What are games that fans of little girls are sure to enjoy?

What are games that fans of little girls are sure to enjoy?
(Keep it SFW)

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Have sex

ape escape

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A hat in time

only with lolis


Responding to canned posts isn't usually worth it.

Isn't there a chart that has games where you could play as a cute little girl?


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this guy gets it

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Yeah. Sadly I don't have it on my phone, otherwise I would post it.

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my daughter Ren-chon is so cute
tonight I'm going to watch her movie, I just today found out it's been available for download for a while

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absolutely based

Looks like just posted it. Thanks, user. I'd add any fightan that has cute little girls in them may also qualify. Roll in MvC1 and TvC, Platinum and Rachel in any of the BB games they're in, May in GG, FemVillager in Smash, pic related in UNIST, etc.

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based and cute and funny pilled


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I knew I was forgetting something

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Mika is actually closer to the older girls I think, she works alongside them in Licht Kreis.

>any fightan that has cute little girls in them
Isn't basically that the entire premise of Eternal Fighter Zero?

go get it user
I kinda wanted to rewatch the series before the movie but now I'm too excited after all this waiting, gonna do that afterwards

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Fuck, forgot the pic.

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Cute thread.

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nano is cute and funny

I remembered someone mentioning the movie a while ago then I forgot about it. I'll probably watch it this weekend then.

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Is this the best little girl simulator that exists?

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it's not hard to forget when bd version came out, like, 8 months after cinema debut

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Etrian Odyssey

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Why are lolis so often drawn like teenagers?

You're looking at the wrong ones

Cause it's the best type.

emphasised sexual characteristics

I liked the movie, but it doesn't really focus on ren-chon. Still well worth the watch.

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renge had a hard life

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Search for the correct type, JS and JY if you want them small, JC if you want them older.


what are some funky games

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not for lewd, unless the artist happens to be Tetsu.

Does the Y stand for "youchien"? I don't think I'd go that low

Yeah I'm thinking you should go back to /r/eddit.

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