Is Lan Hikari the biggest chad out of all vidya protagonists?

Is Lan Hikari the biggest chad out of all vidya protagonists?

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Look at this smooth motherfucker.

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I'm still not entirely sure how the ESRB managed to miss this whole section. Especially given that immediately after this he goes and joins a gang.


He acts like an autist tough and took him 6 games to realize there was a girl throwing herself at him.

>I'm still not entirely sure how the ESRB managed to miss this whole section
People still don't know how the ESRB works it seems, ratings are based on a form filled by the developer/publisher full of questions about what kind of content the game has, they are hold accountable to tell the truth and hide nothing from them otherwise legal action will be taken, at the end the ESRB don't actually play the games to then rate it.

Yeah, I know that's how it works, but you'd think they'd have caught on that capcom neglected to mention a lot of content that I know they look out for.

He gets to fuck best girl, so yes.

Such strength.

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Wasn't he worried he could hurt his brother by doing that?

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He received a special protective shell for the PET just a while prior.

Power Move desu

I want to kiss him.

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When will Capcom revive the series?

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I need these games back in my life.

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The whole "Megaman ATTACK" phrase really makes this an incredibly awkward moment. Like some autistic manchild throwing his pokemon card going "GO PICKACHU" or some shit.

Stop posting Maylu you already have a son with him
In BN2 he actually has a sex dream about her which Megaman mocks him for.

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It's a distraction
>Guy ready to beat the shit out of Chaud
>Suddenly out of nowhere
>Look over slightly distracted
>Get a PET to the face
>Get knocked down HARD
Lan's smarter than people give him credit for.

The first Tingle game on the NDS has him literally get a blowjob and the only thing blocking the view is his sprite, he even moans and sex music plays
Compared to that some racism is nothing

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the first tingle game on the ds never went through the esrb

>No bad box art megaman
Missed opportunity

because it was never released in america
It did go through the european equivalent of ESRB and managed to get an ages +7 rating with no mention of sexual stuff

His brother is cuter tho.

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>Lan's smarter than people give him credit for.
He canonically has a 200+ IQ.

>throw without saying anything, hit guy in the side of the head
>shout at the asshole, hit him in the face instead
Iono user, I guess if you're a big fan of dick you might think so.

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Why are megaman threads so full of faggots?

He's a generic shonen protagonist. One of my complaints about the series is how utterly bland and one-dimensional he is, and I have to stick with him for six whole games. Mega Man himself is even worse.


>Like some autistic manchild throwing his pokemon card going "GO PICKACHU" or some shit.

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Homoerotic love is the core of the series

The only megaman fans left alive are lolicons, shotacons, and skin tight suit fetishists

Which takes less effort? Discussing the best and worst codes for each game? The pros and cons between Style, Soul, and Cross/ Beast? Doing challenge runs like starting folder, swords, etc

Or just making a boyfu thread?

My bad it's 300+ IQ

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Because they are not enough cute girls and people have to make do with cute boys instead.
Also because nobody here actually plays the games.

>One of my complaints about the series is how utterly bland and one-dimensional he is, and I have to stick with him for six whole games. Mega Man himself is even worse.

which is why Geo is better. He actually grows/develops

>Because they are not enough cute girls

I know what I'd prefer

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But he doesn't have a cute bandana

>tfw to smart for art

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He did have it slightly better than most shonen protags, as MegaMan was usually there to be a level-headed foil for him to bounce off of.

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It's funny to me that you guys think this is worth censoring. Just because a kid is holding whiskey? Or is it because it's a poor portrayal of black people? I don't get it.

This guy was supposed to be some kind of rapper celebrity type, flying in first class. It's not racist to portray him as such. And i don't recall Lan ever drinking the whiskey. E-rated games can mention alcohol, they just can't imply kids are drinking it.

As for the gang thing, it's ok, because they labelled it as having "comic mischief".

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Yeah whoever checked these games was asleep at the wheel

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Mega Man was even MORE boring and shit, man. Not gonna lie, I was completely disinterested in pretty much every character in those games. The only character I was even slightly invested in was Iris, who actually has some degree of almost-nuance.

user you forgot your spoiler. this is a blue board and that language is not okay here

To me, the appeal of the series weren't the characters. It was the fantastical world they inhabited. I didn't care that Lan was a bland protag, because he could jack a net navi into just about every device, and connect to a whole second world on the net. That was by far more interesting than Lan's development as a character.

Loses its novelty after six games, especially when the net world's design peaked in BN2.

Megaman wasn't boring. He was a master comedian.

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I still enjoyed the battles and exploration. It would have been nice to see them flesh out the online world.

For example, why didn't they ever implement a home page builder for the player? Imagine if you could build your own levels, and then have other players download them via the link cable.

his name is netto hikari

Why were all the level up systems after the first game so bad?

Link? I can't find it anywhere.

No, not Link. Tingle.

Which games in this franchise are good starting points?

the first one


He missed his chance to make a epic speech to wily at the end of 6. So I think not.


The first one is very rough. Especially the network maps, which are an incoherent maze.
The second one is where they find their footing.

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Not even the biggest chad in his own franchise.

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Yes, excellent opinion. I agree.

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post humor programs

If you just want to enjoy the gameplay, start with 2. If you actually care about story and characters you'll want to start at 1.

>In BN2 he actually has a sex dream about her which Megaman mocks him for.
Bullshit. Prove this claim.

Keep in mind that internally people sending ESRB/PEGI submissions are from the Publishing group (Brand / Sales / Marketing), there's no way for them to be aware about such things unless someone from the Localization team (since the original language here is JP) flag it to them. You can't expect a Brand Manager to play the game from A to Z and notice those things. It's the LOC/QA team duty to do so. So if they do not then it doesn't get attention from anyone and doesn't get mentioned to ESRB.

>Megaman ZX3 never ever

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this. serenade was truly the ultimate chad.

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