what exactly WAS his dream? I feel like he was just vomiting words half the time
What exactly WAS his dream? I feel like he was just vomiting words half the time
ancap shit
Because he was vomiting words.
i thought the same until he started talking about celebrity bullshit. that doesn't seem like an ancap thing, like wouldn't celebrities be good for the economy
I think you mean BASED ancap shit
Armstrong did not a single thing wrong.
Those preventing America from being great again are violating the NAP and thus must be physically removed.
Celebrities are gay and degenerate
Neoliberalism taken to its logical extreme. A true free market, completely unhindered by any rules whatsoever beyond what each individual can enforce by themselves.
>wants to end war profiteering
>therefore wants to end PMC's
how is that ancap? and just because you FEEL like celebrities are degenerate, how does that affect that they are a part of a free market? Armstrong was on crack or was just some kind of high functioning schizophrenic
>the most lukewarm, common, and inoffensive ideology becomes based and redpilled when taken to its extreme
You have no idea what neoliberalism even means. Neolibs aren't after a truly free market, and are hardly distinguishable from neocons. They are in favor of the war economy in secret, while armstrong claims he is opposed and wants people to kill each other for their beliefs or some shit
Celebrities violate the NAP by breathing when i don't want them to.
Neoliberals are the modern proponents of the free market economy (with "free market" being loosely defined as keeping the state as the night watch and rules enforcer, nothing more). This is a simplification of the whole thing but accurate enough for my point, and what Armstrong wants isn't neoliberalism, it's the extreme version of that ideology that no sane person would propose in real life, where the state and its rules are removed so it/they can't interfere with individuals.
According to Armstrong, this would give rise to the strongest individuals (as proven by Raiden because he grew up in that environment) through the fierce competition for, well, everything.
That is libertarianism, not neoliberalism. Keeping the state as the night watch I mean.
he wanted to go pro, but he joined the navy
Also, libertarian to the extreme like what you are thinking of is anarcho capitalism
So, the speech sounded good. But what he wants is basically anarchy, right? That never works out, his heart was in the right place but his head wasnt.
>senator ARMSTRONG
>at the end of the game it is revealed he has strong arms
>A society that doesn’t waste so much resources on the poor so that humanity isn’t held back.
>The fall of the inefficient bureaucratic system we live in
>An America where every person does not have a legal system holding themselves back from their responsibilities they choose to take on, much like how our founding father’s intended it to be
>A world where wars are fought out of passion and by individuals, rather than by greed and through a false sense brotherhood brought by years of propaganda
Global anarchy.
Solidus was more logical than him, probably why Raiden says he still somewhat respect him (even if he hate him for his childhood.)
Well, I would say Armstrong did nothing wrong but if I remember correctly, weren't these guys harvesting children's brains or something like that?
Could they even make a better antagonist with a MGR2? Beside Raiden himself.
Raiden also respects Armstrong by the end of the game tho.
See It was satire of Ancap. Raiden even points out he's batshit insane
They were torturing child brains to make them sociopaths so they could install them into cyborg bodies to make remorseless soldiers.
He respect his believes, but no the man.
If i remembers correctly in a codec conversation in Rising, Raiden still shomewhat respect Solidus because he wouldn't be the person he is without him.
Rising codecs have a lot of lores tho, the codec during the last missions have Raiden having some believes similar to the Boss + him saying he has to change the world, with Sunny clearly worried in the background.
Raiden future is grim, he's becoming a weird fusion of The Boss and Solidus. And i'm not sure he will survive his next game.
At least Soldus was manipulated by the patriots at this time, and also was a kid himself : technically he was only 15 years old.
Armstrong doesn't have this excuse.
if someone thinks mgr is deep, or prophetic beyond the coincidental maga line, they are 100% a dumbass no exceptions
Yeah because Raiden also believes in doing what he thinks is right, even if it's against the law or public opinion or however you say it in english.
While that may be right atleast mgr can trick people into thinking it isn’t stupid unlike you
What's Raiden fate for MGR2?
>or prophetic beyond the coincidental maga line
Seems you're the dumbass. Reagan said that.