Play Morrowind with OpenMW
Play Morrowind with OpenMW
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Is OMW vanilla feature complete?
Filthy prisoner, I'm Census Office.
I play morrowind with opmw and rebirth.
It fun
What does rebirth changes besides the map?
New monsters, dungeons, and spells.
I think there's some minor balance changes since I couldn't find the daedric sword at Balmora.
Go to mages guild and pick up the restore mana restoration spell. It makes being a mage insanely fun.
>restore mana spell
So no QoL changes or gameplay tweaks or additions.
Having played morrowind off and on for many years, I still don't know half the shit that's in this game.
Check it out yourself
Not till the Morrowind Code Patch changes get ported over.
>spend mana
>to restore mana
That's not how it should work
Is that even thing that's going to happen? I was under the impression that one of the purposes of OpenMW was that it doesn't need the Code Patch, and any mods that do just need to be ported to the new system.
If I pull that off would you die?
Don't forget tamriel rebuilt.
Not finished but still great.
I think they are already in the game. Not balance, but the fixes
That just have to be the dumbest way to add a mana regeneration mechanic.
When i played the game as a 10 something around the time it come out that's exactly the thing i modded in.
No thanks. Beat that shit 15 years ago and have absolutely no desire to ever play it. If I ever get a Morrowind itch, I'll just play ESO.
>restore mana spell
how does that even work?
should be like asherons call where you transfer health or stamina into mana, then mana into health/stamina.
Sorry, only play full voiced games
Why the fuck would i read a game?
I forgot how comfy Morrowind can be
The Tamriel Rebuilt lands are so fucking beautiful
Exactly how restore health works. You cast it and it restores mana depending on its strength.
Here is how we break this shit. You learn the spell and make your own version that restores 1 mana at the cost of 1 mana. Level up restoration until the benefit outweighs the cost. Eventually you can use half your mana to restore your mana bar twice and become a fireball spamming god of death.
Morrowind Rebirth's major changes are in balancing and mixing up the early game for people who have played through it enough to know everything by heart. The weapons and items you rush to won't be there anymore, and the ones you do find will probably be different. There's some changes to spell scaling and things like that, as well as some expansions to make some settlements feel bigger.
I would say if anything, it makes the game considerably harder if you're not cheesing.
Skyrim modder here. Would you guys rather see me make new meshes of some of the Skyrim armors to back port them to MW, or make mesh replacers for Morrowind armors to make them more modern? I'm thinking this ugly fucker could really use a few more polygons.
Can I rape people in Morrowind?
Yes it is.
does openmw provide a better experience than vanilla at this point?
Necrom is really disappointing imo. Its too spread out and doesn't feel vanilla because of it. Plus the endless tiled bricks on the ground look awful. They should have broke it up with more complex tiling patterns or terrain.
Vanilla? Absolutely.
Vanilla + mwse + mge? Nope, OpenMW still looks worse than MGE and doesn't have as much mod support.
Does Tamriel Rebuilt have quests or loot? I've seen plenty of beautiful places on screenshots but I don't know if there's anything to actually go there. Or a reason to.
They want to do a minor revamp of Necrom eventually.
I hope they level it more. It bothers me that it is meant to be tiered, and thus each tier should be flat, but instead its jaggy and bumpy
big as an ocean, deep as a puddle
Probably updates to existing armors. I don't know how good you are at this sort of thing, so it COULD suck, but we know all of the Skyrim armors kind of suck.
Personally, I enjoy seeing Morrowind model updates, provided they're not like "hyper high poly" weirdness that clashes with the game itself.
Though to be perfectly honest, I don't think I nor anyone who plays Morrowind really cares about the low-poly aspect of it. It's fine, it doesn't really get in the way, and it actually becomes more weird when you have mods and stuff creating conflicts in the level of detail some items have versus others.
But I will absolutely say that any mod that adds well-made and cool looking armors for me to put on display stands in my home? That usually makes it into my mod list.
Found the Skyrim babby
>elder scrolls
I don't know what draws people to this game. It has no choices or consequences. At least with fallout you can start a new game and say "this time I'm going to be a dick to people" or "this time I'm going to be a warrior of Justice" there are no decisions in this game except which house you join and the fact that you can choose to kill a god. And as far as I know there is no mod to fix this
cope seething zoomer also have sex
why are they on a halo ring?
I think it's a Discworld reference. I imagine someone made that image for Trainwiz who likes Prachet.
Fucking hell that looks great.
What's his ass up to? Still working on that game he was making, the furry on I think?
He's remaking Freelancer
I'm waiting for the superior CHAD Daggerfall Unity
Skyrim >>>>>>>> Morrowind
Morrowind sucks ass, the combat is much worse and graphics and environments aged horribly
retarded zoomer detected
I wish I had more recent pictures of the whole place, but that's Tel Magus, which is not my favorite overall home, but it's definitely my favorite treasure room in any modded home (Tel Uvirith is nice, but just not as well laid out), and it looks great if you have a really nice Telvanni texture overhaul that makes things looks unified and smooth.
Cool buzzwords and all but really, how do you role-play in Morrowind?
Just pick a race and role play the nerevarine.
Not him, but Morrowind predates the whole "narrative choices and consequences" meme.
Instead you roleplay in the traditional sense, through mechanics, and trust that the DM has a decent story ready for you.
Choices don't matter in a video game by definition and thinking that a game's narrative is purely defined by its branching points is missing the point.
I'd like to play multiplayer with some of you if somebody would like to start a new game
I'm guessing you owned Morrowind for the Xbox
Nostalgia blind boomer detected, Morrowind is unplayable
does playing with anons usually work?
I imagine it would be just shitposting and sadness.
But if other anons would be playing nice with each other, then it sounds like it would be very fun
He was in the last thread.
I'm down for a bully-free game where we fight bandit caves together and make a secret base
I wouldn't trust one "epik griefer" to not join and fuck things up
You'd all end up playing argonian maids.
Played with some anons on a roleplay server once, it was pretty great except for an autistic server owner who was pissed a redguard was the leader for house redoran, like, screeching public text and banning the guy autistic. Fun and good times except for that.
That was also a very real thing, some dude killing essential npcs or spawning a billion skeletons just because. Fun events but we would need the server to reset actors every now and then to work.
You need to play with TR and PT though.
Nope. Not sure what you'd be inferring that from either way.
Bioware-style dialogue trees are a gimmick that has more in common with CYOA novels than RPGs, and stealing those has been the only addition to the Bethesda formula since Morrowind came out.
Here's Sutch from PC anyway, not really sure why Anvil hasn't been released yet and they are moving on to Sutch.
Are short blades actually worth using as a stealth character in MW?
You have an old map.
Most of southern Morrowind is northern Black Marsh now.
The island in the middle is largely uninhabited as well.
Stealth archery is the best.
Just joined the most populated online server if anyone wants to meet up in Seyda Neen. It's called [NA]Nerevarine I think
Isn't Sotha Sil supposed to be in the southern marshes?
>3e 428
Reading isn't that hard bud.
See those white patches on the other side of the town? Those are salt fields by the Abecean sea.
No, that map is current.
Release Anvil.
That's a myth.
I feel sorry for you. Skyrim isn't even a real RPG everything is just for show and only on the surface level.
A myth that may be true, though. Even Tamriel Rebuilt ream is considering putting a cryptic entrance or sign of Sotha Sil's city in the Arnessian Jungle on the border with Black Marsh. More likely though, it will be implemented into the design documents for Black Marsh province.
Yes, that's a thing. Valenwood, Black Marsh and High Rock all have design documents, although they're scattered between few members that worked on it and they aren't publicly available.
The idea is if a team decides to work on those provinces at any time, these will be shared as a basis.
>Release Anvil.
No quests. Sewers not finished.
TR said they were fine with SSE handling that though. It having an entrance wouldn't make sense because Almalexia needed the Mazed Band to even reach the place.
Would be really easy to go around it. It'll be tackled when mods get to there.
>No quests. Sewers not finished.
You're aware that people don't even give a fuck about that, I recall that Stirk was available without NPCs and lots of interiors missing
Stirk is getting a whole "main questline" in the next release probably with Anvil
See you in 2025 then, probably some time after Markarth Side is released too.
It would be extremely painful.
This is the year of Dragonstar, though. Which means Markarth Side is a year or two away.
Morrowind is kino, the atmosphere is so good, there's nothing else like it out there. The lore is insanely detailed as well. Bethesda at their very best desu
There are two of us playing online now if anybody wants to join
I feel bad for you, playing a game with awful unplayable combat and terrible graphics/environments, all because it was best thing available when you were young. Who the fuck cares about "real ARRPEEGEES" except uberdorks?
I'm playing Morroblivion atm
Oh no, I thought Markarth Side was the next one getting a release, Dragonstar is good though, I haven't actually downloaded the latest releases of either, but I think they fixed the highlands west of Karthwasten, may as well wait for the Dragonstar release.
The combats better than any other TES game, and if you care about graphics then you're a faggot.
play Daggerfall
Only if someone picks up XLengine and finishes that, fuck DFUnity, partially because I don't like Unity, especially the politics and closed source nature of Unity, and partially because the modding community for it is disgusting.
whats wrong with playing it as is?
The original Daggerfall is painful to use, same with Arena, but at least OpenTESArena is doing a good job.
if you use the daggerfall launcher from UESP it's fine, especially since you can set it up with a modern control scheme
I already played vanilla DF though, I can wait.
I have seen many hot takes on many subjects.
Morrowinds combat being the best in the series may be the hottest take ever.
Congrats on being fearless I guess.
Whoever came up with Morrowinds combat should have been fired....out of a cannon....into the sun.
>Finishing up sidequests in Morrowind after 100 hours
>Preparing to travel down to Black Marsh and enjoy another 100 hours of content
>Know I still have cyrodiil, Skyrim and Elsewyr to explore
no u
Morrowind's combat is shit. But it's exactly the same wet noodle slapping contest as Oblivion and Skyrim.
The only difference is you occasionally hear a whoosh miss sound instead of a clank hit sound.
I don't understand why people act like they're worlds apart. You just mindlessly click the enemy until they die.
I would but theres no option to run openmw off of a separate vanilla install, every time I try it still uses the data files from my modded installation so I give up
Can't we all just agree that everyone would rather a combat system like Dark Messiah but properly balanced so kicking isn't an insta kill move.
Just because it was a poor implementation of a bad idea doesn't change the fact the end result was complete ass.
It may illuminate as to WHY it is ass it doesn't change THAT it is ass.
of course it is possible to run it off separate install
in openmw launcher run the wizard again and point it to the second morrowind install
It also illuminates why Oblivion and Skyrim are even worse.
DMoMM kick was instakill only with spiked or off the ledge, while there are very few ledges and no spikes in Morrowind
I've only ever played Skyrim, is this worth playing for someone that's never played it before or is it mostly nostalgia?
You need to go to the openmw folder in my games and then open the openmw.cfg and then search for data= and in quotations point it towards the data files folder you want it to use.
What are you on about?
Shield use relying on RNG in Morrowind was moronic.
If you can't see any improvement in the combat it is either willfull ignorance or a tumor.
You're a big god
It also lets you knock down enemies and run your sword through them while they are on the floor, but it was easy to abuse in general, just make enemies more susceptible to this when they are low on stamina or if you stagger them would be fine, it would even make some builds more effective.
The combat is still fundamentally the same weightless trash. No matter how you try to pretty it up with cinematic deathblows or other "improvements"
Removing RNG did nothing to make combat better in any meaningful way, you just don't have the big scary miss sound playing when you try to hit things with only 5 points in axes.
mostly nostalgia
>ald ruhn
>constant plague virus infested horrific ash hurricanes
>sixth house cult in a villa literally inside the city, corprus zombies inside
>corprus beasts and infested monsters literally 20 feet outside the city walls
The only place that's half comfy in ald ruhn is deep inside the tavern where you're somewhat safe.
God damn it morrowind always makes me uneasy and depressed
>bad idea
>character performance tied to stats and skills is a bad idea
Your conception was a bad idea.
You're dense. The actual concept of restoring your mana with a spell is what's confusing, not the logistics of it. It's like spending a dollar to get 5 dollars. Of course you're going to be overpowered when you can restore your own mana, do you really get satisfaction from that? Why don't you just cheat and have infinite mana?
>you just don't have the big scary miss
And instead of you have minutes long slashing a health sponge. Congratulations, it's even worse.
I downloaded Morrowind awhile ago. Couldn't get into it. It felt so dated for a 3d game. And I have hundreds of hours in Oblivion and Skyrim. Does the game feel less shit to play? What does OMW do?
>It felt so dated for a 3d game
Haven't played in years. Is OpenMW the standard big bugfix patch now?
is there any good modpack that isnt Morrowind overhaul? im too lazy to spend a week installing mods and fixing incompatiblities
Community is split 50-50 at this point, which is much better than 30-50 a year ago.
You either go OpenMW and can't use MWSE mods or you go with MGEXE and patch for purists and enjoy game crashing when you try to exit.
morrowind needs like 3 mods otherwise its perfect
>Morrowind is unplayable
only if you are a dribbling retard who can't read
Overhaul is kinda shitty at some parts if not patched but fuck me if it doesn't make the game look incredible. You can just walk around for hours
>enjoy game crashing when you try to exit
if im exiting the game why would i care if it crashes?
It gets better as you get used to it. Graphics can be enhanced with tons of mods so its at least a polished turd.
At current point OMW just makes things worse but more stable, you won't get much out of OMW until it's well into v1.0, or someone makes a whole new game out of it.
You will also need to change your fallback archives at the top, just add the name of the .bsa's you are using
Like this.
If you don't name the .bsa's then the game will not load them and you will see placeholder warnings instead.
OpenMW is a new engine for running Morrowind on, it's more stable but completely lacking in features, it's incompatible with Script and Graphics extenders, so at current point it's extremely limited. at current point you are better off using Morrowind extenders over OpenMW.
Morrowind has no good overhauls or mod packs at current point.
Some people have save corruptions or actual gameplay crashes regularly. Depends on your lottery. For me, it's a crash upon exit and once every four or five hours of gameplay.
>OMW just makes things worse
Not supporting the script extender mods isn't making the game any worse.
Would you fucking retards stop taking bait and derailing threads?
In the sense that it's a step down from Vanilla MW with all of it's additional extensions.
That's not a step down from vanilla MW with its official expansions. It just doesn't support a certain niche type of mods. Your post is misguiding.
The graphics are the least of Morrowind problems.
If you are already put off bail now it doesn't get better.
Anyone tried running Morrowind rebirth on OpenMW?
A quick search indicates it works fine
If you have any problems try the openmw mod compatibility forum
Other than the fact that it doesn't support any mod that use script extender functionality, which is especially bad with Script Extender V2 which greatly improves scripting functionality.
There's also the fact that OpenMW has absolutely appalling performance with the game looking worse than and running worse than Vanilla MW with MGEXE. OpenMW in it's current state is only better than Vanilla MW with extensions in terms of stability.
>There's also the fact that OpenMW has absolutely appalling performance with the game looking worse than and running worse than Vanilla MW with MGEX
I'm inclined to say this is bullshit. OpenMW runs much better in my experience.
I'm pretty sure most of all the script extender funcionality is available in OpenMW, it's just a matter of modders making their mods compatible.
They're okay, just remember to click like crazy.
Any weapon in any combination is viable.
Morrowind becomes very easy very quickly.
Don't sweat making a bad call whatever you do you will end up death incarnate in fairly short order.
Post mods you created, user.
>I'm inclined to say this is bullshit. OpenMW runs much better in my experience.
I'm inclined to say this is bullshit. OpenMW runs much worse by all objective metrics, this is an issue that the development team admits, even at current point distant terrain performs like complete shit, there is a branch that optimizes things significantly, and it features significantly higher density distant terrain and performs better at the same time, but it's being cut up for testing purposes because the guy who made it is a complete fucking mad lad and fixed multiple things all at the same time and submitted it as one thing.
OpenMW is missing significant scripting functionality at current point, it's missing all MWSE script hooks and there is no plan to add any of this, there was at one point a plan to add in new scripting methods and make OpenMW incompatible with all MWSE based mods, but then the author of MWSEv2 managed to get them to change their mind, and post 1.0 they will be implementing a Lua based scripting engine with the base one only used for legacy support. You're still ignoring MWSEv2 which has been so successful that many modders refused to move over to OpenMW.
>the person(s) who thought resizing original bethesda textures to 1024x1024 would make high resolutions kins. All this does is make lagging, blurry duplicates of the original textures.
Haha, holy shit.
trainwiz keeps mentioning a house mod from 2002 where sotha sil randomly appears and is a breton, I wish i could find that just to get a screenshot.
You really don't though, without abusing alchemy or enchantment
I'm pretty sure even when i abused the shit out of alchemy, werewolves in bloodmoon still packed a punch
Anyone remember that old mod that added a town full of ghosts and really edgy goth weapons? It was like Death's Domain or whatever.
It replaced one of the doors in vanilla with a door that everytime you opened it played a super loud low quality gothic song that was about four minutes long.
>I'm inclined to say this is bullshit. OpenMW runs much worse by all objective metrics
Do you have any proof to back that up? I'm fairly certain that it at the very least runs no worse than vanilla with MGE XE.
wait, is OpenMW feature complete already? as in if I don't care about mods and stuff.
how the fuck do you change the ui scaling in openmw
>South is Lizard territory
I"m guessing you're still stuck in 4e05? Everything north of Tear was reclaimed.
Development team admits that this is an issue, and it absolutely does, you may get performance comparable to MGEXE, but with MGEXE you will be running far more complex shaders than what OpenMW is running. performance is shit in OpenMW at current point, there are plans to improve this though, how daft are you that you aren't aware of the performance issues in OpenMW?
If you're referring to being able to play the game from start to finish, then yes
You're a fucking retard.
OpenMW runs Morrowind without stuttering and without famous frame drops in city areas. Something the original game is guilty of. That's what performance is. Not some third party feature that's not yet implemented in OpenMW to the full.
>Played Daggerfall every day for a month last summer, almost beat it
>Dropped it for a week and forgot what quests I was on and what ending I was working towards
>Too scared to boot it back up
It's always missing a few features, and some things are off, most of them are incorrect implementations of already existing features, or bugs, always lots of bugs. The only thing that's really a problem is that the OpenCS is still not finished, but it's made a fair bit of progress recently with terrain editing.
I just asked for some proof, and you're autistically repeating the same shit. I can't find anything about the dev team admiting this is an issue.
Yet when you layer those on top of the vanilla engine it performs just as well if not better than OpenMW, how is that not a sign of bad performance. The fact that Skyrim Special Edition runs better than OpenMW doesn't say anything about how poorly optimized OpenMW is? if you don't believe this then you are legit retarded.
Other than the fact that there are literally a large amount of optimization targets planned for the game because it runs like complete shit.
Here's one which pushes a whole load of optimization, and you can read the thread about this guy just shitting on the retardation of the original optimization.
No one has ever finished it user, it's physically impossible.
lol skyrim combat is the exact same air slicing that morrowind is
Skyrim Special Edition runs great. Even a toaster can run it.
>a half-broken hack for Morrowind runs good
>an unfinished feature runs bad
You're just trolling at this point.
Not him but I did! Granted, this was during the time when I was in College and all I had was a shitty Laptop that couldn't play anything else, but boy I had fond memories RPing this cute lizard.
In vanilla Morrowind you would have to work hard to keep the world dangerous past level 20.
The DLCs did add a more aggressive Oblivion style scaling. So yes they added back a sense of danger to the game.
>Yet when you layer those on top of the vanilla engine it performs just as well if not better than OpenMW
That's not true at all, what are you smoking? OpenMW runs at 60fps on my laptop, I never got performance like that with MGE XE.
Actually just looking at the thread for some reason the guy who optimized the fuck out of the engine's comments have disappeared, probably because of his language.
And as a further note you need to build the engine yourself if you want to use these optimizations, none of this shit is in master yet.
>Skyrim Special Edition runs great. Even a toaster can run it.
And OpenMW's optimization is bad, yeah I know.
>You're just trolling at this point.
Trolling how, from an objective standpoint OpenMW runs like shit, and with hacks on top of VanillaMW it will both look and run better, how the fuck is an objective fact trolling?
>OpenMW runs good.
>A fan made feature that's not even fully implemented yet runs bad if enabled.
Do you understand the difference?
Then your laptop has some retarded bottleneck that makes running MGEXE worse than most other people, I can get a far more stable 60fps with MGEXE than I can with OpenMW, but what's more important is that the shit you are drawing with MGEXE isn't like 2x the load, it's more like 10x-20x the load.
fuck you, nigger
>Playing Morrowind
>When you can play Daggerfall
No, because OpenMW runs bad and a fan made hack runs as good if not better while doing significantly more, it's not really hard to understand this, at least it shouldn't be.
>playing a soulless random dungeon generator when a loving hand crafted world is availabile
I really wish I had time to play those two game.
Daggerfall is free from Bethesda now.
Still not worth it.
You're not even responding to the post. You're droning on about an ENB hack whos features OpenMW doesn't fully support yet.
Soon you’ll be reduced to dust!
Go about your business. But I'm watching you.
No I'm responding to the criticism of my post, even if that post doesn't understand my post, I said that Vanilla with extensions is better than OpenMW, this is at current point an objective fact, since it is able to look better while running better, and supports far more content related features, this is an objective fact, the only reason to use OpenMW at current point is if you are interested in the multiplayer aspect which is like the base engine, still unfinished.
>except uberdorks?
nigger you are here. you are an uberdork
>Then your laptop has some retarded bottleneck that makes running MGEXE worse than most other people
The bottleneck is the shitty engine and the hacked in workarounds
>stable fps
Nice joke
I don't even know why you're shilling this crap
>this nigga don't know bout Daggerfall Unity
See, now you're switching to another argument.
I called you out on your bullshit claim that the stuttering and fps dropping vanilla even on best modern PCs is somehow worse performing than OpenMW. That's all. Thank you for retreating from that retardation. I don't give a fuck about whatever else you want to talk about. That is all.
I'm not really shilling it though, I'm pointing out that Vanilla with extensions at current point is still the best way to play Morrowind, hence the significant amount of modders that still refuse to support OpenMW.
Vanilla with extensions is still the superior way to play Morrowind this is an OBJECTIVE FACT.
You sound like Chris-chan lol
>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed
>you can choose to be a vampire and terrorize towns and do hidden quests
>you can choose to wander the map, doing no quests and still benefit from unscaled gear and items you'd otherwise find down a long questline
and the list goes on and on
>no choices or consequences
you've never played the game past rushing the main questline
>random generated trash
no thanks
Except I'm still right, Vanilla with extensions still runs better than OpenMW, you saying that it magically doesnt because you are running it on a pile of shit doesn't change this, but at the same time you are refusing to factor in the reality, the point is that it runs better, and all things considered it does, the additional features aren't increasing performance requirements marginally, the performance requirements increase significantly, hence any performance drops your pile of shit may get, hence why OpenMW compares unfavourably in terms of performance when compared to Skyrim, a game with significantly higher levels of detail in terms of textures, models, shaders, scene complexity, and it does this all while running a far far far more detailed world simulation, OpenMW.
I'm right though, and that's your problem.
If it's an objective fact post a video of MGE XE running better and looking better.
Here you go, same performance, but Vanilla with extensions looks better, isn't that what you want.
>Vanilla with extensions still runs better than OpenMW
How and where? I want to see this.
OpenMW gets stable 60 fps everywhere while the regular game struggles with 30 fps even on GTX 1060 in Balmora and is full of microstuttering. No amount of mods or aditional ENBs fix this.
its just clicking on characters to reveal Wiki pages about the lore of the game
i dont see whats the fun in that
Isn't this what you wanted, people posting benchmark comparisons, and well shit, it looks like Vanilla is still doing better, and the difference isn't miniscule, it's significant.
>go to the site to download
>close the tab
>shitpost on this thread
fuck you guys wasted my time
Come to Vivec. We have running water and serial killers, and a giant asteroid that's going to kill everyone and cripple Morrowind.
>I'm posting because a mod is working badly specifically on my setup
You are desperate.
Vanilla here looks like shit in comparison.
>3e 428 map
>Most of southern Morrowind is northern Black Marsh now.
KeK . Also, House Redoran kicked the Lizards out of Morrowind.
it's not impossible you pleb, the game is fucking easy the only problem is that the game will do anything to prevent you from finishing it like corrupting your saves
>get proved wrong
>nuh uh
What's wrong with you? what is legitiimately wrong with you, the performance in OpenMW is shit, it's shit compared to Vanilla with extensions, and even core developers admit this.
You retarded or something? Vanilla looks far worse here, not to mention when you start turning up the MGEXE setting it runs like absolute dogshit.
gonna wait a bit until a few more updates come out, but they it does look good
>Skyrim isn't even a real RPG
The last thread establish that it is since you have the freedom to not use certain abilities/items and restrict yourself to a very specific number of quests.
The poster in your post literally said he's having a strange problem.
There are whole threads on the OpenMW forums comparing vanilla to OpenMW performance. Where you'd barely get 60ish fps in regular game, you can get a 100 fps boost now in the wilderness.
My only problem is I'm not autistic enough to go rummage thru the forums to prove one idiot wrong. And it's telling - you're all alone at claiming an engine optimized for multithreading runs worse than a single thread game from 2002.
Its nice that the Redoran finally got the fame that they deserve. I remember a decade ago when I felt like I'm the only one that likes the Redoranfag around and every other person is a Telvanni because of MUH FREEDOM. I really like how they don't deal with slavery at all, if not outright help end it.
How are Tribunal and Bloodmoon? I am playing Morrowind for the first time, pretty far in, and curious about these contents. Never hear anyone talk about them specifically.
>purposely cutting the rest of the post to fit your narrative
Dummies. You make a spell that reduces your INT to 1 and lasts 1 second and it instantly refills your magicka.
>vanilla looks worse here
>farther draw distance with distant statics
>but openmw looks better
>you're all alone at claiming an engine optimized for multithreading runs worse than a single thread game from 2002.
Then why the fuck is one of the lead developers admitting that OpenMW still has some ways to go in terms of optimization.
Your problem is that you have no idea what you are talking about, I showed that Vanilla with extensions runs better than OpenMW which still needs significant optimization and all you can do is disagree.
That's just Vanilla in general, the other post has a GTX and finds that Vanilla with extensions looks better and runs roughly the same, so no, I'm still right.
fuck i miss spell crafting
In addition to what everyone else said, OpenMW is running like 10x as many cells.
OpenMW has been feature complete since like 2-3 years now. Everything is in the game and works.
You don't need the code patch or patches for OpenMW. They've fixed all the bugs and exploits that were in the vanilla engine.
Not in that scene.
And it's not even an AMD problem as a whole. It's the specific card. I've had the pleasure of trying OpenMW on both AMD and Nvidia. Both ran generally well. My AMD card got between 60% and 120% boost.
The other poster highlighted how you lied with your screenshot. It was a driver issue for a specific card and you're somehow making that out to be "game runs worse than vanilla it's proven now." Nobody is buying it.
>why the fuck is one of the lead developers admitting that OpenMW still has some ways to go in terms of optimization
Because he's talking about extra features which are not fully implemented yet.
Is this guy being paid by Beth to be an OG Morrowind advocate?
>That's just Vanilla in general, the other post has a GTX and finds that Vanilla with extensions looks better and runs roughly the same, so no, I'm still right.
What other post, autismo? No other post even mentioned fps, just that "Performance is satisfactory" . Not to mention you're posting shit from random people from years ago and trying to claim it's an objective fact. Fucking retard.
Source on Redoran kicking them out.
I thought the lizards got bored kicking the rubble about and went home.
>Because he's talking about extra features which are not fully implemented yet.
No he's talking about optimization.
>The other poster highlighted how you lied with your screenshot. It was a driver issue for a specific card and you're somehow making that out to be "game runs worse than vanilla it's proven now." Nobody is buying it.
The other post still points out that performance is around the same while Vanilla looks better, so no I'm still right.
No, poor optimization is a well known issue with OpenMW, hence Wang Ryu managing to significantly increase visual quality of distant terrain while increasing performance of distant terrain at the same time, there are also performance issues with the water shader, apparently it's a massive resource hog, when it shouldn't be.
Just turn the difficulty down if you miss easy mode.
I like that some people highlight current drawbacks of OpenMW and I agree with them often on some points, but this guy is so terrible he's basically pushed everyone to fully defend OpenMW which is a shame. OpenMW's implementation of shadows and distant land is too slow and Zini's rigid insistence on script+ only after 1.0 is really inconvenient for MWSE. But OpenMW runs very well and is so much more stable than vanilla.
It is pure autism plain and simple.
Maybe you're thinking of Carnithus Armamentarium.
It's open source and not even updated to full yet
all of this can and probably will change. And if not you can change it yourself, it's a non issue
can someone explain why i have been seeing openMW shilling heavily these past few days? I mean, Ive been using openMW for a long time. why so much attention now?
>No he's talking about optimization.
Yes, optimization of not fully implemented features like distant land and shadows.
Morrowind was free from the Betheda's launcher.
>it just updated
>morrowind was free recently
>probably some youtube fuckery as always
Three reasons.
1) Morrowind was free because of the Arena anniversary so we're having many Morrowind threads this week.
2) OpenMW 0.45 was released a week ago.
3) Fan perception of OpenMW shifted from you-can-try to you-should-consider.
Only about a year and a bit ago really, but there hasn't been much in the way of optimization since then, but I'm still right, performance is comparable to the point where Vanilla with MGEXE is still the better way to play Morrowind, it's an undeniable fact about the current state of OpenMW. ask the devs and they will admit that performance for OpenMW is shit
Vanilla has so much more features that it's just the better way to play, outside of the occasional issue with stability, this is an objective fact. the only thing that people are even using as a wedge, is that maybe performance may have improved a little bit since I last did a comparison, but even then the difference is still largely negligible, to the point where with a few additional improvements like distant terrain with statics, and shadows you can still achieve similar performance with a much better visual quality.
Okay, so when did I say that Vanilla will always be the best way to play Morrowind, I never stated that this was at all the case, my initial sentiment was that Vanilla with extensions is currently the best way to play Morrowind unless you want to play multiplayer.
He's also talking about optimization in general, which is just flat shit.
>poor optimization is a well known issue
>significantly increase visual quality of distant terrain
Distant terrain isn't a vanilla feature. It's not even a fully "released" feature yet either. It does not factor into whether OpenMW is well optimized.
And I never said it wasn't don't confuse me with the others in this thread homo
>optimization in general, which is just flat shit
I remember when Scrawl mentioned a few possible optimizations. They weren't "we need to fix this because the performance is terrible." They were "oh and we can make this more efficient." Those two are completely different things.
Your distant land can go fuck itself. I don't give a fuck if you want OpenMW to have parity with some ENBs and third party extensions for the original game.
anyone remember this mod that adds an NPC to the ebonheart docks, who transports to these massive battles in some island? i played it in 2005 or 2006 and don't remember much about it. I think the battles were historical battles from TES lore or something
I don’t think about you at all.
are you my ex
being inside during a storm is the comfiest kind of comfy you can get, brainlet.
Oblivion had best combat
Where do I go to report minor, almost unnoticeable differences between OpenMW and the vanilla engine? Things that only a super autist morrowind fanboy like me will notice?
For example, the Open effect. In vanilla, even though you can set an AoE, it does nothing. The Open spell will only effect the door or container it actually hits. In OpenMW, though, any door or container within the AoE is affected. Even if the spell isn't cast on a lockable object! If you cast a 50 foot Open spell on a person, and nearby locked doors will unlock!
>performance is comparable to the point where Vanilla with MGEXE is still the better way to play Morrowind
Sorry, you're just flat out wrong. If you just want to play the game, OpenMW has objectively better performance than the vanilla engine. If you want to enable features like shaders and distant land, you're probably better off with MGEXE, because those features aren't implemented well in OpenMW yet.
In for a vanilla playthough, I only done the main quest, and that was years ago, never did finish the guilds, houses, or the dlcs.
I'd really like the mod it but I feel I should go clean for the full run.
Spending a dollar to make $5 is exactly how all rich people got to be rich, though.
If you got a github account you can submit bugs
The green "New Issue" button in the top right.
>There are Hlaalus currently posting in this thread
Fuck off back to your dirt hut.
Sorry, I can't hear you over my piles of money.
Go crawl back inside your dead bug.
>not supporting House Dres
i have potions of fortify personality.
in fact, none of my stats other than speed are below 10k. at any given time
the ordinator are very polite towards me.
I only play Morrowind with tes3mp
It doesn't matter if Distant terrain isn't a vanilla features because in the context of vanilla with extensions which I mentioned it is a completely relevant feature, which OpenMW implements extremely poorly.
Then don't reply to me with such a retarded comment in the future then, which in context of the reply makes that insinuation, even if you didn't explicitly imply that.
>I remember when Scrawl mentioned a few possible optimizations. They weren't "we need to fix this because the performance is terrible." They were "oh and we can make this more efficient." Those two are completely different things.
That's really just a nice way of putting it, there have been significant issues with performance in OpenMW though
>any area with significant amount of statics performs like complete shit because there is no batching
You can actually get better performance in Almalexia and old ebonheart in extended vanilla because of this
>the water shader usees up far more resources than it should
Yeah, this is a known issues
>distant terrain performs like shit
I'm talking about the dedicated distant terrain feature, not just increasing the draw distance and rendering more cells
So Scrawl is actually responsible for all of these, and then he fucked off without fixing any of them.
No that's a factually accurate statement, since performance in OpenMW is still poor, especially when it comes to areas like Old Ebonheart or Almalexia, I can get those to run better in Vanilla with MGEXE
How did you know that I was an agent of House Beth..... I mean House Hlaalu.
Tribunal fucks with you a bit - the first time you sleep, you're in for a nasty surprise. Talk to the nearest guard, then go talk to the guy in Ebonheart and it'll stop, but until then it'll happen a LOT.
Hlaalu are objectively less wealthy than the Telvanni though.
>piles of money
How many of your friends did you sell to slavers for that again?
>Then don't reply to me with such a retarded comment in the future then, which in context of the reply makes that insinuation, even if you didn't explicitly imply that.
Cringe as fuck man jesus christ and you might as well reply to the whole thread at this point fag
How you do you guys manage fatigue?
I'm always running and out of fatigue when I enter combat.
I'm no alchemist either.
fatigue potions of never ending fatigue replenish
>autism speaks
Where are my Redoran brothers at?
I'm not friends with any furfags or scalies are you?
>No that's a factually accurate statement, since performance in OpenMW is still poor, especially when it comes to areas like Old Ebonheart or Almalexia, I can get those to run better in Vanilla with MGEXE
Without the features I said aren't fully implemented yet? I highly doubt that.
Bloodmoon is fantastic, and there's lots of great mods for it. Solstheim feels like an awesome place, the story is cool, and building up your own town is fun. Really good stuff.
Tribunal is...different. It's only one walled-in city of Mournhold, and the dungeons/zones connected to it, no major outdoor or exploration at all. The underground stuff is pretty cool, and there's great stuff to see, but I think everyone's in agreement that it falls apart when you get to the last 1/3 because the Clockwork City is just...not well realized at all. This is due to engine and development limitations, but it's just kind of an underwhelming ending.
I would definitely play through it, there's lore and cool armor and items that come from it, but it's definitely not as good as Bloodmoon or the base game.
Maybe it takes health.
create potions to boost intelligence and keep a mountain of resources that let you create more, then boost intelligence and because the potions quality scales off of intelligence you can boost intelligence significantly further, then create restore fatigue potions, you can just quaff these to restore fatigue for extended periods of time, I actually recall reading that it was possible to restore fatigue for so long, that you could theoretically play through the entire game with this restore fatigue affect on, but I haven't tested this myself.
Only imperials, right? :^)
No, that's pretty accurate, even without those features.
How about if I don't want to cheese?
Or is Morrowind unfun without cheesing?
You get stupid OP in Morrowind eventually no matter what. It's just a question of how long it takes.
Morrowind's core gameplay is shit, but it can be broken in such ways that breaking it becomes fun in and of itself. An alternate is to raid the egg mines and use those eggs to create restore fatigue potions and then just live off those until you run out.
you can throw a stone at any system in morrowind and accidentally break it
There was a significant difference in performance between MGEXE and OpenMW when I last tried it, try it on your PC and tell us how it runs.
I know Long Blades is the best weapon type in the game but none of the others are outright terrible, right?
Morrowind Advanced is still a good mod to use right?
So no proof? Ok.
Eventually, and even then, there mods that help improve it (I'm looking at you, Hand to Hand)
yeah, that came with vanilla
Be honest, would you buy an argonian slave, and why?
how does TR deal with mournhold? does anyone have the game installed, can you share pics of how the city looks from outside?
A shame spears really got the shaft, balance wise. I don't think even the best spears do a lot of damage, and I don't think any have a lot of enchantment potential. You can say they have long range, sure, but staves have the same range, and staves can be enchanted with far better effects.
Oh wait, I remember Throwing is a thing. Yeah, that shit suck.
literally the entire fun of morrowind is finding new and interesting ways to shatter the difficulty.
Tribunal really adds some power to throwing weapons though. The Centurions have these electric darts that do a shit ton of damage, with a decent AoE. Some of them drop unenchanted darts that still do like 50 damage, and have 10 points for enchanting them (in vanilla, you can enchant throwing weapons, but not bolts/arrows).
Plus the Black Darts are amazing, and the darts from the Hands of Almalexia aren't too shabby either.
Mournhold is instanced but does have an LOD in the city which itself is unfinished.
Nah, slaves are expensive what with food, shelter, and guards you need for them. The economics simply don't work out unless you have a large mass of them.
It's much better to underpay peasants for work and head to the brothel in your spare time.
looks like fucking minecraft (which looks like shit)
That sounds like a bug fix.
what does that mean? can't you jump over the city walls? Also is this intentional, or do they plan to make it an open city later?
>The LAM is actually a stageplay
>That fucking creep in Vivec payed people to do this nasty shit on stage
but how much did they get payed is the real question?
After replaying Morrowind a few times (and beating it), with my last playthrough ending as early as getting to Balmora after setting up hundreds of mods and even writing a few useful guides out of that... Morrowind is just not fun.
1, Combat is shit.
2. Exploration is shit.
3. Balance is shit.
4. Movement is shit, it takes too long because there's absolutely nothing to do aside from visiting the ocassional cave/tomb with nothing of interest to see and extremely disappointing loot because it is so damn easy to break this game that we should even be thankful not every cave has good loot.
5. Writing is shit.
6. Graphics are a sin, one of the ugliest games ever made.
7. No sound design, same handful of tracks playing all the time.
There's nothing good about Morrowind, to play Morrowind is a chore, and this is very sad because Morrowind is a game that setting up takes a lot of time. Sometimes I wish Bethesda games allowed no mods, then if I suddenly get bored and decide to uninstall I only have to lament the 30 minutes it takes to pirate them.
>literally the same combat as oblivion and skyrim
>but with an added diceroll to determine if your attack hits or not
>morrowindfags will defend this but shit on the other two
As a beast what other house should I join? Telvanni seems like a bad idea and Redoran are racists.
t. don't know how to setup MGE XE.
Like, MGE XE literally has a setting so that the fog doesn't look "white" and looks like the one on the top pic. Not to mention the pics were taken at different times of the day and/or with different weather.
All of them have shit combat.
tfw you will never have teleportation magic in a TES game ever again
>As a beast
Fuck off, Ashlander.
Redoran aren't even that racist. They are far more concern about themselves and honor than that.
I didn't want the BOBS temptation.
A beast joining wouldn't make much sense, imo. I just don't see it happening.
tfw they removed levitate because they're too lazy to make proper cities
Being a beast that usurps the Telvanni is just as enjoyable as a beast that usurps the Nerevarine prophecy. Also, Telvanni are all about stabbing each other in the back to succeed so it's fitting that you'd "work" with them.
Should have teleported into the path of the dart and killed yourself with it.
They are basically a religious Fighter Guild. Show some honor and be good with a blade and they don't care if you're a beast.
Isn't OpenMW incomplete ?
Unfortunately that doesn't seem to work in my experience. From what I've tested, none of the player's projectiles will ever directly hit the player, and any AoE effects seem to ignore you as well.
But then you realize there's no real need for it since they put in fast travel.
Though Mark/Recall would be fun to play with. Can you shoot yourself with an arrow?
>they're too lazy to make proper cities
If by that you are referring to the fact that they don't have open cities anymore that's due to technical limitations resulting from the AI engine. Skyrim's implementation indicated they were taking steps to solve that issue.
Why does Dagoth Ur have they grey dunmer skin if the tribunes still have their yellow chimer one ? Since he's a god he should have kept it.
>muh technical limitations
yeah theyre too lazy to fix it so they just gimped everything
Is there a way to unfuck the fog distance in OpenMW ? Because if not I'm staying with MGE XE.
Because he's all about identifying with the common Dunmer who have been pushed around.
More polygons but idk if you're good so I'll assume it will be ugly.
Oh right. A true bro, best god.
What do you think? There's no performance cost involved in the processing of 1000+ AI agents? And they ARE taking steps to fix it, you retard.
>lets gimp the fuck out of game mechanics because muh inconsequential ai marketing system takes precedence
fuck off todd
you'll never make a better game now that you have the corporates breathing down your neck
>inconsequential ai
You really are a fucking idiot.
yeah what if i do you got a problem with that?
I am playing Original Morrowind + Rebirth + Overhaul + Tamriel rebuilt.
it is inconsequential
ive played oblivion and skyrim and npcs walking around doesnt do a god damn thing (except apparently force the reduction of gameplay elements)
morrowind sucks
Why do you insist on further demonstrating your retardation?
>There's no performance cost involved in the processing of 1000+ AI agents
You retarded or something? The engine never renders even close to 1000 AI agents at any specific point, nor would it with open cities. The engine only fully renders things on a certain amount of grids around the player. The reason it didn't have open cities was because of memory constraints in old consoles, that's literally it.
why cant you say anything otehr than durr ur retarded hurrf duhrrrrrrrrrrr
if i didnt know any better id say you were one of todds dumb fuck ai npcs
^definitely worth removing levitate for amirite
That is just plain factually incorrect. You don't even have a basic modder's understanding of how the AI works, much less developer's knowledge of the intricate details.
are there any factions that are just not worth the hassle?
>no you're wrong
Ok Todd, you sure proved me wrong.
Fighters guild.
I just wish there was some way of getting morrowind enhanced to work with openmw. I miss my combos and journal writing.
It's easy to prove you wrong. How the fuck do you think NPCs travel from one city to another if their AI only operates when you are in their vicinity? Any modder who has ever created an NPC knows you are completely wrong. What you are describing is the way non-persistent AI agents work, e.g. spawned enemies. It does not apply to persistent AI agents, e.g. almost all named NPCs, who are constantly being processed with varying degrees of detail depending on the player's location. You are a fucking idiot opining on a subject you know nothing about and achieved nothing but demonstrating your ignorance and unwarranted arrogance.
Man I loved the idea of the book writing mod so much. I'd always disable the journal and go in expecting to just write my own entries all the time.
But I always thought "nah this quest is so minor it doesn't warrant it" and then I'd beat the game with a blank journal.
I agree but because I love Dark Messiah.
That's literally just a set of markers you set the NPCs to travel to, it's extremely simplistic, it's not as complicated as you make it seem to be. You're a dumb cunt spreading misinformation.
Doesn't matter if the system is simple. If there was no AI processing for agents not in the vicinity of the player as you claimed they wouldn't budge an inch. You just don't fucking know anything, alright? Stop pretending you do.
what's the difference
>Doesn't matter if the system is simple
It matters, because it's not the limiting factor in making cities open like your retarded ass claimed. Making cities open would change fuck all how the system works. As someone who claims to know so much you sure like to say some dumb things.
It's a good way to make money though.
It's an official plugin by Beth.
It matters because it's in direct contradiction to what you claimed. Don't try to dodge that. And this is just a mere example. Pathfinding and traveling is not all an NPC does when you are not around.
>Making cities open would change fuck all how the system works
You are wrong. Back in the days of Oblivion it would have crippled performance because the engine had a very basic way of determining priority for AI processing and continued to do so right up to Skyrim when they implemented a more sophisticated processing hierarchy. You can read all about it in the modders reference docs if you are interested or you can just continue to spout off ignorant bullshit. Your choice.
yeah i love the part where you fight 50 rats at the same time,real good dungeon
No, there were no skeletons
Top tier Bethesda content.
I just wait an hour before doing any fight.
Anyone have that map showing TR's progress?
>It matters because it's in direct contradiction to what you claimed
It's not, those are two different AI packages. Traveling NPCs can barely be considered to even have AI, considering how simple it is. It's just simple A to B script.
>Pathfinding and traveling is not all an NPC does when you are not around.
Yes, they in fact do basically nothing. The game just checks whether any of the appropriate schedules are crossing the player's path at that time, and if they are supposed to, they spawn at a certain point.
>You are wrong
Explain how Open Cities barely even puts a dent on performance then.
First link on their website.
i want morrowind's everything but with the movement of breath of the wild
i dont care about graphics or animations or the combat i just wish exploration wasnt so slow and clunky and movement felt so stiff
and yes i know that morrowind's really fucking small and having high run speed and removing fog ruins the magic
You didn't play a lot.
I prefer it without fog. Nothing cooler than seeing dwemer ruins and the red mountain at the horizon.
user it takes like literally 10 minutes to run from one side of balmora to the other. it's slow as balls. there's a reason why a movement speed increase is one of the most popular mods.
Just drink speed potions.
No thanks, I only play good games.
>since they put in fast travel
I haven't played MW or OB, but fast travel was present as early as Daggerfall. What do you mean "since"? They also have different functions. Fast travel is strictly for convenient, timed overworld travel that is impossible near enemies.
Fast travel as in "click on landmark on the map from any exterior cell, loading screen, time passes, you show up there"
Mark/Recall and non-emergency Intervention was for player convenience because it took a hellishly long time to get around to/from places that didn't have silt striders and whatnot.
>click on landmark on the map from any exterior cell, loading screen, time passes, you show up there
That's what I mean. In Daggerfall, you can travel to any city or region from the very start in the exterior so long as there were no enemies nearby. Unlike Skyrim, you also got to determine your speed through things like horse/carriage/walking, but the faster cost money.
is it true openMW doesn't have shadows?
I think they removed them from recent builds because they weren't well implemented yet
it has shadows in the nightly build
it didn't have shadows in the release build because it's from like a year ago and they wanted it to have a video before releasing the next version