You DID link the fire and save the world, right, user?
You DID link the fire and save the world, right, user?
Do it for her
>Dark Souls
Became the Dark Lord
>Dark Souls 2
Walked away
>Dark Souls 3
Stole the fire as the Lord of Londor
So... No. Not once.
t. casual with only one playthrough per game
The Age of Dark is inevitable.
It's the destination.
FUCK the fire and FUCK the (((gods)))
>he did multiple playthroughs
Too big
Too gay
Dark Souls in only good in a blind playthrough. I tried to play them again, but I ended up running through every boss without taking any hits, and my first death was stepping into an elevator shaft before the New Londo Ruins like 2/3's through the game. It was too easy, I was bored and the magic is lost when you know what you're doing.
That's basically the entire point of the series, yes.
I mean i'm not that user, i understand that people play trough games only once sometimes, but if you play a souls game only once you're completely wasting the money you spent on the game, it's designed to be replayed.
The closest game to this mindset is Sekiro because there's no stats or customization, but even then i'd suggest doing a couple of playtroughs to have fun with your newfound knowledge of the game and get a different ending, at least.
>postponing the inevitable
>also curses humanity
Cant handle it
>buying a game and only playing it one time
the fuck is wrong with you.
Linking the fire is cuckoldry.
Setting your soul to burn is basically spiritual findom where you're paypigging your very essence to make others happy.
If you aren't a little bitch boy you'll create an age of dark.
Also don't be a cunt, be reborn as an old one and tentacle fuck the doll for eternity you pussies.
>didn't take any hits
what did he mean by this?
Not big enough
Cringe and yikespilled
was jesus christ a cuck
I mean, it's not that far fetched.
Have you ever gone back to DaS1, after playing something like BB?
You never touch a shield anymore, you just iframe trough everything, it's hilariously easy.
Not saying it wasn't hard when it first come out,l but if you progress trough the series and go back to 1 it's like everything is in slowmotion, obviously you're gonna have an easier time.
>Gwynevere actually had a modest bust but Gwyndolin played with the proportions to be more appealing to dumb undead
He was also jealous of her tits and wanted them too.
Wich is extremely common among certain groups
literally was and also jewish.
>dude I'll just like die for your sins okay guys
>oh you're still sinning 2000 years later?
Christians are known masochists and cuckolds.
The romans had to tell christians to fuck off because christians were begging to be executed as martyrs.
No. Linking the Fire has no benefits for humanity. Dying for your sins helps humanity.
i have but to claim that you 'never got hit' is absolutely bullshit
>save the world
you mean cuck the humans out of their destiny?
I wasn't clear, I took no hits from bosses until I died in the elevator shaft and then I quit. I didn't finish the game like this... Also, its not as impossible as you think. All the bosses have an animation that they become locked into. Whether that be a wind up attack, an ability or them resetting after an attack. If you know them all, don't get greedy with your swings and hold onto a small pool of stamina in case of emergencies the bosses are easy. This wasn't the case on my first playthrough however.
He died so that humans could be born without sin, retarded fedora.
>dies for our sins
>was one with god anyway so god basically cut himself for his own approval
>people still aren't supposed to sin or they'll go to hell
>people keep sinning like nothing happened
>never comes back or performs any more miracles even though the faith is slipping rapidly
How exactly was this helping humanity again?
Technically if jesus never existed there would be maybe 100 or less desert people who would have had shittier lives because he didn't feed or cure them.
As far as gods made manifest he's pretty fucking shitty.
Bloodborne ruined Dark Souls for me. The enemies now feel sluggish and slow.
why were babies born with sin if god was the one giving humans souls?
>original sin
but that shouldn't be inherited and god orchestrated everything in order for the original sin to happen.
It's just masochism on-top of masochism.
DaS feels faster.
After playing BB, going back to DeS feels more "right" than DaS.
I always liked DeS more than DaS, and Miya said that BB is a spiritual sequel to BB, not DaS, so everything check out.
BB should make people realize that DeS was by far the better game.
Feels way more snappy to play.
I did not light the fire because I thought I would find some chest with items on the door that opened. I did not even know that old man was the last boss.
>DaS feels faster.
*DeS, i mean
>all she does is lay around all day
why is that kinda hot?
BB ruined DS3 for me
>every enemy got long chains
>you can only flip
>shields are nerfed to fuck unlike the other games
Reminder that this is the result of keeping the fire lit and not making way for a new age.
>God orchestrated everything for the original sin to happen
He said DON'T eat from the tree, and they disobeyed him. The purpose of it was that God gave us free will, so we can choose to go against him if we want to.
>set up dominoes
>dominoes fall in a line
>curse dominoes to eternity of suffrage
is god the reddit of existence?
DS3 ruined DS3 for me.
Lazy gods are lazy gods. I'm sure you can find some way to entertain her.
>we go to prince of persia
>implying human beings have no choice but to fall down
>create beings in your image
>give them "free will"
>except they will suffer forever if they don't do what you want them to
>also their will is completely free and independent even though you've constructed them a specific way
>create a treasure specifically to tempt the beings your purposely made free
>create a demon to suggest they utilize their freedom
>they do what is most obvious
>act shocked even though you're omnipotent and saw this all happening before you even started putting existence together
God is such a lying piece of shit.
One day he's all powerful all knowing then the next day "oops, did I do that?"
What a disingenuous asshole, I wouldn't be surprised if he had his own god and was just trying to make it seem like he's the big cheese.
ITT: reddit fedora tipping athiests discuss religion
Or they could have not taken the apple, you know? They were directly told not to, yet they disobeyed.
>I wouldn't be surprised if he had his own god and was just trying to make it seem like he's the big cheese.
that's Gnosticism more or less
But he knew they would take so why test them?
God already has all knowledge because he created everything and is all powerful.
So he expressly created the tree for his creations as a test, it has no other purpose.
He tested them even though he knew what would happen.
Meaning it wasnt really a test of free will and just him validating making his creations suffer.
There is no way to make original sin make sense which is why most christians call it an allegory to ignore it.