You can't argue with his logic Yea Forums

You can't argue with his logic Yea Forums.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Google isn't selling it to the Chinese government dumbass

Can people please start linking to the actual articles instead of screenshots? A little transparency goes a long way.

That said, if this is real it's obvious a lot of these people are now just internet trolls trying to pick fights and make a name for themselves. They have no real principles or ideas. They'll just say whatever will be the most controversial and generate the most clicks.

No, an archive link is enough for you.

Id rather trust Google than some Chinese people

I'd rather give my personal data to a REAL American Company rather than to some chink ccp associated

Any actual proof?

Because bitching about google gets you delisted from google. You wouldn't want to offend the 4channel advertisers would you?

It's not for ME. It's for everyone who doesn't want to be misled by photoshopped bullshit.

>everyone else is doing it
>you should do it too
npc tier reasoning

* that Epic is selling it to the Chinese government?

>Implying I use jewgle

Tencent, by Chinese law has to cooperate with intelligence agencies like all Chinese companies and people.

>this guy in this location is playing an epic game for 12.2 hours a day
>he uses a sub-par graphics card and windows 10
>he likes to use facebook
wow very informative data, now we can take over the world

>Zoe Quinn

Attached: thats pretty funny.jpg (240x320, 29K)

don't tell you use duck duck go

but I'm not fine with Google doing it at all. I've made an effort to keep them out of my life as much as possible and I still see their fucking logo at least once a day. Even captcha is owned by Google and they use it to improve their self-driving car algorithms. It's pretty fucked, all in all.

>Zoe Quinn
oh hey that's a name I haven't heard in a while.

>Steam, the most entitled PC games marketplace for privileged white men and other nazis.
Shouldn't "nazis" be capitalized?

Steam has literally being doing this for years with the system surveys.

If X does Y, then it's ok for Y to do Z

So if someone kills a man, it's ok for others to do it because others do it too

I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been an economic cataclysm yet. At this point I operate under the assumption that everyone has everyone else's information. At some point everyone's everything, from social security numbers to banking information will go public and we'll have some kind of financial armageddon.

data is the new BR


I'm not okay with Google doing it, but I can shit on Epic because they're not as pervasive. I'll just use Steam or GOG or that EA one before I use EPIC

>Zoe Quinn

Attached: x.png (216x199, 52K)

Oh yeah, one more needle couldn't possibly hurt.

Can someone fucking murder Zoe Quinn already, do the world a service

When did we collectively decide to just roll over and let corporations not only invade our privacy, but fucking hand it out to them while being thankful for it, invading every single aspect of our technological lives?

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I don't give a flying fuck if Google know I like loli. Doesn't mean I want the Chinese spying on me too.

>having data
They can't tell anyone about my interests and preferences if I don't have any.

>fake article

You don‘t need to photoshop anything even. Every browser is always two clicks away from changing the text to anything you want it to read.

>he lives in this neighborhood
>given computer specifications and game uptime he's a NEET
>he plays hyper-violent FPS shooters
>only 3 friends on friends list
>talked to them once
>Yea Forums memes

>user arrested for thought crime

I don't know if you made this, but it's fucking hilarious.

that first paragraph is cringe worthy. I'd be embarrassed if that was tied to my name and reputation, it's like something a 13 year old going through an Emo phase would write.

Because it's also spying on my spyware. I don't need spyware that spies on my spyware. This is getting too far.

We apologize, but posting in Yea Forums requires at least 2 years of lurking. Thank you for your preference.

>but that's fine because
what's with this trend of telling the reader what they should think in the title? I could have maybe taken this article seriously if that was left out.

She's going to write an article with this screenshotted now.

>copy title into search engine
>find article in 0.03s if it exists
How about you start acting like a capable grown up instead of begging to be spoon fed?

wont stop what's coming

>zoe quinn
>most entitled PC games marketplace for privleged white men and other nazis
that should say enough

lmao you're fucking delusional if you think that Google has any moral qualms about selling you out to the Chinese government


Why don't people just pirate the pc versions and then buy the respective console version?

>and that's a good thing
It's been like that for a while now

Well, yeah. Hiro is already selling your data so who cares really

They literally just caught a Chinese spy trying to infiltrate Trump's summer house with surveillance equipment.

You think the NSA has the ability or even werewithal to drop all the other important shit they're doing to make sure no sneaky chinks slip into the server room with a USB? Hush up Xiao

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>Id rather trust Google than some Chinese people
Google think that 9/11 was a terror attack and believe that pointing fingers at the jews is misinformed and fake news, and will defend jews from such criticisms.
Do not trust Google. They support domestic terrorists.


>9/11 was the jews
holy fuck this is stupid even for /pol/ standards

you can opt out of those

Who cares about 9/11 the 2017 Hurricane Season caused more damage yet I dont see any memorial for that

It's an edit of a polygon article. Which would be funny if this shit didn't turn in to genuine argument ammo like it does.

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the "white men and other nazis" bit cracked me up.

Nigga it's called blogging

>All these niggers replying to bait made with inspect Element
Have some fucking decency

>Here's a random screenshot of something stupid.
>You do the work to prove it's real.
>Call me the lazy one for pointing that out.

You can opt out of using Epic store.

>Zoe quinn

sorry, this is now a shitpost thread

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I‘m really hoping for the day of the internet apocalypse. The day any combination of google, amazon, microsoft and facebook fuck up and all data of everything from everyone ever becomes available to every other person on earth.
Maybe that would teach us.

>post fake thing
>someone points its fake
>"well that doesn't matter because it COULD have been real!"

Any proof Tencent has access to Epic data?

Jesus Christ. This is why the Zoe Quinns of the world get all the public support. Because everyone here is a retard.

they basically own the company

thisshes a proven pathological liar and a scammer

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our era is a war about informations.
you can be the data-prey or the data-hunter.
the more you get data, the more clearer is your insight, just like in my bloodborne.

You'd fuck her if she put it on a plate for you, be honest

This unironically
>Data is sold to Jews who want to kill you and your family
Reddit: "LOL what am I gonna do, NOT use Google?"
>Data is sold to Chinese who have to reason to harm you

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>Id rather trust Google than some Chinese people
Nigger what

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 77K)

they own less than 50%