How is he so respected?

How is he so respected?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because if you disrespect him he'll totally own you with facts and logic.

Get raped to death with a shovel.

He is /ourguy/ and not a single user in all these destiny hate threads has ever come up with a critique of him that isnt an insult over personal appearance or a /pol/buzzword spam.

He is insanely intelligent and it drives Yea Forumspol mad.

Because he owns retards like Sargon and Lauren by using their own LOGIC and FACTS

>ad hominem elf

>destiny: exists
>/pol/: smashes their own skulls in with hammers out of anger

No. He thinks talking fast = win. He also has his drones look shit up for him during his "debates". He's a moron and so are you.

Does he even have a life outside the Internet?
Or is he a neet?

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He seems like a real stuck up cunt who would take online IQ tests when he was younger

I don't even know if he's a good debater because I can't stand his presence long enough to watch. Just very off-putting

You're literally talking about Ben Shapiro


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Nope im taking about destiny.

>ethical child porn
What did he mean by this?

Whats the difference

Do not post left wing "people" on OUR website

By who?


Hi DesTiny!

didn't he get own so bad by Nick Fuentes in the last debate that his fans mass flagged the channel and got Nick banned?

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Imagine being such a tremendous faggot that you actually "debate" people online.

>spread nudes of underage girl
>bitch gets mad about it
>no fucks given
Ha lets ruin this bitch's life for trying to fuck with my man Destiny.

Online IQ 150+ here
No u

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nobody respects that little manlet

he doesn't even have an education lmao, he literally just reads wikipedia articles to his pathetic man child followers

Hi booger nick

And it's working!

>this spam still isnt ban on sight


Okay now this is facts and logicaled!

Contra is better, but I also want to fuck him so I'm probably biased.

Destiny articulates himself well, but his standpoint is unironically that all conservatives are stupid/uninformed/inexperienced which pretty much disqualifies him as a serious political being.

Maybe I'm just an out of touch oldfag but I can't fathom how people get worked into a frothing rage by these guys

It's the people following him not him himself. Also, KYS. Literally no true oldfag ever mentions they;re an old. Also, acting like that means anything, kek.

>tfw you have no fucking clue who these fucking retards are
is there a better feeling? half the time i got no clue who these eceleb faggots that get spammed here are.

>reading wiki articles is enough to btfo the alt right
Really makes you think

Yeah it's pretty comfy. I don't really go on YouTube so that's probably why.

All he ever does in his gay "debates" is to try to take the moral high ground and ridicule the opposition to submission.

Because their self worth and monetary future comes from performing well in these shitshows, and everyone wants to slay the midget. All that and they don't want to perform badly against an audience, and their audience and by extension paypigs to be exact.


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So far he hasn't lost a debate.

Porn that can be distributed without actual use of children, you know, the shit half this board jerk off to

the gamergate wikipedia article is hilarious
have you ever read it?

This meme is the cringiest shit to have ever come out of /pol/

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He's respected because he gets people on his stream, jacks his mic volume up and turns the volume of his opponent way down, over-enunciates and eats his microphone so his audience of 12 year olds think that he's winning, and treats everything he's ever stood by as a hypothetical that he would only support "if it works" thereby removing any need to commit to his own statements. It's extremely transparent. Complete waste of oxygen.

Use existing CP with permission of the victims for pedos seeking help, as preliminary research leads to a conclusion of less rape occurring. There's no factual evidence here, such a study would probably never occur in this reality, and his words were that if such a thing possibly existed, it's difficult to find a moral wrong there.

i watch shit on youtube from time to time, but it's just some shitty trailer, random videos or some music playlist. i don't understand when society failed so hard that people could not entertain themselves anymore, and instead rely on people who are not even better than they are in most cases, to entertain them or make them feel included. worst timeline tbqh


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*gets owned by nick*
damn... so this is the power of destiny

Would you rather someone stand by their statements even if they don't work? That sounds pretty retarded

Destiny falls into a category of intellectuals I describe as Nu-Smart.

While many NuSmart thinkers may be educated and have persuasive skills, these intellectuals can rarely come up with original perspectives and profound insight on anything.

They tend to just parrot what other people say and rely heavily on data rather than their own analysis. The problem with these psuedo-intellectuals is while they may be intelligent they end up thinking they're much smarter than they actually are.

Winning and losing debates isn't important or necessary, as that won't move the bar for people so deeply entrenched in their positions they have no way out.

Absolutely disgusting when people rely on data rather than their own intuition

be btfos retards pretty hard

one has an IQ that outweighs the other

He just talks very fast. And changes the subject when he is losing an argument.

His main tactic is to let others speak until the say something you could misunderstand and twist their points to make them look stupid or bad. He looked like an idiot when Mister Metokur used this tactic against him.

You just argued exactly like Destiny, you spaz. The point is he never stands by any statement he makes, and will backpedal on things he vehemently advocated for in the moment in a former debate. It's like saying "i'm for communism, if it works". Yeah, so let's try it out and watch millions of people die so we can conclude that you "don't stand by" it because it didn't work. The man's entire life is a hypothetical mess of nothing.

Cause hes le epic "centrist" who says everything is morally "neutral"

I consider myself pretty right wing by today's standards, but Destiny is without a doubt the best debater I've heard on the Youtube/Twitch scene. I don't know if it's because he only debates retards, but he sure manages to make everyone he talks to sound like a bumbling fool. At the end of the day I don't agree with him on a number of social issues but I enjoy listening to him run circles around inferior minds.

whats the difference on leaning left or right on this? the entire "skeptic" community literally ate itself. think most of the debaters are dumb and the fans are dumber

>They tend to just parrot what other people say and rely heavily on data rather than their own analysis

AKA: Empirical evidence vs Hmmm, I reckon

He isn't, he just has sycophants

destiny is a retard, he's just lefty sargon
>literally suggested bombing mexico to "help" get rid of cartels
>anti-trump and anti-wall, pro immigration
>thinks incest and pedophilia is perfectly fine
>supports trannies
>seethes whenever somebody asks him to get evidence and proof to back up his claims
>supports forced diversity in workplaces
>manlet that probably browses reddit all day and practices his fast talking in attempt to be an "intellectual"

One is actually smart and went to Harvard. The other is a manlet, wristlet, bodylet "pro gamer" and pseudo-philosopher named Destiny.

timestamp you faggot

Never was, especially when he got utterly btfo by Fuentes and sargon lmao

I didn't understand Destiny saying that the guy who discovered DNA had no right on commenting about about his findings on black people's IQ due to it being controversial, I mean he was just sharing what his study is getting wheter it hurts people feelings or not

>2 fucking hours
>of randos talking pointless shit
>people actually watching them
when did we fail bros? am i the only one that longs for some fucking asteroid impact or ebola pandemic?

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god FUCKING forbid we let the trannies be!

I wish this nigga wasn't so low energy and put me to sleep, because he's clearly artistically knowledgeable

patrician taste user Jesse Lee Peterson is amazing

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But all of the people he debates on race and IQ and all that jazz do the same thing. Their entire ideology is built around this hypothetical idea that society would be better if we removed all of the non-whites, even though that's completely impractical and there are a million things that could go wrong.

Or, simply the power of observation. If someone told me to not go into a neighbourhood because people get mugged there all the time, but there's no "data" to back it up I'm not just gonna wing it like a fucking idiot. Not everything is documented, or even allowed to be documented for that matter. Destiny argues like an insect, not a human.

He was saying that whilst superficially intelligence research might seem like something in his academic realm, in reality it was out of his lane in terms of his field, which is why the rest of the academic community took issue with it.

Yeah, god forbid. THEY ARE MENTALLY ILL. We dont go around telling Schizophrenics too believe the voices and that they're normal. But with trannies we encourage them, tell them they're right and then they fucking kill themselves anyway. I feel empathy for them, they kill themselves as a significant rate. I hate the people who tell them they're normal. They aren't.

You're literally saying using facts over your feelings is bad. You criticize him for "relying on data" what the fuck

At least they stand by it and aren't only concerned with looking correct by sliding through every call to commitment like a slippery eel-like creature.

I have never watched any of this guys debates, because I personally think debating over opinions is like arguing with a loaf of bread although I'm curious as to how he ''wins'' said debates.

Most people aren't even that conservative. They or better yet us since I consider myself one of those people usually just think that at a certain point humanity is devolving and that it's harmful to the well being of the majority.

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Going to Harvard doesn't automatically make you right, I mean most Harvard grads are Democrats so that would be a self-defeating point to make.

He just lost against a 14 year old girl a couple of days ago, what are you talking about?

Right, and nobody would criticize you for not going to that neighbourhood on an anecdotal level, but you must understand that somebody saying that in that scenario would not then make that neighbourhood actually dangerous with total certainty, they could be wrong and you'd have no real way of knowing without any actual evidence.

it's fine to rely on data but there are certain arguments that there isn't enough data on to heavily rely on it.

I think destiny is void of wisdom, which is why he argues in the way he does and presumes he can trounce any opponent.

where data showing that black people commit more crime is persuasive I think the more profound and intellectual question is "why?"

it's much harder and it's much more based on personal perspective. perhaps that makes it more subjective but I respect someone more for giving me a solid original argument about something than a parrot

I had to Google him.
So he used to play Starcraft and now he streams on Twitch, how is he respected? I don't think I ever see him mentioned.

He's a meme mostly

>Supports Incest
>Unlike other "manlets" this guy literally has the body of a 12 year old. Pathetic
>Nearly every one of his arguments is a hypothetical "WELL IF WE DID THIS IT WOULD BE A UTOPIA LOL, KEK RACIST!"

1 example: at 0:57 he makes him say that the US should bombing Mexico

>I'm curious as to how he ''wins'' said debates.

90% of Destiny's debates are him walking through the logic or the build up of reasoning behind arguments. He mostly debates complete retards and as it turns out if you wrangle with internet retards with retard opinions for long enough, the complete lack of logical basis or a path of actual reasoning for their beliefs gets untethered and exposed, which generally is what people consider to be 'winning'. The retards he debates with are really angry and react obviously quite poorly to being prodded on having feelings based arguments so the debates usually turn into nasty clusterfucks.

So you are relying on institutions providing you with quantative data while completely disregarding the fact that not all data is either reliable, or means what you think it means.
If you think all data is reliable then riddle me the old adage of 13% of the population, but 50% of the crime. What does that tell us?

Maybe always relying on numbers isn't going to tell us anything about society besides what we ideally would like to interpret, and we need to be more observant as a species.

>I think destiny is void of wisdom
And I'm sure you've define wisdom as something super reasonable like ignoring reality and what the facts actually are in favor of how things make you feel

He's a pseudo-philosopher faggot leftist who debates people in a cunty way. He's also one of the most pathetic looking humans I have ever seen. It genuinely disgusts me.

You're obviously a fanboy. The thing that I've noticed is that after a 'debate', Destiny and his fans think that he won, and on the otheride of the isle. The person he debated and their community thinks that they won. No progress, just a lot of masterbation and patting themselves on the back.


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I love this midget and the way he triggers the fuck out of /pol/cels. This is despite him frequently calling me a retarded faggot and flipping out when I occasionally beat him on SC2 ladder years ago.

>data doesn't tell you every single thing so it's useless just feel it out dude
facts over feels btw

Looking at him angers me. How can you be a manlet and also have the body of a 12 year old? In fact, it just makes him look more of a manlet. He's so pathetic. This guy needs to eat and lift a bit fuck me.

I don’t like him because he sexually abuses his daughter

>and we need to be more observant as a species

A completely vague, meaningless statement that in practice just means relying on personal feels with absolutely no anchor in real life.

watch his debate with SBN3 and then read the comments and you'll understand exactly the kind of people who respect him

>likes the body of a twelve year old

>Just feel it out, dude

Have you ever heard of philosophy, you retarded ape?
It literally birthed the United States, the most successful country on the planet. You can talk numbers all you want, but if you don't have any human element and perspective to back it up everything you say is completely useless.

This is why insects like Destiny only care about redistributing wealth and dumb shit like that, anything that involves numbers but does not include any philosophical or social ramifications.

ok why do black people commit more crime, why does the culture glorify thuggishness?

there's plenty of correct answers to this, which is why hard data doesn't always win in that kind of debate. it becomes more subjective. Maybe you think it's because of hip hop, maybe you think it's because of poverty, maybe you think it's a bit of both. maybe you think it has more to do with nature vs nurture.

I'd rather be given a profound and unique argument for this than what most psuedo intellectual parrots can come up with. I think the smartest people aren't only analytical they're philosophical as well.

and that's destiny's problem. he isn't wise enough to cover his ass in debates, he is educated and aggressive. Not profound.

im a 6'2" hungry skeleton and i feel like i could lift him with one hand

he loses when he debates people with an actual iq. 80% of his debates are with random retards he gets off twitter or his streams, or borderline mental people like sargon of akkad. Look at most of his debates with the kill stream members, fuentes, metokur, etc. He does get BTFO

Holy fuck. This is a 31 year old man... How?

he used to rage hard on sc2 back in the day. is he still as big of a bitch? cause i havent kept up with the guy in years

>muh feels
You’re the person you claim to hate

>literally birthed the United States

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I thought lefties were supposed to be the ones that argued with their feels

>m-muh data muh numbers!!
>let's shuffle the numbers around that will fix everything!

Imagine being so small minded.

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twelve year olds are the peak of human female attractiveness

I like his 'debates' with Sargon though, although I don't like either of them. Sargon always brings up black IQ or black crime and Destiny gets genuinely mad. It always tickles me.

he's of above average intelligence and tricks low iq retards into becoming one of his sycophants

He has calmed down over the years but if you find the right trigger you'll get him loud, fast and spastic that's for sure.

>ethical cp
>has said before he's accepting of pedophilia and incest relationships
>has kids
oh no no no no

The constitution is a philosophically birthed document, you absolute retard.

> I don't even know if he's a good debater because I can't stand his presence long enough to watch. Just very off-putting
me 2 user, I can't even watch him debate with personalities i like. If he's trying to deradicalize it's not working and will only push people further right because of how revolting his personality/attitude is.

>m-muh feelings muh intuition!!
>let's become more observant that will fix everything!

Imagine being so small minded.

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I think Destiny is a great debater, he can substantiate his points with a much deeper level of understanding than most of his opponents. However I still don't agree with a lot of his positions, he can argue himself into pretty retarded corners. A lot of times it feels like he's trapping himself into positions he doesn't even believe just because he read a study and possibly misinterpreted the data. The way he constantly changes his mind on various subjects in such a small timeframe is a little bizarre to say the least, it's like he's stuck to whatever study he read last week. I don't think a single has the capacity to hold this much data in his head without trapping himself. Whatever he's doing doesn't seem optimal, he's stretching himself thin on far too many subjects, this is why humans can only specialize in certain niches.

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Imagine thinking the you won’t be killed

Saying it over and over doesn't make it true.

In what context did he say that?

>the other is a manlet
Isn't Ben Shapiro like 5'2?

I remember seeing a clip floating around where he said that he was going to teach his daughter that incest wasn't wrong. I really, really hope that it was just out of context.

>How is he so respected?
By who exactly? Nobody in the SC2 community liked him aside from watching him make an ass out of himself on stream.

>Being observant

You know what happens when all you focus on is numbers without accounting for human behavior and societal philosophy? You get communism. Because numerically it's the most "fair" option. And then humans acted like humans and it all went to shit before it even got started. Data is not the only important factor in a political discussion, Destiny is too much of an autistic dipshit to realize this.

Not sure I understand. So he's basically one of the people using rhetorics to his advantage?
>animals drink water, you drink water hence you're an animal
Best comparison I could come up with atm.

It wasn't. It's been proven that he rapes his daughter

Despite the intense memes, he doesn't have a daughter.

Imagine being so small bodied.

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What 14yo girl

>"fuck dem kids (
literally)" - Destiny


I had a friend who worships and models all his opinions off this guy. I don't understand how people can like his pretentious and holier-than-thou attitude.

should tell that to the dems then

But I'm curious as to what that guy ideas/positions are then. Is he the usual leftist/statist?

Serious question, who is this faggot, and why should I care?

>he ran out of arguments
Where's the data on that guy who used to give you wedgies that you now have wet dreams about because he turned you gay?

Data doesn't exist? That's a shame.

He doesn't have a daughter, and he said incest isn't morally wrong, it's biologically wrong. He doesn't support incest.

5'7 I think. Still taller. Also Shapiro, unlike Destiny, doesn't have the body of a 12 year old.

He's the guy who said communism is our only hope and unironic thinks he's justified in fucking his own daughter

he's a giant autist in every thing he does which is why has to be contrarian about everything inlcuding politics to the point where he now openly parrots neocon / progressive rhetoric when before he would literally call people niggers on starcraft, tell his friends to an hero and was unable to come up with an answer as to why incest is wrong

Intuition gives you zero points in a debate, that's not how you construct an argument, but if you don't actually rely on it you're probably fucked, because we still don't have the data on everything and are left with the examples that were carried out before us.

Kek i thought the same thing

I'm just matching your arguments. You're saying relying on data and stuff that actually happens is bad, and you should just intuit. If you come up with a better argument than
>reality doesn't align with what I feel so I'll just say facts aren't good enough
then you'll probably get better replies

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Wisdom is much more subjective and philosophically based.
I've been more convinced by a philosophical anecdote than by hard analysis before.

It's nice to see hard data but I think profound subjective and unique perspective paired with some data is far more persuasive.

destiny isn't going to paint the world to me in a way I've never seen it before. he's going to parrot arguments relying on pure data rather than saying anything profound.

that's the difference he's smart but he's not a great thinker.
you've mistaken me for another poster but I think an enlightened comedian is way more persuasive than a scholar nowadays

which is why personal perspective and philosophies shouldn't be ignored in arguments.

the best debaters provide both. because data isn't going to connect or wow people as much as original insight. we're human after all.

and as long as you can provide a sense of objectivity with your personal ideas you can be amazingly persuasive and enlighten people

haha that lady sure has broad hands and forehead haha

If humans tend to be selfish to the point that communism fails then data will support that, and it does. Destiny knows this, which is why he is opposed to communism and loves capitalism. You'd know this as well if you weren't arguing against a strawman.

Here's a video where he blows up on a commie.

>ethical child porn

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Reposting this classic

>tries to debate fucking Shkreli on pharmaceuticals of all fucking things
>gets dumpstered and changes the event from an epic DEBATE to a long chat haha
Shkreli probably put it best by describing him, and all the other epic Youtube debaters, with the single phrase
>"You seem to have strong opinions on a field you don't seem to know a lot about"

Reading Reddit posts your fans feed you to prep you for an epic debate so you can gish gallop facts out as quickly as you can isn't a proper substitute for a nuanced understanding of the conversation's subject matter

>data rather than their own analysis
data is literally the centerpoint of any valid analysis

I'm glad rightoids are finally abandoning their stance of reals over feels openly now. I'm interested to see where this goes

mistermetokur btfo