ITT: Comfy towns in games.
ITT: Comfy towns in games
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Windfall Island
Hateno Village
This. It was amazing to see how it was alive at different times of the day.
>fags and gnome nigger tranny shit inside inn
Nice choose.
Comfiest capital city
Also the emptiest.
>every server is moon guard
goldshire is nice on pvp servers in between the infernal attacks.
Emptiest is probably Exodar
I don't have any screenshots as I'm on the shitter atm, but some of the towns in Blood and Wine are top tier comfy cozy
>with the absence of hunters it's probably been destroyed now
Gridania.... home.
Anvil's alright but Chorrol and/or Cheydinhal, especially on a rainy day, is where it's really at.
>Help me
>I'm dying...
>...of poverty
Probably the most casual, shit tier mmo to ever be, still got nostalgia boner for it tho.
nothing is comfy about this place, some nigus stole my fokin car from my garage
Fuck, Tristran's theme immediately started playing in my head.
I really enjoy Stormwind. A lot of nooks and crannies to chill in.
Seyda neen
New Sorpigal
Hordescum Beef detected.
UNATCO, home.
FF14 in general has the comfiest city ambience.
Almost worth the monthly fee.
Coming through with the spiciest nostalgia.
Not even the comfiest town in that game user
Read Dead Redemption 2
Also twilight town
>all these faggy world of warcraft towns
how can an MMO town be comfy if the world is a queer little cartoony theme park? pic related is actual respite from a scary unforgiving world
>posted almost the same time as me
Replaying wow with ironforge empty depressed me
There's nothing comfy about ugly little instanced zones with 100 catgirls standing around staring blankly. You cant even walk from one end of the city to the other withought going through a loading screen.
They also fucked WoW with sharding.
Literally where? Doesn’t even look comfy.
Trash taste get out
>Take the elevator down
How could one empty town be so SOULful?
I dont know if you'd count this as a town but I found it extremely comfy.
underage pls go and take your garbage teenie bopper MMO with you
Stay awhile and listen!
minecraft village... home
Krimson City... home... at least it was until Ruvik fucked everythang up.
what game is this
>not posting pre-hunger bar beta
Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual
the music is god tier
Best MH game right here.
Dillimore... home
Dalaran - home.
Theres nothing this comfy.
Tristram is pretty fucking depressing; I would never describe it as comfy. Great music though.
>pine trees
Fuck off you lore-breaking retard.
SA countryside was the comfiest experience i've ever had with gaming
Ericson's Boarding School..... home
Peculiar choices
What's this supposed to be, this whole picture looks off
I loved riding bike through countryside,shame that muscle bar was decreasing because of that
Riverwood.. home.. at least it was until the imperials fucked everything up.
This, why do modern games feel so empty and lifeless in comparison?
>NPC had daily routines
>almost every NPC had a backstory, unique loot and dialogue
>tons of sidequest that are not simply slay 5 beasts or bring me some shitty artifact
>events on certain days like drinking bouts on the market place
I mean it even had a goddamn brothel with a prerendered cut scene for fucking the prostitute
I dislike Witcher 3 but one thing they got right was making the cities feel like actual cities, when I first got to Novigrad I was like holy shit, this is actually a full blown fucking city, not a handful of buildings tossed together. I'm not sure on the actual scale but it seems like in-game Novigrad would at least be to scale with an IRL small town of today, it is massive compared to other rpg cities and feels pretty alive. I didn't get much further than that because gameplay sucks imo so idk about the other locations but Novigrad is cozy in a realism sense.
For me, it's Azalea town
God, every old Pokemon town is so much tinier than I remember.
dude i stab niggers all day to farm for pocket change. max comfy
>supposed to be the hood
>is literally a suburban cul de sac
lol white developers
The camera is pretty zoomed in so it's not so obvious. I still love it though
Goldenrod city at night
lotsa nice people in this village
Almost everywhere in Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Games now wanna be cinematic with big empty worlds instead of something smaller and more intricate. We aren't going to get immersive sims anymore unless its done by indies.
The guys in OpenMW said they're going to be putting in the tech so NPCs in morrowind can have schedules and radiant AI which is really exciting.
most cities of FFIX are comfy
Feels like generic plastic shit with fags inside.
do you not see how ugly and soulless your screenshot is?
lmao no
>tfw never played fable
never too late
step the fuck aside, losers
>le soulless XD
Jesus Christ just pull the trigger already faggot
TF2 custom servers in general are max comfy.
should i play the anniversary edition?
shit mmo
*blocks your path*
It was great. But the phasing NPCs were a step down from TW1 and TW2, where NPCs had real routes and you could actually follow them into buildings etc. Also I really liked how they fleshed out Oxenfurt in Hearts of Stone.
Super comfy in vanilla before they ruined it in Cataclysm. Stitches patrolling the path was so cool.
Remember, the key to a comfy town is comfy music
it really was very well done. not much in the game was if we're being honest, but the town really was.
i dont know what is it about this place but it is top comfy for me
especially the apartments from which you hear weird music and moaning for some odd reason
a big mostly empty map full of copypasted assets in the 10+th game in a 12 year old franchise is indeed soulless
ffs look what you're defending, look at your screenshots and remember that rdr2 came out the same month of the same year
Patrolling the whole duskwood with 24 undead sub rogue was also pretty fun.
Was a nice change from Shattrath after Ironforge / Org.
>talking with ubidrone
Stop right there, criminal scum!
this desu senpai
As much as I hate the Nopon, Frontier Village was pretty comfy
there are good looking ubi games, odyssey just isn't one of them
Stilwater - home, at least it was before Ultor fucked everythang up
Central island of city of lost heaven
whats the name, i forgot
Autumn towns make for peak comfy
>Those games you gave up on a long time ago but the memories you have of certain places still make you smile
Good choice user.
Damn right! Despite the piss poor ending this was one of my favourite games of the last few years.
you already experience the best part of the game (Velen) so it's not like you really missed out on all that much
>not living here
Those times are over user. Don't make me go back.
this so much. riding back into town in the rain after finishing a dark brotherhood mission and sneaking down the well was ultimate comfy feel. actually felt like part of the family.
I always wondered what that tower was for, it seems weird that it was a lurker structure.
So much from precursors legacy is so criminally under explored.
Say what you want about the game but DC + music is max comfy
Comfiest in the Horde for sure, but pretty much all the Alliance ones beat it.
fuck this one really got me that music
This is the only good part of the entire of fable 2
>EPIC exclusive
Fuck that shit. Guess I'll never know how/if it's comfy.
It's weird, Anvil is so comfy but
>haunted mansion
>mountain lions
>various bandits
>church massacre
Was pretty fun. but Todd cut the most content.
Nothing will ever be comfier than Eriador. The Shire, Bree, Rivendel, even Thorin's Halls. All fucking great.
crab coast... home...
>play oblivion
>roleplay as a well known knight
>tfw returning from clearing out goblins from a gave to then relax at the inn
>tfw after a few drinks when the suns going down I walk home
>tfw it starts raining while I'm in my bedroom
god oblivion was illegal amounts of comfy
best city
Came here to post this
Gran Soren also accepted
my nigga, i still remember trying to beat up Nillipuss with friends only for him to go on a rape spree throughout the town, with players who couldve stopped him just laughing at us
how are those windows see through? mods?
Ever since I noticed that bus on top of the roof, I can't get over it. It's so dumb.
yeah, immersive interiors.
Makes most windows in cities and some other places see-through from the inside, and on the outside it puts a new texture that shows like a lit room with curtains.
When you're inside, it corresponds with weather outside more with new sounds ie you can see rain out the window and hear it pattering on the window.
Lol, you can do it easy
Mabi had some great towns
Targos is pretty cool
Fable 2 is criminally underrated, you faggots who never played it are gonna look back and recognize what a soulful gem it was
Home... God I miss the 3rd Street Saints...
I am legit going to search for a download of Oblivion and reinstall it again just for this.
I'm gonna mod it to be maximum hypercomfy. Then I'll probably mod some sex bullshit in it in a moment of weakness, with big titty khajiits and argonians, ruin the atmosphere and uninstall.
underage summerfags PLEASE leave
I assume it just adds environment outside the window while still keeping the interiors in their own cells?
How can they look back if they've never played it?
>took over half the thread before someone posted this
Also, Besaid from FFX is maximum comfy.
One of the biggest "THAT level" in vidya
Lost my best men there
Is a real photo with a shit ton of filters? Wtf is going on here?
Other than maybe Bravil all the towns in Oblivion are comfy as fuck. But yeah, Anvil (best house), Chorrol (objectively comfiest, and best road trip to visit for no particular reason), and Cheydinhal (Brotherhood hq will always be the first home) are the best.
fuck (nu)anet
I bet you couldn't recapture the atmosphere of this one, Todd
Use it with sounds of skyrim.
assassin's creeds cities have no soul, unfortunately, they're often beautifully made. All the wasted effort every single time they put something out makes me very sad. I hadn't played since 3, then I got origins earlier this year and the fatigue set in after only a few hours despite me loving ancient egypt. The series should just die already or have a major reboot.
it's not that good, you're not missing much, even if Oakwood was comfy
>not Bayside
that looks a fucking mess, user
My favorite town because it felt the most like a 1980s high fantasy magic town
Unironically comfy as fuck. If reincarnation exists i hope i can be born in a little town like this and appreciate it
The key to getting comfy was always to make time disappear and have the feeling that there's infinite time. Now I've just been in panic-mode for I don't know how many years now and it feels like I'm living day by day as though I'm going to die tomorrow and I have to constantly try to push this out of my head. What I wouldn't give to be 11 again and play WoW with no worries about the future and seeing the world and time as this infinite thing. At this point I'd be scared for anyone else to peer into my mind and see how limited my experience of the world is and my senses. Thanks for reading my blog, pls like and subscribe.
I went there as horde to steal an owl and stayed for an hour killing shit with it. Never saw a soul.
I understand too well user.
Time to grow up user, the only person that can make a difference is you.
Nobody can save you from yourself, this is the most important lesson I learned.
BTW I'm 24, suffered from depression in the first two years of uni, now I'm getting a master. It's never too late.
There was a tiny comfy little town north of San Fierro in San Andrea's. No missions took place there or anything but it was by the sea I think. Anyone remember?
>buy expansion pack
>1/3 of the town's population killed overnight
>real estate value of your haunted pad hurt more than a redgaurd family moving in next door
>No dishonored
Game was full of comfy locations, particularly pratchetts house, but I can't find a decent image of it
That's it
I'm rebuying 2
I just posted it
That s not it you fuckingv prick
Imagine building those back in the day, hauling in a bunch of blue-stone from Wales for the smaller pieces, all of it newly carved and pristine; then one day you have a vision of it like this, eroded and in ruins, it has become a curiosity to most, preserved only because it offers a glimpse into a long-dead way of life that has been all but forgotten. You try your best to enjoy the fruits of your labours, but somewhere in the back of your mind you know that your work, it's meaning, and any function it might have served will be all but forgotten.
Say what you want about Dragon age, it had some pretty comfy locations, Redcliff as well was pretty comfy
bayside was north of san fierro you stupid cunt
because it was dynamic throughout the game and had quite a few things to do, plus the view was amazing and so was the ocean
Never in another heroes game. Never will I get to hang with my lizard and gnollbros again
27 yo boomer here. Iktf all too well
I still liked Bravil as well
for me, it's the nice comfy homes in BG2.
>tfw you will never have a gently babbling fountain room in your cozy dwelling
Only junkies like Bravil.
Honestly my favorite was the Ranger's Cabin.
Gothic 2, Oblivion and Witcher 1 are god-tier of comfy and soul for me.
snork detected
let me be the first to call you a faggot
never lost a single troop on this map
game and location?
no its fucking broken on pc
comfiest spots from each game. kudos anonymous
>this is actually a full blown fucking city, not a handful of buildings tossed together
W3 is good but play more video games
edgeville is too close to wildy and i feel vaguely uncomfortable being there
Fable 1 was the only good one. 2 was garbage I don’t care what anyone says.
I liked Skyrim, but "towns" with 3 fucking houses killed all immersion for me.
What is this? Ass ass inns creed?
Kys ubidrone.
This. STALKER is full of comfy locations.
>game and location
dark souls 2, majula
new game bad
It was great for the time, but it's still worth playing now.
Ganking fresh lvl 20 alliance in the cemetery with my rogue was the shit.
Faggots didnt even know how they died
Oakfield in Fable 2 was prime comfy, I always set up my family in the farm with the windmill. Can't remember the name now
the story pissed me off so much i haven't touched it since the first time i played it but i did put in like 30 hours
oblivion had better and more varied sex mods and it made it the best ES game as a result
name another ES game where you can be captured by demora and turned into a sex slave and then give birth to their demon spawn?
There aren't really people out there who found Whiterun comfy after playing Oblivion, are there?
That covered bridge makes no sense being there in a town of like 12 people with only 3 businesses, especially considering it doesn't go anywhere. Who payed for that thing?
post the mod then
cuz skyrim can't compete to open world oblivion with imps with 8 inch dongs picking you up off the ground then plowing you
>Duplicate file exists here
Exquisite taste user, I'm glad somebody else appreciates Sandover
The original GW had some of the comfiest zone feels of all time.
I remember playing in the open beta where everyone started off in Lion's Arch, you could backtrack all the way back to the Shiverpeaks and Borlis Pass, and even press on further to post-destruction Ascalon before most people even had heard of it. The Shiverpeak areas were maximum tier comfy and totally deserted since so few people even had the idea of going there (as in the beta your natural progression was just to go forward in the storyline).
That game had some of my favorite world exploration memories. They don't make 'em like that anymore *sips*
I always mine the road going out of town so not a single legion prick makes it out alive but I don’t get targeted by hitsquads
Skingrad was extremely underutilized there were like 3 quests in it and literally more than half the city you never have to go to at all.
stalker is max comfy sometimes
that village is NOT one of those times
I'm not linking you shit you fucking degenerate. God will send those like you to hell if you don't repent.
It was awful compared to 1, but 3 retroactively made it good.
Games don't have to be nostalgic to be comfy
I’ll never understand how they went from making Stilwater to Steelport.
Port Epheria for me desu
It's gonna be okay user.
Bulworth is peak comfy
Attention to environmental detail was the only thing that improved from 4 to 5.
yeah you fucking pleb I bet you play vanilla unironically
Fucking based.
>phrase not found
Lotta slack-jawed faggots ITT.
problem with this place is you need to be good at triple triad to get laid
Only the comfiest
And I loved making the trek up to Bruma to hock some stolen shit at the beginning of the Thieves Guild, and then going into Cloud Ruler Temple for the first time, but literally nobody asked for an entire game set there.
Lol, we're doing same things.
>>It's the Bullworth in Winter chapter
Them seasons,beyond compare.
LOTRO's basically an MMO dedicated to comfiness
its fine for me, I just recently completed it fully too
Take me hoooooome, country roooads
fate max comfy, my nigga
The Spaceport.
DQ11 is peak comfy
Is there a town in WoW that is not comfy?
>best season for comfy and spooky
How can autumn be so based?
beauclair is one of my favorite cities in vidya just to wander around in. Witcher 3 needed more pretty areas like toussant.
It was already posted once, but I'll post it againt -- Hateno Village in Breath of the Wild. A village at the edge of the world, spared from the apocalypse by you yourself holding off the enemy 100 years ago. It's the kind of place you want to retire to and live out the rest of your days in peace.
Also the music. That fucking music. The night time theme makes me shed a tear.
The rift and riften was always max comfy for me, oblivion certainly had larger cities but due to graphical limitations i never felt immersed in the same way as the skyrim ones. I know drown me
ah mournhold, city of light, city of magic
Imagine if BDO didn't have it's game-ruining gear upgrade gambling system. If they just had rare gear drop with level requirements or any sort of system that isn't retarded, it would be the WoW killer. I played it for about 6 months and loved it.
Never really liked the layout of Megaton, but Rivet City was always my favorite settlement in 3. Living on a rundown boat just seems comfy.
o god dont do this
worth every cent for the aesthetics
>ass creed
>modern fallout
>bioshock infinite
you can just spot the zoomers in the thread
it felt too high class for me fám, I'm more of a trailer park kind of guy
whats wrong with you
there will be nothing like GW ever
its one and only
nothing like it
really feel like playing this game but dont own a switch and dont feel like getting it for ps4 since it's not getting the extra content
fuck SE
what is this ugly abomination?
oblivion is obviously a bad game, but comfy and have its moments of brilliance
tes VI wont have good thieves guild and brotherhood arcs
reeee the better decision should have been to add a third island, Steelport is just so mediocre in comparison
pic related or Whiterun if it were more heavily populated.
>hurr the shape of the road decides how crazy the local niggers are
Kek, that's exactly how I feel about it. The game is honestly fun as long as you do ANYTHING ELSE EXCEPT MAIN QUEST.
And Fable 3 just straight up thought it was a good idea any means of fun you could've had like in Fable 2.
I've still never finished Oblivion (because I just want to roam around and fuck with the world without running into an oblivion gate every hour), but I never even came close in Skyrim because the world was just so bland (and it's really boring to run into a dragon every 5 minutes).
related or Felwithe
It doesn't get any comfier than this
pretty much every location in oldschool runescape
skyrim is awful, fuull of bad systems and bad design
where oblivion is bad, skyrim is turbobad
don't remember this, is this tribunal? or Suran?
It's Sudeki, a terribly weeb action-RPG (very very light). It has terrible story and terribly dated graphics but goddamn I have a nostalgia for it
where's this?
Confused as fuck on this one. What game is this and what map?
As a Newfie i need to know why its named that
nwn2 may have been bad, but it was comfy
extremely comfy
khelgar a bro
elanee a hoe
Reason why I invest in MECs early.
TF2 maps have a great atmosphere and are surprisingly comfy if you load them without any other players, especially the halloween maps
This one hit me like a brick, used to play this game every day after school. Me, my brother, my friend and his brother. Loved trying to make cool super hero costumes with the decorations because I didn’t have any money for the DLC costumes.
any place near here. comfy as hell for doing tradeskills.
it's a mission in xcom. You need to play the level to know why it got so many replies.
I miss these days.
It may have been just a little hallway but fuck man all the details in the stores.
Night in the Woods wasn't perfect but it nailed both the best and worst aspects of coming home to a familiar small-town atmosphere.
What game?
>cheydinhal bridge
>anvil docks
>skingrad streets
Christ, how can one game be so comfy? I still remember feeling like I'm in a fucking fairy tale
My bedroom that I never leave... Home. At least it was until Mom told me I had to get a job or she was taking my computer.
Not many good pictures of it surprisingly. But Bullworth Town is top tier. Bully in general is one of the most comfy atmospheric games I can think of.
Ahh Kelethin. Took me forever to figure out where I'm going, but it was fun to explore
>first oblivion playthrough, first es game, no idea what to expect
>just play casually, fall in love, follow the story and do side quests when i run into them, paying no attention to the leveling system
>get to the point where i'm just getting wrecked every time i wander off a road
>second oblivion playthrough, decide to put some thought into my character and make a stealth breton who is practically invincible in anything other than a fighters' guild/melee/protect the retarded npc quest
>hold off on the main quest and just have fun exploring and doing side quests and paying a little more attention to skills but mostly role playing
>make a 100% invisibility outfit, realize i just broke the game, restart
>third oblivion playthrough, go for balanced leveling, side quests, and have the intention of completing the actual game
>game becomes incredibly boring after completing half a dozen oblivion gates
>fourth oblivion playthrough, actually learn the leveling system and keep a notepad to perfectly level my character
>op as fuck, not fun, can't go back to organic leveling ever again
>first skyrim playthrough
>go fetch this item
>that's it
>here's another dragon
>there's nothing but snow
I'm not a very outgoing person myself, but I've traveled to a lot of random places for family business and the like. Snorkeling in Mexico, boating in Scotland, horse-back riding in Utah, etc. But when I think back to when I was really happy, it's always just a simple childhood memory of waking up on a Saturday morning and bike-riding to my school friend's place to play shitty MMOs, or coming home to break out the Playstation with my older sister.
Vanguard Saga of Heroes
I hope TF2 isn't the last game to use this aesthetic.
It ended up being my Mark/Recall spot until I found the mudcrab merchant. Also the Sword of white woe
the ABSOLUTE state of those terrain textures
>Bruma, that's where men are women and women are men
I still love Oblivion, simply for its side-quests, but I just accepted that the general combat was broken after a certain point and treated it more as a means to an end to get to the rest of the game.
You either let yourself get tediously wrecked by basic bullet-sponge enemies, or you learn invisibility and level up acrobatics high enough to jump on top of rooftops to break any sense of real challenge.
I like coastal towns.
Tristrams a lot of things, but I never thought of comfy as one of them. There was no place to go inside, and everyone was a coward. It felt like demons could come in at any minute and you'd be on your own.
>tfw I'll load up maps in gmod and walk around them for fun like an autist
The npc's are too friendly and outwordly despite their town being described as a rundown shithole. Beyond that, Oblivion had very distinct towns, a shame the environmental was copy pasted
my minecraft "town"... home
Tamriel rebuilt I think
my starter home.... home
It's on pc as well.
Rabao. Home.
I probably spent several full days of my life fishing in this place, and many other hours doing quests and whatnot back in the day.
nothing can top a small port town in terms of comfiness
My favorite was the Bed and Breakfast on a boat that you could stay at somewhere in the Imperial City. And the whole hijacking that takes you into the middle of the ocean the second you go to sleep there.
the extra stuff is switch exclusive
Arful seems like a easier settlement to defend given it's atop a bridge, but they get raided by "vampires"
It's a great spectacle if anything, I remember thinking it was cool as hell when I was 15
it's just a shittier Windurst with worst graphics really.
heck ya
I used to sit on the porch in Grove St while I smoked a joint and drank a beer.
was about to say that i didn't remember ff12 having dynamic skyboxes but that's 11 right?
Hitman, Sapienza.
I was disappointed that Majula didn't have more going on for it story and character-wise like Firelink Shrine did, but it's easily my favorite Fromsoftware hub in terms of pure atmosphere.
autumn is def the best/most underrated. Most normies go for summer or spring
Bethesda should make a Oblivion VR
Persona 5 was lacking in comfy locations I found.
That being said Cafe Leblanc and Yongenjaya were both top tier.
I wish more games had an art design like Gravity Rush.
The music theme is so perfect for this. Really nails down the depressive atmosphere
Pretty sure Majula sees more actual commerce and conversation in a day that Firelink saw in a year.
>ywn get to visit post game arroyo
why live?
When that lightning struckth
Fuck I haven't played tf2 in years but yeah. There was something about those maps that felt so good.
My favorite server used to do ctf_doublecross for a few hours every night so everyone could just relax and shoot the shit.
That server has been dead for a long time now.
my nigga
amazing that an MMO that came out before WoW still looks better than a lot of games today.
Yes. Also more comfy towns exist
Selbina. Home.
Your retreat from safety after being chased by Goblin bandits, all the way back to the zone. RIP to the poor AFK sods resting right outside the city gates that will get aggroed by the goblin you brought all the way back to the gate.
It's a mission that comes with the Enemy Within expansion
Basically it's just "Chysallids" the map.
That's not that autistic user. I do that sometimes too. i don't even build anything I just look around the maps and take it in.
it will probably get it down the line
i really dont see why they would deny money
>362 replies
>no Ragnarok Online towns
shame the city is basically just a platform for you to fly on and out and you cant really explore and interact with shit
it really is pretty
Posting some of my screenshots
Cafe Leblanc was close to being my ideal hub spot. I just wish it was a little more interactive, like Catherine's bar. Having more of your friends just chilling around there on random days, sipping coffee and chatting to each other while watching the rain hit the windows outside.
Love you nigs. Also, Norg.
this one's my wallpaper
Lower Jeuno
Top of the auction house
This place is underrated
then the strings kick in
Silver Skalitz. Home, at least it was before the Cuman fucked everything up.
Anyone else miss Busta Tower?
Yeah, but it felt stagnant, probably intentionally so. Everyone in Firelink had a bit of a story arc. People coming and going, and staying and dying, etc.
In Majula I was hoping we could confront the asshole pyromancer teacher on his student's behalf, or talk to Chloanne about the smith being her father. But Lucatiel was the only character I remember having much payoff.
Don't forget Mhaura.
>tfw waiting 15 minutes for the boat to arrive while fishing off the dock
>tfw playing it again a few years ago while Mhaura was filled with players (Ambuscade is there), no one ever rode the boats anymore since it was unnecessary with home point travel.
It was kind of depressing because a decade ago the boats were always full of people and it was so much fun... I miss those days. FFXI still exists but it will never be the same as it once was.
I know, me too
never played GW 2 but loved GW 1 just from the art style and exploration, combat, both PvE and PvP, was eh
honestly if the game had been more open and doubled down on the exploration factor that would've been great
Rattay in Kingdom Come
it is a real place too and hasn’t actually changed too much
unironically the best multiplayer hub in the series
>the boats were always full of people and it was so much fun...
I'll tell my kids about the time a sea horror came on board and killed all of my friends
i still can't believe the music was so fucking bad i couldn't bring myself to walk back to town. literally quit when i turned to go back there, and realised i'd have to hear that shit again.
There was a NM that only spawned at certain times on the boat and was random and dropped a pretty good item if I remember.
Also the pirate invasions were always fun
The first few seconds are cringy but the full song works. Monolith should have made the NLA themes more dynamic for the areas though. Always thought it would have been a big improvement if the theme had small to notable variances by the section of the city you were in.
Even Limsa is better
All I know is that Anvil is all in an uproar. First the chapel is attacked and now there's a mad prophet ranting about the end of the world. This used to be a nice neighborhood.
titan quest 1st village
it's hardly a town but it definitely was a community, and i felt safe there
seasons were probably my favorite part of gen 5 and it makes me sad to see it gone
brought some sense of connection to alot of the towns
village bridge was peak comfort for me
Ragnarok bros. Which town did you and your friends used to idle/hang out in?
>Payon Dungeon entrance
Geffen and Payon Dungeon entrance were my jam.
fuck I wish there was a new good fable
fuck. can someone bring me back to winter of 2005 please? Was the most comfiest time of my life and that's when I first played Fable...
>never been to Baltimore or Detroit
I used to just download tons of maps, weapon packs, and various other shit like dismemberment mods. I have no idea why that just provided hours of fun.
I don't think I ever played online in gmod.
I do wish that there were more interesting ongoing scavenger hunts, like finding the two missing scientists from the first game.
But I thought that flying around and collecting gems while listening to the music was a charming experience in itself.
way more SOUL in the concept art than in the game
Hey Hunter, can you get me some Popo tounges?
[(subtitled) NI NI NI NI NI NI NI]
sauce and area?
Unpopular opinion...this game was fun.
always thought diablo 2 towns were comfy as fuck especially since you could go into places like the inn
sadly the userbase never wanted to just sit around and chat
Pandemonium fortress is kino
This was my favorite part of Persona 5. Sadly I didn't get too far in the game as it just didn't do it for me but I did like the infrequent comfy spots
Same. FUCK Pearl Abyss
The game should've had some more ways to interact with things. Ordering a beer at the inn should give you a buff or something, giving an antidote to some dude who had food poisoning, getting rumors from the innkeeper (spawns a rare dude somewhere in the map) and shit like that...
If only I wasn't such a bitch and learned some modding.
was going to post something from a harvest moon game but then I realized no single location is all that cosy in them
It's Balmora from Morrowind, but it looks like a heavily modded version (possibly Skywind) because those buildings to the east aren't there, and also the coniferous trees.
Dishonored, I think.
You know people here are retarded because more people hated on Gridania than Majula.
Exploring Whispering Rock just makes me happy.
I'll bet you there are many D2 players who are unaware of Geglash's existence
This is the ultimate zoomer test. If somebody says "oh what a nice house" they've clearly never played games in the 2000s.
2 was good; your opinion is garbage.
Eat your shadow user. It'll help so much.
Pretty much every town in Oblivion was super-comfy. The manor district of Leyawiin on a rainy day, Anvil at sunset, etc.
Bravil was the only one that really sucked.
too many people to be comfy
Starting zones.
Taris Upper City. It was a racist, classist shithole that was part of a Republic in decline and was about to get destroyed by the Sith, but it had a certain melancholy within it that I found comfy, along with the cantina/arena complex.
Found a Minecraft village built into a river valley a while back.
Nothing so comfy.
Windurst, San d'Oria, Bastok, Jeuno, Al Zahbi > anything in FFXIV
AC2? Looks like the Auditori estate, so Italy.
Grove Street muthafuckas.
>can't fuck the random hookers
Jesus, I hate the downgrade of sex in the witcher series.
W1 is still the best
I don't know you and I don't care to know you
I don't know you and I don't care to know you
I always thought Bravil was suppose to suck.
Was waiting for this one user.
Lost all my nice screenshots but have this Balmora.
>Light comes from inside
>Shadow towards door
Fight the power.
>tfw when almost done with my 5th dark souls replay and DS2 is next
can't fucken wait. DS2>DS1
source engine is comfiest engine
Kino city, kino music.
have sex
The camp theme makes me feel warm inside
Winter Daggerfall
not in classic
just a few more months, brother
oh fuck dofus? havent played that shit since middle school
even in classic. org is going to be the main place people hang out hordeside
I wish that we could have spent a little more time with the students and teachers at the Mage tower Hogwarts style, before they got demon goo everywhere.
My nigga you are not forgotten
Both great.
This game was comfier than I realized when I played it
This just made me realize that no one has attempted to make an actual town since this game. Towns are just like little tiny neighborhoods really.
That's because it's procedurally generated you idiot
>tfw no kotor 3 ever
feels bad man
I love video games dude, the amount of care put into these environments is fantastic, it sucks that everything is so empty and contrived now.
>I'm more of a trailer park kind of guy
There's a literal trailer park in Bayside.
Shitty pic but the shire town and soubdtrack in this game is next level
My fucking nigger. Stilwater is still the comfiest map in a GTA-clone I've ever played, hands-down. I just wish they could retcon everything from The Third onward and just make an even more cozy and detailed Stilwater in like a reboot or something
Any games with this feel? Red autumn forests are the most comfy thing I can imagine.
Night in the Woods
>the hobbit game
This entire game is absolutely kino, literally the best if not one of the best adventure games ever made. From the music to the environments, puzzles, combats, and characters from Tolkien's book, everything fits so well its a true gem.
That video makes the mod seem good awful. Who the hell would want to listen to that?
It's pleasantly hilarious jank, but Deadly Premonition is basically the video game equivalent of exploring Twin Peaks.
Fyrestone from BL1.
I don't know what it is, but little towns like this are comfy as fuck to me.
Maybe it's because I grew up in the middle of nowhere in the country. Also the music.
Hello Yea Forums
id would like to know who/what would be the "final boss" of Yea Forums
one boss that would require all boards to unite (and even some help from other websites), just to have a chance on beating it
aw shit, this was supposed to be a new thread, not a reply
>”I’ll be around...”
It's not even Yea Forums related. Go take it to another board.
like where?
Yea Forums?, dont make me laugh
I didn't tell you where to go. I told you it's not Yea Forums related.
I liked the Ice village docks and the balverine/viking one more.
Oblivion is the better game. But I just like Vikings/Norse more than knights.
The music was great. I remember flying there just to listen to the soundtrack. Good times.
Now add the sex mods.
The feels
The fact that an artist actually thinks that that soulless, generic shanty town is what Balmora should look like is genuinely depressing. I mean seriously, imagine cultivating your abilities for years and years, only to have so little imagination and taste that you turn one of the most iconic areas into something that wouldn't be out of place in a dragon age or witcher game?
>Comfiest capital city
>Not Ironforge
Hold the fuck up
Your image would be great if watermarks weren't plastered all over it. Please, don't post shit like that.
If you want something that's empty and contrived, daggerfall is your game. Thousands and thousands of miles of sterile, meaningless proc genned bullshit.
Shittrath's constant laughing, clanging, and yelling was pretty fucking annoying.
Not for long, bub. That place is for boot lickers.
Home sweet home
fuckloads of people set their hearths to thunder bluff and go there for supplies and to check the AH while questing
It's actually kind of sad how bland orgrimmar and stormwind were compared to the undercity.
that ptsd scene scared the fuck out of me as a kid
This is objectively the comfiest setting in gaming though.
This game was comfy incarnate
Based, best city.