what the fuck? is this guy retarded? i love long reviews but jesus christ, he puts absolutely nothing into these reviews, just watched his mario odyssey one and he straight up spent 25 minutes talking about tedious moons, i guess the irony was completely lost him. Also every chance he gets he fucking talks about dark souls like this shitty board
What the fuck? is this guy retarded? i love long reviews but jesus christ...
Other urls found in this thread:
The town made him stupid
Wow, autistic video essays by failed authors and film majors are retarded. Fucking breaking news.
Why would anybody listen 2+ hours to some faggot who plays video games pretty badly?
he tries to be exhaustive as to shut down the people who would harp on him for lacking detail. he does perhaps go a tad too far in pleasing these people though.
Silent Hill 2 is an impressive autism litmus test.
His mario odyssey review is his only good review though. It's such a garbage game that wins fans over due to fanservice.
>His mario odyssey review is his only good review though
The first 10 minutes is spent talking about Dark Souls and Nioh. It's awful
But I hated the incessant fanservice and enjoyed it regardless.
He desperately needs some kind of editor. I can't imagine how bloated his books must be.
It's shit though. It even exposed him as a hypocrite.
What did he say about SH?
They actually move at a normal pace while lacking essential details. Also, his prose is awful.
Even if he is a hypocrite, his point still stands.
>wtf why do i have to explore in a exploration game
I assume you guys both enjoyed the lack of platforming challenges. Exploration and the world was never interesting enough for me to enjoy the game.
>tfw remember way back when he posted his DaS2 defense video on fucking /dsg/ and he barely had any subscribers
>now hes one of the biggest game critics on youtube and its his fucking job to poorly critique games
We all need to start making youtube videos, bros.
>I like general statements over technical discussion.
Everything that isn't 100% logical is stupid, the game isn't scary because the danger isn't real, and James reacting as he does makes no sense.
The man is incapable of understanding the mindset of a dude who just murdered his wife, thinks that Silent Hill "makes James stupid" instead of manifesting his psychosis, and doesn't understand stories where themes Trump reality. He thinks mismatching dates are plotholes. He thinks it's a mistake that Laura isn't in danger. Dude's socially retarded.
If it's something that simple? Yeah. Get to the point.
>If you die you lose the ability to play the game forever.
holy shit
>I know the ending so the game isn't a game anymore
whoever made that pic is retarded, ill give you that, but matthewmatosis is able to articulate complete thoughts and goes in depth while this guy dosent go in depth at all and he has very confused thoughts. And he somehow is able to make his videos the length of fucking movies. Go watch his mario video right now, and count all the times he points out a different type of tedious moon. He literally lists off every time a type of moon occurs in the game FOR EVERY TYPE OF MOON. Instead of pointing out why things are tedious he just says "they are" and starts listing numbers because he thinks that constitutes a review. anybody with half a brain dosent go in depth about that bullshit, but instead goes in depth about why the player-game interaction of those situations warrants getting called tedious, and some other things like diagnoses what happened in the studio, speculate about how to fix it, relate it to other mechanics in the game. etc. He does none of this in any of his reviews. He just lists shits for 2 hours.
>after 150 hours I can't tell you the exact timing for a flurry rush
I knew what it was after 20 minutes of gameplay Hamsterson is shit as usual.
More like
>The ending tells me these things aren't real, so it isn't scary anymore
which is pretty ridiculous given nothing in media is real anyway. Jacob's Ladder is still freaky as fuck after you know the ending.
Technical nitpicking is completely autistic and removed from a meaningful analysis of game design. Especially when it's 30 minutes of an hour long video.
>Well, the hitboxes on this one move on this one enemy are bad!
And? What of it? A literal robot could replace his level of insight. Matthew totally and utterly shits on him when it comes to video essays.
You dont understand the channel
>when youre new: wow this guy really goes indepth and knows what hes talking about this is great
>when you start to see through it: wow he spends hours to make a simple point, jesus somebody get him an editor
>when you realize its for a reason: wow this is great to put on the background while falling asleep
he is based
Well that's what i meant, knowing that James is delusional doesn't take away from the fact that in the game you're still running for your (virtual) life. Not to mention that it completely dismisses the supernatural elements still at work in-universe
This is how you couldve done it shortly without writing a novel
>when I first played I was confused about the flurry rush trigger, then after some experimentation I found out it was just dodging when an attack happened. This is stupid since it isnt in response to narrowly dodging an attack, there is no risk reward system here thus it sucks.
>he straight up spent 25 minutes talking about tedious moons
day 455 and nintentoddlers still absolutely seething with no counter-arguments
He's okay
I watched it already, he went very in depth in why this is all tedious and his reasons for disliking it all, his flaw was just going unnecessarily in depth about certain things. And trying to diagnose what happened in the studio and speculating how to fix things are often useless endeavors that will accomplish nothing but satisfying the egos of the youtube and the viewer. There are times where suggestions on what to fix are good, but time is much better spent on what is actually in front of you (the game) and what went right and wrong.
>counting the days since the release of a mario game
I just dislike him because he's kind of an idiot and never admits when he might be wrong. Reminds me of his DRV3 stream he did, when he flipped out over who the first killer was. He claimed that a first-person narrator can't be the killer, that's cheating, even though this has been done in mystery fiction for fucking decades and when people asked why he just kept saying it was "bad storytelling" and not elaborating.
In the end he's just one of those guys with an echo chamber, who has enough people shouting praises that he can drown out criticism
I prefer Noah Caldwell-Gervais, though all he really talks about is story-based western games.
That's fine, but the image is dumb because it suggests things shouldn't go in depth at all. There is a middle ground, and you suggested it.
so hamsterson is not meant to be paid attention to and it is a glorified ASMR channel?
>video came out in january 2018
i knew nintento games are for children but i didnt know playing them literally makes you a child
says the guy who thinks JA has anything relevant to say.
He's no masterpiece
day 455 and nintentoddlers still absolutely seething with no counter-arguments
>is this guy retarded?
he's not retarded, but he's no genius and that's enough to not care about his content - i really only want to listen to people who have superior insight to what i could figure out in these long-form analyses/reviews
Of course
You think him listing 1001 fallout 76 glitches is insightful or something? Its just bedtime noise.
>he puts absolutely nothing into these reviews
> he straight up spent 25 minutes talking about the game
I know Yea Forums hates games but i think a video about video gamea should spend some time talkibg about videos games, dont you think?
Did you stroke out while typing this or something
>James reacting as he does makes no sense.
That's actually the biggest problem with the plot. They just made a dull idiot as a protagonist when it would have made far more sense if you played as a more interesting character that was already aware he's murderer but it was kept from the player.
>And trying to diagnose what happened in the studio and speculating how to fix things are often useless endeavors that will accomplish nothing but satisfying the egos of the youtube and the viewer.
then its not an analysis or critique, its a review.
it's amazing how he makes like 100K a year from patreon alone probably and he puts out like 10-15 hours of videos in an entire year.
Try a century.
Isn’t he the guy that thought bioshock infinite was a genius masterpiece
there is nothing to argue. His biggest problem is that the game isn't designed with his specific playstyle of finding all moons on one map before moving on, he just has a retarded opinion and the reasons he dislikes the game are not due to any problem with the game itself.
Why would someone spend years building a persona on an anonymous Mongolian Throat Yodeling forum. There are some things we'll never know.
>mario odyssey
I have never played it because I dont own any consoles but I have listened through the whole review and have never heard a single rebuttal to any of the claims he made. At best people say you're not supposed to collect all the moons but that ignores the entire point, how any individual moon is ridiculously easy to obtain with less than zero effort. Literally made for small kids.
i think he's a shit reviewer but i think he's good at video games. i mean he beat the trial of the fool in hollow knight without any upgrades. that's no joke.
isn't this the guy who got autistically mad at dangan ronpa
>Argument backed up with facts Vs the Irish tard throwing adjectives around without proving shit
Seems about right. Will never understand how the fuck Yea Forums managed to reach peak shit taste and chose to prefer MM over JA. Guess the IQ of the average user is low enough to consider "hurr durr the Devs put a lot of effort into this" insightful critique
Yeah, it's been a long fucking time. I just remember JA saying "I'm an author, I know a little about storytelling and nobody's ever done this" and me getting genuinely upset
He has questionable taste, can't write concisely to save his life, and all his videos are about an hour too long.
I still like his videos because of the pure, unfiltered autism.
Like when he goes to the trouble to categorize every single one of the shrines in botw and moons in odyssey and then comes to conclusions like "only 45% of this game is worth playing"
Its fucking nonsense but I can't get this kind of shit anywhere else.
Definition of critique
>a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.
What you are describing is speculation.
He's an idiot
>but the image is dumb because it suggests things shouldn't go in depth at all
No it doesn't. In this specific case, what is there to go in depth about?
I only made two typos
other then that, the sentences might be a bit convoluted but it makes perfect sense
Its not that hard to read
He got SUPER angry at V3 because of the first trial/killer and stayed that way the rest of the game, yeah
>there are people on this board who unironically enjoy the content of JA
lol wow
>y-youre the child
im pointing out how fucking dumb this guy is, its a shame that any given community tends to worshiping the person who can put up the biggest and most psudeo intellectual facade
didn't he play through the game refusing to use specific moves or something?
Did he? Never saw that video, I mostly watched his bioware and wolfenstein vids.
I like him because he just has that dad voice and it's clear he's a gen-xer that is seeing things from a different generational lens than anyone else in the industry.
no he didnt
Nah, Matt is just better
>any individual moon is ridiculously easy to obtain with less than zero effort.
That's just not true.
How/why is it inconsistent?
Guy literally shows all the moons in his video. Sorry pal.
>I only made two typos
>I know Yea Forums hates games but i think a video about video gamea should spend some time talkibg about videos games, dont you think?
>gamea instead of games
>talkibg instead of talking
>videos games what the fuck are you from New Yorks?
>no apostrophe in "don't"
Thats fucking stupid. Get out of here hamster, your books are all shit.
and not all of them are effortless to get. And besides Odyssey isn't even designed to have you get all the moons in one go.
Member when he had to walk in a circle and failed miserably?
Thats not really saying much.
They are so fucking easy it's pointless, there is no challenge whatsoever unlike in previous mario games. And here we go back to
>At best people say you're not supposed to collect all the moons but that ignores the entire point
you people have never managed to rebut anything in his mario video and looks like this thread is no different.
>I've never played the game but I have heard someone shit on it
>I've never heard a good rebuttal either
How would you know if it was a good rebuttal, you didn't play the game
I want to believe this is bait, but then again most Yea Forumsirgins are this dumb and take after autists like themselves.
I mean high school students read The Cask of Amontillado, right? That shit's 200 years old. The modern, post-Holmes mystery thriller jumped through that hoop just as quickly as "it was actually suicide."
>and not all of them are effortless to get
have you ever played a real video game lmao
at least if the point was to collect all the moons thered be a point playing to it, but it isnt and there isnt. shit game for babies
Let's hear your rebuttal then.
or the three hour video of every single bug he encountered while playing fallout 76.
you haven't managed to put forth an argument to rebut, sorry kiddo.
How would you know if my rebuttal was any good, you didn't play the game
So you have none.
go back to your discord lmao how much is he paying you?
I literally did. Thanks for conceding.
>Doesn't offer an argument to begin with
>Demands a rebuttal
Shitposters, man. Also "game bad!" is not an argument
>you made a grammatical error on a Chinese basket weaving forum's thread about ecelebs
>ThAtS GoNnA bE a YiKeS fRoM mE!!!
I wish I was a newfag like you, maybe then I could have fun being a cock sucking faggot instead of just being mad at them for make the board worse.
>3D Mario
Pick one.
Well that's good, glad he's not a complete retard in that aspect. Either way I would recommend his Complete Look at NWN for anyone that's a fan of those 2 games
>Says the guy not offering any argument
I can't offer a rebuttal if there's nothing to rebutt, user
Anon don't get upset just because he called you out, it's unseemly.
his mario video is kino it objectively shows that odysseys was made for little babies and you literally cannot argue against it because he literally shows it
kill yourself
Do these guys communicate at all or is this literally just the fans not liking each other?
MM owns him
Thanks for the laugh
>It's an e-celeb circlejerk thread
Check this 3
Yeah and it's wrong. What about for example the moons you get from bounce racing?. Sure Odyssey has easier moons than your average star in 64, but it also has gobs and gobs more of them. Saying that it's cheapened by having so many so easy to get sort of misses the point of that design in that it settles into Mario 64 style difficulty once you've cleared out the easier content which is arguably fun to do simply by virtue of how fun Mario is to control. But the argument that it's bad just because it's easier starting out as well as simply because the game didn't target his particular play style is silly.
>Sure Odyssey has easier moons than your average star in 64, but it also has gobs and gobs more of them
Always going back to the straw man that you're not supposed to collect all of them while ignoring the entire point. Always. It's pathological with you people.
: A
what are you talking about? Your only other argument was that no moons are hard to get, which is wrong.
>assessment: the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something.
owned, friend :)
The story works precisely because James is quiet, reasonable, kind at heart, and a bit naive. He's these things because he is trying to ignore his vices and guilt. He comes off as being treated unfairly because that's how James feels. He is simple so we may project upon him and feel that same frustration and sense of being wronged, only to realize that it's all bullshit. To portray James as anything more than a simple, honest person removes the point of his self-duplicity.
Why does every YouTuber that writes fiction either a ya pleb or sci-fi/fantasy pleb.
>it would have made far more sense if you played as a more interesting character that was already aware he's murderer but it was kept from the player.
>Dont get mad just cause he is using a reddit meme in a reddit thread
I guess your right, no reason to be mad about anything .
We really should have an upvote system so post from mad people who use mean words can just be downvoted and only le epic meme can get to the top
Well it's no Nebula winner I'll give you that
Catcher in the Rye would drive him fucking insane.
You didn't really prove anything at all. My point still stands unrebutted, but OK.
I doubt it
Because odds are if you're a nerd then that's the fiction you were exposed to growing up. You can't just become the next Tolkien, he was made that by his life experiences.
The fact that baby boomers love Holden says a lot about their generation.
People like writing stories for kids/teens.
Far and away the worst “analysis” YouTuber. Just embarrassing.
Thanks for proving how brainlet tier this board has become.
JA is not without flaw, he's a huge dev intentfag for starters, but the topic is JA vs MM.
How the fuck is MM supposed to be better than him? He's a colossal immersionfag who wears his holistic mindset towards game on his sleeve, meaning he talks superficially about a bunch of stuff with absurd priorities and injecting bullshit story rationalizations everywhere. He's also as much of a prolix fuck as JA, and while JA gets verbose trying to prove a point, MM is because he doesn't know what to talk about.
>when he spent 5 minutes explaining pre-fetching which had absolutely nothing to do with the game, it was just pure bullshit filler, while also being wrong since he was describing level streaming, an entirely different thing (and he has an IT background too!)
>when, in the DeS critique, he derailed the whole section which was supposed to be about 4-2, one of the most interesting levels in the game, to talk about invasions with a bunch of wankery over the color of the summons
>generally, all the fucking times he talks about what a certain element is supposed to make the player F E E L which is ALWAYS pure conjecture wankery, like the example above, or when he spent minutes talking about how Devil Dagger's leaderboard is supposed to make the player feel part of something or some other retarded shit
>all the fucking times he just says "this feels good and the devs surely put a lot of effort into this" because, again, he can't present a point if his life depended on it and has nothing to bring to the table
>let's not even open the can of worms that is his DaS2 video, basically the birth of a lot of scrub justifications that propagated through the whole community, including DaS being allegedly built around 1v1 and complaining about wanting "interesting" enemies, while at the same time ignoring interesting enemy compositions because it's just another meaningless buzzword for him
you literally said as per dictionary definition, that a critique was an analysis and assessment. I pointed out that an assessment includes the estimation of the ability and nature of something. You proceeded to go into damage control mode.
>JA is not without flaw,
that's true
MM argues for more than his objective preferences
>He's a colossal immersionfag who wears his holistic mindset towards game on his sleeve, meaning he talks superficially about a bunch of stuff with absurd priorities and injecting bullshit story rationalizations everywhere.
Maybe in parts, but nowhere near as bad as JA lmao
Dude now you seem legitimately upset, it's ok you just had some typos
>he's a huge dev intentfag
the only time i even remember him talking about dev intentions was in darkest dungeon video which lasted 10 seconds and all fallout videos which is just an interesting topic because what the fuck is bethesda actually trying to do
Yeah, and the estimation of the ability or nature of the game in front of you is what I said is good. No speculation on the studio, or on the millions of what could have been. It is about the nature of the game itself. The abilities within the game itself. This is a critique under my definition. What you want it to be remains speculation.
he spends the first 20 mins of the odyssey video talking about dark souls for literally no reasons. it’s like a parody of pretentious bideogame psueds
>objective preferences
Of course someone defending MM would say something like that lmao
In addition, the estimation of something implies that you are evaluating something concrete that is actually there. Not speculating. Assessment is actually closer to review than critique, so I don't know why you brought that up.
what the fuck took you so long
explain the meme
oops, meant to say subjective preferences.
Like how JA spends ages listing every moon in odyssey for the point of demonstrating that... you can't play the game the way he wanted? And that's bad game design because... it isn't pandering to him...?
Every single one of his defenders on Yea Forums is a sonyfag.
Look at this thread, everything positive about him is his negative Mario review, because nothing else he did is important for shitposting
it's a painting
The Nioh vs Dark Souls comparison is very analogous to the exploration and abilities vs level design focus of 3d mario games. He explains his preferences there so his explanations of preferences in 3d mario make more sense.
post the picture
Already here
Demonstrating that it's a fucking baby game as all moons are so easy to get and you literally cannot argue against it because it's all on video so you make ridiculous straw mans instead
The word “Trump” in your post is capatilized.
I assume you’re a MAGA fag for your phone to auto correct to the bad orange man.
MathewMatosis was really good until he started doing just these videos of really boring indie games.
Combined with his terrible release schedule it's really depressing
go on
Is this one of those jokes that nobody will ever explain
no, the paper is just old
In fairness dev intent is kinda integral to DD because every time the players find a way to break the game, the devs nerf it because it goes against their intent.
Remember that showergate shitshow?
None of what you said is an argument that the game is bad.
There are several easy moons, so what?
Just like hamsterson, you don't notice a list isn't an argument
watch his witness review. literally 30 minutes spent saying a few puzzles were too hard
>None of what you said is an argument that the game is bad.
There is a point in which a game is so easy it becomes pointless. At least sonyfags get a movie out of it. What do you get?
>There are several easy moons, so what?
All of them = several. Ultimate cope lmao
Nah, I get where you're coming from, though. The POTUS is a numbskull.
>all moons are so easy to get and you literally cannot argue against it
What are you talking about? Moons range in difficulty. Saying they're too easy is a subjective opinion
Well yeah, feeling is pretty important.
All of them?
Darker side and volleyball aren't easy, you are now debunked.
Was that what you were looking for?
>nature: the basic or inherent features of something, especially when seen as characteristic of it.
in other words, the nature of a game is NECESSARILY a function of the development time, projected vision, CPU limitations, etc.. A through assessment in my opinion, treads this ground. Arguing against this conceptualization contradicts the definition of assessment, nature or both.
>ability: possession of the means or skill to do something.
Criticism of the game engine for example, can involve, but does not necessarily involve the assessment of the means to do something. In other words, missed potential is is a subset of "ability", with the other complementary set being achieved potential. Both of these are contained within the designation "ability"
lol nice "argument". If you're going to be an obstinate douche, don't get all pissy when people call you out, kiddo :)
JA is based faggots
That guy didn't even play Odyssey why are you arguing with him
>Ugly namefag Nincel seething
Goddamn the soiface meme about nintentofags is real
perspective aside, that was probably the least odd thing in that book
How to argue on Yea Forums
>make blatantly false, outrageous claim
>someone tells you you're wrong
>refuse to accept that you're wrong and claim that they have no argument until whoever is contradicting you makes a massively analytical, extremely comprehensive multiple-post analysis detailing every possible reason why your obviously false claim is false
>someone does that
>change the subject to something else instead and repeat the process
>"have sex"
Now hopefully we can stop arguing about the moon shit because we all know how it's going to go down
Imagine basing your videogame opinions off what some YouTuber says.
>estimation:a judgment of the worth or character of someone or something.
youre using the wrong definition in that context, use this
To prove to him and others his arguments are easily debunked, unlike what he said.
And I like sonyfags coping hard after being proven wrong
See, he is SEETHING now
The only video of his that I've seen is the FO4 video and I liked it.
the fact that he spent 20+ minutes talking about muh darksouls to poorly explain simple mechanics for a mario game that we already know just sums up this guy’s content
why is it that everybody who uses the soi meme appears to do so out of some sort of place of inadequacy?
That dragon strikes fear into every other Youtube critiquer especially Matthewcucktosis
Last time I pointed that and his inability to walk a circle out, everybody told me Hamsters on was only pretending to be retarded.
Unironically the best reviewer on youtube
>Darker side and volleyball aren't easy, you are now debunked.
>blind chimpanzees cant get ALL the moons, 5% require basic eye-hand coordination!
Imagine being one of these "people"
>"Assume you're right, why is that story good?"
>"Counterting with "why is an any story good" is not an argument"
Holy fuck this guy.
>Literally Rent Free
Literally no one mentioned console war bullshit
fuck off joseph