Tell me captain, if the federation is so great why are there no good star trek games?

Tell me captain, if the federation is so great why are there no good star trek games?

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Because the rights for the Trek Franchise are split and CBS is going to much trigger happy with takedowns that fangames such as Excalibur have to lay low to the point of completion.
I'm surprised Armada 3 released three times at all.

There's gotta be at least one decent one, right?
Also what constitutes a good Star Trek game?

I played Elite Force 1 and that wasn't too bad for a retro game. I especially liked the level where it was a mash of different spaceship interiors. Definitely had that old-style Quake 3 level design feel.

because there aren't enough bajorans in the gaming industry

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If you want a good Star Trek game, no joke, play Star Ocean 1 and Star Ocean 2. It's like if a landing party got stuck on a planet locked in medieval stasis and Kirk had to learn magic.

I've been watching ds9, dukat is based and bajor is rightful cardassian soil.

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It's bad when your species is uglier than fuckin Klingons.

OG Star Trek sucks.

>Star Trek

Pick one.

Finally someone understands it!

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There's a reason I mentioned SO1 and 2 alone. They are very different games from what the franchise turned into. It's a landing party story viewed from the perspective of the natives.

Elite Force 1 is great, if a bit too short. I really, really like its art design.

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The Tholians need to be in more games.

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Federation is pretty awful, though, I would consider it a dystopia (in the sense of incredibly undesirable development of civilization, not including the common connotation of totalitarianism or whatever): It's technically a post-scarcity civilization, but that's mostly accomplished through people wanting less. I'd much rather live somewhere like the Culture than a civilization where people's freedom to pursue their interests (~=material wealth) doesn't really seem greater than my own.

Anyhow, the good Star Trek episodes are the ones that explore various philosophical questions, like "The Measure of Man" or "In the Pale Moonlight", and there are few to no game designers who can translate that sort of deliberation into interactivity. In terms of action, worldbuilding and shit, Star Trek isn't in any way compelling, so while I think Trek is a whole has valuable qualities, those aren't the kind of qualities that would make for good vidya.

They're pretty prominent in Star Trek Online

Feddie is so mad he made an image macro to show how mad he isn't.

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Shut up Worf.

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What the FUCK was their problem?

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>Your pain runs deep Yea Forums.......share it with me. And gain strength from the sharing!

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Imagine the pain from a neckchop.

It was the eve of the Jannies withdraw, Elim and I were interrogating five shitposters, they were CHILDREN, doctor! None of them where older than 15 years old. They knew nothing, they lived in blue-boards, they scrounged for dubs on the street, they were FILTHY and they STANK!
Oh, the room was freezing cold, the AIR was like ice and suddenlly the whole exercise seem utterly meaningless, all I wanted was a HOT MEAL and some WARM TENDIES

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Sisko is by far the worst captain

Literally MILLIONS of bajoran women were creampied over and over by cardassian soldiers. And it really bothers Kira how hot she thinks that fact is.

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I liked ST Enterprise. Maybe it could've ended differently but I guess the series got cut suddenly

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*tink tink tink

FUCK Sisko
FUCK Feddies
AND FUCK "Paradise"

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Reminder that he did nothing wrong.

He did something wrong about his hairline.

I can hear him in this greentext

Star Ocean is trash


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A real shame we'll never get to see what he could do with the power output of the refitted engineering section plugged into his phasers.

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>never ever get a HD remake of elite force 1/2

virtual voyager was great, captain proton holo novel was funny, picard vs janeway holomatch was kino

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Kardassians are just Klingons after the stagg actually learned how to write good alien races that are warmongers.

FUCK the rules of acquisition and FUCK weyune

they turned their back on him

you used to be able to troll the shit out of people on STO with the tholian carrier and its cripple bros.

bonus points if you also used the web console after disabling a player

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What we playing, bros?

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"Barclay One-Alpha"

............................. ..............................

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garden relaxation program

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The Spoonheads are a bunch of losers.

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Why does everyone forget 25th Anniversary?

"Computer in the Homlesian style create a mystery to confound anonymous with an opponent who has the ability to rape him."

The writers of TNG were big weebs though. No reason the two can't go together.

>all those anime references on star charts and ship lists in the backgrounds of episodes

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>The Trekmakers were weebulated
How many figurines did they ownand put out for display?



Never seen Voyager I take it

>final season of DS9

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>Local Man somehow finds a way to be wrong in ways not thought possible.

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Best character.