It seems that 80s,90s and 00s kids enjoyed playing very different types of games ,almost any genre you can think of but 10s kids especially late 10s kids seem to only like shoot shoot multiplayer or FIFA
When did kids stopped having diverse taste in videogames?
multiplayer and sports games were always popular you fucking poser
Its the industry fault or the kids fault because they have gone full retard?
2010s kids in general are closed-minded retards. Just another reason this decade sucks ass.
2010 was the year everything went to shit.
Literally all the people I know played those games only ocasionally,and we are talking about kids not teens I didnt give a fuck about fps as a kid, nor did my friends
>he didnt play doom when he was 5
nobody cares about your opinions
Kids never had diverse taste. They always played what was the most popular.
I didnt even had interest in those types of games kek you had the brain of an adult as fucking 5 year old how do you feel about that?
It's called playing what's good.
Actually 2005 was when everything went to shit shit because that's when the Zoomer Kid Era began with Johnny Test, Ben 10, casual 7th gen, etc. which was soulless
Then its the industry fault I guess
That was when TV went to shit. EVERYTHING went to shit in 2010. And that image was made by a retard.
sure thing npc
>popular bad
>niche good
does it ever occur to you that the reason a game is popular is because it's good
Why the fuck do you retards on this site hate kids so much? You were kids once and will most likely have kids in the future.
No because thats not always true. Fortnite is an extremely average game and it is disproportionately popular.
Zoomers in a nutshell
>the game isn't that great, and I dislike the predatory microtransactions and loot boxes, but it makes me PEE PEE HARD, and I MUST OBEY THE PEE PEE TO GET THE WARM PEE OUT OF MY PEE PEE *fapping intensifies*
i fucking hate kids and im never having them
gas all kids god i wish children of men was real life
Is there an argument there? I cant find it
> Wanting humanity to extinct
Retards like you should have been aborted
Because its painful seeing the young one in the family having such a shit taste and rejecting all 'old' (ps1-ps2)titles we show to him,When my brother showed me snes games and early ps1 titles as a kid I loved them and still do but kids now only like very very few shitty things
why the fuck should i care if humanity goes extinct when i die nothing matters
because they have become "back in my day" fags and have zero self awareness
>wanting kids
80% of modern games have a mulitiplayer or server component that dies a month after the game comes out. These kids grew up in shitty ecosystems like this and are forced to jump to the popular ones. Our single player games were self contained universes that werent spoiled by youtube and didnt require a community to enjoy them.
FPS games have always been huge. There's still a massive zoomer player base for MOBAs and minecraft. It seems like the audience for CSGO esports is a bunch of boomers.
even though you sound retarded, I have to thank you for not procreating
You're welcome, kids!
Kids should be playing sports anyways. Videogames are for tired adults.
I have a 7 year old son and I hate kids because they're all whiny little faggots who do nothing but moan and bitch about everything. Fortunately, I live in a free state where kids are raised to work on family farms, we can still spank and just last week I bought him his first .22 long rifle (stays locked in my gun safe ofcourse) He also attends private/Christian school where they dont promote homosexuality and trans kids but instead promote morals
why do gen x'ers never get any love
This, kids need to go outside and expend that energy and socialize with other kids. Videogames should be a night time/weekend activity.
I forgot, he also doesn't play video games but instead plays with real life friends everyday after school on our trampoline. Played army on Saturday with a bunch of friends and sticks as "guns".
What would your pastor say if he knew you browsed Yea Forums? You live a double life of sin on the internet. I feel sorry for your son.
>i abuse my kid
>why is my kid so whiny
when cod became extra mainstream, racing games were no longer fun, party chat was introduced, paid dlc season passes, battle royale
I hated kids since I was one though.
It's mostly /k/ but live viciously through you ass holes.
4channers breeding disturbs me
>He also attends private/Christian school where they dont promote homosexuality and trans kids but instead promote morals
how are boomers even real
You misunderstood. He's not the whiny one. It's the generation as a whole that I'm referring to. Hes being raised like I was and nothing about that is child abuse. Fuck off with your shit opinions
they lie for easy (you)s
I'd say it starts with gen 7. Nothing but brown and bloom shooters or just console shooters in general.
Industry, from the simple fact that they are jews and only in it for the shekels instead of making something good, kids end up getting dumbed down retarded shit that makes them retarded by extension
I think just by being his dad you're abusing him.
>my child is special
>everyone else is whiny
ok boomer
>I gave my 7 year old a device that exists to kill people
>b-but self defence
what self defence does a 7 year old need?how many pedos and school bullies do you expect him to shoot?
Im pro gun but dont give your 7 year old a gun, he's fucking 7 years old, must be a sandnigger, always with the sandniggers and making child soldiers
don't pretend like this site isn't normalfag central now
This thread is funny because half of my friends lists are people with 3000 hours in one game and they are old as fuck, they literally only play csgo or tf2 and have like 30 games in their steam inventory for the last 11 years
He uses it with me and only me. He can never use it, touch it, or see it without my supervision. The first gun I shot was my grandpa's. 22 at 7 then his old style mag fed wood stock 12 guage at 9. I joined the infantry, went to college, had a wife and now a son, daughter on the way and can afford to out him in private school. How the fuck is that a bad thing? Teaching him discipline? That's what the world needs.
its time to take off the rose tinted glasses bud
>had a wife
what happened
No more explanation necessary. You're a retard, pure and simple.
why is a 7 year old shooting with you?
Id get it if he were 14, but 7? no user thats a child and children shouldnt be involved with any tools of war
I mean it's more republican central than anything else
what happened to the wife?
He admitted he was in the infantry, do you even have to ask?
It ran its course. I'm actually getting married to a girl I've been with (mother of my unborn daughter) in a couple weeks. Taking a nice vacation down in Florida for the wedding ceremony at a beach house we rented out. I met this one down at the VA I volunteer at for vets struggling with PTSD (I was shot twice on my last deployment in 2011 and seen a few shitty things so I can understand where they are coming from) She used to be a nurse while studying to become a doctor when I met her
Not really. More like falseflag central.
>white trash is real and posting in this thread
>his wife got drafted/shot killed at war
poor soul, but I thought we got rid of tranny soldiers
>It ran its course.
How many dicks do you estimate she took while you were deployed? Im guessing 20.
Because it's the age that I learned plus it's a great time to spend some father and son time. Yeah, we throw baseball and stuff and always go to his tball games but it's something we both really enjoy. I built a range in our backyard from the help of my soon to be brother in law who works for SLED. Again, all of my guns (with the exception I carry everyday) is in my safe and when it comes off at night it goes in my nightstand with a lock and a key that is hid.
>When did kids stopped having diverse taste in videogames?
So do you prefer Mario or Sonic? Just kidding, ha ha. But seriously, are you more a Quake or UT guy?
>most likely have kids
These incels? I don't think so, chief
You don't even matter now, virginbeard
Legitimately curious as to how many kids you know
im married unlike you incels lmao
If you haven’t realized we all hate ourselves as well.
I don't speak to anyone under 23. I'm trying to push for local legislation to ban children from the neighborhood
It's because lots of genres simply don't exist anymore and modern games are largely interchangeable. It's hard to have diverse tastes when diversity itself doesn't exist.
>I don't speak to anyone under 23.
Are you 24?
All of you were retarded kids. How are you this lacking in self-awareness? How many kids do you even know? Stop getting all your information from Yea Forums.
Atleast 20. Nah man I honestly dont know and I could really care less. We just grew apart after the 1st deployment because I kept wanting to go back and midway through the 2nd got the news that she was out. Worked out for the best
Then: Rental experimentation and word of mouth
Now: Free-to-play trash and internet shilling
Where do you think you are? Anyway I don't hate them, I feel bad for them that flavor of the year-shit like Fortnite occludes trying out stuff they'd like even more. When I was their age I was branching out from shooters and racing games and whatnot into immersive sims and RPGs, strategy games, isometric games and turn-based stuff and JRPGs, flight sims, milsims, fighting games, adventure games, competitive arena stuff, stealth games, space sim/flight/combat games etc.
So long as they at least keep an open mind and try games other than compulsion loop stuff like Fortnite. Imagine being born just one month too late to get to try out Minecraft, Kerbal Space Program, FTL, Dishonored, ARMA 3, Dark Souls, even PUBG etc. and not knowing how much more infinitely rewarding, fun and varied they are than simple skinner box dopamine buttons.
Honestly, when I was a kid everyone just played Pokémon all the time. Personally, I don't even enjoy it, I just played it because all my friends did. Even back then I found turn based combat dull as shit.
>poor parents
>have to live with what you get, for better or worse
>>some people grew up and still enjoyed the games they got - for better or worse
can't google if japanese rpg 12 is good or not in 1991
Anyone remember getting pa1 games from toys r us? I loved grabbing that little sheet of paper you would take to the front desk, kinda like a ticket, for them to pull the game feom the shelf....good times
lmao fuck off console zoomer
This has more to do with the devs than actual zoomers. Certain genres left behind a string of disappointments that left the genre stale (fighting games and god games for example). Others didn't know how to innovate themselves and also went stale. Then there's some that gets completely monopolized by one game like The Sims.
When all video games became AAA brown and bloom 1st person shit. There have been PS2 holiday releases with more variety than most games see in a year.
There was so much more diversity to be had before the complete casualization if video games, but as soon as the incentive as to sell as much as possible and having to at least break even on a multi million dollar marketing investment, you get a generation raised on regurgitated, albeit profitable shit.
but even those had a lot more variety. when was the last time something like nba streets was released by a major company?
How young are you? There's a reason the 8 and 16 bit consoles were saturated with platformers and side scrolling shooters, the 32/64 bit consoles were full of low effort mascot platformers, and the PS2 was dominated by GTA clones and sports games
Good games have always been a smaller niche of the larger market, maybe if you weren't there at the time and are just looking back and what ended up being remembered as classics it looks like more good and creative games were put out, but that's just because the only people that remember old games at all are the hardcore fans who played games outside the most mainstream ones
Also forgot to add that a lot of zoomer games are either really cheap or free like Roblox or Fortnite. That's a big draw too
Based zoomerchads dabbing on millenials and boomers and working them into a seethe
Why would there be an argument, you fucktard?
That shit was so magical! I remember my parents taking me to get paperboy 2 on NES as a reward for getting out of hospital
He's saying zoomers tend to make purchases with their dick, regardless of the quality of the game. The discussion on Yea Forums alone nowadays should be enough to convey that. Retards
I fucking hate this dumbass claim that browsing and posting on Yea Forums is the equivalent to consorting with the devil.
You'd be like those retards who thought metal was the epitome of sin in the 80's.
The kid shot her when she tried to take his gun away.
Back to discord you go.
Having been a kid in the 90's, I can promsie you that everyone just liked Pokemon and Wrestling. Anybody who liked more games played too many video games and no one talked to them.
okay? which western AAA do you purchase with your dick? fucking idiot
You're telling me you and the other people you had the same interests in did the same thing you did because you share similar interests? Whaaaat? Never ever make a thread here again and go back
a few family members which sometimes invite their friends so know very well? only 2 but know as in only letting them play with my pc and consoles atleast 10
I've yet to meet a couple with strong anti-kids mentality who isn't either medically incapable or obese losers.
thats because you dont go outside nor have a significant other to meet couples with
It's just that they found a game that they like, and being totally casual members of a new hobby, they just prefer to stick to what they know. Their friends play Fortnite so they do too, it's a social thing for them. There are many of these people and their sheer numbers and apparent tendency to spend small amounts of money here and there will dictate gaming going forward. It's the ultimate final conclusion to that picture of new people moving into a hobby not for them.
I think you're imagining this user. The current state doesn't seem much different from the 00s to me.
the ability to post on mobile drastically increased the amount of 50 year old boomers on this site
50 year olds dont know how to use phones
-Hey dude have you seen the new Naruto ultimate ninja 2?
-Yeah its sick,its so fun to play,the jutsus are incredible
Like a month later...
-OMG I just bought Ratchet and Clank 3, its the best one ever
-Yeah its good But I like 2 more...
I also remember talking a lot about Burnout,Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3, the Tenkaichi Budokai Games,some strategy game from pc called Imperivm,Kingdom Hearts 2,Resident evil 4...
Just a few conversations I remember from the top of my head as a kid so dont shit me , kids back then played a shit ton of different stuff I know because I literally remember it, I still have the games and we used to lend the games to each other ,times have changed a lot in such a short time.
I did a LOT of stupid shit when I was a kid.
But I never, EVER, did anything as stupid as flossing.
There's actually less reason to purchase with your dick nowadays compared to before. Devs are bowing to the twitter warriors so no blatant titties unless you're getting a hentai vn (which any sane person would pirate)
Known good taste. Bringing Gen x into this argument is like comparing the writing in Planescape: Torment to the writing in Black Ops 3
Why is the Fortnite logo on his shirt mirrored when he dances?
the animator mirrored the frame
When I was a kid me and my friends were constantly playing different games as often as every day. One of my friends would tell me about some new MMO and we'd play it for like 2-3 days and then another one would turn up. The only ones we constantly went back to were games like d2 and wc3.
Its ironic because now as an adult I'd love some stability in the games my friends play. But they still have that "new game every few weeks/month" mentality so any time they're like "hey come play this game with us" its like do I really want to blow 60 dollars on something you're going to play for like a week and never touch again?
This. Everyone was playing starcraft, darkstone and delta force. Last one is what people played before HL multi.
That's bullshit but I'll believe it
When I was a kid I knew a ton of kids who would rather play ISSS or winning eleven than anything else, there were also not that many shooters, not ones that were easily accessible to kids anyways (when Perfect Dark made the rounds in my neighborhood we all loved it)
I'll bet most kids would have loved shootans or fortnite or minecraft had they existed back then
Kids don't change, it's just that they've got access to different stuff than we did. I've seen kids having as much fun with a NES game than with something on the ps4, and believe me if you take away their internet access and give them just one old console with a scant few games, they WILL git gud at them.
I might be deviating from the topic a bit but it seems to me that modern youngsters are always blamed for videogames becoming shittier when it's all the fault of normalfag adults who claim they are too busy and want everything fast and easy to accomodate.
My 13 years old brother played through Nier Automata multiple times and has access to all games I have, and has played stuff from OG Battlefronts to Bioshock to Pokemon to Fortnite and CoD
I've been encouraging him to test games to see if he likes it, and has expressed interest in DMC and Dragon's Dogma
>has expressed interest in DMC and Dragon's Dogma
dont let him go down that path
just give him dork souls
Have you tried sucking his dick?
That's even worse path