>Actually I prefer to play Japanese games with the original audio. It's far superior to English dubs.
>"Oh you speak Japanese?"
>Uhh... well, no. But I can tell the acting is better from the emotion in their voices.
You're not one of these people, are you?
Actually I prefer to play Japanese games with the original audio. It's far superior to English dubs
Other urls found in this thread:
If you can't actually tell the difference and realize that original audio is always better than dubs, go get an official autism diagnosis.
A simple "yes" would have sufficed
Does Japan have this breed of autismos, or is it just a weeb thing?
>I can't play Far Cry 5 in the Japanese dub, it's not true to Montana
Yes, I am. What of it?
It's not that english voice acting is necessarily bad, it's just that in a lot of cases, especially in games with dual audio, the english voices seem kinda shitty and generic, like everyone's just phoning it in and droning save like the two people who are really hyped to be there and outshine every other actor. When the game's in japanese despite not fully understanding it fluently It's much less jarring when people really just dump all over their script, since their inflections still vary a bit and their voices aren't yuri lowenthal's
Yeah let's listen to shitty voice actors who have no experience whatsoever. Most English VAs only get hired because they've done work before, and not because of their quality.
Yes i am. Especially since English isn't my first language.
DMC and RE are default english in Japan
I've always found that when I play with Jap audio every character sounds the same. There's just low-pitched man voice, high-pitched man voice, low-pitched woman voice, and high-pitched woman voice.
I speak Japanese.
I will never be these people
Why wouldn't you be?
It's not a question of good Japanese acting. It's a question of shitty Western acting.
Something about the anime art style clashes with English, and I grew up with dubbed Dragon Ball stuff. Other media set in Japan, like Yakuza or Sekiro, should also be consumed in Japanese.
Go ask Yea Forums
They moved on from this tired argument over a decade ago.
>If I don't know japanese nobody else does
When was the last time you spoke to a subfag who was even halfway fluent in Japanese?
>He didn't learn Japanese just so he could read Hentai and Doujin
>The whole Yakuza series
But sure, OP, go ahead and try to play the dub from 1
Non english speaking countries are used to reading subtitles. English speakers, particularly Americans, are exclusive in their preference of dubs. Acting ascends accessibility to anybody invested in meaningful consumption of fiction. Subbed scripts are always, without fail, more accurate than dub scripts.
What about when the subs use the dub lines, and not the original ones.
>I actually prefer orchestral music, it's far superior to pop.
>"Oh you speak violin?"
>Uhhh... well, no. But you can hear the emotion in its sounds.
There are several animes that have far better dubs than subs, but you might be correct as far as games are concerned.
I don't see that. Sometimes a popular VA will speak in a game and it might be a pretty similar voice that's they've done before, but a good portion of the time it's a fairly fitting voice for the character. Not brock from pokemon doing the best old king ghost that he can, or a text-to-speech sample voice playing the role of a major character
There are not
muh Ghost Stories
Cowboy Bebop and YYH
Name four.
I speak Japanese, and I still prefer a lot of dubs. Obviously not all of them, but Persona, Dragon Ball, and Tales or Berseria have all been dub stand outs to me.
Muh Ghost stories
Cowboy Bebop
>Tales or Berseria
How can you say no to Rina Sato when given the option?
She's great.
>subs use dub lines
At that point it would simply be up acting preference. English dubbing over Japanese dialogue usually has a very awkward lack of pauses/breaks between sentences, so I'd probably still stick with JP. If the dub doesn't need to bother with lip syncing and retiming than it would genuinely just be actor preference.
>food analogy
Dragon Ball Z
Fuck grandma Goku
have you ever watched a dubbed godzilla movie?
Depends on the game. If there's voice acting in the middle of gameplay, I'll ususally stick with English even if it isn't good because subtitles get in the way. If that isn't the case, I'd rather set it to Japanese where I don't know if the acting is good/bad, than a bad English dub, even if that Japanese acting happens to be in reality even worse than the English dub.
>you need to be able to speak Japanese in order to understand that the English dub is fucking terrible
>not an argument
Explain to me how you can possibly understand the emotion in a set of tense strings vibrating at various frequencies.
>this example of bad dubbing proves that all dubs are inferior
I will play or watch anything in the original language given the option.
>have access to original writers
>have access to original directors
>have access to original meaning
Na, I'd rather have someone's guess work because my reading level is only an elementary school level.
>Ghost Stories
Yes, but only because it's a rewrite
>coyboy beboy
Fuck no. At best there is one acceptable performance. Dub Faye sounds atrocious. Just because you watched it on toonami and are more acquainted with the English voices doesn't mean it's better.
I'm convinced this is bait
Actually, I do in fact happen to speak japanese
Additionally, I also happen to despise EOPs that think they're hot shit for using Japanese voiceover but don't actually know the language and have English UIs
Absolutely impeccable taste. And yes the English dub is superior. It's set in the USA after all.
Speaking Japanese doesn't exempt you from being a retard.
This but I also like listening to games with setting appropriate language (which is rarely a fucking option)
e.g. playing Ass Creed 2 in Italian.
I prefer original Japanese VAs. I can't tolerate dubs unless they're well done. American grannies trying to sound cute is awfull.
Yes, and your wrong opinion has been ignored and discarded.
Not when you have sjw outfits like funimation or crunchyroll doing both.
Hate voice acting in vydia because it's always cringy
I always change it to whatever sounds the best if that's Japanese or German it doesn't matter I just don't want to be able to understand it
I feel bad for you. Japanese only sounds good if you don't know what they're saying. For maximum escapism, Japanese is basically a language from a fantasy realm instead of from a country full of real people.
It kind of makes sense for AC2 to be in English though, because you're really playing as Desmond, who doesn't speak Italian. The little Italian you do hear is supposed to be due to the translation software being spotty. They'd be more concerned with him knowing what the fuck's going on than giving him an authentic experience.
It's true though, jap actors are just plain better. In the west voice acting is done mostly for children's shows or comedy cartoons, and voice actors are selected on the basis of having a large repertoire of silly voices, which makes them sound ridiculous when they try to do anything remotely serious. Japanese voice actors are fundamentally actors in that they are trying to convey a convincing character rather than doing a funny voice, and most of their voicework is just their natural speaking voice or a slight variation, which is why it's so easy to recognize Japanese voice actors across different shows or games. The few western voice actors capable of doing convincing serious voices have a similar method, which is why every game hires the same small handful of easily recognizable VAs like Troy Baker, Nolan North, Liam O'Brien, Robin Atkin Downes, etc.
>YYH better dub than sub
Kuwabara would like to have a few raspy emotionless words with you.
Spike's actor would have been passable if Spike wasn't essentially the main character. Fae's actor literally just changed the volume of her voice rather than the emotion expressed in it
>claims to be able to hear the emotion in a language he doesn't speak
>can't hear the emotion in a language he does speak
>Not being multilingual
Americans are truly spawn of goblinas.
>He cares what language other people listen to as they play their video games
Holy shit dude, unironically have sex
I accept the distate to grandma Goku. It was a rare poor cast, from a foreigner perspective. Women portraying shounen protags is more common from a Japanese perspective, but definitely not to any foreigners.
Just as an example.
I fucking adore that Nioh just has William speak English while everyone else speaks Japanese or very shitty English. It's good shit,
Voice acting is taken as a serious career in Japan. There are vocational schools for voice acting unlike in the west where it is all about where you live, who you know and whose dick you suck.
There's actually a Japanese website solely focusing on western media and stuff. They report it every time an anime gets an English dub and under every article you have westerboos saying how great the voices are and how they love them.
Needless to say that the majority of them can't speak English.
The autism goes both ways.
That being said, English dubs still suck most of the time. English just differs too much from Japanese to not sound cringey when translated.
Setting-Appropriate languages are always a good bonus. I'll even take hilariously overplayed accents as long as it's funny, Especially if they're mixed in with the actual language.
Surely there's one example of hilariously bad japanese voice acting?
Japan has a bigger industry, such as how they have generally better animators.
>these guys are autistic for preferring a language they don't understand
>that being said I prefer a language I don't understand
What if I just like to play and watch things in their original languages? It has nothing to do with Japan. I played The Witcher in Polish.
the funny thing is according to grandma goku, most japanese VAs can't act for shit and are only good at making a certain voice.
Dubs are very often bad
That's fine because you aren't being an autismo and claiming that the Polish audio is objective better like subfags do.
Most Japanese games include the -chans and -kuns in the dub, and the only fucking time I want an English speaker to pronounce the sound kun is if it's a racial slur.
>Oh you speak Japanese?
Yes, I do actually.
You can't have preferences, faggot! Do what OP thinks is correct or else!
how did you understand the story? i assume you don't speak polish.
dubs are disgusting. if you can't distinguish emotion in voice, then you're retarded
You could say the same about western VAs like Matt Mercer, Nolan North and Troy Baker. Hurr durr one voice wonders.
It's not true though, they all have fantastic range but they get typecast and told by shitty voice directors to do their usual thing again and again and again.
Ever heard of subtitles?
The seiyuu industry certainly has a higher performance standard than what we have in English. Typecasting is a thing even with huge seiyuu, so I don't get why that would be a universal.
but you said you played it in the original language.
*universal negative
You're not very smart, are you?
Bayonetta has no Japanese audio
Honest opinion?
So don't have to hear how cringe all of the writing is.
Same with my own language and English to some extent.
I like Grandma Goku but I guess it's mainly because it feels less strange if you watched Dragon Ball from the very beginning. Although you could argue he should have gotten a new voice when he becomes tall as fuck near the end of DB.
well you're either retarded or a liar.
excuse me
Two things:
First, guess we're we are. Of course I'm autistic.
Second, how could I tell you what they said if I couldn't understand Japanese? It's a Japanese site.
I hoped my post would help illuminate the point that foreign games can be originally written in English
England is my city
Yes I am, it's called immersion.
I think you're confusing acting ability with being able to do silly voices.
Audio is Polish, and English text appears on screen
>I prefer to watch foreign films in their original dub
>"Oh you speak norwegian?"
Dumb weeb hater, this logic is only ever applied to Japanese media
I prefer immersion. I wouldn't play Kingdom Hearts or MGS in Japanese even if I had the choice, because the characters are supposed to be westerners. I would play Persona and Nier in Japanese, though, as it feels more authentic to me. I also played Metro games in Russian.
I prefer pointing to instrumental music because it conveys emotion with literally no language whatsoever and absolutely fucks the idea that you can't understand the emotion of a language you don't know with zero possible comeback.
Top tier
>I prefer the sub because the English dub just sounds low effort/just generally bad.
>I prefer the dub because it's very enjoyable
>I prefer the dub because a particular Japanese VA sounds like trash
Shit tier
>I prefer subs because I hate localizations
>I prefer dubs because I don't understand a few Japanese-specific idioms and references
>I prefer dubs because I'm watching a show, not reading a book
>I prefer subs because I'm a purist
You cannot refute this.
The difference is, people who do that don't claim the original language is objectively superior or throw autistic shitfits if you say you prefer to watch them in your native language.
That’s always my biggest complaint about Japanese dubs, all the voice actors for every game and anime ever all sound the exact same. There’s only like 5 maybe 6 different voices the Japanese appear to be capable of.
Japanese writing sounds retarded when it's translated to SPOKEN English. It's not even the quality of the voice actors, there's just something about Japanese script -> spoken English that produces stilted, awkward, unnatural dialogue. Hence why many of the best anime dubs deviate significantly from the original script (Ghost Stories, P&S).
With subs you get the original natural tone and flow of conversation + the full content.
As a general rule for all media, it should be best experienced in its original form, whatever that language may be.
You're right, I can't refute your nonexistent arguments.
Care to explain literally any of those opinions?
But I like Metal Gear in English better.
Also adding to this, Fooly Cooly has a great dub.
I watch foreign movies and play foreign games in their original language.
It's not a 'Japanese is so much better' thing, as I watch French films in French and German films in German.
>"I like subs better because I prefer the original intent instead of a shitty localization!"
>subs are just a transcript of the dub
FLCL is an awful show with an awful dub
With Kingdom Hearts, from what I understand even in Japan the English voiceovers are preferred.
>Ching Chang Chong, ur mom suck my dong
>dubbing over Mayumi Shintani
When was the last time you watch a foreign film?
Music doesn't involve acting, dipshit. Being able to identify the emotions is not the problem. The problem is trying to claim the acting is better based solely on the emotions.
>"Why did you have to kill him?!"
>emotion: fear and total distress
>"Why did you have to kill him?!"
>emotion:curious and slightly miffed and also Welsh
>original dub
le excuse me
Considering how cringey the dialogue is in those games is I wouldn't want to understand it either
What do you think acting is?
Genuinely asking.
>Japanese people don't understand English with Japanese subtitles
Wow you're a moron
>assumes I don't speak japanese
>have to speak a language to understand expressed emotion
Damn whats the brainlet life like
>Actually I prefer to play Japanese games with the English. It's far superior to the original.
>"Oh you speak Japanese?"
>Uhh... well, no. But I can tell the acting is better from the emotion in their voices.
>Actually I prefer to play Japanese games with the original audio. It's far superior to English dubs.
>"Oh you speak Japanese?"
you are one of those people, aren't you OP
Of course you can realize that shit
I speak spanish and i watch movies in english and i can clearly realized that Samuel L jackson sounds a lot better in english than with shitty dubs that usually have a voice a actor you've heard somewhere else. If you can't realize that then you are a complete idiot
Jojo part 3 and space dandy
>individual characters speak their own native languages
a friend of mine is a huge neet and taught himself japanese solely to understand his animes. i admire the dedication, but it's weird he doesn't put it to better use.
No, i'm not a faggot.
Luckily we live in a free society where people can pursue passions without requiring a beneficial need for them. Not everything you do must be constructive for the glory of the motherland. You can just have fun.
I prefer that I can't understand it, since bad dialogue is far easier to digest if you're reading it, instead of hearing it.
He is a liar, he learnt it to read untranslated doujinshi because he ran out of translated ones in his favourite tab combination
It can go both ways arround.
imagine being so fat you look at violins and think food
Matt Mercer has a fucking huge range you mong.
I love Okatsu's Engrish
What about?
>I prefer the dub because characters talk a lot during battle and it can be difficult to read when the action gets hectic.
I skip through the dialogue in sekiro anyway so all I can hear is the VAs fighting
Maybe read the entire post before replying, user
>It's not true though, they all have fantastic range
That's what I said. They all have range.
But Matt only gets work as "I can't believe it's not Troy Baker!"
That's literally what he just said. Try reading the whole post next time.
I just wish more games used language realistically like this. It's an interesting angle when people don't just magically understand a common language across all nations.
>tfw despite trying so hard you never get any emotion from any classical piece
I dated a cellist for years and attended dozens of live orchestras and I've heard almost every "big" classical piece. I like the music but I've never really gotten any of that emotional investment everyone else does, what's wrong with me?
>You can just have fun.
if he doesn't pull his shit together he will live on the streets within 6 months, what good will his japanese be then
sometimes the script is full retard or the VA is particularly bad so just not being able to understand what is being said is an improvement
I don't play weeb shit but yes, movies are far superior in original.
Did you play stalker with dub?
You're retarded
I mean, nothing?
Like, you can't even listen to Flight of the Bumblebee and get the imagery in your head?
Japanese voice actors are better than English ones 99% of the time. The va industry in Japan is bigger than the acting industry, people go to school to be one, and it's a meritocracy so if you suck you get phased out. English VAs are cheap knockoffs and only get hired out of convenience.
I prefer being ignorant, not knowing if the jap voice acting is good or not as opposed to listening to unnatural sounding English dubs. The dialogue is written in japanese, as such there are phrases and loud screaming that only make sense in Japanese. Listening to a localized English version of weird Japanese phrasing really hits the uncanny valley for me and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I'd much rather listen to a sub-par Japanese dub (I couldn't tell the quality anyway) rather than a decent english dub.
Try this
>you can't even listen to Flight of the Bumblebee and get the imagery in your head?
Do normies actually see images in their head when listening to music?
Very rarely, but only if I really know what's "going on" beforehand. By that I mean I need to know exactly what the composer was going for and any "story" that exists to the piece. I always feel like some clueless idiot when I attend orchestras, like I'm missing whatever everyone else is getting out of it.
Your post is spot on there, chances are I wouldn't have gotten any of the imagery if I just listened to the piece randomly, even if I knew the title.
does Stalker even have a language selection that comes with the game?
Are you an NPC?
user, if you can't see images in your head you might have an actual brain problem
>accuses someone of not being able to speak Japanese despite preferring Japanese language options
>gets proven wrong
>retorts with underaged retard tier stereotypical Chinese speak in a desperate attempt at damage control
You must be 18 years or older to post here faggot.
I only use non-english subs in 2 scenarios:
1. The English dub is so insufferably bad, I'd rather not hear it at all. At least if it's in a language I don't know, it's harder to notice the bad acting.
2. The game does a good job of getting you immersed in another country, so I'll put that country's native speaking language as the default setting. Metro and Stalker is a good example, I always do Russin Dub + English sub.
Yeah, that's really uncommon. The only examples I can think of are Wolfenstein (a little Polish alongside English, it's different than in most shooters because often all the "good guys" just speak English regardless of their nationality - like Russians in old COD games) and Steins;Gate (Okabe's cringy Engrish).
I also like when each character speaks their native language and they all understand each other, like in Tekken. But that's only for lulz, it wouldn't match a serious game.
>My Favorite Right Arm!
>it's only authentic in Japanese
>I can understand and appreciate God's word despite not speaking the original languages of the Bible
Pick one.
Imagine watching the simpsons in spanish, that's the same as playing Bayonetta in english
>playing non-american games
>wanting to hear shitty foreign languages
English is the only language that matters. Only race traitors say otherwise.
you are retarded friend
>Za zombie
To be honest I wish weebgames had 78 different translated scripts to read from depending on your preferred style.
If you think weebs are bad just look at how bible enthusiasts argue over intent vs literal translations.
I don't know lol
We have people who like dubbed media here in europe as well, they're low IQ low educated plebs
I don't know what the connection is, but there is one
You can't tell the JP voices are better, but you can tell the English voices are trash
>Jojo part 3
The fact you even consider this is idiotic. British Joseph is disgusting even if in-canon he's British and he sounds neutered and weak compared to the Japanese version.
the only recent jap game with garbage pretentious va i can remember is FF 15
man that was god tier garbage
Yeah I am, I don't always say it and don't need to but im a little more carefree when it comes to it
I actually do speak Spanish and some Japanese and yes, VA delivery is different in different languages retard, i wonder how hard your low test brain needs to flex to figure that shit out
Forgot to add, you should be reading KJV.
> I always feel like some clueless idiot when I attend orchestras
i don't see classical music as some kind of iq test, there's is nothing to "get" for me, or figure out. i either like it or dislike it, instantly and i dislike 99.9% of it. that's my idea of it anyway. it's about emotional resonance. some will be affected, others not. there's nothing wrong with you. plenty of people don't like classical music.
i get shivers from these every time, even though they're quite different emotionally. and i have little to no clue what the composers were thinking except for the one from romeo and juliet.
I like it, very upbeat and it did cheer me up. It's not that I get nothing out of music, but it's always just very basic emotions if anything. Never anything like is implying where you see bees flying around or something.
My imagination is fine as far as I can tell, except it just doesn't apply when it comes to music. I can usually identify whatever emotion the piece is going for even if it doesn't evoke it for me, but that's about as far as it goes. Maybe my brain is just fucked up somehow.
Very close taste to me my friend but I'd have Debussy in there too.
Wait, people actually play with dubs? This is not exclusive to Japanese games. If you play / watch dubs you're a retard. Just use subtitles you illiterate fuck.
You're like halfway there at least if you can feel the general emotion.
I have no idea if you can fix your problem.
Weebs who don't know Japanese are the worst. They're usually the same people who claim VNs are video games or like moe. Fuck those people honestly. If you're gonna say dumb shit like "Japanese culture is better than Western culture." then at be able to say it in Japanese you poser
Let me guess: You're american?
Imagine thinking people are stupid for putting up with bad lip syncing and instead opting for staring at words the entire time instead.
TLJ wouldn't make that expression. He loves japan
I will play it in the language i feel like, fuck the creators intention or not.
t. george lucasfags
>Posts Jesus
>Doesn't speak Latin
Desert Punk
Bobobo is an exception and you fucking know it, all it's dubs are god tier
>Japanese culture is better than Western culture
It literally is, the west is overrun with homosexuals, trannies and women on slut walks are you fucking stupid?
>Not playing stalker with the dub
>Not loving how NPCs always say bro after everything
yikes bro
And the japs work until they die, so much better
Then say in Japanese you useless piece of human trash.
There's a few exceptions where dubs>subs. For example Golden Boy
>I like it when the character's speech matches up with their facial animations.
It is one of many exceptions
>man i hate how cello sounds, i prefer guitars
>oh, you understand music theory?
Woow how can you enjoy the melody and sound without understanding it or even knowing how to play that instrument?
SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID WESTKEK FAGGOT, Back to your SJW cuck movie games faggot
Most countries in Western Europe have all their media dubbed. I've been to some that only have subs except cartoons (like Croatia).
Here in Poland almost everything has voice-over translation (one guy reading a translated text over the original audio track), except for cartoons, which are fully dubbed. Many of the VAs from The Witcher also dub cartoons. STALKER here had a movie-like voice-over on original Russian dialogue with a reader that used to provide his voice for many movies in the past. That's why almost everyone here loves that version and they even prefer it to the original Russian. I hate voice-over in movies but I loved STALKER, too. There's something magical about it.
Better than the jews teaching your children to become sodomites and miscegenation
Normalfags and children. They have the basic excuse of blind ignorance, most of them probably couldn't even locate Japan on a map. These people are definitely retards, but this is more due to inexperience than actual idiocy.
Insufferable ironic weebs. They have managed to cotton on to the basic fact that localisation work is a sham industry that only produces low quality content, but they're too lazy to learn the language. Almost certainly insufferable people to be around, due to their bizarre superiority complex despite consuming identical content to dubfags.
>Japanese speakers
Kings. Anyone who has made it through the hilariously simple path of learning Japanese, especially in the internet age where high quality learning material is available around every corner, has managed to elevate themselves a few orders of magnitude above the petty arguments of sub v dub.
>Learning an entire language to watch mediocre television and play bad video games
Gee, I wonder if Uru's VA sucks dick.
You experience the media in the language the creators primarily planned around.
I play witcher in polish
I watch most anime in japanese
I play resident evil in english because that's what the creator wanted over his own native language.
I'd rather listen to what the original creator's wanted over what some faggot dubbing studio in Texas or California thinks is better. If you disagree you are a retard who can't fucking read subs fast enough while playing a game/watching a movie.
Gay subs. Who the fuck wants to listen to some chink speak or even worse, learn that fucking gobbledygook language
Good taste. I've especially always liked the first one, but again it's never made me think of dances or knights or anything other than a general sort of castle aesthetic.
Well thanks for the input. I can often get a setting of sorts out of music too (i.e. a castle, cyberpunk dystopia, forest). The more I think about it the more I think I have some more serious issues, I just realized every individual I've ever imagined or dreamed has no face unless it's someone I've seen in reality. Thanks for reading my blog Yea Forums.
With two or three exceptions, Sekiro's English VAs are fucking horrible. If the Japanese audio is shit, then at least I don't know the language well enough to realize it.
>learning an entire language just because some people around you speak it
Wow way to be a loser.
>Jojo part 3
Americans are retarded that way, as a non american i consume everything i can in its original language with subs, i even considered playing The Bitcher 3 in slav language, but it kinda sucked, so did the game.
But if i watch a korean or russian movie, i use subs.
english voice actors are terrible.
>>Uhh... well, no. But I can tell the acting is better from the emotion in their voices.
It's not even about this, for some reason for dubs the English VAs always put on this fucking fake voice that sounds way too fucking fake.
Also acceptable but I've yet to come across this at all, what anime throws so much dialogue out that you can't read along during fights?
There is no difference between listening to English audio and listening to gibberish while reading English subtitles.
>shit tier weenie watcher needs basic concepts explained to him
I play Japanese games in theiroriginal div because I'm tired of every character being Sasuke, Spike, Sojiro, Yukari, and Akihiko.
Does Old Joseph still sound like a child in the dub? I liked his Part 2 voice but haven't watched 3 yet.
>Not liking Baccano dub
You're a heartless bastard
Same. But I hate Persona for using "-san", "-kun" and other weeb memes like that instead of correct localisation.
He sounds like it's 50 years younger than he looks in the English dub.
That's shitty. Is it the same VA as young Joseph or did they at least have the sense to switch it?
Of course I'm one of those people you tremendous faggot.
I'll also play it in Spanish if that dub is superior to the English and Japanese ones.
Berserk, Hellsing, Space Dandy easily.
For what purpose?
Golden Boy, you're welcome for the suggestions btw
I disagree unless they've recently dubbed the movies/nuAnime
My real problem with dubs most of the time is that they try to fit the speaking into the frame of the talking animations and so a lot of the times they sound like they are just saying one giant run-on sentence instead of talking like a normal person. Also a lot of it is pretty monotone to be honest. Some things do have an excellent dub and I enjoy them, see: Near a Tomato
3's dub is passable, beyond that you're a fucking retard.
Kill yourself retarded dub scum.
You can't tell either, if you don't understand the language.
I played some Assassin's Creed games with language matching the setting, because my native language has subs only.
How can one faggot be so wrong?
Weeb faggot.
>Wow when they said "OHH CHING CHING BING BONG" it was sooo much more emotional than the dub I actually understand!!
This but unironically
>I prefer subs because I hate localizations
Is this still a bad argument when you have moments like the Prison School dub inserting a gamergate reference?
I don't get why this annoys people so much. So what if they use Japanese honorifics? It takes place in Japan
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
The latter is westaboo as fuck so the dub is actually better than the original.
Both of you are wrong and stupid as fuck. DBZ's dub is only better insofar as the original release had the god tier Faulconer soundtrack.
The fucking Abridged dub for Hellsing is better than the official one.
Left-handed gamers aren't people.
I too love to parrot bullshit I hear from weebs
Is this you?
Doesn't apply if it's on a case-by-case basis like your example. If I heard something like that I'd drop the dub immediately and rewatch the entire thing in subs from the start.
Why do you dubfags have such an intense inferiority complex? Nobody cares that you use dubs made for kids, everyone has their own guilty pleasures
I don't like how metro doesn't sub all background chatter and minor character conversations. Makes me feel left out of certain things when playing the game with russian dub.
If an english dub is shit I'll watch it in japanese, how is this hard to understand?
Random untranslated words. Somehow good translations like Phoenix Wright do not need them.
That bothers me too. I wish more games too a note from Valve games and has a second subtitle setting that gets everything but isn't straight closed captions
no but i will play it in japanese if the english voices are awful, i dont speak japanese so i can't tell if its particularly bad
So? Who gives a shit? I understand honorifics. I'm pretty sure most people can infer their meaning after a while. And even if they can't all it takes is a quick Wikipedia search to know that they mean.
>the acting is better
Japs are waay overdramatic and melodramatic, to the point that its incredibly annoying.
So, you watch Asian movies on English dub as well? Or you're one of those that "would never watch something on those filthy languages"?
Certainly not.
If I choose to play with subs over dubs, it's because I hate the sound of the horrible overacting 43 year old woman voicing a young female. This isn't to say I understand Japanese or even prefer it, this simply means I'd take any other language that sounds less irritating due to not being able to tell if it's good since I just read the subtitles/textboxes regardless.
In essence, Subs I can't tell the quality of > dub I can tell is shitty.
And there are some dubs I do choose to keep on in the end, it's just rare. If all else fails or the option to change it is not there, I mute all voiced lines.
If you'd rather watch a magic highschool show in English you should neck yourself.
>discussing dubs on a newfag board
Anybody that has seen more than 10 subbed anime and has an above room temperature IQ understands that dubs are shit by design. The anime you watched on TV/VHS when you were a teenager isn't an exception. All these anime are popular in the West, the quality of the dub is inconsequential to this. The employed talent pool for English dubs is small, especially pre 2000s, so there's a fuck ton of crossover. It's fucking bonehead retarded to think that those actors and writers somehow exclusively did a decent job on the series that happened to become incredibly popular, and not with any of the less notable series that were dubbed by the exact same group. Being a casual viewer isn't bad, but don't intellectualize your baseless preferences.
>Who gives a shit?
People who want an actual translation? You can literally use your argument for anything.
>Why translate -tachi, you can just Google it to find out it means a group or "and the others".
>Why translate ken when they're talking about swords? You can just Google it and know it's a sword.
It's not properly translated, it instantly makes the sentence stilted, if you've never encountered the concept before it will make no sense at all unless you use outside sources to understand what they mean, and it's cringeworthy listening to it in English. The only thing you don't translate are proper names, everything else should be translated, even if you dislike it. Things like "Kazzy" in Yakuza are superior to reading "Kiryu-chan" because it means the same shit.
>Kings. Anyone who has made it through the hilariously simple path of learning Japanese, especially in the internet age where high quality learning material is available around every corner, has managed to elevate themselves a few orders of magnitude above the petty arguments of sub v dub.
Agreed, we have so many tools these days that make it super easy. If you don't have any plans to learn then perhaps gaming is really not the hobby for you.
1 is the most enjoyable storywise because its dubbed.
>"Oh you speak Japanese?"
the perfect dub
I dislike the majority of English speaking VAs, and will often turn off voice completely rather than listen to them. If a game has a voice track in another language I'll give that a shot as its usually at least tolerable. Not being a native speaker of whichever foreign language I consider to be a plus, as I can't tell if they're doing a shit job or not.
That being said there is a game with no discernibly bad voice tracks (even English) that I found to be best in its original language of Polish, The Witcher.
Just because you have sub-70 iq, doesn't mean everyone else does.
Sometimes it's a better dub than both Japanese and English.
>as a non american
No one cares Pevchanko, inject some krokadil into your neck ASAP
>I-I can TOTALLY speak the language
Underage b8
All the dubfags itt are just baiting right? Yea Forums can't actually be this retarded
Imagine being this American.
>dubbed zilla films
>beta male needs to listen to insect language to react to culture rather than his own language passed down by his forefathers
>beta male
>insect language
So it is bait, thanks
I always prefer to watch a show in the language it was created in.
>being beta enough to run from internet post
Ching chong ming mong fag-coon
I don't want old hags to voice character that aren't meant for them.
>implying the mutts aren't the ones that insist on English because they're too dumb to read
It's not even an autismo thing, many people in other countries want subbed over dubbed, especially in asian cultures. When I was an RA for the international students in college a lot of them had watched western cartoons and movies and shit and they insisted on watching it in english.
Also chinese students literally pirate everything, I had to have multiple meetings with so many of them because of them downloading things illegally and the college getting shit for it.
Someone post the 2ch rant image about the king of the hill dub
>dubcucks will listen to this
On PC in Japan they literally sell the Japanese language packs separate from the game itself at an extortionate price
you can not fucking convince me that this 17 year old japanese kid has the same voice and mannerisms as mcree overwatch
In the dub they probably changed it so he's 30
But an old lady voices a ton of people in Dragon Ball.
That's why I didn't quote anybody mentioning the db dub
america voice actors suck half the time. they try to find the most annoying fuck face they can for shit . disgaea hour of darkness is unplayable with voices if you own a american copy. great game horrible voice actors but if i was playing the japanese version its fine and you get tone / inflection data from people speaking even if you dont know what they say
How the fuck is the original japanese dub or even the art itself any more believable as 17 yo
If the voice acting is bad in English, I will usually change it to something else. The voice acting is probably still bad, but I can't understand it, so it doesn't bother me.