You guys should know that there will be an easy mode on Sekiro sooner or later
The jews and white leftists will make this happen. They must do this to prove they are the ones controlling what is ok and what is not ok in video games
You guys should know that there will be an easy mode on Sekiro sooner or later
Other urls found in this thread:
Why don't you do something about it?
god they should gun down those degenerates
Ahh naked old men
Ahh yes haha
just here to say that the bearded guy on right is kinda cute
I would serve all of those naked cuties.
even the old dude in the back? yikes user
Have sex
i don't think that little girl should be exposed to all those men's genitalia
ahahaha, user sweetie
how wrong you are
Your mom isn't coming over today.
why didn't the parent of this group walk the children around these guys or find some kind of alternate route
>nah its okay if this little girls sees a bunch of naked men just hanging with their dicks out
what the fuck man
Umm sweatie can you stop being such a bigot.
I've done it before so why not
I think that's the point
>The jews and white leftists will make this happen. They must do this to prove they are the ones controlling what is ok and what is not ok in video games
Can you kindly go shove this shite back into your arse and fuck off?
From doesnt give a shit what little angry gaijin want.
Yea Forums disagrees
jews have been controlling humanity for millennia, why would some random Yea Forums poster even bother going against it?
Your ancestors saw countless dicks and none of them were damaged by it.
Do something.
Miyazaki already confirmed he will not change the game.
Imagine being that old guy and staring at that little girl directly in the eyes as you hold your wang out right in her face.
Why is this legal? Why do fags get to be pedos?
so are you like real ugly, you have a humiliation fetish, like old men or did you just wanted to make the old dude happy?
>seeing dick bad!
>circumcision good!
>Americans getting flustered over nudists
Because you're a nazi if you have a problem with it.
No. the dark souls games were 'le hard games' and never got them why would they add one now
West is done for. Leftists prevailed.
>Why do fags get to be pedos?
leftist jews and white people behind organizations like SPLC and ADL think fags have super rights
Why is that old man staring at the children? He should be put on a watch list
My fetish. Pretty fun. I've done guys my age but older guys are just more fun
serious question. Would it technically be allowed if that girl just topped right there and joined in on the nudity?
Would honestly snap if i were presented with this scene in person.
well if you're having fun and the old guy is definitely having fun then it's cool i guess user
American white trash pedo detected
America was a mistake
I just see some nude cyclists here, why do you niggers all know these are fags?
Could it be this is yet another thread just copypasted from /pol/ with some thinly veiled VIDEO GAMES topic?
>Exposes self in public.
>"It's the parents' fault that, their kids are traumatised."
These people would lose their minds if they ever stepped inside a sauna.
>"lets show people that we aren't a bunch of degenerates"
>walks around naked in front of children, in public
Western society can't collapse soon enough.
But I'm a legal adult and it's not like I'm taking advantage of the old guys.
Yeah it's good to just do you if you are safe about it
It's the dicks that are exposed to her, jesus fuck how can you be so dense
Can't someone else do it? I'm too important for my movement to take the fall. Minds such as mine come only once every millenia.
>huh there's a bunch of naked dudes standing on the road here
>hmm should i take my kids around another way
>nah i'll just take my little girl to these old naked men because fuck drumpf
the crazy thing is that we have nude beaches
>Western society can't collapse soon enough.
Countries that must be nuked: USA, Canada. Sweden, Norway, Germany, France and Austria
Everything else can be spared
i'm a white gay slav that's against children being included in the gay culture because of it's overtly sexual nature but go ahead with your false assumptions user
>parents actions don't have an effect on kids
yep, I mean look how well you turned out user
>Huh there's a bunch of naked dudes standing on the road here
>We still have to make our destination in time.
>We could cross the street, but there's no hiding this obscene imagery. The damage is already done.
Shouldn't Austria be on the cool list of you wannabee rightwingers?
Why do zoomers act like nudist sports is something new? Hell the first known one in "modern" time was in 1904, in France and UK. And it's been normal since the fucking greeks.
But yeah, zoomers think it's hip to be puritan cucks again i guess.
Is against the law to be butt naked in public. Why are they not arrested? Don´t fucking tell me that they are gay and because of that, it is okay.
It's always russians and chinks making these threads. Which makes sense. They've been shitting up the board this entire decade
Don't know shit about them, so they shan't be spared by my wrath.
hahaha imagine this loli looking at your penis with interest and smile hahaha
What would crossing the street do? So they'll be about 20 feet away, as opposed to 2 feet away. Big fucking difference there. How about stop making it unreasonably difficult for parents to navigate the public streets with their children?
Austria is basically gay like Belgium and Netherlands. Oh I forgot about those
Nuke Belgium and Netherlands too
There is nothing but Shame in yuropoor
why? what's wrong? are you offended by the human body?
Cut off the head of the snake. Nuke California. It's the source of all progressive propaganda.
bluepilled dumbass post
It will be like DMC1 where they make it so easy it's boring just to prove a point.
Are you implying straight cyclists are a thing? And yes they are flaming gays because nobody else would do this type of degenerate shit around kids unless it's a designated nudism area.
There's nothing even remotely illegal or sexual about a naked child. America is the only non-muslim place on Earth that demands everyone be covered up at all times because even seeing a thigh is sexual.
cyka blyat
>Dude let's teach kids that sucking dicks is the most important thing ever
>15 years later depression rate: 70%, society destroyed and heroin epidemic
>Are you implying straight cyclists are a thing?
got me there I guess
dude just go to mars lmao just clean up the ocean lmao stop the companies and governments from doing anything how are these problems not already solved when user can just -DO SOMETHING- and it'll be fixed?
Why's the alt-right always the number 1 thing polluting Yea Forums with cancer?
Solid list
the parent should keep the kid close and cover her eyes, its not hard
make sex
Dab on trannies daily.
aww did the soviets rape ur mommy
>t. Dutch jew
>i don't think that little girl should be exposed to all those men's genitalia
A penis isn't inherently sexual when it's flaccid, especially not if it's uncircumcised.
Daily reminder that slavs are the niggers of white people. They're amusing when they dance like retarded apes but offer little of value to society.
swap norway and austria for UK and Israel
You're all a bunch of pedophiles.
stop spreading lies on the internet you desperate fuck
Once society collapses, things can be put back in place. Without our oppressive governments, we can make real progress.
Is there anything incels don't use as an excuse to REEEE about jews
killing one leftist a day keep the cancer away
Judging by the fact that I triggered people by mentioning russians, it's probably because of them.
>t. circumcised
slippery slope isn't real
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Israel will fall after America gets nuked
why do white people do this? this is why even low IQ muslims hate us
You better spit out a damn good reason right now user
the left can't meme
Pretty generous censoring there...
don't care
eeeew a naked body, this is clearly the collapse of civilization as we know it
lol cuck
Based as fuck
This is what happens when you're not in an oppressive communist state. Fight oppression with communism.
You'd rather have them covered up in a burka wouldn't you?
True, the damage was dormant until he was born.
>the left can't meme
Of course an independent thinker would find it hard to let himself be swallowed into the hivemind and start naturally regurgitating its standard catchphrases, also known as memes.
public nudity is indecent. anyone who defends this shit is sick in the head.
Muslim countries censor naked fags
>Rich and mostly stable countries even though muslims are violent and low IQ
Countries where naked bodies are the peak of civilization and progresiveness
>Being invaded by chinks, pajeets and muslims; even they hate living in western society. 70% of people live paycheck to paycheck and most youth are junkies
W-What am i looking at desu?
You watch too many movies. It's no one's instinct to cover their children's eyes, when confronted with something like this. That's a move actors pull for dramatic effect.
Also, if you act like something is a big deal, then it will leave a larger impression on the child. When you prohibit, you only increase the desire in the people you've prohibited. So covered eyes become curious eyes.
Jesus christ all of the fags in this picture need to get the brenton tarrant treatment.
This picture alone justifies a 4th reich.
But I dont think sekiro is getting an easy mode, fromsoftware knows their target audience and aren't going to cuck out for the boomers
Americans really need to drop the whole christian values shit. There is nothing offensive about the human body.
*gets memes into thinking OK is white nationalists*
Not video games
Well maybe if you fucking Europeans didn't drive out all the most strictly religious people to find a new home you wouldn't have to deal with an America filled with gun toting puritans and it would instead be filled with beautiful caramel skinned natives strutting around toppled. But you did so deal with.
naked bad
ultraviolence good
Have any of you been to a beach or swimming pool before?
Dumb mutts
japan is untouchable
>Haha look at the ugly old nude people
Reminder that this shit was tolerated even under Nazi Germany, because we can see nude people doing mundane shit without think of sucking dicks.
Dang user, I like your style.
uma delicia
>all these russians doing damage control by pretending it was americans all along
how about you fucking shut the fuck up, dick watcher
Naked rated mature.
Ultraviolence rated mature.
Choice given to those capable of consenting.
Have sex, incel
>hehe we'll hijack this gesture as an inside joke for our right wing circlejerk and call anyone who calls it out insane
>aren't we so clever
That artist draws a damn good c*nny
This is awful. That road should be walled off. Better yet they should conduct their affairs inside of a private building.
>tfw I made that pic
>tfw I know how these pics where made
>that thread on /gif/ right now made by a ruskie pretending he's leaking Ukrainian soldiers mowing down dozens of innocent Russian civilians, justifying Russian intervention into annexing Ukraine
>it's literally arma 3 in-game
>instantly goes on the defensive and claim it's actually a "bluehaired tranny falseflag"
>then dozens of Russians "coincidentally" shows up to defend each other from mockery, whom otherwise is a rare sight there
>Imagine leftist jews being so desperate to shut it down this thread
*Nuke California, Texas, Florida, Oregon, New York, Washington DC and also Washington state just for good measure.
Let's also not forget about Las Vegas.
based cunny poster
destroying the evil nazis
you are literally a coward and any one can see this on gelbooru OR LITERALLY ANYWHERE AND OFFENDS LITERALLY NO ONE. REAL THING OR FUCK OFF POSER
>HAHA, Gotem!!!
What's the relation to the picture? All I'm seeing are some unatractive nude people
Consider killing Jews
>Imagine leftist jews being so desperate to shut it down this thread at all cost
All /pol/ threads are made by russians. Nuke them to clean up this board.
He's only doing it to get the thread deleted, same with the furries who spam in threads
perform sex, right now
They are Gay and want to destroy christian values in the name of their jewish overlords
>janitor deletes the loli porn but keeps the blatant off-topic thread up
take care of your kid
i'm performing it right now with your dog, LOOSER!!!
why is this shit allowed but not nude kids?
>t. seething american jew
>yfw you accidentally pop a boner when seeing the loli
lol tiny peepee
>confirming that russians actually are shitting up the board
>most divorces
>most poverty
>most alcoholism
>most sexual abuse of children
>highest STD rates
>most abortions
>least freedom
>most corruption
>Government bows to Jews and muslims
But they have tigers! And AIDS!
>Tfw this thread is still up
Have sex, and not for procreative purposes
Have you been having sex with dogs for a long time user? Have you considered therapy?
Between all this shitflinging between /pol/ retards of both sides, you are by far the biggest lunatic here, imagine that.
Lick my puffy vulva, retard.
the left can come up with any good memes to regurgitate even if they wanted to
there is truth in humour, but there's nothing true about what the left says, so it almost impossible for them to come up with a good joke
>grinding your bare assole against the bike seat
imagine the smell
>independent thinker
heh, i guess the left can make jokes
>oh no they found out our secret!
>time for damage control ruskie bros!
Russia is the cold version of Los Angeles. Who do you think killed Czar? Leftist jews like Trotsky.
They are a plague to the world and even to jews themselves
>white people, do something
>elects the most kike friendly guy who drains the treasury for great ally Israel
>americans get triggered by nudity once again
just have sex
It’s more likely he’s literally paid
isnt that what the media is doing?
all these 40/50 year old adults in the media dont really think okey means white pride or whatever
but they are happy to tell everyone thats what it means
have sex
I hope your tinfoil hat sits tight user, the russians are sending psychic waves through this thread RIGHT NOW!
Humans need to overcome sexuality and the flesh itself if we are truly to ascend. The only true loves are passion and platonic, primal desires cloud the mind and limit one's potential.
We have gone too far with the whole LGBTLCDHDTV thing, it's time to roll things back and not see ourselves as what, but who.
I dont much care for jews, blacks or arabs
god faggots should be shot on sight I swear
But I can't get the tinfoil hat off of you Vlad
Mods fear our movement. They know if they resist, we put them back in the cuckshed and will run a train on these pathetic kiddie boards. Surrender willingly, or we will burn down your garbage dump.