which campaign was the best and why was it e 102?
Which campaign was the best and why was it e 102?
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Sonic because it's the only one that played like a fucking Sonic game. E-102 is only good for his theme and having shooty gameplay without SA2's god awful sound mixing that means the speakers are always making loud BLEEPS.
Sonic was the best gameplay wise, but Gamma was a much better story wise. If only he had more stages.
Gamma > Knuckles > Sonic > Big > Tails > Amy
E 102 was decent but not good and it was thanks to that that we got tails and robotnik inside their mobile robots in the second game. Literally no one asked for that but Sega of Japan just did whatever they feel like.
Uh what about tails
Even as a kid, I was disappointed in the laughable difficulty of Gamma's spam shoot to win stages.
the entire game is easy
I loves Gamma's gameplay, it was relaxing and kept a fast enough pace. Amy isnt that bad either, 2 of the 3 stages she has can be completed in the same amount of time as most Sonic stages.
It wasnt made to be difficult it was made to be fun
Tail's is just a cut down version of Sonic where you just fly over every challenge.
>best thing about SA is the thing that's the absolute least resembling Sonic
if you didnt cry during this scene, you are a liar
No, I'm not.
>crying over this
>The only character with any emotion or decent story attached to it with real character development was a fucking robot
The Sonic franchise is a fucking joke, but I'm sure that has been plainly obvious to many for decades by now.
Tails had character development as well, though Gamma was much better.
It was Big
I like big
Then why was half the game not?
big brain
Sonic Adventure was the first time in my life I felt like I was growing out of gaming.
"Hey, this is fun!"
"Well...I guess I can put up with it."
>Super Sonic
"Finally this game can fucking end."
Shadow too, also Tails arc in SA1 and 2
Emerl is also better than Gamma
There is no ethical consumption under capitalism
I like tails because his broken flying ability allows you to do some really crazy shit to skip large portions of sonic's levels. It's probably not what they had in mind but it's pretty fun. For example, that downward spiral level in the sky, you can try to just jump down and use your flight to land super far in the level.
Amy was very anxiety inducing playing this game when I was 5 years old
The Sonic franchise literally owes all of it's failings to Sonic Adventure. Once Sonic started existing in what looks like real world Miami Beach and the character roster exploded and Robotnik started to be called Eggman in America, it all fell apart.
based and кoммyниcтpilled
ok classicuck
This but the exact opposite
>Amy that low
Bitch killing that robot at the end was the most satisfying boss fight.
Fucking ew
There was no fanart of Sonic in diapers before Sonic Adventure. So, yeah, guilty as fucking charged.
You mean before sonic adventure 2 Battle
Going to nintendo is what brought the autism
All of the sonic autism started with the american cartoons/comics.