99% of moons are so easy to obtain a toddler could do it

>99% of moons are so easy to obtain a toddler could do it
>the rest are a fair challenge to a 5 year old
you guys make fun of sony having movies instead of games but at least their games contain a movie instead of containing a baby toy

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Other urls found in this thread:


>if a toddler can do it, i hate it

yikes on you ever being happy in life, op

wheres that definition fag that was arguing that analysis cant be speculative? I wanna finish pummeling your face into the ground. It was fun

Don't forget the forced waggling and gating off several advanced moves behind waggling.

Don't forget the completely useless cosmetics that don't have powers or do anything other than to play dress up.

Don't forget the lack of a hub world and zero challenging missions.

Don't forget that Super Paper Mario already did the wedding plot.

Don't forget that Sôydessyfags are just zoomers new to the Mario series and have no counter argument for any of this, they just say it's good because it's new and looks pretty, completely oblivious to its faults and inferiority to previous titles.

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Haha bing bing wahoo right guys?

Fuck anybody who likes Mario

Whoa OP, you cracked the code, a Mario game is primarily focused on the children demographic.

But how much more fun is Super Mario 3D world to Odyssey?

but so many adults play and praise it

> X is target audience
> Y also play
> therefore Y is target audience

what does it offer to adults? nostalgia? its definitely not gameplay or story


But bro. Jump up superstar?

You’re just mad you’re stuck with shit like Knack while we have real games

- Play as almost any enemy
- Tons of unlockable outfits
- Open-world kingdoms
- Tons of collectables
- Play as Bowser

You can make either look better or worse than the other with retarded key points

im saying adults arent the primary audience, but simple gameplay and nostaliga is what makes adults play modern mario games

OP will never recover from this.
But you have to forgive him. E3 is almost here, and Sony is nowhere in sight.

Let's be honest adults care more about modern mario than kids do.

I wish I enjoyed this game. I loved 64 and enjoyed sunshine, but didn't really play Galaxy because of the forced wiimote shit to get the star bits. Odyssey just feels so boring like there's not actual objective other than exploring. The only bit I really even liked from it was I think one of the first bowser bossfights where he has those boxing gloves.

Is there more to the game? It just feels like a collectathon at a very no-rush pace.
I said this when the game came out and was called a Sony shill

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you know what else toddlers can do that's easy and fun

suck tiddies

None of it requires waggling. Do any of you even play video games anymore? Or do you just shitpost about games you've never played before? It's like that user who made a shitposting thread about Doom last night. He even said that he doesn't play it and he doesn't need to play it to know that it's bad, despite him admitting that he doesn't know a thing about it. I just wish you faggots who don't play vidya would fuck off back to facebook /pol/, retardera, r*ddit, Discord, or wherever the hell you came from.

>projecting this hard
nigga more then 75% of people who buy mario games are kids, have you been to a game store?

Best post

Game stores still exist?

Yes it does, did you play it? You have to shake the controller to do certain actions with Cappy.

>a game for 5yo does what a game for 5yo should do
well no shit

>making a thread to seethe and defend Sony out of nowhere, about a game you literally admit to never have played nor watched
the yikes of all yikes.

nope that about sums it up, and it's ok that you didn't care for it!

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>food analogy ms paint meme fact comparison

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I guess you losers are gonna have to get BTFO by an engineer chad again: youtube.com/watch?v=eT7lsCdlBPo

sonysharts are STILL mad

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OP never played SMO

Based 3d World poster

3D World's OST beats Odyssey's in every aspect

Replay the game again only grabbing the moons you need to advance and trying to avoid captures where you can, it becomes an entirely different game. Odyssey is much like BotW where the game is as long or as short as you want to make it. If you don't find scouring the world for moons you don't have to in order to see everything worthwhile.

The key difference is that in games like Odyssey you can make your own challenges. Instead of using bullet bills or something, you can elect to pull off some neat tricks with the cap to skip entire sections, provided you're skilled enough. If you aren't, you die.

Whereas when your only option is to press X to Jason, then that's all you can do. You can't make it any harder than that. There's no freedom in movie games.

Waggling is absolutely not necessary retard. I'm going to prove it to you right now.


Read nigga.

This has been going on since Galaxy. Back when I was between jobs I was so bored that I borrowed Galaxy from a friend and decided to 100% it. I got every single star and not a single one were any kind of challenge. It was actually incredible that I continued to grind them out, and all I could do was laugh when I unlocked Luigi as if I'd ever want to play any more of that game. I'm not even sure where I was going with this post. I guess my point is Nintendo games have sucked for a long time now.

Been playing Mario games since the N64, I thought Odyssey was great. You sound like a bitter old man who hates anything new.

>I'm butthurt people like things I don't like
Cry more

>Homing Cap Throw: After throwing Cappy, shake the Joy-Con in order to have him home in on the nearest thing he can interact with, within a small range.
>Upward Throw: Flick the Joy-Con upward to... well, throw Cappy upward. Helps to interact with something above you. This move is completely motion-controlled.
There! Moves that are necessary locked behind motion controls.

Looks like this motherfucker got dabbed on in balloon world because his jump tech sucks.

Odyssey is probably the most complex Mario game to date just in terms of its mechanics. Git gud.

I've never used any of those moves and I've played through the entire game twice.

Galaxy was shit, but not because it was easy.

You people are laughably bad at analyzing game mechanics.

You have to waggle in order to achieve maximum speed with your roll, which is integral to a lot of jumps. There are also several captured-enemy skills that can only be done with a waggle.

Which is honestly retarded because there are like 4 unused/redundant buttons in the SMO binding scheme.

uh what

>several advanced moves behind waggling
>in actuality there are only two moves gated off while the rest can be executed without them

>thread about how mario is a game for toddlers
>"git gud!"
Okay this is epic

It's necessary to use waggle to play the game to its fullest potential, therefore meaning waggle is something the player needs to use to get the most out of it.

Keep defending motion controls though, its entertaining.

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Honestly can you even cap-dive-bounce-twirl-cap-dive? Never mind use the hovering cap with the ground-pound for extended wall kick height?

The only Mario game with more technical shit you can do is arguably SM64 and that's only because it's been out for so long speedrunners have figured out how to absolutely break its codebase in half with shit like BLJs.

>Odyssey is probably the most complex Mario game to date just in terms of its mechanics.
64 and Sunshine both have more complex and dynamic movement. Odyssey is a step up from Galaxy, but that's a low bar.

Attached: static movement.png (847x427, 821K)

>chink game about an Italian plomer on mushrooms fighting dragons it’s represented by an American cheese burger

Who's defending shit? That user claimed they were necessary movements, they are not, stop making retarded assumptions.

>you guys make fun of sony having movies instead of games but at least their games contain a movie instead of containing a baby toy
s e e t h i n g

>food analogy
opinion discarded

Why would you buy a video game console to watch a movie? At least you can actually play with a toy.

I don't recall capture skills requiring waggling, only that they improve some of them, like the frog abilitiy. Hell I'm not even seeing anything on this list that demands it.


Shit, compared to Galaxy there's next to nothing that requires it. Galaxy was perhaps the most waggle intensive Mario game ever.

>measuring moveset diversity by jump height
Oh come on.


If you aren't playing Odyssey at at least this level of jump complexity, you're missing out. Honestly. The game even encourages this, a lot of this tech is shown off by the AIs in Koopa Freerun challenges and Balloon world is absolutely built around utilizing it, much more than the ostensible hide-and-seek mechanics.

Odyssey is the first Mario game to embrace that you can absolutely break its core level design if you use Mario's movement tech properly, and actually asks you to do it. That alone puts it way above 64 and Sunshine from a raw mechanics perspective.

An upward throw is just a neat little trick you can do, like backflips in Mario 64. Fun but not really integral to the experience. If it was something like having to shake in order to throw I'd probably agree with you. Hell I don't even like waggling, but I'm not going to lie and pretend like several moves require it, when in fact there are only two.

He is working on the hamsterson lists are arguments mentality, and a ground pound is not as high as in his pick unless you do it from a triple jump anyway.

How is jump height not related to the dynamic of your movement? In SM64 your jump height is directly related to your movement speed, and this can be modified not only through various default movement options, but also by your interaction with hills and objects. In Odyssey, your jump height is exactly the fucking same in every context. It's shallow as fuck.

And that's just the beginning. Don't get me started on how laughably static and limp dicked wallkicks in Oddyssey are compared to SM64.

You're right about the motion controls and hub world but
>Customization bad
Come on now

Your picture is wrong, you know that right?
The ground pound doesn't grant extra hight, so it doesn't make any sense in your comparison of jumps

Nobody plays Mario for the story. The gameplay is good though. It's enjoyable to explore the environments and jump around

>Your picture is wrong, you know that right?
It's literally a screenshot from a speedrunning tech tutorial.

And still wrong in the context you used it.
Which shows you never played the game.

Hamsterson mad at getting BTFO in the last thread lol

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It matters because vertical movement is not the only thing that impacts Mario's movement, you absolute dunce

A Ground Pound jump is a perfectly straight vertical movement with no lateral velocity. A triple jump grants the same height but does so at Mario's current lateral velocity (which can actually be used to sustain that lateral velocity longer than can be done on the ground, because Mario does not decelerate in air). A side flip negates all of Mario's lateral movement and adds contrary lateral movement, which can be used for non-stationary height gain in spaces with little ground to work with.

A backflip is an easy-modo high jump that requires being stationary, and is for people whose fingers are too retarded to manage GP jumps.

What your image demonstrates is that Mario's "high jump" height is extremely consistent, while his means of accessing it control his momentum throughout it, which does not detract from the depth of his movement. On the contrary, adding or subtracting a few units of height in each jump would add very little in terms of actual movement depth, since rare would be the scenario where you wouldn't just always go for the highest option. If the highest option were the triple jump it would mean that there were a few jumps you could only make by approaching them with enough runway space to perform a triple jump, but that's still the case since it's the only jump that lets you retain momentum (so those jumps are just the ones that require both vertical and lateral movement to accomplish).

And that disregards the most obvious factor, which is Cappy, since a cap toss can not only be used for the obvious bounce, but for the additional height and hang-time (at the expense of lateral velocity) on both the toss and the just-frame recover animations.

to say nothing of the roll, which is Mario's fastest method of land traversal to date despite imbuing him with gravitational physics that alter his movement trajectory and turn control.

The only thing that's a bummer about Odyssey's movement mechanics is that the ground-pound-cancel binding on the dive means that you cannot use existing momentum to fuel your belly dive. And I will cede that this is actually kind of a bummer; the GP-dive is a nice tool but a regular belly-dive should have been implemented as well.

Why can't simple games be enjoyable? I want an answer

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Man I thought it was good, but great? If you cant admit it was so pissy easy that it made the game not as good then you just suck at videogames.

>it was so pissy easy that it made the game not as good
I bet you never even beat Darker Side.

A toddler could beat any of the Snoy "movie" games too, you realize they are "mature" because they have violence and curses and not difficulty, right?

>I bet you didnt even beat literally the only challenging part of the game
Anything else, zoomer?

mario games have never been hard outside of postgame stuff, but even then they're often still engaging.
odyssey's issue is that there are way more unengaging objectives than engaging ones.

all platforms have shitty games.


stop being a fanboy and get a pc and console.

hot take old man. Maybe someday we'll all be as good at video games as you :)

>git gud
>in a Mario game
It's sad that most Nintendo fans are so out of the touch from the gaming industry that they actually think Mario and Zelda are hard and you gotta git gud at them.

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>It matters because vertical movement is not the only thing that impacts Mario's movement, you absolute dunce
No shit. That was never the claim. I was comparing one element of movement in Odyssey to the same element in 64. In 64, the physics that impact each movement option are more dynamic than they are in Odyssey.
> A triple jump grants the same height but does so at Mario's current lateral velocity (which can actually be used to sustain that lateral velocity longer than can be done on the ground, because Mario does not decelerate in air). A side flip negates all of Mario's lateral movement and adds contrary lateral movement, which can be used for non-stationary height gain in spaces with little ground to work with.
Both of these movement options exist in SM64, and each have far more depth in their physics than they do in Odyssey.
>which does not detract from the depth of his movement
Of course it does. There is no depth in a movement option that works exactly the same in every context. If a double jump is always exactly the same height no matter the context leading up to it, there is no depth to that movement option. It's a binary state.

>they actually think Mario and Zelda are hard and you gotta git gud at them.
The laughably stupid part about your reasoning is that you think being able to beat a Mario game means you're good at it.


It would have been good if all moons were on the level instead of inside some doors. Before release everyone was hyping up how huge the levels were, but it turned out they were just tiny with some obstacle courses behind multiple doors. The only two levels that actually put the environment to use in any way and had actual exploration were the desert kingdom and the wooded kingdom. The rest are mediocre at beast.

That shitty fucking Japanese Bowser was smaller than a Mario Galaxy level and had less content than a Mario Galaxy level. Seaside kingdom felt like the shitty 8 red coins shine in Gelato Beach spread out to an entire shitty level. It has got its moments, but I'm really baffled how anyone can think Odyssey is a good game overall.

What's this?

I'd rather play an easy game than watch one.

>you guys make fun of sony having movies instead of games
Please start charging rent

>Excellent level design
>Green stars are fun, good replayability
That's wrong. 3D World sucked.

Reminder OP doesn't have a switch and he's actually jealous.

All videogames are piss easy if you aren't a fucking retard. I would rather have a piss easy videogame than a piss easy movie

>Both of these movement options exist in SM64, and each have far more depth in their physics than they do in Odyssey.
this is kinda true. i was watching an oddyssey runner play sm64 and he was getting so frustrated by how sideflips weren't mindlessly easy like they were in odyssey. he was to used to not having to actually think about how to move the character.

>There is no depth in a movement option that works exactly the same in every context.
That's not true. I bet you think CS has depth because of the random spray too lmao

>and he was getting so frustrated by how sideflips weren't mindlessly easy like they were in odyssey.
But they are that easy in 64.

>random spray
Are you illiterate? No one said the physics in SM64 were random. I said they were dynamic. They're still consistent within that dynamic.

I can understand preferring Odyssey over 3D World, but to outright call 3D World shit? Come on now it was a great game for what it was trying to be. A sequel to Mario 3D Land, another great game.

right, that's why odyssey and sunshine runners bitch and whine about them every time they play 64 lmao.

I've never seen any of them bitch come to think of it. Who did you watch?

>Odyssey wallkicks
>jump at wall at any angle
>magnet to the wall
>kick away from it at a 90 degree angle
>leave the wall at the same fixed velocity every time

>SM64 wallkicks
>jump at wall at any angle
>have 5 frame window to kick before failing
>each frame within that window causes a different type of wallkick
>including a first frame wallkick that preserves your approach velocity
>and a second frame wallkick that makes you lose your approach velocity but gain additional height
>kick away from wall at the opposing angle from your approach

Attached: shockinglifts.webm (480x360, 1.51M)

I don't get you guys, the main story was easy as tits, but some of those moons postgame destroyed me. Maybe I just suck at 3D platformers, or maybe a bunch of anons are commenting on things they haven't played. Probably both.

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Bounceyboy complained about sideflips and wallkicks a lot when he started playing SM64. I dunno what Odyssey runner that guy is talking about though.

The difference is we don't call you babies like this is middle school. We just say your games are shit.

The hardest moon the game gives you 2 health regeneration and has baby tier platforming with all the hat jumping. The game is a fucking joke. The final level in 3D World had harder platforming and didn't even give you a single mushroom.

I love how BotW got 97 even after salty Snoyggers bombarded it with 0s

The "Odyssey has more movement depth than any other Mario game" argument is laughably retarded and noone trying to push this narrative knows what they're talking about.

Try speedrunning BotW and Odyssey, then you'll see why you have to "git gud" at them.

3D Land was only good because it was on the 3DS, the jump to home console killed 3D World.

I doubt 3/4ths of the people in this thread have even played the game at all, its just shitposting like always on here

I own a switch and dont particularly like Odyssey either, I only own it for Smash and SMTV

You sound like someone who has never played the games. That or you've never experimented ever and just think that everything you learn in the first five minutes is all there is to it.

the only real tech in the game is the double cap leap or whatever the hell its called and there is never a reason not to spam it every second so it gets pretty damn stale despite being a fun trick

Though this is true, it displays a lack if imagination on your part.

The game is shit. Please stop creating lies to make yourself feel better about falling for the marketing hype and wasting $60. I've come to terms with it and so should you.

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>I didn't like it, therefore the fact it's bad is fact
Good for you. Want a cookie?

IMO Odyssey and Smash are the only good Switch exclusives but SM64 is the better 3D Mario

It's worse than every 3D Mario that came before it in a factual way, but okay. If you like series going in the wrong direction that's fine, I guess. Hope you like Odyssey 2 having 2000 moons since every braindead Nintendo fanboy every seems to eat up garbage filler nowadays. BotW, Odyssey, now Yoshi all filled to the brim with repetitive bullshit.

Classic goalpost moving.
>it's required
>no it's not retard
>well you need it to do everything

I don't see how this effects the quality of your life. Just move on if it's shitty for you.

Odyssey has better level design better obstacle platforming, better/more creative mechanics, better/more complex movement, better control, better bosses, doesn't kick you out of the level to artificially lengthen the game. SM64 being better than Odyssey is the height of bullshit nostalgia no matter what you think of Odyssey.

Either your monitor is fucking huge, you're really zoomed in or I am seriously underestimating how small the Switch game cases are.

It is required to do certain motions, what part of this do you not understand? Parrying in Bloodborne is technically optional but that doesn't mean I'm just not going to fucking use it.

Well, I'd like to see actual good games from Nintendo in the future since I love them when they're good. I have no idea why people shit on the new Paper Mario games but eat up Odyssey. Odyssey compared to Sunshine/64/Galaxy and even 3D World is way more insulting than Color Splash is compared to TTYD. Must be all the commercials that make the game look fun brainwashing the nintodlers into thinking it's actually fun since Color Splash didn't have any marketing all all.

>Certain moons
None of them, except I think one. What part of that do you not understand?

Thinking Odyssey is worse than 64 or Sunshine is incredibly and objectively stupid.

Motions, dipshit. I never said moons.

Nah, one person playing it doesn't disprove my post bud.

My bad I misread. Yes, I understand that dipshit, that's called goalpost move, since the discussion was originally that motions were "forced" when it objectively isn't. This is the central point. Waggling isn't "forced". Pointing out that you "need" it for certain actions is goalpost moving and deflecting.

>better level design
cmon son, the best levels in Odyssey were New Donk and Mushroom, the rest were either too spacious or one big spire with only one path to the top

Attached: [Worried laughter].jpg (520x678, 69K)

Is this supposed to be bait? The powerups and playable characters arguments would make sense if Odyssey was meant to be a follow-up to 3D Land and World, but it's obviously supposed to be more like 64 and Sunshine. They explicitly stated that there was a difference between the design philosophy behind Galaxies/3DLW and 64/Sunshine, and that Odyssey was following the latter.

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Jumprope two is a genuine challenge for men with manly hands. Lag makes it impossible to do docked and teeny baby buttons make it a pain in the ass in portable mode.

Yes, if you're not coked up on nostalgia, it has objectively better level design than fucking 64 even if you don't like Odyssey. And New Donk and Mushrooms certainly aren't even the best levels.

I can't disagree. Mario Sunshine is the better game.

At least those games had effort and soul put into them. Sunshine you could see all the other levels in the background while playing since it was all on an island. All the kingdoms in Odyssey are in a line on the world map and they're still just floating platforms in the sky with generic backgrounds. Just look at the fucking level names..

64: Jolly Roger Bay, Dire Dire Docks
SS: Gelato Beach, Ricco Harbor
Oddysey: Hurrrrrrr.. Seaside Kingdom! Wood Kingdom!!!

Fucking lazy cunts couldn't even name the levels. The entire game is incredibly low effort.

Fine, I give up. You love motion controls, and think they're fine. A majority of people find them cumbersome and would love to be able to map them to buttons to avoid them.
But whatever! I guess I'm goalpost moving because I would prefer to be able to do whatever without having to waggle a shitty controller around

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then what are the best levels? seems like all you do is disagree without saying why

>Fine, I give up. You love motion controls, and think they're fine.
Oh you're just the retarded kind of person who would rather put words in people's mouths than have a conversation about what's factually true.


Attached: 1534946976059.jpg (600x800, 92K)

>64: Jolly Roger Bay, Dire Dire Docks
Funny you mention those, those are the reason that the level design in 64 is so lackluster. They basically have the same level structure, just two two areas connected by a passageway. I don't care about the "soul" buzzword unless you can objectively point to evidene that the developers don't care as much as they once did which you failed to because the Kingdom names have areas within them dipshit, like New Donk City and Peronza Plaza, but that's not convenient for your retarded narrative, is it?

Who the fuck cares? Motion controls are built into the controller you get with the console. Holy shit what a non-complaint.

But the kingdoms have actual names...

I bought a Wii U and this game a couple days ago. Every time I put the disc in it says “invalid disc” even though it looks spotless. Smash 4 and Yoshi wooly world work fine though. I hope it’s not my Wii U that’s messed up.

>Odyssey has better level design better obstacle platforming, better/more creative mechanics, better/more complex movement, better control, better bosses, doesn't kick you out of the level to artificially lengthen the game. SM64 being better than Odyssey is the height of bullshit nostalgia no matter what you think of Odyssey.
None of this is true except for the kicking you out of levels part.


No convincing the brainwashed, I guess. Enjoy following the 6 dogs around while they dig up the moons for you, kicking the same rock copy pasted 5 times, ground pounding a shiny spot 20 times, and doing countless other mundane tasks over and over again until your moon counter reaches 500 so you can play the most underwhelming final stage in any video game and get a hat on the castle that is also just copy pasted from Mario 64, except somehow smaller less detailed than the N64 game it came from.

They all have proper names that are revealed though. For example the Cap, Cascade, Sand and Wooded Kingdoms are called Bonneton, Fossil Falls, Tostarena and Steam Gardens respectively.

None of that is true and my post is true.

>take one element and purposefully leave out everything else
Nostalgiafags need to be gassed.

Every movement option in SM64 has that level of depth, and every movement option in Odyssey is literally a static, binary action. The game has this really bland physics engine that makes it more like you're watching animations than controlling a character.

see:odyssey movement is static as fuck. even running around without pressing buttons has more dynamic physics in sm64 than odyssey.

>Every movement option in SM64 has that level of depth
So does Odyssey, and Odyssey has more movement options to boot.
> and every movement option in Odyssey is literally a static, binary action.
Movement can't be static, first off, and second off, they can be controlled as much as in 64. Nostalgiafags need to be gassed.

People already pointed out how retarded that post is.
>even running around without pressing buttons has more dynamic physics in sm64 than odyssey.
Doesn't back it up with any examples. Nostalgiafags need to be gassed.

>completely ignores the kingdoms' actual fucking names to make yet another wrong and stupid point

what else do you expect from nostalgiatards

I picked this up on friday it's been easy so far except this damn octopus boss

>So does Odyssey, and Odyssey has more movement options to boot.
No it doesn't, and odyssey has fewer movement options.
>Movement can't be static, first off
Of course it can. If game A has a lower height range threshold in your jump than in game B, game A has more static movement than game B.

Some games have a jump height that you can't even modify by holding the button, and some games have a jump height that is precise to the frame. Those are the two theoretical extremes.
> they can be controlled as much as in 64.
They can't.
>People already pointed out how retarded that post is.
No they didn't.
>Doesn't back it up with any examples.
SM64 has larger range of possible movement speeds and positions than Odyssey does. The range on the joystick has a considerably greater number of steps and smaller deadzone. This allows for smaller adjustments and a wider range of possible angles.

Enjoy the same 8 red coins, 100 coin count, beat easy boss, just grab the star sitting out in the fucking open, touch the 4-6 "mysterious" spots, and the repetitive "go down the slide" and "now go down the slide faster" stars.

>If game A has a lower height range threshold in your jump than in game B game A has more static movement than game B.
You heard it here first folks, Minecraft has the most dynamic movement of all time.

And yet it is still the best 3D Mario game. Acquire taste.

>Seaside Kingdom! Wood Kingdom!!!
You mean Bubblaine and The Steam Gardens.

3D World is shit, the movement sucks and it's not fun to play because of that
even 64DS controls feel better
3D Land at least felt like it was built with the more restricted movement in mind

Nah, 3D World is great. Movement feels good, and is far more precise than any of the other games, which is good since the level design is more fun and challenging overall. It's a blast and is the only 3D Mario you can also enjoy with friends.

I agree, the level design (and music) were huge let downs from the galaxy games. What's the point of all these movement mechanics when the game is piss easy and balanced around just a jump + cappy boost? We needed at least a 100 moons that fully utilized the movement system. We got, maybe, 5 at best

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I can't enjoy it by myself, much less with friends
The only thing it has going for itself is music
And the movement isn't more precise, just more limited
Even the fucking 2D games have triple jumps at this point, what the fuck
Super Mario Run's a better game than the sack of shit that is 3D World

>replay odyssey after beating it months ago
>fuck it, i’ll 100% it
>20 minutes in and i’ve gotten three moons by just groundpounding a shiny spot on the ground
what is with this trend of collecting a fuck ton of items in nintendo games that dont take any effort and arent fun.
everyone fell for the open world meme and it FUCKING sucks.
linearity>open world