>Ubicucks will defend this
Ubicucks will defend this
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What do you call this body type?
high test
If she was cute, I would defend it. But she looks literally trans. Trans and old.
morbidly obese
who cares, literally nobody plays this dumb broad
her hitbox is already a massive downside and her gadget sucks ass
[You have been banned for toxicity]
It checks out, user.
have you ever been to australia?
half the women look exactly like that, game is pretty realistic
What's wrong? She's normal sized. Don't they have food in Europe? Did your socialist government steal it all away to feed Africans?
I banged a fat girl once who had the same body type but a prettier face, tightest pussy I ever felt, couldn't believe it and still don't.
That's the biggest absolute unit in vidya I've ever seen in years. And believe me, it's been a while
wow so progressive
>Typical post 00's Female Australian
this is correct and its fucking disgusting.
Wow the plates in that plate carrier are deformed as shit because she's a fat fuck. Also they don't cover much.
She's not fat, she's just big.
snu snu
sperm whale
The Unit Unit
>people are this brainwashed that butch looking women are trannies now
I get what you're trying to do, but why are you using an ugly mutt as your positive example?
Lesbian trucker.
lmao trans people look like this
disgusting, this game was only cool with the first operators, later it become too sci fi
yeah that’s what happens when she crosses the street, am i right fellas?
I'm fine with joke characters in games
The late 30s/early 40s something mom who goes out and does things while her skinny, unassuming husband is either busy at his white collar job or is a stay at home dad body type
sounds about right.
are some of the fattest countries. i think those four, alone, might be top 5 or something
gold standard of the american federal reserve
the aussies are fun i don't give a shit how fat she is anymore
pero chupame la pija greengo puto
Salad dodger champion mode
That bulldyke bitch was strong as shit though, not fat as fat ass.
I don’t understand how this is realistic? I can’t believe anyone can be in special forces and be that fat.
the, i have a penis
Why does Yea Forums give a shit about realism only when it comes to fat ugly bitches and never anything else?
>too sci fi
Do you think they'll slim her down if she gets a low pickrate because of her hitbox?
Rarely see her in game since the opening weeks.
Nomad does the same job better.
>Do you think they'll slim her down if she gets a low pickrate because of her hitbox?
no because they don't know how to buff/nerf for shit, they'll do something retarded like give her buck or sledges frags
Fatter Refrigerator Grace Moretz.
wait is her hitbox actually that big?
that's hilarious
Almost accurate. The prefrontal cortex doesn't fully develop until 25.
Based retard
I'll correct myself.
The original operators(and maybe the the first season) feel more real, like you can more larp as real life tacticol operator
The later operators are more "progressive" and trying to be waifu material and bullshit stuff, they just feel fake.
i honestly don't care
they did all the more grounded stuff they could already do, I agree I could live without Finka/Lion but I also know they can't just stop making operators and focus on maps or anything because how are they going to get idiots to pay for season passes otherwise.
>larping in siege
in fairness, that is your typical australian bird
to be fair, the average Australian woman does look like that
Bitch looks like the bassist from Blink-182
25 year old here what does that do.
Finka and Lion have some of the more down to Earth designs of recent DLC ops
>women in war
fuck this game, i am glad i never paid ubisoft a singe dollar for this
french cucks
Moto Moto's Favorite
Does she actually have a bigger hitbox? That would be funny.
she's a good example, because she have realstic uniform with helmet and not some cool stylish hat.
That new operator has a fucking motorcycle helmet.
thanks god I stopped playing this game years ago
I wish
That weight is Photoshopped r-right?
Also this is fucking ridiculous, no woman has ever even gotten into the Parachute regiment, never mind the SAS.
hey fuck you buddy don't you talk shit about mozzie
makes you want to kill yourself, or at least that's what my therapist told me that it's what mine did
why can't the english speak english?
Decision making. The part of the brain that actually deals with logic instead of the emotional limbic system.
Fucking lmaoo. Keep getting help.
Posting best op
their designs are down to earth but their gadgets sure as shit aren't
>That new operator has a fucking motorcycle helmet.
don't shit talk the based manlet, his gadget brings stuff to the table that benefits how the core gameplay works and he is loads of fun to play
Oh shit is this why teens are so hot headed and it's easy to piss them off?
Who writes these characters?
finally, a character I can self insert as!
>t fatass dude
>Morowa Evans led the fight in her community against racist groups in often-violent clashes. She was relentless until the day her friend and mentor, Tray Pearson, died trying to stop looters during a riot. Two months later, Evans offered her assistance to the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) because she wanted to make a difference from within the system. The MPS offered her a clean slate if she helped stop protests from going violent. Evans made it her career, going from insider to eventually joining the MPS.
>During the 2011 London Riots, Police Constable Evans commanded the front line in the Territorial Support Group to stop the violence from spreading, and later acquired special permission to attend Gold Command meetings, devising new crowd-control strategies based on her years as riot leader. PC Evans made 274 arrests throughout her service and later made Detective Constable. She earned the Queen’s Police Medal for exceptional bravery and earned a spot in Rainbow due to her experience, service record, and tenacity.
Yes. One of nature's funniest jokes on us really. Limbic system kick starts right away once puberty starts where the only thing that can reign it in develops much later near the end of it.
Who made that render?
It's so fucking jarring in comparison to everything else in the game.
takes a nigga to stop rioting niggas
That's supposed to be a woman by the way.
Those require much less suspension of disbelief than say a fucking hologram generator that tracks where its getting shot from.
The amount you have to be realistic is inversely proportional to the amount you have to be sexy and/or cool.
Sexy/Cool good
Ugly bad
If unrealistic and sexy/cool good
If realistic and sexy/cool also good.
If realistic and ugly okay but maybe you should have did something else instead.
If unrealistic and ugly.... yikes......
are you fucking kidding me?
Do you even fucking know that EMPs only happen during nuclear discharge?!
having EMP bombs itself is a fantasy,now making them as small as fucking frag grenades is literal sci fi famtasy
And the typical normie is supposed to know that? Nigger I didn't say they were any more realistic, I just said they were more believable. Meanwhile you need an entire stage of special equipment to even think about creating holograms.
>he doesnt know
Everyone who is into basic military knowledge and plays shooters like Siege know it
human shield
take your larp to arma, neckbeard
>playing siege post 2016
>This chubby bitch
Did they change their motto to "He who eats, wins?"
>That reload on the CAR-9
Feels so satisfying to get 2-3 kills in a spray and then flick out the mag
A shitskin diversity hire
A GiTS style R6 game would be pretty fucking good though
Was just about to post this. A woman that small shouldn't weight more than me ffs.
this amuses me more than it should
Can't wait for ready or not to come out so this game has some actual competition and I don't have to play as a fucking tranny or see these idiots running around in bright pink april fools outfits.
Goddamn did this bitch eat the whole fridge?
is that jim sterling