Battlefield 3 is the best modern Battlefield game

Battlefield 3 is the best modern Battlefield game.
Change my mind.

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I don't disagree. BF3 is ultimately better than BC2 and anybody who says otherwise is a zoomer who probably thinks BC2 is the best game without having played pre -BC BF

isnt bf4 just bf3 but with more content

i played bf2, and bf3 was absolute dogshit compared to bc2

Stupid zoomer.

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BF3 is just BFBC2 with blinding lens flares, less environment destructibles and a focus more on infantry then vehicles.

Nice reading comprehension

BF Vietnam.

>focus more on infantry then vehicles than BC2
sometimes i wonder if any of the people in here actually play video games


If you mean modern as in came out recently rather than setting then 2142 is the winner forever

>No jets
>Weak 32 player count
>Bigger emphasis on rush than conquest
>destructible environments
>a good thing

>13 years ago
>came out recently

nigger 2142 came out in 2006

I know you what meant exactly, there is no such thing as a "best Modern Battlefield game".

I just assumed he meant anything after 2142 when the series started becoming big on consoles

No it's Bf3 with worse maps.

im pretty sure it has way more customization than 3

the only map that matters is metro though and bf4 had it too

BF1 was pretty fun wasn't it? I only played the beta, but I enjoyed every second of it.


Infantry only Metro and Canals were by far the most played maps in my region.

While I agree with you OP, I feel bf3 was carried by excellent maps more than anything else.

They made it so much worse in 4 though, with more corners to camp on and more unnecessary clutter.

Fucking hated metro with a passion. PTFO

So I'm not the only one who had this video pop up on my youtube recommended list.

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>2 useful attachments/upgrade
>the rest are obsolete

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I can't, you're right.
Battlefield 1 comes up close, tho it's still worse given the historical inaccuracies.

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It's just a reskin of Battlefront.

Is Metro the best map in FPS history?

bf3 maps blow bf4 ones out of the fucking universe

Only if you like playing Metro Rush


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I like the Locker Room map in BF4 but it doesn't have the issue of the defending team in normal Rush or other modes plugging the elevators to the ticket hall way while one side spams nades down the stairs.

>3 variations of the same gun
>suppression at its worst
>sweet spot mechanic
>behemoths that are only useful for easy grinding
>elite classes
>boring gunplay with little depth
>grenade spam
>vehicle whores' greatest haven
"Good" game indeed.

>getting in an F-18 and being the best pilot in the server
>TFW you're 30-0 and you know for a fact that nothing in the map can stop you

I miss BF3 air combat so much now that the BF4 air defense meta is "get into the mobile AA and camp in the base for the entire game". Jets went from overpowered to near-useless in the switch to BF4 especially with retarded bullshit like active protection blocking minigun fire.

They are statistically more played because servers game up for XP grinding on Metro, even people who don't even play BF3 know this basic shit
Canals was fun because it had a naval element too
Overall Caspian was one of the top maps, the mixture of long and mid range combat was much better received then the maps that had the "Huge expanse of land tank combat" and "tiny ass factory corridors" dichotomy

Also all the oppurtunites for more advanced warfare were very fresh and fun to use like auto-locking missiles and recon/engi spotter teams with javelins and MAVs with C4 stuck on top of them (until it got patched)
BF4 felt lacking in all of this, and it is the reason many people actually enjoy Arma over Battlefield games now
The complexity and sense of accomplishment involved in spotting out and sniping a person beyond a humans natural line of sight, artillery commands given using traditional stuff instead of a "targeting computer", etc.
There was some magic in that early on for many people like myself that had only ever known Battlefield as BC2, then got stunned by jet combat and what you could really do in a true BF game
I'm kinda just rambling on at this point

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this map brings me so many memories
bad company 3 when

Nah, I don't think jets are weak. You can have a really good wingman whether if you're on the stealth or the Attack jet. Fighter jets were mainly "nerfed" so that they could focus on mainly engaging other aircraft rather than concentrating on ground vehicles, hence why Attack jets are also in Conquest on most large maps unlike BF3.

i somewhat agree but hardline was definitely underrated

>playing on shit servers
your fault

>BF3 turns 8 years old in November

>engage enemy aircraft as either jet
>they immediately fly to their base so the AI turret can shred your shit
>engage ground target with stealth jet
>zero effective means of damage; 30mm does 10 damage at most and missiles never ever hit
>engage ground target with attack jet
>active protection forces you to make 3-4 passes, giving you one kill per 2 minutes if he doesn't just drive under something and repair, meanwhile the mobile AA is locking onto you every 10 seconds, forcing you to only attack outside of his range covers 2/3 of a mid-size map
>engage mobile AA with attack jet
>active protection makes him totally invincible as soon as you start to strafe, also he and the AI turret are tearing you apart

I know that if you have two top 10 percentile jets, you can do some serious work, but at least half of my games happened as you see above. They gave jets too many counters as opposed to too little.

4 is better then 3 tho. In like every way

>tfw more people still play BF4 then Hardline to this day
Feels good

And BF4 wasn't inaccurate?

It was a fictional near-future war.
Nobody gave a fuck.

I never see Panama Canals on PC servers yet I always saw it on consoles. It's my favorite map so it's kinda depressing.

I can't, you're right

Then it doesn't matter since they're all shit

It was the last modern battlefield game. People want to play an open map modern war game and BF4 is the only current gen option. BF5 is ok if you weren't turned off by EA's bullshit, but I want to shoot the cool new guns, not the same guns I've been shooting since I was 10 playing MOH and COD. Also Hardline isn't even Battlefield. It's cops and robbers with a BF logo.

I think BFV turned off a lot of people, hell Battlefront 2 EA is constantly getting updates and shit like that and is completely different game but I think the biggest component was how much EA kept putting V on sale, so soon after it launched after full price, the terrible gloves-on-approach with new players having a safety net and a lot of game changes.
vote bls

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>didn't even see BF2 there at first

HAHAHA just fuck off, its almost a different game you fucking idiot.

The only good bf was bf2. This series always sucked hard besides it. CoD is much better

Wong. 4 is the best.

>people voting for battlefield 4
all of you

3 is actually the worst

When it comes to that cat & mouse AA base game, you should let them move far out of the range the AA base has, or bait them once they get close to you while changing the turning speed and activating ECM at the same time.
I highly do not recommend using the 30mm cannon as main gun. You could try using the 20mm for shredding aircraft in a couple of seconds, or the 25mm for screwing around with infantry (even though it doesn't kill aircraft quickly like the 20mm, it's still good enough at it).
Luckily Active Protection right now wasn't as powerful as before, it takes mostly 2 around strafes to kill a MBT/IFV or even MAA if it's exposed in a bad position.
>engage mobile AA with attack jet
>active protection makes him totally invincible as soon as you start to strafe
DO NOT engage MAAfags alone, especially if they're in a place that makes them invulnerable. Let the Stealth jet bait it first with one Guided Missile and then you can both go in for the kill.
Also, which secondary weapon do you use on the Attack jet?

yep, they would have been much better off making a hardline-esque DLC for BF4 instead of a standalone. I really like the closer quarters hardline maps. It's fuckin deader than a doorknob

Metro is literally just "getting shot in a hallway" simulator

Only on conquest.

And thats a good thing!

the atmosphere of battlefield 1 is elder gods tier

BC2 is the good one
Modern jet is a mistake because introducing it force the introduction of auto lock-on missiles which are just un fun. Why does even fucking tank has a lock-on main cannon.
Progression unlock system is shit. You basically have to grind just for decent stuffs for every specific things from gun, class, to vehicles
Metro is the worst map. It doesn’t help that bf3 infantry combat and class balance is worse in every way compared to BC2
Weapons feel worse in every way. Having set damage based on round chambered is retarded even though it’s “realistic”. Weapons seems to have more random in spread but lower recoil compared to how accurate weapons in BC2 is on tap fire. Lower Ttk makes it shit too. Bipod system is shit. Lens flare and suppression are shit. Bf3 starts the trend of just adding more ridiculous gadgets into the game

that's why bf1 is godtier
you can shoot down planes with rifles

Yea fixed wing plane works better in WW1 or WW2 setting in PvP games because you can make them slower and squishier but there’s no auto-lock on missiles. Dumb bomb drop is also a more interesting mechanic than missiles. It’s very hard to balance modern jet combat in PvP.

>Battlefield 3 is the best modern Battlefield game
>introduces suppression
Anything with that fucking awful mechanic is immediately a terrible game.

I have never understood why Battlefield 1 got so much hate at release here.
Was it because of the forced nigger soldiers?
This game is genuinely one of the best modern Battlefield games ever released.
It's fun, it's comfy as hell and it's still being religiously played along BF4.
They ruined everything with Battlefield V, they should've just kept releasing content for BF1 for at least 2 more years, like how they did with BF4.

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>resorting to use lock-ons on jets and helis
You know jets aren't that invincible, right?

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i haven't played a bf game since 3 but it was pretty fucking great
people talk about shit like destructible environments making bc2 better but won't mention how the sound design in 3 was great. it's like people don't consider the atmosphere of a game that important

miss me with that gay shit

Sound design in bf3 is a downgrade from bc2 in the first place

Original games had prone and were better for it, bad company baby.

bc2 is the best battlefield mp. end of discussion

>dick in the mud faggot

>BF3 is not the best ga-

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bc babbies everyone.

Who gives a shit about Metro when you have Caspian Border, Kharg Island and Wake Island?

is bf3 still active at all on ps3

Reminder, that Bad Company introduced consolefags to the series that want nothing more than the CoD dopamine rush experience, leading to all the dumbshit like premium, reduction of classes, and removal of mod support. Kill yourselves.

>on PS3

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I played it for hundreds of hours on PS3 and bought all the dlc
I've never owned a computer

check it by yourself

*blocks your path*

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I returned to BF3 a year ago and nobody is hosting Wake Island anymore. This is why map DLCs suck.

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alright you niggers are making me boot up my ps3 to play this shit

So you are a meme spouting faggot, gotcha. You are still a dick in the mud faggot.


>tfw EA killed the last good BF

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>got bf3 on sale for $20 with a bunch of DLC back in 2013 or so
>got friends who played it on launch to reinstall and we played as a squad
>having mad fun for the first 10 hours
>after 10 hours we start to realize absolutely nobody is playing the objective
>we win literally every game we enter because we're a squad of 4 actually playing the game
>get bored once we realize this and uninstall

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And you're still a faggot with shit taste that ruined a franchise, got it.

>You will never experience jumping off the peak in Damavand after a long battle to blow the objectives up for the first time again

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>still a faggot with shit taste
Coming from the pepe and wojak fag.

I bet you hippies never even set foot on Guadacanal

>ywn listen to that loading music for the first time again

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>no one hosts B2K at all

Battlefield 3 honestly might be my favorite game of all time. I played it on the ps3 for atleast 2000 hours and the comp scene was fun on ps3 especially battlelog. There was so much trash talk and I met all the friends I play with now from battlefield 3. It was one of the best experiences i've had with a game and the other battlefields just don't feel as good, primarily weapon wise.

>demo with 8 guns and 1 map

>tfw BC1 never made it to PC

>It was one of the best experiences i've had with a game
That is fucking sad.

it has 3 maps you nigger

bad company fag please go

>play BF4
>only maps i had legit fun on were maps from BF2

after all this years I only ever saw the island map only wtf

The only people who hated BF3 were vehicle whores, and even then, BF3 had the best vehicle maps in the later DLCs. Close Quarters was anti-chokepoint kino.

>people here actually think BF post 2142 was good
I'm really getting too old for this place

hell yes

I ONLY played that map because everything else was boring. That rush you get when you manage to clear the way for the American side to take the middle spawn point was worth the camping.

>Battlefield 3
point and laugh at this retard

if you count bf4 as an expansion of bf3 then yes;also , if EA wants some easy money apart from apex legends they should merge these games into one that can play in all maps and gamemodes of both

I don't understand how finding the perfect shooter is sad.

>The only people who hated BF3 were vehicle whores
The attack helicopter and jets were the most powerful vehicles in the game.

gunplay is completely whack because SUPPRESSED. it's shit.

>mav elevatoring to some giant ass building

i really liked it even though i suck balls

the only way i feel comfortable playing is full rambo, that gets me killed and i cant complete any objectives

Obviously it doesn't compare to having a PC and is retarded yet it was still fun to play like I said primarily for the trashtalk that was on battlelog at the time. Looking back on it after owning a PC and experiencing what the game feels like without having aim assist yeah, it's a joke

indeed they were. But tankfags are like brawlfags. Nothing is ever good enough for them.
>They took it out because people were having too much fun ffor the shitty redditors on the official forums

battlefield 3 was ok but the the awfull air/ground balance made it frustrating for a lot of people .
helicopters were too powerfull cause 3d spotting is a thing, just camp with heli across the map with zoom and kill everyone, add to the fact that the main gun had a 1.2 km range the tv 800 mt and you get a shitfest .
jets were OP cause they could straife you with rockets at super slow speed without stalling and again 3d spotting doesn t help infantry
in battlefield 4 instead of adressing the main issues ( 3d spotting and range ) they buffed the MAA with insane range and damage and stupid noob rockets that give you a warning 2 seconds before

>perfect shooter
Even thinking BF3 was even close to that is really fucking sad.

Caspian is probably my all time favorite conquest map. Good size, interesting setting, hotspots and topography filled with all sorts of vehicles.

BF3 would be the best Battlefield game but suppression fucking ruined it. Pure gameplay wise BFV is best.

Alright user, what's your favorite battlefield then?

How did they drop the ball so fucking hard after this one? I remember being so fucking hyped for Battlefield 3. DICE was at their A game back then, and to this day I have not bought another multiplayer FPS at full price since. Nothing since BF3 has really tried to push the envelope as hard, Battlefield or otherwise, so I never felt that energy again despite really enjoying 3.

Tell us your favorite game then boomer


>trashtalking about whos aim assists works better
what a retard

Calm down samefag.

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How many of you guys liked Levelutions that BF4 brought?
>Passable ones
Lancang Dam
Op. Lockers
Paracel Storm
Rogue Transmission
Zavod 311

>Ok ones
Siege of Shanghai

Hainan Resort
Golmund Railway

Levolution was such a stupid meme

>squad gets wiped along with some other players
>rev them all
god i loved the medic in bf3

The subtler ones were alright, the ones that don't change the whole dynamic of the map, but i gotta say it's pretty annoying that they thought it'd be a fun idea to make entire swaths of the map inaccessible once the event happens

Destroying the dam in Lancang will cause a filter that reduces the colours, kind of like the blue-filter on BF3.

Reminder that your series is dead and everyone laughed at it.

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It took 13 years for you to figure that out?

The aiming in this game was weird. Some shots just wouldnt hit close up like CSGO

And that's to due to the gunplay with the guns being not accurate unlike in the recent games + the shitty netcode.

Giving assault rifle to medic in bf3 was retarded

Where else would it be?

Support: 24/7 ammo uptime and explosive spam with best gun.
Engineer: Ability to repair,destroy vehicle will ease, and best weapon.
Medic: Self healing and best weapon.

>people defending metro
>people ENJOYING metro

Fuckin zoomers. BF3 was the first nail in the coffin.
BC2 was a shift in direction, but at least it was fun and the maps had some width to them.

BC2 class structure and weapon structure was perfect

>hey bro let's just make medic the most brain dead class in the game by giving them the best weapon class
combining classes was a mistake

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The game that had an ad for explosion spam.
Nigga, no.
I liked BFBC2 but god damn.

I just grabbed it off of google, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a fraps screenshot.

BF4 is really fun to play but BF3 is a bit better in terms of gameplay.
The weapons in BF3 felt more unique while the vehicle balancing wasn't out of the roof like in BF4.
The melee system wasn't perfect but thousands of times better than BF4 counter knifing.
Classes in BF4 had too much access to gear of other classes. Instead of focusing on strenghts and weaknesses of your class you had so much equipment from other classes that you could eliminate every weakness and turn into a one man army for Youtube commentary gameplays.
Levolution certainly looked good but mostly made the maps worse in terms of gameplay once the specific part of the map changed.

Tfw nobody ever praises the best bf game:
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat

But grenade spam is possible with anyone with ammo box.
Sure BC2 gives assault grenade launcher but grenade launcher explosion is small compared to grenade and there’s not much reward for it
Lmg on medic in BC2 is alright. At a glance, LMG seems broken because it is forgiving but AR easily outperform LMG if you know what you are doing. LMG can’t hip fire well and hip fire was really good in BC2 once people fire it out. The amount of destruction also means that having underslung grenade launcher was good even if it doesn’t do much to vehicle and smoke was godly too once it get buffed
So basically, Assault was godly at anti-infantry and provide ammo box. Medic was okay at anti-infantry and has revive/heal but has no explosive other than grenade. Engineer has rocket and carbine is not that bad as well. Recon is sniper. There’s “hidden” class such as assault getting c4 if they choose all class weapon. Sure more class is good but there’s only so many weapon types you can cycle between the classes.
BF3 is retarded because AR is still fucking strong, if not stronger since they nerf every other weapons and now they give them healing and revive as well. Any infantry maps, there’s no reason not to pick assault. On every other map, assault + engineer covers everything. Sure you run out of ammo but typically you die before that due to how fast pace the game is going. Support is so shit with how shitty the lmg is. Recon is shit beside a few gadget but recon is glorified gadget user that can play without leave the base as sniper rifle is shitty

No private servers so you had to put up with the fun of vanilla which meant 100% tickets and small teams apart from conquest and operations. People liked playing on servers with custom settings and plugins because there was a server for everyone. Inb4 "I personally got kicked out of hundreds of servers because of my 4.20 K/D and never found a single server I enjoyed playing yet I played the game for thousands of hours."

It took way longer to release DLCs than for other Battlefield games.
Lack of customization also upset a lot of players.

bet your ass on it. everyone was using FRAPS in the bf2 days.