing, retard.
I am better at Street Fighter V when I smoke. That's not up for debate, it's just true. This is because it helps me focus.
>i dont get it
Lay. Off. The. Weed.
If that seriously went over your head. You probably have a problem dude.
I love smoking but dude you shouldn’t do that. Drive responsibly.
A blunt... should be well left alone.
Oh I know very well... how the kush beckons so sweetly.
Only an honest hit will make you high. Liberate you from your wild inebriation.
>calling kush weed
finna get tied to a radiator
No, faggot, you literally did no such thing. What you said isn't even true, THC doesn't make your neurons "fire faster". That's called a seizure, dumbass.
That’s a strong enough build if you focus the right stats, while at the same time allowing you to find people to pvp.
*hits bone*
Amygdala everywhere dode...
That's like saying basketball is better than soccer
Maybe if you're a little bitch lmao
You people genuinely afraid of this social situation who don't smoke realize that you just pass it to the person next to you, right? No one is going to be offended.
si quiero
I talked to a lady who told me that she gets so much anxiety driving that she can only drive after taking a couple puffs from a vape pen
There are athletes that smoke before a game, like basketball players like Matt Barnes, and it makes them do great. Matt Barnes is one of the best players on his team the Warriors, and he smoked before almost every game he played.
>lowers your attention
Only if you're blitzed out of your mind. It's like the difference between being drunk and being black out shitfaced
I thought boofing was putting alcohol into your ass to bypass your liver like a true fucking idiot.
I know because I had to Google it went people were asking Bret "I LIEK BEER" Kavanaugh why he had referenced "boofing" while in college. To him it's just a silly word though haha just being boyz.
>conclusions I've made up based on personal feelings rather than facts and data
>Budborne: the Old Blunters
"Tonight... Gehrman hits the blunt"
I guess the neurons in her brain are firing SO FAST that it's relaxing her enough to drive safely.
Hold on, I'm gonna go make my neurons go fast right now.
>mindlessly talking to someone vs. participating in an activity
Dont tell me you've never had a phone conversation sober and you're walking around the house drawing on paper and shit without even thinking about it
Grant us highs, grant us highs
>weed is illegal
>had friends
>smoke weed
>weed is now legal
>don't have friends
>haven't smoked weed
I thought about making a cars and neurons going fast joke but eh
That or it allows you to focus on an important task. When you have anxiety it's like a multiple thoughts fighting for your attention
yo who else high af rn lmao!!!
Pesky Saiya-jin, taste the true power of dude weed lmao
duuuude insight lmao
Dude, that's absolutely hilarious. Right on!
>senzu weed
I am fucking furious right now...
Nigga, who the fuck are Vegeta and Tarble? Goku, you need to pass that shit and shut your dumb ass up.
Stoners are the most annoying people on the planet, especially the ones that insist they're not like other stoners
>yeah losers smoke weed bro
>I smoke weed too but I earn a million dollars a month and it doesnt affect me dude
>I'm married with six children and I smoke weed dude I'm not some hippy man
>my uncle smokes too and he runs his own business he's like super rich
>I could buy a ferrari man smoking weed hasn't stopped me from doing my job dude
Like yeah, good job convincing me you're not an annoying cunt.
Get better friends.
the only good stoner is a dead stoner
Alcoholics are the most annoying people on the planet, especially the ones that insist they're not like other alcoholics
>yeah losers drink alcohol bro
>I drink alcohol too but I earn a million dollars a month and it doesnt affect me dude
>I'm married with six children and I drink alcohol dude I'm not some hippy man
>my uncle drinks too and he runs his own business he's like super rich
>I could buy a ferrari man drinking alcohol hasn't stopped me from doing my job dude
Like yeah, good job convincing me you're not an annoying cunt.
I'm smoking a fat ass blunt and drinking a tall ass stein of Labatt Ice right fucking now, and what, bitch?
I don't know any stoners like that. Most of the ones I know don't even mention the fact that they smoke weed I only found out when I saw them rolling and or smoking.
>when it turns into a car
Smokers are the most annoying people on the planet, especially the ones that insist they're not like other smokers
>yeah losers smoke nicotine bro
>I smoke nicotine too but I earn a million dollars a month and it doesnt affect me dude
>I'm married with six children and I smoke nicotine dude I'm not some hippy man
>my uncle smokes too and he runs his own business he's like super rich
>I could buy a ferrari man smoke nicotine hasn't stopped me from doing my job dude
Like yeah, good job convincing me you're not an annoying cunt.
you sound like a jealous bitch desu senpai
boofing is when you put drugs up your butt
Hideaki passes you the boof and gives you this look.
Will you make him regret it?
instagram would destroy Yea Forums
Yea Forums has too many spicy redditors that wont be able to UNDERSTAND the level of memery that instagram walks on
Dude, like... relax, bro.
I bet you're the fucker who need drugs for sex
Very epic!
Gamers are the most annoying people on the planet, especially the ones that insist they're not like other gamers
>yeah losers play video games bro
>I play video games too but I earn a million dollars a month and it doesnt affect me dude
>I'm married with six children and I play video games dude I'm not some hippy man
>my uncle games too and he runs his own business he's like super rich
>I could buy a ferrari man gaming hasn't stopped me from doing my job dude
Like yeah, good job convincing me you're not an annoying cunt.
I bought the Dark Souls Remaster what am I in for?
lmao why so mad
imagine being this upset about a fake issue
Basketball is better than soccer. You can compare anything.
Dark Souls, but Mastered again.
A good game. Slower than BB, that's for sure.
Maybe I should try that. I don't mind driving but I hate having to drive in a big city where everyone drives like a fucking monkey and taking almost an hour to get to a destination that's less than five miles away.
An excellent dungeon crawler.
>Durr weed makes slow witted and ruins reaction speed
Tell that to my k/d motherfuckers
Bros i smoke weed like 6 times a day
I've never met a person that smokes weed and wasn't an annoying piece of shit.
You seem to forget that correlation is not causation. Weed is appealing to annoying faggots, it doesn't CREATE them.
Who /legalstate/ here? Shit is SO cash
The only people who don't find stoners annoying are other stoners.
do whatever you want to do.
NJ but no one here gives a fuck, not even the cops.
try legal nation
Does that work because I get so anxious when driving I start hallucinating and have to stop because the road looks like 5 roads full of cars, but I don't want my liscense revoked due to experiencing hallucinations while not under the influence of anything
>I get halucinations if I don't smoke weed so I'll ask this anonymous image board that tricked people into huffing mustard gas for advice instead of going to a doctor
I see the weed has done a lot of good to your brain.
Weed effects everyone differently, so I'm not going to recommend it, but if you want to try it just make sure you know your limits. I've got a bag of some shit that must be from satan's asshole or something, and I would never use it while driving.
Excellent thread guys like seriously keep it up
I cannot tell if this is ironic.
Boof means up your butt btw
>Have mental health issues
That just means you need to smoke more, bro.
This is the second time I've seen a Mega64 reaction image this week. Are they popular again?
>should I use drugs to treat my mental health issues?
Uh, yes, you probably should.
this guy gets it
>smoking weed and driving is exactly the same thing as drunk driving
There is literally nothing wrong with pot and driving for 99% of people and the 1% that somehow get debilitated enough from weed to actually impair themselves in functioning probably shouldnt be driving in the first place.
there is nothing more relaxing than going for a country drive with some tunes and a blunt.
>have disorder
>decide to just tough it out without helping it
Ah you're one of those comfortable depressed people. Change is too scary stay in your hole
>ah, the boof, or some say the sploof
I hope this becomes a pasta
what a nerd
ape pls hop somewhere else
He's talking about RECREATIONAL drugs you absolute fucking retard.
Games only you played or are rare games..I still have the cd too bad the new rework fucked the game. Hope we get LBA 3 made by some Indie developer or something.
Drugs can be use recreationally and medically, you anus spelunking smegma enthusiast.
But what if no one told the molecules they were for recreation?
Looks like this nigga accepted the boof
He should see a shrink about his anxiety and they'd provide him with legitimate avenues like exposure therapy that are proven to work. But no, instead I guess he should just smoke psychoactive drugs that's a better idea. The state of the dumb teenagers on this board.
>Hurrrr dude weed is a magic drug that fixes all your mental health issues lmao
Shut the fuck up retard.
I never said that, you mental nigger.
I've never had a single drug in my life except for overthe counter stuff for headaches wtf
No, just the utter delusion is.
Or he could see a doctor who may prescribe medical marijuana to them, like my sister and her doc.
What did you say laddie?
If she can regenerate why doesn't she just scrape her head out of the mask, Executioners had the right idea, Cainhurst is just a bunch of morons
Wait what, I'm just playing through this game, you can go past 100?
I said
Gamers are the most annoying people on the planet, especially the ones that insist they're not like other gamers
>yeah losers play video games bro
>I play video games too but I earn a million dollars a month and it doesnt affect me dude
>I'm married with six children and I play video games dude I'm not some hippy man
>my uncle games too and he runs his own business he's like super rich
>I could buy a ferrari man gaming hasn't stopped me from doing my job dude
Like yeah, good job convincing me you're not an annoying cunt.
Yeah dude there are numbers past 100.
If you're experiencing hallucinations that means there's something very wrong with you. Whether you smoke weed or not is irrelevant. In fact it would be better if you had smoked weed because then at least there would be something you can start pointing fingers at. As it is now it's better to go to a doctor. If weed does indeed help you then at least that would have been determined beforehand. If you randomly decide to get high and also get hallucinations while driving you're double fucked.
If you're really seeing halucinations regularly, for whatever reason, you have bigger problems than potentially getting your driving license revoked.
help me write Death Stranding's plot, will you, user?
This. Sober hallucination can means really bad shit. He sounds like he might be coming down with psychosis. Even if it's mild, he needs some drugs for it.
Alright cunt
I've been in many situations where I have had to take over the wheel becuase the driver was too high to drive. I personally love driving high, but there are people who simply cannot. Everyone is different.
Who are you quoting?
>haha we put crestfallen again do you remember crestfallen haha here he is again XDD
jesus fucking christ the dark souls sequels had no fucking shame
from my own experience when i smoke marijuana i depersonalize and begin having extreme though loops revolving around my death and begin trying to predict it
No really okay check this out bro but don't show anyone else, okay?
I hope you're ready, I really am
fuck yeah, love getting into my existential daydreaming
They're not convincing you to try it, they're trying to get you to stop being judgemental
Whenever I smoke weed I get so afraid I'm going to die that I pass out.
Don't listen to these virgins, CBD might be better for you though because hallucinations are a whole different category
Yea Forums - Drugs
>what is reading comprehension
>spic memes
I want to keep you safe and hold you tightly and tell you how alright you'll be
I only get that if I smoke alone or a ahitty strain
No ones fucking playing this but me. Thank god GoG saved it for some reason.
Will the sacrament grant us eyes?
Many false eyes
>using boof as slang for weed and not as slang for putting things in your ass
You have to be 18 to post here, zoomer
>existential dread
I don't understand this shit. Nigga, you just an ape on a ball of dirt in space, fucking relax.
I love you, boof poster.
Reductionism doesn't quell death anxiety. In fact it probably helps cause it.
>yeah look at me I’m da biggus niggus on the court
i dont smoke weed. i vape.
This is why Vergil is the best.
Here’s your reply. You’re wrong