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Who wins?

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DDD due to going toe to toe with the monster that is Kirby.

wario's actually immortal, so him probably

Dedede one shots

Did the Captain Marvel fight already happen? Who won?

Both are so fuckin durable none of them can die. Draw

Don't bother asking for a link, I got the results from comments who already saw the episode
M3U8 doesn't work anymore

>toe to teo
>always loses in every game to kirby

Dedede is canonically tiny as fuck

Just because he loses, doesn't mean he can't do anything. Canonically, Dedede holds pretty well against Kirby. Speed, power, durability. Wario is going to get hammered.

>Always possessed due to villains finding out he has immense power that rivals the likes of Kirby

Wario at best is Small Planet + thanks to a scene from Wario Land Shake It.
DDD regularly fights against Kirby and semi-regularly fights alongside Kirby in the games. Also DDD is at least Star.

>DB still wanking off DC in every possible fight
Glad I dropped this series when I did

Who won this week's DB?

It was the current result
In fact they low balled the winner


this is why most people that discuss these things consider feats to be personal rather than relative and shun shitty power scaling
Dedede can fight Kirby who can knock a meteor into orbit at light speed, but what the fuck does that mean for his own feats? Has he done anything remotely strong in game? Dude uses a mallet made of wood

The only good deathbattle was spiderman vs. batman. Every other episode is shit

>tiny means weak

one of these characters can't die. Are they retarded? Why this?

>mallet made of wood
And? He's still using his own power into that "mallet made of wood".

And a metal mallet with rockets.

Wario has literally been cut in half, set on fire, turned into a zombie, and probably a million more things, and he just shrugs it off. Part of the mechanics of Wario Land II and III were that he didn't even have a health bar.

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I can't believe this is the only thing remaining from Screwattack. What the heck man.

Who would win? An unstoppable force or an immovable object.

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>It’s another episode of Kirbyfags using Non-canon feats and knowing as much physics as Dragonballfags

>who wins in a fight
>who wins in a fight to the death
yeah... about that. It ain't even a one-off thing. Even when he has a health bar again in WL4 he can't die.

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Both would end up being two immovable objects.

>pitting the two joke characters together
>watching DB
These characters are sacred and only for having a good time. Fuck you all.

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how would DDD even kill wario?

inhale and swallow?

I hope Wario wins and that ScrewAttack eventually does Carbuncle vs Kirby.
Maybe these faggots will stop being on the worse side of powerlevel faggorty

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Flatten him as a pankacke. Throw him into outer space.

I don't think he could. The worst he could do is punt him far away, which is pretty much the 'lose' mechanic of most Wario Land bosses. You don't die, you just get shoved out of the boss arena.

Wario can just buy a win

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Wouldn't kill him. Hell, Wario get flattened regularly. He sometimes uses it to his advantage.

>killed by a clown grab


this is canon

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when has DDD ever swallowed?

and no don't link me to porn.

legit the only thing i could think of, which does bring up the question, can wario survive in space? i don't recall a wario game taking place in space.

>real life physics in fiction
You know immortality is biologically impossible for humans, right?
>non-canon feats
such as?

this reminds me of when gametheory insisted wario was ten feet tall.

This but unironically

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DDD about to get BRAPPED on

oh yeah the moon ending, i only got the castle ending so i forgot about this.

Wario because they came up with retarded stats for mario and they've already hinted at retarded stats for wario in the mario v sonic battle

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Wario is comparable to Mario, who can breathe in space no problem.

>M3U8 doesn't work anymore
How come? They finally fixed that?

>Death Battle
>Character dodges a lightning bolt in a boss fight from one game

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>How come?
I dunno
>They finally fixed that?
Yep, nobody could find a good player to see Widowmaker vs Black Widow eary

Still waiting for them to do this one. Who wins?

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Black Cat has luck manipulation on her side IIRC
She stomps

ends in sex

Yeah, that's how it works. If you actively dodge a bullet (point blank), you're fast enough to dodge a bullet.

So how about a TF2 VS Overwatch battle
The Teufort Mercs vs Respective OW counterparts (Tracer, Pharah, Mei, Junkrat, Zarya, Torbjorn, Mercy, Widowmaker and Sombra)

Really? Because it reminds me of every DB ever

wario can fart nuclear explosions
not only that but his anus can survive the force created by farting a nuclear explosion

I should of course mention that comics and shorts will be included for both sides.
Also TF2 will have access to only their stock and achievement weapons.

Scout loses
Soldier Wins
Demoman Wins
Enginer wins
Heavy loses
Pyro wins
Sniper loses
Medic Wins
Spy wins

Not always.
You can anticipate the shot or react to the person pulling the trigger.
Reacting to a bullet being shot from an invisible person/gun, or better yet from behind you, makes your reaction time better than those who just react to someone holding a gun.

I'm honestly a bit skeptical on Mei losing against Pyro. Her freezing weapon is able to freeze moisture in the air pretty much instantly.
Also you need to take into account this a team battle so everyone will be fighting all at once.

widdowmaker would take heavy out, then be taken down by sniper. tracer kills scout and then sniper only to be killed by demoman

soldier kills everybody else with random critcs

Well, that why said "bullet (point blank)" and not "pulling the trigger" or "anticipating the shot".

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Why not another Mario character vs Sonic character? like Wario vs Shadow?

DDD as he is able to tango with Lovecraftian entities and not die

>for the third time

it'd be funny to see sonic autistics bitch about shadow showing up the most and never winning

Remember that Tabuu BTFO Kirby with his wings' radiation.

Remember that he BTFO Wario too and that Smash isn't canon.
