>even devolver digital is shitting on journos
looks like we're living in the best timeline boys
Even devolver digital is shitting on journos
Other urls found in this thread:
those are all images in a single tweet though. they could as well be mocking the other side
>he thinks people making fun of that tweet are making fun of the journalists
>lol at least i have a life xD
butthurt journo detected
>oh no someone played a videogame the wrong way!
its true. you can interpret the tweet in both ways. in fact i lean towards devolver making fun of the statement in the first image
seethe more
Can someone give me a quick rundown?
some journo posted an article bragging that they cheated to beat sekiro's final boss, and some dude posted that as a reply. Apparently the journo is getting torn to shreds online.
Why even play video games if you're so shit you have to cheat at them?
You know you're not having fun playing them, go get some therapy for your neurological condition or take up knitting
Journos are retarded.
Yea Forums is also retarded.
That's all you really need to know to understand this.
remember to play it on easy
Who gives a shit why they are playing it? If they have fun cheating at videogames, what is it to you? Are you so autistic you have to micromanage how other people play single player games?
Is it time for GamerGate 2.0?
>dude at least i have a gf lmao
I don't get it? Is that black blob the journos avatar or something? Because if it's not it could also be making fun of the statement itself.
They cheated not only the game, but themselves.
They didn't grow.
They didn't improve.
They took a shortcut and gained nothing.
They experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that they don't know the difference.
It isn't exactly funny or anything. That's just what happened.
I don't mind cheating for fun, like the body change cheat code in Oni, but it's only after i beat the game.
>a corporation's PR representatives are siding with us bros
I'm just saying that this thread treats this like its making fun of journalism but I think it's making fun of the statement.
everyone who is reposting this is making fun of it, not the guy who posted the article
>ugh! why are gamers so entitled!?
>ugh! why isn't this game catering to me!?
So which is it, journo
Imagine reading three pages of a novel and then acting like you're a fan of it. Imagine discussing said book with people and complaining that there should have been pictures in it because reading is too hard for you. Imagine being this person and also being a book "critic". Does this sound like someone who should be above being made fun of to you?
>DRM is bad you should be able to do what you want with your game
>dont cheat its wrong
>dont cheat its wrong
Name one person in this thread who said this
This seems more like getting the cliff notes version of a book or listening to an audio drama.
Reading three pages would be like starting the game, dying to the first boss, and then deleting the game.
Videogames aren't novels. The journo didn't play the game for three minutes and pretend he's a fan. The journo completed the game but cheated. He enjoyed playing it, enjoyed the game, but cheated because he is a shitter. You guys are bitching and moaning over someone playing a single player game the way they want to play it. That's like bitching at some guy who plays Mario Kart because he uses the blue shell and you don't like that item.
Maybe you should criticize him for bragging about it like it's anything special, or for being a fucking hack who thinks that being bad at videogames makes him cooler than other people, or for demanding an easy mode when he literally gave himself his own easy mode. But cheating? At a single player videogame? That's what you're gonna fixate on, really?
>You guys are bitching and moaning over someone playing a single player game the way they want to play it.
It's more like rightfully complaining that a reviewer of a movie, a supposed "expert," formed an opinion via a plot synopsis on a Wikipedia page. He never handled the media in question properly, he has no understanding of what he experienced because he's a shortcut-taking faggot.
No surprise. Devolver is shitposting near constantly
Who gives a shit how he formed his opinion?
Seriously, who gives a fuck? It's a journalist. Game journalists are shit. You know this. You're setting yourself up for disappointment by thinking they will ever not be shit. So why are you wasting your energy on the expected behavior of someone who has always been bad at games?
this, in a follow up they clarified they are mocking it
They do it because it's an easy marketing strategy. Lots of companies do stuff like this nowadays.
>It's okay to experience something without learning anything from said experience.
Now I know how teachers felt when I would use cliffs notes.
>Who gives a shit how he formed his opinion?
Anybody who gives the slightest fuck about media representation.
>Seriously, who gives a fuck? It's a journalist. Game journalists are shit.
They're shit because limp dick faggots like you constantly let them get away with this garbage.
It's literally their job to play it the right way
I hope sunnyd shoots up a school
Should't it be obvious from the start, of course cali cucks wouldn't go after journalists
thats what i thought. how the fuck did people think it was making fun of journos is beyond me
Lol you're literally an NPC if you thought this was attacking game journalism.
Now this is shitposting!
BEcause devs take note and will (and have) made the base game easier so they don’t have to bother having people throwing hissyfits
The inclusion of easy mode in games has made games easier over time on the whole. And not just in the AAA sphere but the indie realm as well
No, it's because morons like you continue to give them attention. Every single time you mock them on Twitter that's another person who's gonna follow the poor journo's reviews.
Quit getting assblasted over people playing games the wrong way and quit giving them attention if you hate them so much.
That poster didn't say cheating was wrong, he just said that it was stupid and that you're missing the point of the game. No ones telling you that you shouldn't be allowed to ruin the experience for yourself. Unless youre a journalist in which case youre too retarded to be judging games that you clearly don't understand
>Turn game that's built around CHALLENGE and personally tool it into a walking simulator
>Yeah, I happen to be a Souls fan, what of it ;). Also 5/10 it could use a skip boss button
>>even devolver digital is shitting on journos
devolver digital tweeted a cropped tweet of someone else, they're actually the exact same shitters like other jurnos
People are making fun of the hilarious pomposity of that post, you fucking moron.
Genuinely love that people cheating at the game diminishes the pathetic sense of accomplishment you get from your sekrit sekiro klub membership.
in the future, streaming platforms will be the only way to game, and they'll all have save states
>people cheating at the game diminishes the pathetic sense of accomplishment you get from your sekrit sekiro klub membership.
i don't even play souls games but fucking what? that's like saying "yeah, car ricers diminish the sense of accomplishment those people who rebuild old cars have". how can someone being a dunce diminish your own achievements? think about it for a minute.
haha we're NOTHING like other game companies we're so WACKY, zany and KOOKY. you can tell by the QUIRKY games we publish like pigeon dating sim, or oby ur FUNNEH twitter account! we're not like those other silly games companies that only care about profit! buy our games!
user...devolver was making fun of Yea Forumsincels not journos
I just want to know why anyone would bother if it requires cheating. What else is in sekiro that is worth experiencing? Does it have some amazing plot everyone is desperate to see first hand? Boundary pushing graphics that will become the new standard for decades? Is this all just a consequence of some dude having to write several articles a week and hitting upon some click generating gold?
Arent journos supposed to finish games before they review them? Cheating just makes life easier for them
sekiro is dead. No one cares
yeah i saw that same comment in other twitter shitpost, shame they are on the bad side
i mean you really should be able to figure it out without even seeing this post. dont be a brainlet.
actual journos review videogames after playing 2-3 hours, as if they were reviewing a film. Only trustworthy are those who disclosure the time they played the game.
Isn't Devolver the ones who kept making fun of indies for taking Epic's exclusive deal then went on to accept it themselves?
They were always cunts desu
I can't wait until more developers put in easy modes and every time it happens Yea Forums has the same reaction it has when a developer makes LGBT-positive statements or includes a non-White character.
what? you realize THIS ENTIRE THING is because fagournalists are saying
>on someone made a videogame the wrong way!
member’ when Yea Forums mocked people who played easy mode?
Sorry to burst your bubble but the only thing this will affect will be western developers, whose games already have a "story mode" or are easy enough.
From is a japanese company, none of this drama even reaches them because they are paying attention to the japanese audience, unless the japs start complaining too every baka gaijin complaining about it being too hard will just get filtered.
These same chuckle fucks derided anyone who felt ripped off from ME3 calling people entitled while throwing a pants shitting fit over Sekiro not having an easy mode. They want you to respect the auteur creative decisions of one of their indiedev friends, while trashing Miyazaki's philosophy of persevering overwhelming odds. All this crocodile tears bullshit concerning "accessibility" for disabled gamers is the biggest laugh that journos ever mustered yet. They cared none for the physically handicapped for wii-nunchucks, or those that literally can't button mash Plat game. They never gave a shit for the easily prone to motion sick during the previous generation of the Halo FPS craze. This is all some anti-japanese resentment because once again, the idea that gaming journos can not enact in cultural gatekeeping makes them seethe.
Is that game devovler is pushing pretentious indie garbage and that's why they made such a weird tweet like that?
>journalists are the reason why games got easier and easier at the end of PS2 generation and in the PS3 generation
>FROM literally is the reason why there has been a resurgence of difficult games because of the popularity of their Souls games
>now journalists are trying to kill this resurgence and make games piss easy again
Why are journos always working against gamers instead of for?
I'm just astonished over how many people are rushing to mock that copypasta and defend the ez mode shitter. It feels far worse than the DaS1 days, at least back then people eventually knew their place when to shut up and admit that maybe DaS1 isn't the game for them after months of getting told to git gud.
Not easy modes but "free walking modes", where you can just have to walk from X to Y and you can ignore all enemies attacks, or using just one button to kill them off and follow your path. Like that rabbit with purple clothes mod in that Super Mario game.
Dude writes about video games for money, he should have some basic proficiency in them. It's not like hobby journalists are hired for their writing talent.
>Reduce speed/damage
>lock achievements from being obtained in this mode
Fair compromise?
Ooga booga
Yea Forums eats dicks 24/7
and the most biggest slur of all
>Braindead video game "journalists" determine whether we get a bonus or not?
>Better defend them at all costs, no matter how pathetic they look
where is metal wolf chaos
Casuals spend more time on Twitter than they do actually playing (or possibly cheating at) games, so it's only natural that their voices are louder.
>play sports
>WTF this is too hard im going to change the rules to be easier and make it so I can play in womens divisions
its the same shit here.
Too hard to port. Devolver needs an easy mode.
Yes, the same one who tries to be different from every company by subverting our expectations (See: E3)
They've always tried to be that one company that isn't like the others.
They're such tools.
No dude games are just toys you retard. Also take me seriously I write about video games and they are art.
I hate all these ez mode shitters but I do think that the game doesn't give you enough healing early on, I think starting with 3 gourd uses and letting you have 5 by the time you get to butterfly/gyoubu could be a decent compromise, while still capping it at 10 for late-game. At the same time though, the lack of healing did encourage me to stealth through the first half of the game so that was probably one of their reasons to limit your healing compared to past fromsoft games
Some games focus more on the gameplay retard. It would be like going to play chess but then playing by your own easier rules. You ruin the point of the hobby.
>Cheating in a singleplayer game
Who cares
>Getting paid and still cheating in a singleplayer
>Getting paid and still cheating in a singleplayer and making a blog about it
>Getting paid and still cheating in a singleplayer and making a blog about it and making a tips & tricks guide about the game
Gaming "journalism" is just pure trash
Why do you care if someone cheats at chess? It's just a game.
Today I learned it’s ok to cheat on every video game and that gaming journalists are great people
Thanks Yea Forums