Thoughts on the MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Gaming X? Heard it's a cheaper alternative to the GTX 1070 with about the same performance.
What are your thoughts on using this card with currently triple titles? Such as The Division 2 and Anthem.
MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Gaming X
Too slow, 2080+ or bust.
*Current triple A titles.
I got one when they launched and it's very solid. I'm getting 144fps 1080p on damn near everything maxed on Division 2
Too slow you say, hmm.
Buy a Vega 56 instead - its a faster card.
It's also more expensive and burns your house down.
>lying on the Internet
>burns your house down
This is why it's more expensive: that's a feature.
Vega has consistently had sales for months - they can be had for 1660ti money.
He's talking about the 1660ti not the 1660 lol
I doubt that
So? Can you only see yellow or something?
Not really, plus it's invariably some bottom of the barrel blower card, which isn't a very smart choice for a 250W+ GPU.
The yellow is highlighted meaning results were searched for the 1660 not the 1660ti lol.
>searched spec for the wrong card
>calls me dumb
Just stop, it's too cringe.
you cant even search for the right card? please just commit
Well here I can get a Vega 64 for just a bit more than a 1660Ti.
> 6gb
That should be an instant no
I think 6gig is pretty sufficient for modern day games.
What's wrong with MSI?
Honestly, AMD is hosting a conference soon where they will either release or announce the new 7nm Navi cards.
IMO, see what those have to offer, and don't buy anything until then.
Never, ever skimp vram on a console upgrade year.
Too late, plus I never go with AMD, im a Nvida kind of guy.
Its a good card. However, with AMD dropping the price of the Vega 56 you can usually pick one up for $30 more than a 1660 Ti. Sometimes you can get it for the same price with a rebate or a sale. It gives you better performance and has 8 GB of HMB2 Ram. However, the Vega 56 is a lot more power hungry and runs hotter. Boths are strong choices.
You can even go down a rung and get a 590, which is still a good card, for about $100 less.
Personally, I think you are best off holding out for Navi and Nvidia's next gen if you can.
Nvidia put 6gb of ram on it for planned obsolescence. Same reason the GTX 2060 only has 6gb of vram too. They know 6gb of vram will bite the dust sooner or later.
Alright, then wait until Nvidia announces their 7nm cards.
Personally, I feel like Navi will be mid-range and the 2080 Ti will still be King. It seems like the VII is going to be their top end card.
It will next year. The next gen consoles are absolutely gonna spike RAM usage for zero reason just like the start of this gen.
Like I said, it's too late.
I already bought the 1660ti, I only had a GTX 1060 3g before so it's a huge upgrade from what I had.
why does it have a higher number than my 1080 TI while being weaker?
what did they mean by this?
Retarded marketing.
It works though because NVIDIA mindshare is strong.
You might get cucked but if you're playing 1080p then you should be fine.
Yeah I know, it's weird and I have no explanation for it.
I'm currently fine with it, can run The Division 2 on ultra at 60 fps, I only have a 1080p monitor with 60 Hz.
Right. You're good then. I have a 1070 but I want to get into 1440p hence why I'm waiting to see wtf Navi is going to be.
My hope is that it's a serious contender so that it will force Nvidia to release their 7nm cards and stop focusing on meme tech.
>J-just wait for Radeon VII!
>J-just wait for Navi!
>J-just wait for Zen 2!
Absolutely pathetic.
Only owned zotac brand gpus, what am i missing? Currently have a 1060 6gb zotac.
Given OMG 4K TEXTURES!!!11ONE don't really mean shit for actually rendering them but eat vram alive (particularly as resolution climbs) if you are dropping serious money on a gpu during a console upgrade year youi should ALWAYS look at the forming trends to make an informed decisions.
Sony and MS will both target 4k with the PS5/whatever the fuck mS calls the next xbox and given framerates basically fon't matter to plebs a (relatively) mid tier gpu with shitloads of vram makes sense - which is almost exactly what Navi will be.
My bet is the 1080ti and VII will leave the 2080 in trhe dust for example when cranking the latest and greatest.
Not really? Seems like a good recommendation to me? I'm just impatient.
I meant optimization wise. BF3/4 was always the example I gave. There's barely any graphical change yet BF4 uses easily 80%+ more VRAM and for what? I remember my old 270x going from mid range to low range in a single year with no real graphical change.
>80%+ more VRAM
I had a 760 and BF3 to 4 was absurd. But im pretty sure thas just dice being speds.
It's good, quiet, doesn't get hot, and is great performance for the price.