Why do the people who play video games and review video games for a living seem to hate video games?
Why do the people who play video games and review video games for a living seem to hate video games?
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Millennials hate life in general but are too hopped on dopamine from shit like porn and social media to kill themselves
because no one decides to become a video game journalist
they're all failed journalists who couldnt get a real journalism job and had to settle for writing about video games, something they have no interest in
Because "video game journalism" isn't a job anybody picks.
They're stuck there because they're not good enough to be proper journalists or writers.
Anyone that involves themselves with video games, in general, fucked up at some point in their life.
i played god of war on Give Me A Challenge for everything up to the final Valkyrie Queen or w/e i had to turn it to easy to get the platinum. It wasnt really that much easier just halfed her HP or so
Because they graduated with a media degree and will take literally any website that will give them a writing gig. There's this meme that reviewers have to be epic, longtime hardcore gamers when that is simply not the case.
Of course a f*male cheats and brags about it.
That's actually pretty good I like her
If you didn’t cheat when playing the Sims you’re a fake gamer, especially in the first game where the needs are completely fucked
Zoomers have no shame. More news at 11
No one would have cared if he didn't write an article about it
Former game journalist here.
They "seem to hate video games" because they DO hate video games. Most journalists are only in gaming journalism because they want to push sjw propaganda. Most of them don't even play video games unless it's required for work. I worked for several different sites and this was true about ALL of them.
Imagine having to play video games you don't like.
They failed at becoming actual journalists, so now they're stuck doing enthusiast press for a hobby they actively began to hate over time. They wanted to be 'meaningful' and be a bigshot journalist who influences people and rakes in big money and awards. Now it's just barely repressed anger lashing out constantly.
How long did it take you to come up with that
Any chuckle fuck saying this, it literally doesn't matter. If my friend said this I would just make fun of him for a joke and then forget about it later because in that scenario it really doesn't matter unless I saw him really salty about the game.
The problem is that you have a game journo saying this and not some random game journo, but the guy who wrote this co-wrote for a tips and tricks to Sekiro with another writer. Read this one about cheats and see how much he complains about the game mechanics and how its unfair, thus justifying in his head the use of cheats. You wouldn't need that level of delusion and justification if you simply just wanted to use cheats for the fun of it. He's proven himself as a game journo who doesn't care about what he's doing and in it for disingenuous reasons and as a human being in his field he lost any shot at credibility.
But fuck it, twitter is such a cesspool that you literally cannot criticize these people at their jobs because its considered bullying.
they are leftist for a living
checked and keked
I love how journos were able to twist the narrative to "gamers are shitting on people who cheat!!!!!" when the actual complaint isn't even close to that. How can I trust the opinion of PC Gamer when they have journos on staff who have no problem cheating on games they're supposed to review? How am I supposed to know that their thoughts on the game are based on actual experience?
>night in the woods avatar
just flip it on piracy and see all of them backpedal the fuck out
I'll take bullshit for 300 please alex
>Journalist wants a mode to make their job easier
If you don't like games review movies
>because no one decides to become a video game journalist
Not true but they chased all the passionate people out or converted them
sad times
Why is Demon of Hatred such a boring fight.
He's not even hard, just tedious?
How can I make his health go away faster?
Is there a secret thing to assassinate him? I mean he has three stages just like the Monk
is this satire or real
George Soros here, you weren't supposed to tell that to anyone. We'll be meeting soon
because they do, and they've realised they get more clicks if they don't bother hiding it
Cheats are actually built into The Sims. They’re there for you to use if you want to. You’re not supposed to cheat at Sekiro, otherwise the devs would have put them in.
Imagine if a book reviewer did all of their reviews based off of Cliff’s notes.
I don't know but it's hilarious either way.
I cheated on my girlfriend and felt no shame, why should I feel any different about games?
They're more important, duh.
Personally I don't give a fuck if people casually playing games cheat
That said a fucking professional game critic, who fucking wrote a list of tips for the game, should be expected to play through the whole thing with default setting to value the game's quality and shouldn't be reviewing games if they can't fucking play them
We expect professional film reviewers to know a certain level of cinematography and probably writing.
We expect professional book reviewers to know a certain level of reading competency and probably the history of literature.
We expect professional music reviewers to know a certain level of music theory and probably have the ability to play music themselves.
We expect professional vehicle reviewers to know a certain level of driving expertise and probably mechanical design.
We expect resteraunt reviewers to know a certain level of cooking and presentation, and probably hygiene practices.
We expect ANY professional reviewer in ANY line of work to have a greater than average level of competency in that thing which they are being paid to review.
So why is it hate and "incels" to expect a video game reviewer to know how to play fucking video games?
What would happen if a film reviewer didn't know what a fucking dutch angle was?
If a book reviewer didn't know who fucking plato was?
If a music reviewer didn't know what a scale was?
If a car reviewer didn't know how to drive?
If a food reviewer didn't know if the food he was eating was cooked correctly?
They'd be fucking fired. So why do video game reviewers not only get away with it but have an entire industry which DEFENDS this?
If you cheat in video games you're likely to cheat at other things and if you cheat in real life you're a piece of shit.
Thanks for outing yourselves.
>Not a gamer
Honk honk.
Brutal redpill in 1 sentence.
The reward has become their motivation. The game is only a means to an end at this point. Some of them may have enjoyed games before there was money involved, some may have just seen a market to exploit.
Have sex.
Someone using cheats in a game is very likely to try cheating or wanting things easily in real life.
It always checks out.
This is how I feel. I'm not asking you to get every Assassins Creed flag or SSS rank the postgame EX dungeons or whatever, just play through the main game on regular ass difficulty like this shouldn't be difficult for a G A M E Journalist.
This. 2's manual even had the aging on/off cheat in it for people who couldn't let go
i thought the issue was that the dude who cheated also wrote a guide, and people were laughing at the irony.at endless op-eds covering it can farm clicks for a week or two. it's pathetic and anyone reading these sites even ironically and through archive links shares responsibility for giving these faggots any attention at all, myself included for this very post
C'mon guys. It's 2019. Even LISA had an easy mode.
Grow up, incels.
>neurotypical games journalist gets so frustrated at a game they use cheats then write an article justifying themselves and using disabled people as a shield
>one person gets mad about it
>everyone on social media turns his post into a copypasta to make fun of him
I mean I get it, but if we're talking 'taking the piss out of acceptable targets' let's not ignore the elephant in the room here
They're so used to hand holding piss easy games that it's jarring when one kicks the shit out of them
That dev can be pretty based when he feels like it
Heh bullshit. That's like telling a cook he has be good at cooking.
Why are journalists such entitled manbabies?
I thought they made a bunch of articles about "entitled" whiners not too long ago.
Why is it suddenly okay now?
>FROM has never submitted to crying manbabies complaining about difficulty
>after 20 years, they still continue complaining
>a fucking nitw icon
eat shit you stupid cunt
how can a game journalist not grasp this one simple concept - difficulty is part of the experience for games.
These are the same people who say games should get as much respect as films and tv in regards to artistic value yet they dont realise that gameplay is an integral part of what makes a game. You can have the plot, the graphics, the writing, soundtrack, but if your gameplay is forgettable, simplistic to the point of easiness or unfair then it is not a good game.
>haha, we are hopelessly out of touch with our readers. stupid them
Gotta love the desperation in pushing them into catering to casuals to the point they glorified that Celeste Dev's Ideas on how to make an easy mode as if he's the Ambassador of Video games.
Can't get over all the fucking zoomers on this board that think videogames didn't have cheats as standard until their shitty online-obsessed generation came along.
>then it is not a good game
>implying journalists hold those standards
thank god a true game designer is around to set noobs like miyazaki straight
Imagine legitimately being mad that someone played a single player game how they wanted. I hope none of them are grown adults because that would be pathetic as hell. Like picture the people that got triggered because they brag about cheating in a single player game. Can't imagine anybody else,but a kid or Manchild.
Because aimless bitching and begging is okay when it's "Inclusion", they're hiding behind people with actual handicaps to justify their own laziness and failure to adapt.
there's a difference between games shipping with cheat codes included and people downloading trainers and bragging about using them to cheat.
t. actual boomer
I hate Shining Resonance refrain so much. I got baited by the waifu and A-list seiyuu.
Sadly most Journalists types are well-admitted manchildren and they say you need to "Get with the times" and accept them otherwise your just a "WITTLE BABBY BOY".
It's just great to step back and look at how their justifications have gotten worse over time. They're just so desperate to say they've beaten the game at any cost, because they need to get those goodboy points on twitter for being in on all the hot flavor of the month memes.
>Games need easy modes for the disabled!
>Games need easy modes because everybody should be able to enjoy them
>Games need easy modes because I actually hate playing them
>Like picture the people that got triggered
I don't have to.
imagine being a grown man bragging about cheating to beat a video game and making an entire article out of it, and then getting butthurt because people call you a bitch
Why are furries such baitfags?
Movement against merit based society. Look up at what's happening even with science or programming. Simply put, any situation where vast differences of intelligence or skill can be apparent is in itself negative because your average person is either dumb, lazy or some mixture of and doesn't want to be reminded of it since that in itself is a triggering act. It also fosters situations where people can be better than others, therefore having stronger opinions or weight and if they were to have an opinion you disagree with it may give them more clout which means "toxic people or racists" can stay within communities when they should be exiled out of society.
That's how they view it. Corporations or companies latch onto it since they can use it as a weapon against consumers or dissent. Game journos got made irrelevant by game playing influencers or let's players so they're reach for whatever influence they have left. A major article about the pedos in the Pokemon youtube community had Pewdiepies face as its headliner despite him having nothing to do with it, just so they can take another pot shot at him.
How do we stop the gamer nazis?
It's always a telltale sign of massive insecurity. Why do people give themselves away so easily?
Literally everyone here has cheated in a video game.
Don't even fucking try and deny it
>cheating of sims being a thing and not the intended way to play it
After the beating game a dozen times just to fuck around maybe. Only casuals project their shittiness onto others. Like how closet fag senators think everyone secretly wants dick.
Yeah but I didn't write an article justifying to myself how cheating is fine.
i use cheats to fuck around
not to compensate for my mental disability
I threw out my GameShark when it corrupted my Pokemon Blue save data and never cheated again.
R1 R2 L1 R2 Kiri Bawah Kanan Atas Kiri Bawah Kanan Atas
>game journalists are not gaymers
>E N H A N C E
Journos need to be hung in the streets
>cheating is looked down upon, mostly in multiplayer games
>Heres 10 reasons why cheating is fine
what the fuck happened
>Movement against merit based society. Look up at what's happening even with science or programming. Simply put, any situation where vast differences of intelligence or skill can be apparent is in itself negative because your average person is either dumb, lazy or some mixture of and doesn't want to be reminded of it since that in itself is a triggering act.
Fahrenheit 451
casualization of gayming
>posting yanderedev
In all fairness this was some marketer, not an actual journalist
Watching all the journos defending this shit was fun though
>haha it's just a gameidc lol
>hey how come the game industry became a money grabbing piece of shit filled with sterile games?
Some people will never learn.
>source: my ruptured anus
The part that always kills me is how he still fucks up like five times after realizing he can airdash. Unreal.
Honestly I used to cheat a lot when I was a kid but now I only do it to explore the game more like using camera mods or clipping through buildings.
So someone that beats doom with iddqd idkfa on every single map is more legit than someone that beats doom 2016 with a trainer with godmode and all weapons on?
can someone post the guy at IGN playing doom? that shit always baffles me everytime I watch it
that's what happen when you hit your 40's and realize that you have wasted your life playing and talking about video games. Then as a last resort you start doing lefty activism on twitter to make your life seem like it was more than just that.
I think they just hate the people that like games and that hate sometimes extends to the games themselves.
Cheating is 100% a non issue when you own the game as a consumer. It's your game and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.
But it's a really dick move to do it as a journalist where your job is to just play them and give your thoughts on it.
If you act like getting infinite money, ammo, and jetpacks in Vice City by using cheats is the same as fucking with the boss AI or damage settings in a Souls game so you can pretend like you beat the game in a legitimate way then you're either a slimy rat faggot or a worthless retarded bitch.
Anyone who opened the console command in a Bethesda game, turn your gamer badge in right now.
>Use your megaphone to loudly announce that you cheated at a videogame and need people to validate you
>Nah you're a cunt
Just when I think gaming journalism can't be any more out of touch, twitter bestows another gem
I assume that most people writing this clickbait garbage have at least some kind of a college degree. Do they go up to the professors and bitch that the final exam is too hard and should be made easier? Whine that the term paper is elitist and turn in some half-assed plagiarized mess thinking it will pass them? Is college that braindead or are they just super entitled?
>if you act like cheating is the same as cheating, then you're a slimy rat faggot or a retarded bitch
I virtue signal so girls fuck me without actually believing any of that sjw bullshit. It's basically the same thing.
Now do Give Me God of War. Can't change that. I did it. It wasn't fun. 10 minute boss fight of making sure to know the tells before she can get the attacks out and minimizing fuckups. Which there were enough of them to say it was probably still a sloppy fight.
>Then as a last resort you start doing lefty activism on twitter to make your life seem like it was more than just that.
This right here. It's why childless whores are the most ardent feminists.
it was Polygon not IGN.
Why does everyone forget that Gen X exists
I only cheated when I was a little kid
I love it how you have zero arguments besides attacking the guy
What is your point here?
God I fucking hate souls fans "this game is really hardcore and mature so if you cheat on it you are making a mockery of the gaming world!"
when something isn't your hobby anymore, you have to force yourself to work on playing hundreds of shitty games a month.
If Videogames were your job, you'd hate most of them, too.
Because its obvious to anybody that it wasn't their first choice in a career. When you can write articles, but all of the shock jockies won't hire you for some reason, you become a games journalist.
I don't understand why somebody needs to write an op-ed about how they used cheats in a video game, let alone why anyone would read It. Seriously who actually clicked on this?
People need to understand that shit like that isn't even about not being a LEET HAXOR 360 NO SCOPE GAYMER. It's just about not being fucking mentally retarded at a simple game the same way you'd be expected to be about to solve a basic shitter-tier crossword puzzle.
yes good post
ignore the have sex guy you probably have lots of sex (and if you don't that's okay because you're not a professional sex reviewer)
you can't let scrubs have total control over video games. we should expect a certain level of skill from people with an incredibly powerful voice in a multi-billion-dollar industry. ignore the click bait, ignore the controversies, ignore the pathetic wheedling. we all know the truth. games should be reviewed by people who are good at them. otherwise, why would I bother? I am good at games. I'm not going to waste my time listening to the opinion of someone who is bad at them. i can't respect them. nobody should respect them. being bad is not respectable.
the only thing these people know is how to complain. the journalists are the entitled ones. you are not entitled to complete a game you've bought, just like you're not entitled to be able to play music just because you buy the instrument, or to do art because you bought a nice tablet. it takes investment. you don't get to just whine and complain about everything. you don't get to bullshit your way through life like you did through your media studies diploma. this is the real world, and what matters is how good you are at what you do, nothing else.
no thanks. proud incel here
>publicly exclaim that you had to cheat to beat a game
>expect praise
I don't understand this logic
But how else can I insert my dominance about someone I don't know personally or will have no interaction with besides reading a shitty click bait article?
>watch movie
>actually just be on my phone the whole time, hardly pay attention
>read wikipedia synopsis afterwards
Same mindset or no?
The difficulty is part of the gameplay. Replaying parts and trying to figure out how they work is part of the game
I usually beat games first before trying out cheats. Not a great example but I usually do a no cheats run on football mánager and after a few in game years, I play easy mode with a top club and then basically giving me unlimited money and I transfer all the players I want to my team.
No. But you can try baiting out his attacks. Just know his buddha statue fireballs can be avoided by sprinting forward, doing a zigzag motion as necessary. Try to bait the flame whip attack where he slashes twice with his arm twice then goes to slam it down. Avoid the first two then sprint at him, if you're fast enough he always misses. Always anticipate the huge charge he does that comes after the danger sign. Always expect it. Eventually you'll get him. Just stay level headed and attentive.
Virtue signaling is the single most effective way to dry up pussy.
I imagine the thought process being something like this:
>I'll show how brave I am by defying those nazi gamers that like challenging video games, by writing how I cheated in this hot new game
>I totally don't care about this game, it's a stupid game, it doesn't matter AT ALL, grow up and HAVE SEX
aight, little bitch
Anyone who proudly exclaims that he cheated on work assignment is probably a humongous faggot not worth knowing
Every person reviewing games in the 80's and 90's were dudes interested and passionate about games. They absolutely wanted to write about games.
I don't know how or why but sometime after about 2008-2010 journos became dominated by unfuckable blue-haired women and pretentious male feminist weasels who don't seem to know or care about games at all.
I do; have a daughter so I can fuck some traditional values into her degenerate ass.
Haven't played Sekiro yet, but does it have an invasion/summoning system like the other Souls games? If so, there's literally no fucking excuse
It's about people who don't like the thought of someone out there being better at something than they are. They're the same kind of people who try to ban scorekeeping in little league soccer so no one feels left out and advocate for banning books from advanced learning programs for bullshit reasons so the dumb kids don't feel bad.
THIS. The gaming media as a whole should be fucking destroyed for being such a joke. Just let the wacky, cringe, youtuber e-celebs actually do video game reviews.
They can do a real job
If you can't beat a game atleast use a walkthrough before downrigth cheating.
....fuck. you're right.
>Wouldn't really care if there was an easy mode in Sekiro
>Showed visible disgust at people using cheats in GTA outside of freeroam growing up
I just don't know anymore.
we prefer Half-Life
>and a onions latte
did you save that image thinking it was actually funny or painfully cringy?
>still mentioning GG in 20fucking19
And people say that it wasnt successful.
It's a job. Why do you assume most people enjoy their jobs?
You don't know the first thing about women if you think they fuck male feminists and vegan basedbois, virgin. Nice try though.
screencapped for future use
I stopped when I realized it wasn't fun to just have shit handed to me. And I certainly never bragged about it.
This was true maybe 20 years ago. Now every fucking literally who is allowed to give their opinion or "review" all things you mentioned. Only a very few trades have kept certain level of standards when it comes to reviews/ratings (like Michelin stars for food) but that's really a tiny minority and even Michelin is now awarding 1 stars to average places simply for marketing purpose and to generate social media buzz. You have maybe a couple magazine/newspaper who are specialized enough in each industry to give worthy reviews. Everything else is just trash.
Does the person reviewing movies on whatever cheap TV Magazine need to know shit about cinema? No they don't. It's the same for vidya.
Yea Forums, filters onions to based now. What is this, reddit?
Imagine if a movie critic or book critic admitted they wrote their reviews based on secondhand experiences like word of mouth or wikipedia summaries. Those fuckers would be fire, out of a job. Somehow this doesn't apply to video game critics? Why? What drives someone to be so entitled that they halfass their job and try to justify it morally?
Cheating at Sims games is half the fun, since 90% of the fun in The Sims is building and decorating a dope ass house. Nobody wants to sit there and watch their Sim go through an endless cycle of work and sleep out of some run down shack that they burn down every other day making mac and cheese because their stove is an archaic piece of shit.
Cheating is also fine in games like, say, Pathfinder: Kingmaker where not using cheats means the fucking game stops dead in it's tracks because quests break if you don't do them in a very specific order thanks to duct taped Russian code.
Yeah I have. To have fun not to beat a game and then review it.
I came across this video on YouTube of DSP getting assbeat by Seven Spears and all the comments were about how he's such a whiny bitch and a horrible person unlike normal players who patiently and calmly figure out the boss. No one acknowledged the fact that aside from his habitual blamegaming right after a death, he kept trying new things until he got the mikiri counter pat down, powered through a couple different legitimate glitches that fucked him up when he had the guy dead to rights with a final deathblow icon, and then eventually did beat him without resorting to any bitch strats or cheats. He's almost done with the game and when he beats SSI the cognitive dissonance from journos will be glorious.
Gen X is the middle child and people tend to forget about the middle child most of the time.
Almost never throughout childhood and in modern games.
I will often "cheat" in emulators to save myself a lot of time or give myself versatility. Examples: savestates, increased movespeed, 10x exp and gold for those grind heavy games, fast forward.
That's actually the extent of any cheat I've ever used. It's usually used to avoid time wasting bullshit.
I don't mind reloading and trying again if I fucked but I don't enjoy climbing a mountain that takes ten minutes because I missed one jump.
This - leftists have no shame, cheated the 2016 elections and still lost
S8ycunts can't play fair
No. Just when Saying s-oycucks or something like that I forgot.
It is funny leftist nerd. Keep seething.
*enables blade mastery cheat
A food critic doesn't have to be good at cooking, you know.
Comments aren't half bad kek
So just to recap games journalism from the last two weeks.
>guy walks past a basketball court and sees people shooting hoops
>walks up and says that hes not good at basketball and thats why the rules should be made more accessible to him
>gets laughed at
>says that he has important things to do instead of playing with a toy and that them knowing how to play isnt all that special
>gets laughed at again
>he goes away and comes back with a ladder, puts it next to the basket, climbs and dunks the ball in
>"i just cheated and im proud of it and im just as good, if not better, than all of you"
>gets massive applause from fellow mentally ill people on twitter
Good thing it's not my fucking job to beat the video game and give a reasonable assessment of how the game is to consumers.
>Diablo as a game makes no sense. The game constantly showers you with new weapons and armor but there's no reason to use any of it since I edited the game to make a weapon with 999,999 damage that one shots every enemy in the game. why did blizzard even bother?
I can only recall a few games that had cheats which made them better for replayability such as Goldeneye which you had to earn to use them
Facility, I've felt so much joy the first time I've succeeded to unlock the Invincibility cheat. Now I can do it in 47 seconds
A feeling these FAGGOTS will never feel
what you're in-effect saying is "a game critic diesn't have to be good at game development." this is a false comparison. a food critic must be good at eating and tasting, which is analogous to playing video games to critique them.
Only when I was younger and only to fuck around, not to beat a game. And it ALWAYS ruined the game/experience for me. If you cheat to win and feel fine (or worse actually feel a sense of accomplishment from it) something is wrong with you. You probably aren't an honest or trustworthy person and may be a sociopath.
Go feed Jamal since your wife is busy fucking Tyrese.
it's funny, soys lad
More importantly - how do you expect them to meet their deadlines if they play it meticulously at high difficulty. If you want artisan review stuff, find little independent writers a while after a game releases
The book critic using SparkNotes analogy is a better one desu
>how do you expect them to do their work if they don't do their work?
I liked Jak 3's cheats, they worked that way too. Same with Uncharted. I loved going around with a Pistole wasting russians with abandon in Uncharted 2. And wrecking Haven City as Dark Jak with infinite dark eco and infinite HP.
This is the most NPC type of Yea Forums reply I've seen
Gen X seems like an underrated generation.
>cynical enough to disregard the boomer's hippie utopianism
>still knew how to have fun, unlike millennials
>formed the basis of the early video game, tabletop and internet cultures
They were pretty good until we millennials fucked it all up.
How are video games hard? Lol just push the buttons
cry more faggot
I'm not pro at games, I can't really voice my opinions in a way that most people can relate, and I also don't have any platform to write reviews for games. But I feel like I could do so much better than these fucks
go back to resetera, tranny
Don't forget that the guy must be a sport journalist.
Yes but they need to know how to EAT FOOD.
Since you want to be a dipshit with food analogizes. This is like some fucker pouring a sack of sugar on some food he's supposed to criticize.
There's a guy who literally, and I hope he did this just for clicks, argued that since he played sekiro with a cheat enabled that turned every single one of his attacks into a deathblow and gave him infinite health and found the story, characters, and soundtrack to be uninteresting, it meant that the game was as shallow and worthless as he had always suspected of souls.
True, but a food critic should taste the entire dish and not refuse to eat part of it because it has olives.
all the fags saying you lying even though its blatantly obvious game(((journalists))) spew sjw shit in everything they do
I hear you bitching but I don't hear you prepping the bull like you were told to do.
Yeah the analogy here would be a faggot that's addicted to kool-aid and chicken strips trying to review French or Mughal cuisine and then screeching about how it ain't shit until he dumps sugar and syzzurp into it.
You fell for that strawman pretty bad, huh? Nobody here was ever arguing against cheats existing or being used in general. The issue is that a journalist cheated his way through a game on his first and only playthrough, and still believes that he's qualified to write about the finer points of the game's mechanics, and even release guides on how to play it. He might as well have watched a Let's Play.
You know he didn't. He believes himself if no one else does.
Good question. Who fucking knows.
>A major article about the pedos in the Pokemon youtube community had Pewdiepies face as its headliner despite him having nothing to do with it, just so they can take another pot shot at him.
Isn't that the kind thing that can get people sued for defamation?
They have failed at live and are trapped. They either don't have a degree, got into game journalism early, and can't get a job anywhere else or they got a shitty degree, tried to be a real journalist, and failed.
Either way they are failed at life and are stuck as a game journalist. They crave recognition and respect, but no one respects them. The greater public hates them because they still play video games at their age. Gamers hate them because they shit all over games and don't do their job well.
So they keep trying to insert social justice shit into gaming as a desperate attempt to be more important or relevant.
Ironically they could solve both problems by being good at their job. No one respected movie critics, Siskel and Ebert earned that respect and raised the whole profession up. Then they died and now the shitty movie critics and watching the profession spiral back down to the bottom of the barrel.
Millennials need to be put on an island and nuked into a flattened landmass of irradiated sand
t. early zoomer that had a normal childhood right before all this bullshit became the norm
How did you not get a brain aneurysm from embarrassment while writing this
I'm sure pewdiepie gives no shits, otherwise yeah.
It honestly scares me how close I ended up like them, bitter, hating life, and blaming everyone for my problems. Now it feels like the best I can do since I got my life in order is to bunker down and weather the storm.
Decent post but Siskel and Ebert are brainlet faggots and 99% of films are worthless faggotry as well.
No, which is why there's so much butthurt. It's obvious a huge chunk of the Souls players first time max summon partied every single boss.
>Siskel and Ebert earned that respect and raised the whole profession up
siskel and ebert are clueless retard boomer niggers who are entranced by jewish brainwashing
>tfw just tried to remember some of the cheats from wc3 and AoE but couldn't
that's all I got, what the fuck happened, I don't want to forget ;_;
>need for chee: hot fursuit
Nice projection there Fromfag, they aren't the ones pretending that beating a video game deserves some sort of recognition
I forgot about the rest.
There is a reason "beware of those who buy ink by the barrel" is an old saying.
Journalists are inherently untrustworthy. What you see with video game journos is hardly unique.
If you play videogames you are an incel and need to be culled
SPBP.... or technical FPBP?
the point is that all of those cheats were built into the game, programmed by the devs for their experimentation and your use. Sekiro has no built in cheats and you can't even cheat on console like you can with gta. so get fucked if you think hitting a programmed button sequence to get a jet pack is the same as wholly modifying the game.
>people are absolutely losing their minds at the idea of paid media dropouts shilling at devs to appeal to the lowest common denominator so they can write about the video games they "play"
Just a hunch:
>Rise of the internet
>published media suffers as a whole
>people stop paying for magazine subscriptions and newspapers, since content is available online for free
>industry starts favoring vapid clickbait to generate revenue from advertisements
>only issue is that ANYONE can make clickbait; bar is set low, but there are way too many people looking for jobs in the industry - including people with only tertiary experience with subject matter
Also something something nepotism. Nepotism and "networking".
why does gaming journalism trigger you so much
pigeon officially smarter than gamejourno
Spoiler alert. He cheated on most other bosses too.
Not him, but most of us are upset about incompetent journos in particular because so many other gamers eat up what they say without giving it a second thought, and then go regurgitate it on forums and stand by what they believe no matter how much you try to reason with them.
I honestly don't know, I have completely lost my ability to detect satire over written comments made on the internet roughly since 2016.
i just beat the horse boss for the first time not realizing that I had rung the bell, does ringing the bell make his fight harder?
Cheating is a perfectly acceptable practice in a single player game if you're not good enough at the game but still want to progress. And it can even be justified in a game where the focus is not the gameplay, but rather the creative possibilities, like city builders.
Just don't be a pompous ass about it. You've not beaten Sekiro, you've seen the ending, it's not the same.
>ignores thread entirely
read nigger
>Every person reviewing games in the 80's and 90's were dudes interested and passionate about games.
Eh, that's debatable.
>read nigger
Did you go around the headless and end up in Senpou next to the bell? Or did you actually manage to beat the headless?
He's right even if he's a total fag.
Well you see nerds whose lives revolve around children's entertainment aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the shed, so they're easily manipulated by much more intelligent people.
Imagine not being able to do something as simple as playing a fucking video game.
It is cuckera. I am sure he is being sarcastic to expose those angry nazi incel Trump mover gamers that are bullying poor game journalist that did nothing wrong.
This isn't some general consumer saying they cheated in a video game. This is a dude who gets paid to write about video games and doing shit like pic related.
You shouldn't have a job like this
Because you clicked on the article and made a post about it online which made other people click on the article
God you people are retarded
A game journalist or game reviewer’s job is not to play videogames
It’s to write an article
Them playing the game has almost no merit whatsoever on their job being completed, putting words to a webpage does
Do you actually think random shmuck from IGN has actually played to completion even a quarter of the games they’ve reviewed?
That’s on you for being a gullible moron
Tip 1#
Use cheats
sign says you can't kill it so I avoided it after it sprayed mist everywhere, pretty sure I wasn't ready
"Aw dude what the fuck WAS that thing? Aw it fucking sprayed all over me! Gross!"
I wonder if when you have a colorful online reputation associated with everything you type and even read you can become so used to intentionally misrepresenting everything even slightly disagreeable that you don't know how to think anymore
I bet if you accused him of cheating on earlier bosses he'd get all defensive like a massive hypocrite.