Join the scarlet crusade
Join the scarlet crusade
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what do I get for joining?
You will get killed but the order will reform (and die) every expansion.
Slut, disrespecting my religion
I fucking despise Blizzard. Make a wonderfully engaging, interesting, well balanced hero, nerf her into TOTAL FUCKING USELESSNESS, then drop all support for the game and declare their work here is done. I hate them so fucking much.
Dude who cares? Nobody plays that ASSFAGGOTS shit.
>well balanced hero
I thought she was broken as fuck not to mention her base design is flawed, you are forced to pick the same lvl 1 and 4 talent every time and ofc blizzard nerfed those talents to the ground.
Literally never. Game is no longer in active development.
Blizz is just letting it ride out for a while before shutting it down.
You get the satisfaction of purging undead abominations.
Kill enough and she sucks you off.
>Kill enough and she sucks you off.
Maybe if you're a death knight.
Sure thing.
>playing assfaggots
that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg
The fuck is wrong with her nose
>this had to be resurrected for deathnights of all people
She should've been resed by paladins or priests
This would be better if the camera tilted up instead of panning up.
I actually like her original look in Warcraft
>you will never be findommed by whitemane
It's not fair...
At your side, milady
The paladins or priests couldn't rezz her anymore and even if they could I'm pretty sure they hate her.
>you will never be stepped on by Whitemane
I want a Human wife.
Sally is very cute and a good girl!
RIP the hots team.
Does her boob grow from her shoulder?
If only human females were real
posting this made my peepee hard
Sadly "real" humans will never be as perfect as WarCraft ones.
When she launched she had a ton of flexibility. You were not obligated into Clemency/High Inquisitor. You could build entirely for Q or even E talents and see amazing results.
But then they nerfed everything else and buffed(???) High Inquisitor!
And then nerfed everything else again! And a third time! And then they nerfed High Inquisitor! And she had nothing left!
And then they stopped active development FUCK!
I posted a sample that was already in this thread, sorry I'll just delete it
My perfect wife Whitemane isn't one of the best healers anymore? What the fuck
She was too good.
I'd rather she be too good than terrible.
whitemane is a racist white supremacist symbol
>literally called WHITE MANe
>hates other races and undead(trans people)
>conventionally attractive, made to appeal to incels
Now that'd be a quality skin.
My wife is a good and pure girl.
She is not terrible she is just not op.
I'll join if it's the worgen Whitemane
Whitemane is a pretty good Horseman, but I prefer Nazgrim
stay eternally seething Crusadecucks
Based Sally.
How the fuck did HOTS get away with all this innuendo and putting in the game a 10/10 white hottie? Do the SJWs only care about non-dead games, maybe? How come the people inside Blizzard ok'd this? They're ful of SJWs considering everything that's been happening lately.
how the fuck does blizz do it bros
No, she's fucking terrible because you have to work so much harder than any other healer just to keep even with your numbers.
She can barely, barely work out, but it takes a lot of skill and if you have a lot of skill you may as well pick Ana and see amazing results instead.
I love my wife Vanessa bros
Because the Dev had someone at his back, and managed to persuade them that it would sell better that way.
The secret is that the progressives are currently allowed to exist in the industry because suits think it will allow them to get a new audience while simultaneously suffocating criticism.
Most outrage comes from rags that are open to bribes to keep their mouths shut.
As Kotic proved, they'll get their asses thrown to the curb the second they stop being useful, and the "journalists" will only ever make a token peep and never mention it again after.
I miss running around with her in Legion. She was my bodyguard from day 1 and I never changed her out.
VERY EASY. their games are huge in China/Korea so even though almost everyone at Blizzard is a woke sjw cuck they cannot go full retard and ruin their females or their games will tank and they will lose millions!!!
Black cock slut.
>Blizzard gets rid of bodyguards in the same expansion where Arcanist Valtrois becomes a garrison follower
literally what the fuck were they thinking
based insectoids keeping our blizzgirls voluptuous
what did she mean by this
HotS is still good.
thigh inquisitor sally whitepubes
Did they ever rework TLV so they're not basically just 3 creeps whose only use is soaking every lane?
t. silver trash man
thighmain is fucking off the rails even after mana nerf. maybe stop being a shitter stop picking lash like a scrub.
Whitemane isn't even in it anymore.
She became some basic ass deathknight with absolutely no trace of her original character, so annoying.
Actually, top of diamond/bottom of masters. I've been a dedicated whitemain since her release. I experiment with builds regularly and know everything about her that there is to know.
She's not healthy at any level of play.
Of course, I haven't played HotS for a month now, because it's just not worth it anymore.
Do you even play?
Ever since the announcement, they've put more work into balancing than anything. Since the turn of the year we've gotten a patch a month that are just pure net gains which have increased build diversity and finally reined in the 100% pick/ban heroes.
DK Whitemane would have been great if she ever came up again after you make her a follower instead of endless Mograinewank
>has a witch skin
>which makes zero fucking sense
>no worgen/undead skin
HOTS team confirmed for full retards.
God I want Mistress Whiteman to lock me in chastity and peg me
Now that's pathetic.
Advertising your faction, not by saying why your ideology is good, but by flashing tits at people, is how the IDF works.
I do not support the IDF.
HotS skins do not try to make sense with the character, they try to look good and either be funny or cool.
yeah an im dendi
git gud
There's a limit to one person's skill and the support is the most limited of all the roles in terms of what skill can provide.
You cannot heal bad positioning and you cannot heal good coordination on the enemy team.
>TFW There's almost no horsemen banter even though they all hated each other
What in the absolute fuck was wrong with the writers? They turned Mograine into an absolute doormat and completely missed the irony that the horsemen all absolutely despised each other in life
>Lili main
There's just something awe inspiring with her ability to drive Butcher and Varian mains to tears.
how get whitemane gf
1. Find a woman.
2. Dress her up. Women like playing dress up.
>tfw current Whitemane is some generic ass female death knight
How did they fuck her up so badly
Because they've been trying and failing to capture the lightning in a bottle that was Arthas' fall for decades now.
It's all so tiresome.
They steamrolled the entire class hall to make Bolvar look good.
>Replicating one of the greatest moments of all time written by the best fantasy writer in the world at their height.
still would tbdesu
by not giving her a chance to be a non-generic female death knight. Her introduction was cool as fuck and then she literally never appears again
Little girls, especially.
imagine if she made you eat her cold undead pussy hahaha
lili is a strange one
she is intentionally neutered to be a zero skill starter champ because you cannot target any of her abilities
yet with some positioning and timing she totally shuts down any phys asshole and deals a shit ton of damage. where the fuck is MY lili figure, no one is going to buy the stitches one.
>no hat even though there's a gray version
>black version of clothes she wore exist too
>entire shtick as a living human was rezzing, but isn't a master necromancer as a DK or a light user like the guy in the OG 4 horsemen (correct me if I'm wrong)
it's like they actively found what not to do, but did it anyway
too much soul
You just described current Wow's entire design philosophy user.
I haven't played Hots ever since they announced stopping support for the game, what did they do to Whitemane? Has Alexstrasza been nerfed more as well?
i prefer dragons
They're nice too.
Best way to describe it. It wasn't original, but it still had a lot of honesty behind it. A fantasy setting made by a bunch of nerds who grew up playing D&D finally having the talent and the money to make their fantasy world come to life.
You get sniffies!
>best fantasy writer in the world at their height
Come on user. It was great, but the writing isn't the best part of it. Its a generic good guy becomes what he fights story. The dialogue, delivery and cinematics really sold it. Otherwise it was just Metzen's latest "YOU ARE WHAT YOU FIGHT" story, which he did multiple times in War3 alone.
This guy gets it
They forgot later on that what made Arthas' fall work is that you could see each step of the road to hell while he trod it.
When they pulled the corruption shit in WoW, it was almost never foreshadowed in the slightest, and often a complete 180. They really should have learned from Kael what not to do, but they doubled down on it.
good save, don't know why I saved the mobilefag thumbnail version
I want to put a half-human baby in the Aspect of Life
I blew so many loads in my early fap days to that ass and thighs
I'll never forgive Burning Crusade for single handedly ruining Warcraft lore forever
this is probably pretty cringe, but when I was a teen and this song came out, I imagined it was telling Arthas's story, and visualized an AMVesque scenario for it
Pretty much. People weren't annoyed with Kael becoming a raid boss, they were annoyed with how this was a character that people had wanted to see progress, since it'd been something like 4 years since we'd last seen him. He went from a guy people were speculating to be a faction leader, to a raid boss, then to loonybin dungeon boss. It was like getting kicked in the balls.
Illidan's descent into madness was almost as bad, but it had some foreshadowing in vanilla.
Sorry, I already joined the Argent Dawn. I even got their tabbard and everything.
>backstory is literally being a breeder and only uncool with rape kids being used for war
I would Alexstraza and her daughters.
I wonder if Dragons will ever matter again?
After the dragon soul being used up and such I fear they're just going to be forgotten since they can't keep up with the ever growing power wank of WoW
Maybe they need an artificial Dragon Soul or something like that to bring them back into the spot light
I like demons better.
Bronze dragons get dragged out every other expansion to explain bullshit. Also blizzard seems to love to pull new wild gods out of their ass every expansion as well so I'd rather they don't touch dragons.
For me, it's Onyxia.
they'll matter when based Bolvar physically removes those disgusting leeches from the planet to make more frost wyrms
Are the HoTS devs the only red-blooded males left working at Blizzard?
sure when le epic lovecraft tentacles come back
Pretty based
I want to marry and impregnate a Draenei.
I like the what-if skins the most, such as Forsaken Jaina.
shit sucks
dragons as they are in WoW should just be wiped clean and redone from scratch after the burnout in Cata
>hey guys these dragons defend the planets with their respective powers (life, magic, TIME, elements, and life again)
>nevermind they're baddies except that 1 that got raped
Dreadlord Jaina a best
Because it's the current year and designing female characters for the male gaze is a big no-no.
Plus they're already too busy writing up a dozen new female racial leaders for all their allied races as it is.
she does use the light, like zielik.
that's why she was chosen.
>I actually like her original look in Warcraft
I mean, who doesnt?
It was fucking crime what blizzard did to her in Legion.
Was she ever used after class hall campaign? Didn't play bfa, but i guess not
>You no longer need to sacrifice for your people, you no longer need to bear the weight of your crown
>I've taken care... of everything
>What is this!? What are you DOING my son?
>Succeeding you... Father
Elder-God tier delivery.
>TBC handled Kael badly
read quests and NPC dialogue you dumb niggers
it was one of the best handled things in WoW in general
no wonder nu-WoW is all capeshit writing and in-game cinematics if you're the average player
>Burning Crusade
TBC didn't give Warlocks to the Alliance and Druids to the Horde, TBC didn't have Thrall suddenly be cool with the not-Scrouge joining his Horde, TBC didn't have the nelves suddenly start allowing female druids and male warriors/hunters.
Truth is, the lore was rigged from the start.
>Dies to a 5-man pug
So well handled.
based retard
stick yass queen slayvanas storyline
Next expansion.
>Alex will be reintroduced and given a proper hijab to hide her sinful female body
>Wrathion will become Warchief and bring playable Dragonkin with him
>Storyline will be about finding five new Aspects to take Azeroth's power (because she's such a Mary Sue Titan that she literally has too much)
While that's true, the Protoss joining the Alliance was the dumbest change ever.
don't forget night elves willing to join a faction whose leader is literally a wizard, theramore retconned from a city the size of orgrimmar to a shithole outpost, stormwind magically becoming a human powerhouse, horde having towns and settlements all over eastern kingdoms despite thrall leaving the human lands for good
Alexstrasza will be reintroduced as my wife and the mother of my half-human children.
The only thing good about Kael was his raid fight, an archmage so powerful and hopped up on netherroids that it took an entire raid armed with legendary armaments to bring him down.
Too bad his heel-turn into being a demon-loving retard was so ridiculously over the top in order to justify the horribly unnecessary and terribly written belf redemption arc.
>only one image in the entire thread has her with her actual correct hairstyle
HotS Whitemane is an abortion for retconning her hair
Yes. They were able to sit around and do things like give Jaina a pole dancing animation and devote time to sculpting Valeera and Whitemane's thighs
The current trend of "Attractive Women is No-No" is literally the worst thing, ever. Especially looking at things like Whitemane, Alexstraza, Blonde Jaina, ect.
Absolutely no one enjoys looking at these man jawed dykes at all. Whomever decided this trend should be found and hanged for their crimes.
>We ought to give the Horde a pretty race to get more people playing that Faction
>And give the Alliance an ugly race?
>Ehhh, give them big dorky fridge males and sexy space goats, if anyone asks you about the Eredar just make something up
>Also they have spaceships
>Prime chance for Sally to wear slutty skull and bone plate armor
>"No! Women are not allowed to feel attractive and show off their bodies on their own accord! It's current year!"
The lead animator for HotS is a woman, though.
I haven't played in nearly a year, is 8.2 looking any good? I always enjoy underwater stuff.
I fapped to her so much as a kid.
Especially when their cosplay contests always look like a strip club.
I want to put my dick in her with her consent
we don't know anything about 8.2 yet except that we're going to Nazjatar and there's going to be some autistic subplot about amputee gnomes to wank off Mekkatorque
I have to admit I forgot she was on the team. There was a pretty large amount of other women too, right? I wonder how many of them and the rest of the art team got moved to Immortal and the other projects.
Blood elves are for gentle protection and care.
And for bearing half-elf children for their human husband.
>yass queen slayvanas
The dude in front looks like Dude.
So she's responsible for Thicc Alex.
>Female gnomes except now you can just unscrew their arms and legs
>capture being of pure light and succ it for power because entire race is mana crackheads
>expect them to pay for their crimes to the light
>velen shows up and says well i GUESS since kil jaeden got beat heres your crack fountain back
whoever made sure they actually went through with that design instead of reusing red Sylvanas is based
seething retarded didn't actually pay attention to the story
True, hime cut hate is fucking crime against humanity.
her self healing is busted
>that feel when that resurgence of Alexstrasza porn with the new, objectively better and more fertile-looking body
Windchimes were one of the worst additions to the lore they could have made. BC was my favorite gameplay-wise but holy shit they absolutely ruined every scrap of good lore they had left.
There were High Elves in the Silver Hand. Blood Knights are stupid, and Blood Elves in general have been terrible and complete non-characters ever since Velen fixed all their problems.
yeah it's only a matter of time until they make new dragon aspects with some titan maguffin, but will they have new powers or just go back to the original 5. also it is fucking comical how the planet itself is the chosen one now
whats there to pay attention to liadrin doesnt even apologize until after velen gives her the crack fountain
>crack fountain
the naaru got captured on purpose to keikaku the blood elves on Azeroth into not following the Legion like Kael'thas did
The payoff took too long, it's only now that the Burning Legion got ganked that the Naaru are finally going full domination and showing us the fanatical aspect of the Light. I know Blizz is going for this yin-yang duality of Void/Light as metaphor for the Horde/Alliance and possible basis for a future playerbase division but they're really fucking farting around with a dozen unimportant storylines instead of focusing on the main attraction of how too much Light or Void are both bad for the planet.
And yet you post her human form. You fucking faker.
High Elves should be playable.
It's so fucking sad how Blizzard introduced the Nightborn as their attempt to do a Blood Elf storyline without fucking it up, and they still fucked it up by giving them such a shallow bullshit reason for going to war with the entire Alliance.
I only remember one of the team members on Twitter said they wanted to emphasize her figure since she was "momma dragon".
>all those people speculating sargeras would be the final boss expansions and expansions ago
>finally get to sargeras this is gonna be sweet
>nevermind fight this blue guy while the rest of the pantheon sits around and yells at you CHAMPION!
>illidan got brought back from death so HE could be the one to fight sargeras in his super forever prison
L I T E R A L L Y the worst way they could have handled that encounter
They really should have kept it simple. Not everything needs to be explained, mystery is good. We didn't need to know where the Light came from, we just needed to know that those who truly believed they were righteous could use it to smite shit. Attempting to personify it as a sentient force with goals (defeating the void, establishing order) is retarded and the same sort of thing that has ruined countless other fictional universes. Light vs Void would have been an okay thing if they had been pushing it from the very beginning of Warcraft 1. But they weren't, it's something that never existed in the setting until WoW.
It's more sad that the only interesting thing to happen with Blood Elves in over 10 years is some of them getting common sense and rejoining the Alliance.
but much of the blood elves who were with kael defected once they besieged shattrath and met the naaru
I love my wife Whtemane more than anything.
I want to fuck a female from every WoW race.
>Jessica Rabbit reference
Don't forget;
Literal capeshit tier. At least Deathwing trying to cast a second Sundering to fuck the planet to death was believable given his power and dominion.
>What they say happened
What actually happened is Alleria and Lorthemar trying to prove who can Reeee the loudest for a good 5 minutes.
Fuck void elves and fuck Blizzard giving Nelf models to the horde and Belf models to the Alliance an insultingly telegraphed move for more subscribers.
We shoulda gotten Ethereals.
How do I put my dick in this
What went wrong?
>emphasis on motherly features like wide hips and big breasts
>without making her clinically obese like most 'thiccccc XD' tards delude themselves into believing is motherly
it really is a shame HotS is dead
>HotS is dead
I can still open it up and play a game. I can't open up City of Heroes, Star Wars Galaxies, or Marvel Heroes anymore. It's not dead.
Lore wise the BElves were looking to rejoin the Alliance, until Garrosh nuked Theramore out of existence.
The lead dev is a female and one of the main animators is a gay asian so they have a lot of cards to play.
Plus, as you said, it's a dead game. It was very noticeable after the big 2.0 patch and huge push for e-sports that they were toning down the female skin designs for a few months but then support got pulled, the e-sports scene died and now the graveyard shift of devs has free reign again.
Just goes to show you that when your game falls under the radar of all the big twitter mobs that you can get away with a lot of shit, SJW types only care about games big enough they they can get publicity from if they make a big stink about it.
she looks underage
fucking pedo
It's a balance that seems rare in official and fan art for a lot of characters. To each their own I suppose if people are fans of extremes but there's just something really nice about character art, unofficial and official, that strikes the right balance when it comes to body types.
Bless the HOTS team.
I wish this game was better, because they honestly deserved the support. Some of the best blizzard models and designs they've ever done.