How is he so respected?
How is he so respected?
Because if you disrespect him he'll totally own you with facts and logic.
Get raped to death with a shovel.
He is /ourguy/ and not a single user in all these destiny hate threads has ever come up with a critique of him that isnt an insult over personal appearance or a /pol/buzzword spam.
He is insanely intelligent and it drives Yea Forumspol mad.
Because he owns retards like Sargon and Lauren by using their own LOGIC and FACTS
>ad hominem elf
>destiny: exists
>/pol/: smashes their own skulls in with hammers out of anger
No. He thinks talking fast = win. He also has his drones look shit up for him during his "debates". He's a moron and so are you.
Does he even have a life outside the Internet?
Or is he a neet?