>deflect perfectly
>take damage
Deflect perfectly
>use shield
>git gud
your choice
shut the fuck up, bitch
that boss is retarded and belongs in souls
definitely don't try to deflect the burning jazz hand. keep close and deflect his stomps.
he's less about parrying and more about just walking behind him. Plays way more like a souls boss.
Can he be assassinated?
It is a souls game retard.
>bitch about optional boss
>bitch about optional game
kys zoomer scum
>no patches
no it isn't
>owl 2
>most boring boss fights in soulsborne
Literally dodge instead of trying to parry everything like a complete autist. You can easily dodge most of his attacks and go for hp dmg. Be aggressive, everything Owl does opens him up at least for one hit, often two.
No wonder you guys in here have so much trouble with this game when for whatever reason everyone seems to think youre supposed to parry everything 24/7, and your fights last 15 minutes. It's especially obvious with purple ninjas, people that still dont understand that theres more than one move you need to do to fight efficiently in Sekiro struggle with those, and purples are easy as fuck once you realize you can just dodge and go for hp dmg. Game even PAUSES EVERYTHING during Butterfly fight to literally TELL YOU youre supposed to dodge and knock hp down on enemies that deflect a lot/have good posture recovery.
Fuck this makes me angry.
Kill yourself pussy
How many times have you died, lads?
Answer me
I'm not going to fucking slash his balls for half an hour
yes you are
didnt count but first playthrough a shitload maybe 100. second playthrough I counted 12 and third I got to sword saint without dying and choked on last phase.
he was thrown in there for bloodborne/souls fans probably. it's an optional boss.
just dodge under his attacks and hit him in his hanging dick thing or his legs and then jump when he does his charge attack. jump and grapple when he does his AOE. save the malcontent for phase 3 for tons of damage while he's stunned and use the flame umbrella if you get caught in a bad place and need to block fire damage.
Let's not pretend this boss fight was good. It literally forces your to unlearn the last 30+ hours you played and go back to Dark Souls methodology. I beat him after 20 tries or so, and didn't enjoy a minute of it. Owl and Sword Saint were harder but also a lot more fun.
demon of hatred does suck because he actively discourages using the mechanics of the game, but dragon is easily a worse boss.
>hey guys what if we do a horde mode boss like deacons or rats, everyone hates those.
>oh man ive got another idea, what if after that, we make the second phase dragon god 2.0
Sword saint is easily the best boss theyve ever made though
first playthrough easily over 150. fuck i died to genichiro and sword saint like 25 times each before beating them.
NG+ i've died like 4 times and i'm almost done.
Dragons fun what are you talking about, that was some anime ass shit
not much until sword saint. I refused to cheese him and fought him like a man, was one of the best times ive ever had in vidya. No baiting mikiris and jump attacks for this guy
I fucking hated the fight, because it just felt so simple. instead of the part where you dodge 30 attacks they should have made a avatar of the dragon or somethign who fights like a normal boss.
Hahahaha how the fuck is Demon of Hatred real hahahaha nigga just walk away from his arm like nigga run to the right haha
i actually tried to cheese him for a bit but then i found fighting him normally was actually easier. baiting the jump attack in phase 2 and 3 just fucks with your camera and i still got hit fairly often. just being aggressive and filling his posture gauge is a lot easier, provided you've taken some of his HP off first.
You will, like all of us. I mean, people complain about not being a Souls game, cheesse every boss because of it (muh firecrackers, muh seeds) then complain about not being able to "play as it was intended".
>gimmick boss fights are bad
mechanically bad sure but I liked the experience desu
It's just that DaS3 had not a single interesting gimmick boss fight, demon's souls easily had the most interesting boss fights when it came to gimmicks
and armored knight would have been the perfect fight to emphasize the idea that a shinobi breaks an enemy's posture then goes for the deathblow but instead it was a disappointing gimmick, it would have been better if the game encouraged you to punish for damage more often for some bosses and then had armored knight where attacking does no vitality or posture damage and forces you to focus posture
>it's an optional boss
wait really? I legit thought it was required, since it seems like the place Kuro is supposed to be is cut off, I've been stuck on this asshole for a literal day mainly because I've lost my will to try and instead I've just been fucking around doing other things. please tell me where to go user I beg of you
you just have to go to the ashina reservoir and go to the secret passage you went to in the tutorial.
you can get there by going into the building right next to the ashina castle sculptor's idol and going down to the bottom. demon of hatred is not required.
any advice for fighting his polearm? he always melts me with it in phase 2. I've even see people say phase 1 is the hardest but I just don't see it.
seriously I was on the verge when I got him to phase three and died this nigga almost just ruined the game for me
phase 1 definitely is not the hardest, phase 2 is. phase 3 is slightly easier because of lightning deflect i thought.
i don't know. i just got in his face and deflected his attacks. got out of the way for his unblockables except for the thrust attack which you can mikiri counter for significant posture damage if you have that skill. it took me a while to recognize all his moves and how to react to them but you'll get there.
he's definitely the hardest final boss in any fromsoft game though by a pretty wide margin i'd say. i mean gehrman and soul of cinder are a joke in comparison.
also, if you've done the return ending and have access to the fine snow and rice balls they can help a lot in phase 3 when you're close to beating him. your health regenerates ridiculously fast.