A group of 4 teenagers is moving out to save the world and defeat the ancient evil!

>a group of 4 teenagers is moving out to save the world and defeat the ancient evil!

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>group of 2 teens, a mascot, and an old dude

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Rent free

>old dude is a pervert

>Group of 3 heroes
>and the healer
>go out to save the world

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>they meet 12 other teens from outer space who tried the same thing
>they failed

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>they failed because they lost hope
>the new party win and defeat the evil because of the power of friendship

>Group of priest wrestlers form a gang to body slam an ancient unholy evil.

>light is stronger than darkness
>It takes four to eight artifacts of light to defeat the power of one artifact of darkness.

>Farther into thy hands I bodyslam this heathen!

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are you enjoying it so far?

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things are just gonna keep getting better from where you are right now. It's a great show, it and [s4s] saved my life.

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of course with at least 2 magical girls

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Racist girl

>and [s4s] saved my life.

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oh it's a long story.
Basically [s4s] is nice board, and when I was only ever used to rudeness in my life, the friends I found on [s4s] helped bring me out of the seemingly inescapable rut I had been in for years.

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Well they do look better now

what's with all the doremi posting lately?

would also like to know

not complaining

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new movie coming out in 2020
check out for more Doremi related goodies

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Pretty sure its one guy making it his mission to make people watch it. For some reason he managed to turn it into "s4s board culture" which is why its threads are so full of babytalk and shit

Its genuinely a good show though so I'm not even mad. Haven't had this much fun in a while

OP's not me!

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The youth are the future. They have to tear down the old system in order to build something new and beautiful, something their own. Killing a child is like killing the future itself.

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I couldn't bear to continue Doremi some episodes after the purple haired girl appeared. She's too mean.

onpu's very unique

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She's the rival, obviously supposed to be the "what if Ojamajo but not so nice" counterpart. She matures a ton over the course of the show, almost arguably the most

My first waifu, say something nice to her

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I understand, but she turned this nice thing into Peep Show levels of danger. I don't like it :'(

why is onpu so perfect?

[s4s] restored my hope in Yea Forums

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I wanna lick her belly

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They are 6 now, btw

Please more

>they failed because they were on each others throat too much
>the new party who have never met irl before have their first unification offscreen
I will never be not mad at the second one

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You can't be racist against Peenoise.

onpu hot

>a group of 4 white teenagers is moving out to save the world and defeat the ancient evil!

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Is there yuri?


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love & peace

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