JRPG thread

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Started Blue Reflection and I like it so far. I don't really expect anything in terms of plot, but combat feels very solid and the game looks amazing.

Lili is cute! CUTE! Solor is cute too!

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Infinite Space

Need to have deflectors on my ships to pass through a meteor shower, and being a cheeky cunt I thought I'd only put one on my flagship and see how it goes.Turns out it lets you pass with that, just to kick you in the balls by critically damaging every ship without
And then you've got two boss fights in a row right after, and I've somehow managed to not press dodge before the first barrage of the second fight twice now, and even copping one of those is effectively instant gameover, setting me behind a load of text and the meteor shower again

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What's the shortest zelda?

I'm still playing through KH2 and I'm too depressed to enjoy any games

>Get to the final floor of X's post-game dungeon
>Random battles that hit the whole party with death or OHKO attacks or 2HKO attacks with random ailments
Even when it's just one floor left this shit is killing my motivation to finish it. Doesn't help that the post-game dungeon is just a minor edit of the same dungeon you go through five times in the main story.

recommend me a good jrpg i can play on pc

Trails in the Sky

Septerra Core

the roxas prologue isn't THAT bad

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Just use fighters, you mong.
Never worry about combat, carriers OP.

I just finished EOV a week ago. It's great but the plot felt kinda half assed compared to all the prior games. It's a very minor complaint though, especially in this series. Currently working my way through Nexus.

This is pre-timeskip, fighters haven't made an entrance yet

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I want to fuck those tits.

Lulua is cute and sexy and teasy, much better than old hag rorona.

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Well nuts.
At least it's not the fight that requires you to win something like 3 different melee engagements in a row.

Fuck melee was so bad in that game.

Last Remant.
Oh wait, Squareshit removed it from Steam for no reason.

>At least it's not the fight that requires you to win something like 3 different melee engagements in a row.
Don't think I've got that far before, sounds hellish
I've lost some stupid battles just trying to get used to melee, can't do it. The ship firefights are rock paper, scissors enough, and melee is that but with eons of windup to change commands and no way to predict what the enemy is doing

IIRC, It's like 80% of the way through the game.
I want to say it's after one of the recurring minor antagonists gets cosmic-fucked and turned into a sentient planetoid thing and shit just crazy.

The combat in Infinite Space is really bad, but everything else is pretty great space opera for the most part. Except when it gets absolutely bug-fuck insane, then it's great bug-fuck insane space opera.

I want to play a good jrpg with cute anime girls, preferably on vita but PC is okay too if it's not too high-spec. Nothing too depressing either, I'm looking for something light hearted to make me feel less terrible. I like tactics games and action rpgs as long as the gameplay is good but I'm open to other types as long as they're good in some other way (I like atelier but I've already played them). Any suggestions?

Thanks I'll check these out.
I bought a copy for really cheap eons ago but couldn't play it because my graphic card at the time was ass.
Thanks for reminding me I own it, might find that level scaling mod fix and play it.
It sucks they removed it but atleast people hopefully have it cracked and uploaded online somewhere, dumb as heck they removed it they didn't even port the remaster to PC which only adds to my mad.

disgaea 5

>might find that level scaling mod fix and play it.
Don't need any mods for that, the scaling was fixed in the pc version and you'll be fine if you are upgrading your weapons.
>didn't even port the remaster to PC
There is no need, just fiddle in the .ini files and you'll get the same result if not better as the remaster.

Tales of Vesperia. Going through it a second time, now with a guide due to all the missable shit.

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Unfortunately I can't stand disgaea. Thanks though.

Shining Resonance, I thought it was shit from what I played but it might be up your alley. You play a gimp (complete with choker) surrounded by animu girl archetypes. Plays like a knock offf Tales game, with some crafting and a lot of dating sim elements. The Refrain release as a whole other route as well, I'm assuming you can romance the villains in that

shame. what don't you like about it?

I'm just waiting for Zanki Zero tomorrow. I heard it was poorly received in glorious nippon but it seems gimmicky in a sufficiently interesting way to hold my attention for a while.

Does it have lewd hand-holding combat like in Shining Ark?

Are the Disgaeas good?

however if you play 5 first and then try to play 1 or 2 you'll find it excruciating due to the lack of qol improvements.

No, but it's got bard combat when your party shifts to band mode and plays music to buff you

This might be what I'm looking for, thanks for the recommendation. I like the artstyle and the singing music sounds great from what I've listened to. I've only played a couple Tales games and none recently so I'm not sure what you mean by a knock off, could you elaborate more on the gameplay (is it like party-Ys)? And why exactly did you think it was shit?

Although the girls are cute and I tend to like trpgs, the whole gameplay design of disgaea doesn't click with me. I expect trpgs to present interesting new challenges every map for me to overcome with clever use of units, but it seems like the level design is an afterthought since it's more about powering up your team and then winning the fights without much thought. I even went through the game without any grinding but it still felt really unbalanced, even compared to the many trpgs lacking in balance.

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Only played the first couple but my main problem was the main plot's level design getting stale in anything but short bursts, despite being pretty good. Doing literally anything else (like item world, one of the selling features) as a break though ropes you into overlevelling and then the main plot stops being enjoyable at all, it becomes a slog

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Playing Labyrinth of Refrain : Coven of Dusk. Just beat Dawn Witch Pecorino.

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Just beat Dragon Quest XI (PS4) for the first time, and I'm now doing the post-game stuff.

Do you guys normally play jrpgs once or do you go back and replay them?

>could you elaborate more on the gameplay (is it like party-Ys)? And why exactly did you think it was shit?
Every aspect of it screamed budget JRPG to me, from the linear maps to combat (think 3D Tales arena switch on encounter, only you've got a couple of basic attacks and just a few active skills to break them up), to most of the plot being presented through what are effectively VN segments with 3D models. And I can't overstate the last one, that's probably what put me off it because I was really wanting to get into something new and I barely got to play for the first 40 minutes between the VN delivery and the tutorials, and it doesn't let up. Stuck with it for a while but I really wasn't in the mood for a dating sim either and that's probably where the enjoyment is, since chatting them up affects battle bonds through some cryptic bullshit system I never understood

All I know is if you play it, guitar-axe bro best bro since if you arrange your relationship chart to disregard bitches, he attack buffs you and himself every battle
no homo

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Depends on the game, duh.

I'm playing what you posted and I'm nearly done with it. I have enjoyed it, but I'll be glad to be done with it. Next time I play an EO game I don't think I'll play it on hard, because even though it's enjoyable, it's making spend more time on the game than I'd like.

no more gays man's game and I'm still not tired of the henshin theme

I'm about to start playing this

Might buy Zanki Zero: Last Beginning tomorrow

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Man I really wanted to like Caligula Effect but it's just not very good.

I'm sorry for your bad purchasing decisions.

Is that a zombie


Does it count as replaying if I never finish them?

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Great, thanks for the explanation. I think the vast majority of jrpgs rely on "VN segments" to deliver the plot so that shouldn't be an issue for me, and I really like Ys despite having simple attacks. Hope it's as fun as it sounds.

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I put 300 hrs into it and never got tired of the theme, every fucking time it always feels awesome
when I tried out classic I missed it dearly

The Alliance Alive has some cute (chibi) girls and it cheered me up a lot.
Getting a PC port later as far as I know, but you can emulate the 3DS one.

Totori DX

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Meant to mention there's a 3 or 4 map hub town with npcs and quests, and eventually a random dungeon generator you can punch certain dungeon attributes and enemy types into as well (think that hits about the time you get a full party).
If you take to it there's probably a lot of fun to be had desu

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you could try some of the Touhou RPGs. I'd recommend GoS, it's also on Vita in Japanese, but the pc version (called weekend) is translated, runs on any potato and has much faster load times.

Lulua looks so good. Thinking about whether or not to get it for PC after all. I don't think the Switch can do it justice.

I enjoyed caligula effect desu.

SQX and YnK.

How do these stack up against the actual SaGa games?

>expect some sort of bad juju to happen to those two like any other Etriam pair
>both come out relatively unscathed and tighter together

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They're...rather different despite sharing a similar battle system.
Alliance Alive is more or less based on Minstrel Song's model, with a few minor differences like not having a pantheon system and going back to a few mechanics from RS3 like mounts, still, the game has a pretty small cast and no multiple MC shenanigans as the general progression is based on the Suikoden games, with all the base development and NPC recruiting gig of those games.
GoS is mechanically similar to SaGa in the sense that you have VERY similar battle design in terms of bosses and general command design (you even have some of the very same waza since it's a fangame) but it still adds its own mechanics while keeping a more standard RPG core set of rules and the progression is still completely different as it's stage based.

Alliance Alive is probably the closest you can get to a SaGa game all in all, but it really lacks the usual level of challenge that GoS has in spades.

I was playing Chocobo Mystery Dungeon Every Buddy but then I realized all the best tracks were from previous Mystery Dungeon games, then I felt no motivation to continue.

Wondering what to play next. I heard the Caligula Switch version was bad?

Caligula is a bad game, no matter which version you play.
I am playing Every Buddy, but unlike you, I found a way to resolve the soundtrack problem - put some music on mp3 player. :)
Great game! Played as Black Mage, but now I'm Dragoon and I kick ass. Although, I think I overleveled for current chapter - at Ch 4 I "unlocked" that Scarecrow dungeon with great equipment, bonus EXP ability and bought way too many X Potions.

Post more etriams
Nexus was okay

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I was enjoying it greatly in the beginning but it kinda fizzled out. I was damn near the end when I dropped it. I think my expectations were too high.

I've heard so much about how amazing the story was in the older Chocobo games so I was expecting more from the characters.

my order of the princess guide just got here

I don't know, user. This is my 1st Chocobo Dungeon game and I didn't expect any story at all. Just simple dungeon crawling. Different people like different things. As a matter of fact, I'm thinking about buying Tangledeep and/or Dragonfang Z after I finish this. Some anons recommended me Tangledeep, and DFZ looks nice. And, apparently, they fixed the translation.
If you, or any other user, have roguelite recommendations for PC and Switch, I will gladly listen.

Any of you moonreaders play shining hearts?

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I did. It's hella easy but a fun play.
Like HELLA easy.

I wasn't expecting the world but I wasn't caring for any of the characters after a while so I stopped playing. It's a good game, gameplay wise though.

I'm trying to finish Etrian Odyssey Nexus, having a bad time coming up with subclass names.

Fuck off Onso

I was very disappointed to learn Rorona didn't push her out her vagina.

It's kinda crap, like an even more braindead Valkyria Chronicles but with Tony's sameface waifus, play it if you REALLY like Tony's waifus, otherwise forget about it, ditto with Shining Ark and really all of the Shining Taka games.
Don't you bully my boi Onso.
Actually, do that, it reminds me of the old times

jrpgs fucking suck, generals belong in /vg/

Shining died after Shining Force III. You can't convince me otherwise.

If only you knew how bad jrpgg really was. It only takes a few autists and namefags to ruin everything good.


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If only you guys knew.

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someday maybe
but I definitely played the heck out of youtube.com/watch?v=lNmLRm-wTSc on osu
(on the easier difficulties because it was a very hard song)

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That's some wank claiming false credit, you'd have to be completely oblivious to share a general with people for months to years at a time and not pick up on outside posting habits, not to mention /vg/ threads are isolated communities that don't give two fucks about Yea Forums
t. was /scv/ after the split

I think that's just a convenient excuse you came up with to post your general on Yea Forums cause jrpg fans like doing shit like that. I think the truth is no one can stand jrpg fans not even themselves.

/jrpgg/ was a real thing that no longer exist you idiot. You are right that JRPG fans can not stand each other tho.

Bouncing between EOV and EON. I got walled by Crystal Dragon so I've gone back to EON's postgame. Also playing some Disgaea 1, but not going as hard as EO.

>That's some wank claiming false credit
It's funny you say that because I got the feeling that post was made by someone who was tired of the shitflinging between jrpg fans and wanted them to come together against one common shitposter.

Are there any other dungeon crawlers that aren't Wizardry, EO, Labyrinth of Refrain, Mary Skelter, Strange Journey and Sword City. I've already played all of those / disliked their aesthetic.

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In what way is shining hearts like valkyria chronicles? I don't see the connection.


I forgot I beat Gothic on PC.

Decided to play Cold Steel after reading good reviews of it. So far it's just ok, how do the sequels compare? Do they improve the base game or is just more of the same?

nothing, im waiting for cold steel 3, and maybee the announcement of star ocean 6 at the festa.
thinking about getting ni no kuni though

The battle system is similar.
Very similar.

Might & Magic?
Eye of the Beholder?

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eye of the beholder, bards tale, dungeon hack, ultima underworld

Should I get Dragon Quest XI on switch? Haven't played many DQ. Have access to pc, every console and handheld

cold steel 2 is by miles better than 1.
you should thin about starting to play ao/zero and tits. you will regret not playing them before cold steel 3 comes out

Ty anons I'll try those out

My bad, I confused Shining Hearts for Shining Blade, I often make that mistake.

I was expecting them to be the obligatory class fight of the game. It really surprised me that they were actually good people like they seemed to be.

shut the fuck up onsokumaru

Demon Gaze

depends. almost all turn based games are one and done, but games like Ys VIII and Xenoblade 2 i've played multiple times

zanki zero looks intriguing to me too, but i'll wait for it to go on sale. it's not worth $60.

Just finished Chrono Trigger. Forgot how resolve the Lucca sidequest though, so her mom's legs still don't work.

Varies by game. Dragon Quest games are usually once and done, but I've played each of the Etrian Odyssey games around 8 times except V (3) and Nexus (2)

don't you have to input some specific button sequence on the machine? there's a note somewhere during that section

Playing Earthbound. I have no idea if I am strong or weak in this game. In Threed right now.

He clearly doesn't like eastern aesthetics.

I'm enjoying Nelke a lot more than I thought I would and that gave me hope for Lulua, but I'm still upset that they did nothing with Rorona and Sterk.

Yeah, I ended up re-checking the solution afterwards. The password to input is her mother's name (L, A, R, A) and is found on the note.

good choice. i really don't understand all the hate for this game. the musician route alone makes overdose a million times better than the original vita version.

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>cold steel 2 is by miles better than 1.
Don't kid yourself, user. CS2 is awful - and CS1 isn't even a high bar of quality to begin with.

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jrpg experts, what's the deal with mana khemia? In every atelier thread I see people swear that it's by far the only part of the franchise worth playing, but I never see people talk about it in actual jrpg threads despite the atelier series getting an occasional mention. Why is that?

Cause it only has 2 games and there really isn't anything to discuss. The games are both extremely solid and have some of the best musical tracks that GUST has ever made, as well as the best battle systems.

They're just so good, but not much else to say. I liked MK2 over 1 but most people like 1 better.

Mana khemia is pretty generic but people only like its music and battle system, it's also popular on atelier threads with contrarians.

Tell me a JRPG to play.

Growlanser IV

I do actually. I just don't have a Vita and also worded the sentence weirdly.

Lunar Eternal Blue (after you beat Lunar Silver Star Story).

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don't actually play this
It has the slowest most boring start to any jrpg, the plot is a mess of terrible ancient evil cliches, the writing is bad, the graphics are bad, the music is bad, the battle system is shit, the battles are poorly balanced, etc.

I could replay the series, Saturn or PSX?

Sega CD.

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Front Mission DS or play the fantranslated SNES version?


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Play SaGa

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Never played a SaGa game ever.

If you play the ds version you miss a couple lines of foul language that characterize the MC's emotional distress

Either way, play the DS version once you're done the OCU route since there's an entire new campaign.

That's about time to change that then

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What do you suggest?

Depends on how confident you feel.
The SaGa 2/3 remakes on DS are a fine introduction for the basic, modern mechanical standards and are great remakes of the original games too, they're also linear and with a small, defined cast while still keeping the customary freeform customization and building system the series is renowned for, they're great for beginners.
SaGa Frontier was originally a homage to the first trilogy, as such it share most of the basic mechanics but introduced a lot of new ones and kept the Romancing standard of multiple MCs and nonlinear, free roaming based progression. Like the DS remakes it's on the easy side but it also a lot more tricks that might be frustrating for a newcomer, especially depending on the main character you choose, like all games it asks you to pay attention to what you do and fully explore the game in all senses, which most newcomers don't do.
This game is also an all you can eat buffet for /m/en, so if you happen to be one, it's warmly suggested you start with this.

Outside of these, there's not a lot of other entries that are good to ease in newcomers, so that's mostly up to you, Unlimited is only for big dick veterans who can handle a lot of heat though, so I wouldn't recommend to start with that, it's more or less the Wizardry IV of the series, Minstrel Song is also fairly complex and unforgiving for beginners and so is Romancing SaGa 2.

As long as you don't try to play them like your average JRPG and go in with an open mind and pay attention, they're all fairly manageable though, so again, it's depends on how much culture shock and complexity you can handle.

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Started playing shadowrun hong kong because someone here recommended me
So far I'm really hating the dwarf chick and the chinese auntie, I'm really disliking the lack of freedom in this game, combat is xcom so its kino, but jesus fuck I hope I don't have to listen to this auntie for the whole game, I'm gonna betray her the first chance I get

Etrian Odyssey Nexus and Ys Origin.

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