Is randy pitchford a fucking retard?

Like how is it possible for one person to take up so much homosexuality for himself?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I wouldn't hit you if you didn't deserve it
Your childhood bullies were right, Randy.

I dont think he was bullied i think he was a bully

like he wasnt always a massive homo. but he was always a massive retard.

>Steam has no interest in correcting this misuse
You have to go into some hidden settings to disable corporation friendly reviews. Steam has been "combating" review bombs for ages now.
Review bombing isn't even a bad thing. If people are so dissatisfied with something that they will go out of their way to leave negative feedback en masse then there is probably a reason.


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i thought it was very obvious that randy is a complete retard

ya but not like haha funny ur dumb retard

like i mean actually disabled

His analogy is a bit wrong, it's more like "I wouldn't call you a massive cunt if you weren't being a cunt." people like him would gladly criminalise dissension, he's really pathetic.

Randy is shitting himself with fear that consumers may actually see what a shit company they are

He banned people off his forum after aliens colonial marines sucked ass even after he spent tens of thousands buying extremely expensive alien merch and props for his office

Borderlands sucks and the only thing that makes it decent is loot. The last 2 real games he made are ass

I have no horse in this race because I don't like Borderlands but
>You automatically lose all credibility for your argument when you stoop to this level
How does someone automatically lose all credibility?

This. Autism locks people into a train of thought and I find it peculiar he's either willfully ignorant enough or genuinely retarded to the point the reviewbomb being a representation of people who gave you money saying they're going to stop because you fucked up. They're hitting you as more a corporate busybody and less as a human being where it matters more to the former and less to the latter; the sales and ratings.

There's nothing wrong competing with Steam.

>there is nothing wrong with the chinese government installing spyware on every american gaming computer

I'd say there's nothing good competing with it either, but GoG exists for now.

Randy sure is a well guy.
I'm convinced that Borderlands was only a good loot and shoot because it had zero competition.
Now that there are several games out that do the same, Borderlands isn't going to be as fun.

He's just deflecting. I bet he's assuming that most of the people complaining will buy it day 1 from Epic anyway, and he's probably not wrong.

Tian Square but a doom wad where you're either the lone dude standing up to the state with the endboss being a tank or a soldier gunning down Blood molotov cultist-esque enemies as the staple.

steam competition isn't the problem. it's the shitware that is epic games store

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Randy is a fucking disgrace, but I don't think he's in the wrong here entirely.

PC market hasn't been behaving much better honestly. They're both retarded.

Randy obviously can't handle it. Should just not release on PC going forward.

Randy Pitchford?
More like Randy Bitchford lmao

Who cares which launcher you rent your games on? You don't own them either way.

>PC market hasn't been behaving much better honestly. They're both retarded.
Care to explain that without letting posts you saw on v color your opinion?

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Steam's review system is useless due to review bombing and that Epic is the future of PC gaming?

>The virgin steamshill redditor vs the chad epic store 4channer

Why do people defend Borderlands/Gearbox like they're some underground in-need-of-support company?

Not cool. Very uncool. Do better.

1989 Tiananmen Square protests

The publisher made a decision about the game, autistic PCfags then decided to threaten stealing Gearbox's work, unjustly giving negative reviews on titles not related to the decision, and I'm sure hounding Randy on Twitter which is a serious thing for fags like him.

You can call him out for this, but it's absolutely a pot calling the kettle black situation.

>Be dev
>Piss people off
>Enough people who bought my game fuck up my ratings
>Seems to be a majority of the ratings
>Go to Epic
>Get ratings fixed because Borderlands 1/2 were on their launcher and never Steam to begin with
Fuck you, brainlet enabling brainlet.

friendly reminder that "review bombing" is good for the consumer, but big business has convinced shills that it is bad, because it hurts profits.

>due to review bombing
But review system should work in that way
>says he while postng on 4channel

I can't fucking stand EGS and its shills (e.g. Randy) but review bombing games by a dev that likely had very little decision in opting for EGS doesn't make sense. 2K had all the say in this, and Randy is a complete retard, but other than that we have no reason to believe a single soul at Gearbox wanted to make BL3 an EGS exclusive so why punish them?

People target devs are the reason to move to EGS (which is false, publishers will benefit the most from the smaller cut), and people target devs as the problem children when a game is made EGS exclusive (which is false, publishers decide that shit). It's retarded from both sides how devs are constantly selected as the catalysts. Publishers make the decisions, and publishers happen to gain the most out of EGS. Leave devs out of this fucking conversation. They don't gain any benefit from picking Steam vs EGS, and they have no say in it either.

It's been the sentiment for the longest time. But the vocal minority here (from resetera and reddit) will pretend like competitions with Steam are the work of Satan themselves, since Steam is pretty much Reddit - The platform.

ste*mlet rebbitors upset that chadepic games is cornering the market on pc games and there's nothing they can do about it except cry. EGL is /ourlauncher/

It sounds like they did something to piss off the majority of people who are their customers and can effect the ratings. What's more likely; that one person or small group much like the meme where a dude makes a good suggestion and is thrown out a window fucked up, or all these people fucked up by responding to a perceived fuckup despite not being a hivemind or on the same payroll unlike the first group?

>calls someone a reddit

He's just a magician. They are liars by nature.

Why are they going to war against customers?

More like "I wouldn't have killed you if you weren't the bad guy"

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True, but paying off people to not do business with steam, including one dev who promised its backers free copies of the game on release, seems pretty damn scunmy to me

The developer upset a vocal minority to fuck up their ratings overnight, how large do you think the silent, much more reasonably let down/upset crowd is? Play stupid games win stupid prizes and you reap what you sow, he had sown a bad decision and planted his feet in response, now he gets to watch what bad PR grows and learn if bad PR is good PR when torrenting everything their company ever puts out is an option to one of the pettiest, grudge-holding audiences around.

I think it's most likely that 2K made a business decision based upon Epic offering a better deal and the PC market can't handle it and punish the developer who isn't responsible.

The proper response is to be in opposition to 2K and wait until the game releases for Steam if you aren't willing to use EGS. Even in the worst times of the console wars you didn't see shit like this, it's pathetic.

stay mad ste*mlet
ill be busy playing games while you're busy crying

because they paid army of shills are their frontline soldiers. it's high tech astroturfing

They aren't, they're going to war against Steam shills.

>it was a publisher decision

do people believe this? that game developers sign a contract saying "hey you can put it on any platform you want without our input"

Like do you think the metro devs initial contract didnt have the words "steam" in there multiple times?

>The developer upset a vocal minority to fuck up their ratings overnight
Nigger, are you blind? The dev didn't do anything. Gearbox doesn't make these decisions, they just make the game. The PUBLISHER (2K Games) decides what platform(s) the game ends up on. Period. That's how this shit works. The publisher also takes a thick-ass cut of the game's profits (larger than the devs) so all talks of EGS being good for devs is horseshit; it makes no difference at all to them.
To reiterate: leave devs out of these conversations. They do not stand to gain anything from going for either Steam or EGS. They don't care. They don't decide where it lands. They don't see the extra money made from picking EGS, and they don't see less money if the game lands on Steam. Gearbox. Does not. Have a choice.

keep playing your chink spyware, fag
I mean
keep praying youl chink spyware, fag

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That's literally how it works. That's what publishers do.

You can believe a conspiracy that it was actually Gearbox, but that belief has as much proof as saying that Gearbox's input is why it's only a timed exclusive, namely: none.

Console wars were on different platforms and consoles entirely. This is a platform within a platform that never before existed trying to do what GFWL and Origin are trying and failing to do. If you upset your audience to the point the vocal minority shifts your ratings overnight and aren't able to judge how many quiet upset people there are that aren't quite THAT upset to go out of their way to flip you the bird, I think you fucked up and made a business decision that is going to hurt you in the long run, and you will be held accountable alongside all other parties who made that decision at your customers' detriment.

See the above. You're picking semantics, I'm talking about the thing people actually care about; the end result and everyone involved in it being something that pissed off so many people this is where we are now, today.

>do people believe this? that game developers sign a contract saying "hey you can put it on any platform you want without our input"
Do you know what "publisher" means you fucking retard? Do you know what the job of a "publisher" is? Jesus nigger are you actually 14 or what?

why do people think developers are slaves to publishers and dont have contracts for everything?

do people think randy didnt sign on the dotted line for this?

So let me get this straight.
Review bombing memelands is bad.
But review bombing someones book because they said stuff you don't like good.
How many of these lefty fucks go and review bomb a book on amazon because they dislike the author?
Or fuck how many games get "boycotted" or banned from speaking of on certain forums because of the creators opinions?
But no can't do the same to Gearbox. RANDY is one of us. Borderlands can't be spoken ill of your just a Feh2!

>developers dont sign contracts

hard to believe this.

This tweet tells another story.

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Spoiler alert, they're not lefties, they're retards from all over the idpol spectrum.

Yes, he's been open about not being triggered by Epic. What's your point? It's still 2K's final decision.

>See the above. You're picking semantics
This isn't semantics you fuckin triple nigger. You're LITERALLY directing anger and pinning blame on a party that had virtually zero say in the decision to make BL3 an EGS exclusive. You're punishing people for doing something even though they literally didn't do it. This is like getting pissed off at a local business for moving to a less convenient location because their jew property manager hiked up rent so they couldn't afford to keep the place. Try to flex your tiny, smooth peabrain and understand that you are misdirecting your anger. You're getting mad at the wrong people.

Randy is a subservient retard cuck but he had no choice in this matter. Neither did any employees at Gearbox. 2K made this decision. Be mad at 2K.

Just because this retard likes EGS doesn't mean he actually made the decision to move to it.

This reminds me of something I saw during the Ferguson riots. A reporter asked a protester if he was afraid that all the people breaking and burning shit was going to make people dismiss the protest outright. The guy respond by telling the reporter “The only reason you reporters are even here is because people started breaking shit.”

The thing about review bombing is that the mob mentality involved pisses me off, but if it's an older game being targeted, then it's kind of inconsequential. I mean, several months ago the Persona games were spammed with negative reviews, but who really gives a shit? Game's already made its money and maintains its reputation.

He endorsed it. He's accountable for it. I don't know if you're dense or just pretending to be retarded user, but that's really something you've got going.

this is exactly what i said herepeople who dont blame the devs dont have any fucking clue how this works.

Developers sign a contract with every new game with a publisher and that includes in writing publishing platforms. They have to know ahead of time because they are coding the game to work with said platforms.

the concept that devs are faultless in this decision process is fucking fake and gay.

randy signed on for this 100%

anybody defending devs in this process is a brainlet

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He may have influenced the decision of publishing Borderlands 3 on EGS

>weebs and wojakposters don't know how the video game industry works

>he doesn't hate Epic. it's his fault.

exactly. people throughout history have found avenues to be heard, even if it is about something as unimportant as game publishing.

>developer: hey we are putting in a million hours of work on this software can you tell us what platforms its going to be on

>publisher: no

this is what people actually believe

>randy signed on for this 100%
>anybody defending devs in this process is a brainlet

Randy isn't even a fucking dev you numbskull, he's just the CEO and """creative director""" of Gearbox. This nigger can barely be considered a dev by this point, he's just a talking head like Todd Howard.

So? Again, it's 2K's decision. They didn't do it because Randy told them to, they did it because Epic offers a better deal.

me standing outside your door with a baseball bat is a trap Randy

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I'd bump her

What the actual fuck do you think publishers do if not make these decisions? They give devs boatloads of cash to fund their video games in exchange for executive decision making in terms of advertising, platform availability, pricing, etc. This is what publishers get to choose in return for funding the project that the devs are contracted to make.

That's a whole lot of assertions made towards something you seem to have a whole lot of bias towards. You know when you back nothing up in a conversation that's just speculation but speak as a figure of authority you're showing you're not as smart as you believe yourself to be, right?

And again, he endorsed it. , thus meaning he has given it approval whether or not the publishers were the ones who made the decision. People are going to be angry at him, hold him and Gearbox directly accountable all the same as Epic, and remember how they the customer who in some instances have spent over 200$ on Borderlands and grew up on it were ultimately regarded when it came to giving us the freedom to keep playing on the platform we coop'd the others on, or to go get fucked assuming we won't buy the game anyway. I'm half-convinced you're just a decent troll with too much time on your hands because I have a hard time believing people can be so willingly ignorant to other posts and points made directly in front of you.

It's only competition if they're offering something as good or better than Steam. GoG is competing with Steam. The Epic launcher isn't competing, they're paying people off so that they don't have to compete because they know they're offering an objectively inferior platform. That's immoral, contrary to capitalism, and it's going to backfire on them hard.

Review bombs are the only way that consumers can have their concerns voiced, if not addressed, in this current environment. It's why Tim Sweeney can say that developers and publishers are all that matter and consumers can either eat shit or die, because consumers don't have a voice on his platform. It's all about driving up sales and not making games better for the people who buy them.

I think it's immature, I think it's counterproductive, but what else can they do but pirate at that point? Why do Randy Pitchford and Sweeney think that the only viable form of opposition to your business tactics should be an illegal action?

Nobody says that. The developers just don't get to choose. Most developers don't care about the Epic autism, they don't understand the issues, Randy has said as much himself, it's just a launcher.

You're asking developers to tell their publishers to lose money because a vocal minority of autists are going to throw a tantrum.

Discord offers a better deal too. 10% cut instead of 12%.

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If you've ever worked in software development you'll know that business people are retards. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they changed the platform without telling the devs, happens to me all the time

Publishers are only relevant when it's EA.

Buy my games exclusively on the Epic Games Store Anons

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>executive decision making

except for the fact the developer has to sign onto an initial contract and that initial contract has platforms listed for obvious software development related reasons.

The idea that a developer is going to allow a publisher to determine what platforms the game is going to be on AFTER the game starts development is hilarious.

>That's a whole lot of assertions made towards something you seem to have a whole lot of bias towards.
Holy fucking hell I love when people literally can't follow a conversation for more than three minutes and think I support something that I already said I think is dogshit. EGS is a fucking nightmare shitstain of a software and an even worse service. I want it to die in a fire and I think Randy is a complete retard. Pay the fuck attention you ADHD riddle turbofaggot.

He's 100% right, and the toothless hysterics from review-bombers does nothing but make them look like childish autismos. Fact.

But the dev still has to agree with the decision, though the publisher can try to pressure them into it, it’s ultimately a joint decision

>YFW you aren't Randy Pitchford

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you know you can read individual reviews to see which ones are genuine and which ones are part of the 'bombing' right?

People don't generally do that. People read article titles, not the content, they look at the score, not the reasoning.

Explain how The Outer Worlds had a trailer released that said "STEAM!" on it, and had not a single word about being on EGS, AND it had a Steam page, AAAND they were in the process of adding steam achievements right before we got a surprise announcement that it was gonna be EGS exclusive for a full calendar year.

Publishers do this shit ALL of the fucking time. They are allowed to blindside devs and fuck them over with stupid decisions that they have no say in. Don't be a retard.

The publishers can literally say "this is the platform this is going on or we'll pull funding/not release it at all".

>mfw I'm not Randy Pitchford but Todd Howard

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Hit them in the only place they give a shit about and will listen to outside opinions over; the sales and PR around projects before they release. Torrenting does amazing things for giving upset people on PC the ability to never shell out another dollar to companies again., and hearing one bad thing is one great excuse a pirate was looking for. What are you going to do, send a lone email to their automated system, or join people in tanking a rating and leaving EXACTLY why the rating is tanking/they are an unhappy customer in a way they cannot avoid either mentioning or appealing to.

Well I am not an human being then since I read at least 3-4 reviews before buying/downloading a game.

then that's their issue
I was responding to the user who called Steam's review system "useless" when it is obviously not.

>Review bombs are the only way that consumers can have their concerns voiced, if not addressed, in this current environment.
They're not addressed though. The crying children are rightfully dismissed while devs go about their business of making games.

If you want to scream into the void about a woman appearing in a Total War game, or a game not being sold on Steam, go for it. But don't pretend like you're making a difference.

You're all being ignored. No one cares about whatever Gamer Rage du Jour you're all shitting your pants over this week.

Right, however competing with an objectively inferior product that's only saving grace is buying exclusivity for games because Epic is running on Tencent and fortnite money isn't exactly fair.

>If people are so dissatisfied with something that they will go out of their way to leave negative feedback en masse then there is probably a reason.
The narrative right now is that gamers are just being entitled. They won't even entertain the notion of consumers making smart decisions.
But you're right, it isn't a bad thing. That's why the term "review bombing" even exists. It's so they can build up the idea that it's bad and awful, so that when it happens, they can dismiss any and all criticism out of hand without making a single constructive argument. Don't trust anyone who uses the term in a negative light.

>You're all being ignored
it gets "journalists" to start talking about, which spreads awareness to people who would not have known either way.

>openly shit on your customers
>they voice their distaste for your actions

windows is the platform you stupid fuck

Those people are fucking morons. It says right on every review the actual playtime of the reviewer. Anything under 2 hours is a refunded review-bomb. Steam could even put 'refunded' on reviews whose owners get a refund.

They've been trying to push the "entitled" thing for awhile to cover for shitty product or buisiness practices.

Why does this thread exist? Why are the people who matter most responding while you sit at home, ignore the fact they are, and think you're saying something profound and intelligent when the only profound thing is the reviews seem to garner responses from who the reviewers wanted, and the intelligent response of developers/publishers would of been radio silence?

>I'm not responsible for 3 launching on the Epic Store guys, leave me alone
>wow these reviews make me reconsider publishing on Steam

well which is it

Review bombs are getting removed because they are irrelevant to the quality of the game itself.

Not only that but BL1 is over a decade old, BL2 came out in like 2012. Everyone has already played the games and has their opinions on it so a bunch of crying 'tards aren't going to be changing any minds any time soon. Nobody takes Steam reviews seriously anyways and review bombing because of a publisher decision is part of the problem since it doesn't address the subjective/objective qualities of the game, just the opinion of the writer's non-game-related opinion.

Basically: Review bomb reviews are getting removed because they aren't vidya, there's no way around it and any other argument always amounts to autists thinking they're making some sort of difference by sticking it to that big evil developer.

Whatever happened to "I just want to play video game #GamerGate"?

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I'm not sure what the quality of the platform has to do with actually competing, could you elaborate? Is it because of the lack of features in EGS? Which is true, granted, but that's not really what drives competition.
The only way you could assert that EGS isn't competition as of yet is by pointing to the distinct lack of games, but given some time the library will grow, and future exclusives might not be timed anymore.

Dunno OP are you a fucking nigger? You better answer me too otherwise you'll be a double nigger.

>Attacks review-bombing while defending leftists that destroy peoples lives on social media
This is how we know you're a fucking loser SJW lol.

he's right tho

you're just buttmad because he exploded you

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This wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't stupid exclusive shit.

You're right, but the problem is that the "competition" here is a vastly inferior service. And this becomes frustrating when Epic is swinging their dick around, buying up exclusives without taking any steps towards correcting problems with their platform or even trying to generate any good will with consumers.
This is why everyone hates Epicfags, by the way. They're not just shilling a different service, but one that's complete garbage. There wouldn't be half as many people upset if some fags wanted to shill, say, GoG. At least that service fills out a niche in the market and has a leg up over Steam when it comes to DRM.

>Gamers used to be more open to amateurish games
>Nowadays, everything has to be polished and have sound design
>Gamers aren't accepting shovelware, or lower quality anymore because they've grown up experiencing more good and bad games
>Gamers are entitled
>And XYZ flavor of the month negative assertion

Can we just fast forward to the part where people at large have seen the blatant bullshit game 'journalism' pulls and shift over to finding youtubers/content creators that actually play and are fans of the games rather than the paycheck for the day and what they're gonna do (sure as hell not games/work-related content) with their time off today?

Autistic screeching PCfags will make Randy /ourguy/

>PC master race having a tantrum
>I'm just playing my pleb console having a good time

Based chinks.

Twitter is the biggest mistake made in recent history. The ability for literally every company to either filter out any fair criticism, be attacked by disagreeing groups en masse, or outright kill their reputation with their shitty personalities has destroyed any modern company's ability to succeed.

>go to movie theater 10 years ago
>enjoy movie
>10 years later sequel to movie comes out at a different movie theater
>"Wowww wtf I hate this movie now is sucks so bad don't see it"

Just wait the 6 months and get it on Steam then, dipshits.

what an insightful post user wow wasn't ready

This is bullshit. You didn't mention that the new theater is a Chinese plot to take over movies.

>implying consolefags are allowed to step out of line

> victim blaming
Because he was raped digitally

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If you install it, that’s your own prerogative

Both inferior to piratechads

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>review bombing does nothing! It's just a bunch of man-children whining!
Then why are we having this thread
Why are articles being written about it
Why is Randy bo Bandy analpained about it happening
Saying that no one will notice review bombing is denying why these threads keep being posted.

>The proper response is to be in opposition to 2K
Guess what shithead, this is a 2K game. Yeah, that sucks for the code monkeys who had nothing to do with the decision, but to try and distinguish Gearbox from 2K when both of them are invested in the game is foolhardy. And if the problem falls squarely on 2K, then maybe Gearbox will stop doing business with them.

>Buy thing 1 by Pandy Richford
>Availability precedent set
>Buy thing 2 Pandy Richford
>Precedent upheld
>Buy thing 3 but actually thing 0 from Pandy Richford
>Precedent uphead
>Buy thing 4 but 3 from Pandy Richford
>Worse availability than precedents
whoah dude I dont get why people are so upset by this its not like Epic has been yoinking games that otherwise would of been more accessible and wider spread in their own interests actively against the games' player count interests.fucking retards amirite

Their security is terrible and they leak bank info. No one who understands the nuances is using the Epic launcher because they don't offer anything. Other, smaller, launches are cheaper and have fewer security leaks and Steam has free marketing via the storefront and other useful features. Epic doesn't have any single point about them worth mentioning, which is why they're paying people not to use their superior competitor's product. It's an unsustainable business model that they're trying to use to get their foot in the door, but it's failing. They'll run out of money quickly this way and have nothing to show for it. That's why it's not real competition. You're only competing if your product has some merit of its own migrating to. What Epic's doing is underhanded, and is proof that they can't offer Steam or GoG or Discord or any other platform legitimate competition.

No user reviews will never stop be useful when you're paying money for something. First thing I do when shopping on amazon for something is look at the customer reviews, some are just there but some are really useful and can sway you to purchasing something you wouldn't have outside of the advertising zeitgeist

Steam put a new system in place to remove review bombs from the total score a few weeks ago so this whole argument and Randy pitchford are retarded

This is the thought process of a Steamshill.

No wonder publishers and the big bad developers following rules are giving you guys the finger.

Explain how exactly that sentiment was wrong without resorting to mud flinging. I bet you can't.

False equivalence. One is for a viewing where you can pay with cash, the other is a video game to "own" and play using your credit card
>Just wait the 6 months and get it on Steam then, dipshits.
I will, chuckle fuck

They cant make a good game. And youre right, not many did what Borderlands did. No one talks about the story or how good the shooting mechanics feel. Its just has co-op and loot in first person.

It's like going into a Domino's and harassing the working stiffs because corporate made a decision they're following.

You're a petulant child and a flaming asshole if you think that's justified in any form.

God damn he's getting hammered in the replies. It's a shame he's 100% muted it long ago.

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>steals 12 million USD from his employees
>victim blaming

>leaving bad reviews is exactly like harassing the work staff
Work on your analogies, pal.

Review bombing is and always will be invalid except for in specific cases where an update breaks a game, and even then it's only valid if you only "bomb" the specific game in question. Review bombing a game that was developed by a company that has no relation to the actual game with the issue you have is retarded. The purpose of the review system is to measure how good a game is, it being an Epic store exclusive doesn't have any bearing on its quality unless something within the EGS is causing performance issues.

Because posting screenshots of it on twitter supports the narrative of "gamers are entitled manbabies!" and its free likes, free retweets and free clout in the social media ecosystem.

No one in this day and age wants to deal the consequences of their actions. Developers need to be fucking consoled because people said bad things about their games or their business decisions.

The fact that Randy equates negative reviews and negative reactions to the business decisions of his game's release to getting physically abused, shows just how much of a fucking baby he is

>The proper response is to be in opposition to 2K
All of the Borderlands games are published by 2k.

You said it's fine to punish the code monkeys for following decisions. Don't come here moving goal posts Steamshill.

This is what anons should be focusing on but aren't. Randy is lying through his teeth and valve has a complete and competent system that counters review bombs that everyone is automatically opted into. Argument should exist in the first place because valve DOES censor review bombs.

You're correct. Fuck the epic store

>bitchford smacks gamer in the face
>gamer shoves him against a wall
>"s-see? you deserved it, gamer." *dials police*

>equating negative game reviews to physical violence.
Jesus these people are fucking retarded.

The most important thing to take from this however is that the developers actually care about negative reviews, despite their claiming that such review bombs don't matter.
The reason review bombs matter is because they allow the customer base to actually make a point about a game/a developer. As a customer, I'll actually pay more attention to a review bomb in many cases, because such things allow me to realize the developmer did something really stupid or that something changed in the game so the older scores on other sites like metacritic are out of date (among other things).
At the end of the day, I'll actually browse the reviews to see what's wrong when I see a review bomb, and then make my decision, whereas with other review ratings, whether positive or negative, I'll tend to see it as a thumbs up or thumbs down.
A good example of this was Stellaris, with so many changes since release. Whether you like it or not (and I realize this remains a point of contention in the community), the fact is that I was able discern that the developer for the game is very unstable in the direction they're taking the game and I realize that if I buy the game, I'm taking a risk that what I might like about it now, might change in the future.
On the other hand, DOTA2 had a review bomb for a while and after reading it, I saw that it was basically just a bunch of butt blasted chinks who were mad about some apparently "racist" comment/action from some player. This helped me realize that Valve wasn't a bunch of faggots who would ban skilled professionals over politically incorrect speech/actions.

Ultimately, review bombs are a valuable source of info for consumers, if you take the time to read them. And frankly, this is most likely why developers love that epic doesn't allow reviews and why they hate that valve does.

I hate PCfags so god damn much.

>Ironically, the fact it gets your guys attention means it works...
I don't think it works in changing anything but it pisses Randy off so that's at least a positive result.

>On the EGS no matter how bad they are due to diverting funds to other games Epic gives you a sack of cash
>It's not so fun anymore isn't it when you're on the receiveing end of technically legal but unethical practices
Fucking rekt.

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What a retarded nigger faggot lmao

>publisher takes a better deal
>"slaps gamer in the face"

What the fuck is wrong with PCfags?

The 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件, liùsì shìjiàn), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing (the capital of the People's Republic of China) for the establishment of basic human and press rights and against the Communist-led Chinese government in mid-1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运, bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with assault rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. The number of civilian deaths was internally estimated by the Chinese government to be near or above 10,000.

>Epic has the pee tape that was filmed following this image

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It's not a better deal. Epic offers a worse deal, but they're handing out bags of cash to bribe publishers into blacklisting Steam. Why do you people conventionally leave this key point out? GoG and Discord offer legitimately better deals, and no one's complaining about them because all they offer is another option. Epic is bribing people to take away options because they know their platform isn't as good as the competitors.

>get hired in valve
>dream come true, will work in the company that revolutionized gaming industry
>maybe I'll get to work on Half-Life 3, they have got to be working on it
>"Hello user, your first task will be implementing a system to mitigate a bunch of retarded manchildren spaming negative reviews"

no bumping snek please

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Because it's a better deal for publishers. A lump sum, and they take less of a chunk of the sales. Epic sucks, but until Steam even comes close to offering a comparable deal the publishers aren't wrong for taking it.

He's right though, unironically.

He stole a lot of money from people like Sega and embezzled it to BL2 so he can't be that retarded.

>It's why Tim Sweeney can say that developers and publishers are all that matter and consumers can either eat shit or die

The reason why Sweeney can say that is because the devs/publishers are the customers and the "consumer" is the product being sold.

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Yes they are wrong for taking it. And Steam should never consider offering a similar deal because the "deal" you're talking about is called under the table bribery. It's illegal, and there's a reason Epic won't cop to it. Offering publishers a good deal is fine. GoG and Discord and and many other small name digital distributors offer good deals at 10% or less. Epic doesn't offer a good deal, they offer a mediocre deal of 15% and then hand the publisher a wad of cash under the table and tell the publisher not to sell their game to anybody else. That's not competition, that's not a legitimate deal, that's straight up bribery. It benefits absolutely nobody and Epic is only doing it to get their name out their, hoping that if they strong arm enough people into using their dogshit platform that they'll grow complacent and stop questioning it before Epic runs out of the money it's using to pay off these morally questionable publishers. These aren't legitimate business tactics, these are things that will land Epic in court when they finally get caught.

Didn't Pitchford get caught with CP?
Why is he walking free?
Why is everything he says not answered by pointing that out?

your shilling will never work on me, bugmen

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Borderlands 3 will sell on PC, it will take a hit, but it'll be minuscule in the grander scheme.

Screencap this. Consumer tantrums very rarely work; people love to buy and are impatient.

It was barely legal porn, but you know there's some actually nasty illegal shit on his computer.

Nah. It's business. Your butthurt doesn't matter, it's more money, you take it.

This is no different than the crying at EA, it's nice to do, but nothing will come of it.

Nah, it is feedback faggot, it means fuck you

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>The dev didn't do anything. Gearbox doesn't make these decisions
Meanwhile Randy in OP's pic states
>this misuse makes me want to reconsider Gearbox Publishing's current posture on the platform
If he has no power then why is talking about potentially not allowing Gearbox games on Steam anymore? Funny how he initially put all the blame on 2K but is now making threats. I guess he's so used to lying that the contradiction didn't even occur to him.

>developers should have a choice on what they release their games
>ok then as a consumer i'll choose where i buy my games from





based tsm poster

He can approach 2K and say "I don't want this game on Steam" and it will be considered. Developers and publishers view Epic as just another launcher, for the publishers it's one that offers more money.

If Randy were to put forward not releasing on PS4 he'd be laughed at, PC is different. No matter what though 2K decides, and if they were to say no PS4, or no Steam/Epic, that'd be what happens.

top kek. I love when people suggest that companies would pass savings on to the consumer.

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S E E T H I N G Steamfag.

I'm a consumer, and I think Epic is improving the industry. Watching tantrums the likes of which have never been seen is entertaining.

>better deal
Please to take better deal or I tell family about all discord trap porn. You no want to end up like Rrandy Pisford yes?

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>discord tranny

How do I get a job shilling? I"m neet and spend all my time on Yea Forums anyway so i would be perfect. Can you hook me up?

More money = Better deal

Steamfags feelings aren't a viable bank transaction

tell me, as a consumer, how epic had improved things. this should be good.

then why if your service sucks so much fucking ass would I use it?

How will you feel when the chinks make all the games you don't own on Steam even more worthless?

Attached: Seething Steamie.gif (554x400, 45K)

I literally just did. PC butthurt is hilarious.

He keeps flip flopping between what he is and isn't able to do in order to weaponize comebacks in response to his parental company's obvious greed.

In reality he's just in a shit position and they've probably told him months in advance behind the scenes "fly the fucking plane and suck Epic's cock for a while" and this is just the consequence.

He isn't at fault. 2K clearly is. Though he's still a huge asshole.

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I'm agreeing with you, nimrod

not him, but to play devils avocado their reasoning is that by giving devs (I know its pubs) a bigger cut, more/better games can be made.

I knew you were a troll. you have zero evidence to back up your chinese created beliefs.

You're a fucking shortsighted retard. If you hate Valve and what they've done to the industry (as you should) but like epic you're a fucking retard. Plain and simple.

Before Valve you know how buying a game on PC worked? You fucking bought a disk and you owned it forever. You installed the game without any bullshit. Singleplayer games didn't need an internet connection. It was wonderful.

Then Valve came around with Steam and fucking retarded pieces of human garbage like you came out of their fucking crevices and defended it. "Wow this is wonderful, I sure love being fucked in the ass because I like this company!"

They didn't think about the future, they didn't think the success of one launcher would lead to more. They didn't think.

Now here we are again. Epic is buying exclusives but it's okay because it negatively effects a company you hate. "Please fuck me in the ass more on the off chance Valve can smell your cum in my ass."

I hope when more companies start doing this shit down the road you realize what a fucking retard you are and kill yourself.

Randy Bobandy never ceases to amaze

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China will take over gaming, we will be killed for not gaming properly.

Embrace your future user.

Who cares about borderlands enough to review bomb the old games? I'm willing to bet they did it themselves to drum up artificial controversy.

>Steamfag types long-winded response

Attached: TL;DR.gif (264x218, 153K)

If BL3 bombs because of this he's gonna blame the fans and not himself.

>"Please fuck me in the ass more on the off chance Valve can smell your cum in my ass."

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Imagine giving him money.

I see your logic, and it isn't bad. however, in the business world, companies just pocket the extra cash.

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How am I on a site that promotes top down economics every single day and yet the second they experience what it essentially is they do nothing but complain about it because they get fucked over it?

I think he thought he was a bully, but only preyed on the truly weak ones. Like a bully that bullies.

Please I really don't want an outside job I would be a perfect shill. Do you guys use discord? Send me an invite

don't you dirty bobandy by associating him with that bitch

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>More money = Better deal
High percentage of far fewer sales = less money. Metro Exodus sold extremely poorly for a sequel in a now established franchise. Established by being on Steam and GOG. And before you cough up the 2.5x figure, the majority of that was literally Steam pre-orders. Perfect bait-and-switch for Sweeney, but Deep Silver fucked over 4A good.

>Before Valve you know how PC gaming worked

It didn't, because people were leaving the platform.

If you were literate you would know I'm not a Steamfag. I'm an oldfag that's tired of watching history repeat itself again and again without anyone noticing.

Embracing a new brand of evil to spite the current evil is beyond fucking stupid.

Freedom of choice, not freedom of consequences.

who the fuck is promoting top down economics on Yea Forums?

I hope you're not going to use any of your chinese-made apparels in your house today. You're an idiot

Fuck you. It's a conspiracy, Tencent and shit will take over gaming.

Then... the world.

it's amazing how people couldn't figure this out

Of course not, but let me know when somebody actually starts for real.

>5% of Ubi
>25% of Activision-Blizzard
>40% of Epic
>100% of Riot
>Hollywood movie starts: Tencent Productions
>Tencent controls hundreds of subsidiaries and associates in numerous industries and areas, creating a broad portfolio of ownerships and investment across a diverse range of businesses including e-commerce, retail, video gaming, real estate, software, virtual reality, ride-sharing, banking, financial services, fintech, consumer technology, computer technology, automobile, film production, movie ticketing, music production, space technology, natural resources, smartphones, big data, agriculture, medical services, cloud computing, social media, IT, advertising, streaming media, artificial intelligence, robotics, UAVs, food delivery, courier services, e-book, internet services, education and renewable energy.

good to see someone who gets it

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Agreed (on the latter), but then why should we settle for worse one because some shady corporate backgroom deals.


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Hey everyone, Randy PItchford here. Buy my new game on Epic store so I can see my wife (even though you can see her from space lol) again because I miss her and my autistic son who lives in a cardboard castle.

Nah, lets remove both, to be fair right. Reviews and whole Epic

>"Lots of people think they can speak out and that they can be irresponsible. I think that's wrong […] We are a great supporter of the government in terms of the information security. We try to have a better management and control of the Internet”
t. Ma Huateng, founder of Tencent

He's right though.

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Literally the only physical pc games that existed were wow expansions, ages of empire and tycoon games. Everything else was on those shitty shareware websites that kept going bankrupt.

You also have to take time to make an account and register to review bomb. I doubt a Russian bot farm is doing this and actual humans are. I dont care that a game is steam or epic exclusive, but getting review “bombed” by actual accounts versus Disney paying off reviewers, who is really the bad person here?

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>citation needed

>threatens to remove every gearbox from steam because he's too retarded to realize the new review system has been in place for weeks
glad I already own all the shitty gearbox games on steam.

the dude is a legit retard. must have blown a lot of people to get that position

Do bears shit in the woods?

>"I wouldn't hit you if you didn't deserve it. It's your fault I am hitting you."
Nice try Randy, but it's the customers hitting you, not Steam. Going by that analogy Randy would respond to getting hit by threatening to punch a third party in the face if the customers don't stop. It's like taking a hostage.
>According to the official Tencent website, Ma is a deputy to the 5th Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress and serves in the 12th National People's Congress.[5]
>Because of Tencent's dominance of the social network and instant messaging markets in China, Ma Huateng’ relationship with the Chinese Communist Party has repeatedly come under scrutiny.[citation needed] Speaking of censorship at a tech conference in Singapore, Ma was quoted as saying "Lots of people think they can speak out and that they can be irresponsible. I think that's wrong […] We are a great supporter of the government in terms of the information security. We try to have a better management and control of the Internet”.[35]

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Borderlands is a garbage series with no redeeming qualities and you're extremely homosexual is you enjoy playing any of them.
The "review bombing" isn't a "misuse of the review system", it's just giving these games the scores they actually deserve

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The faggots are 100% correct. Fuck epic, but you're fighting for consumer empowerment by trashing one of consumers' biggest assets on the platform it's actually provided on. That's exactly how you lose your little crusade. Now you've given journos a reason to pit their hordes against you and Steam a reason to tamper with user reviews, and you're still right where you started.

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>Post yfw not Randy Bitchford

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based frogposter

>I dont think he was bullied i think he was a bully
Same, he lacks basic empathy and ability to understand his customers.
Its not the first time he shown his complete disconnect from reality and went on psychopathic rants.
And yes some people do deserve it, if someone tries to rob you at gun point you are fully justified to kill him, if someone tries to scam you by tricking you into buying into an anti consumer spyware tier distribution platform you have full right to tell them they can fuck off.

This whole epic thing made me like steam a bit more, and i used to really fucking hate it.

honestly all people have to do is not buy it on the epic game launcher but gamers have the self control of a 3 year old with ADD so they're gonna cave in

I cheated on you with this rich guy that hit on me, but how dare you kick me out of your appartment.

this is the likely reality, I've seen many people like randy, he fits the mold to a T

>this is the guy that owns Discord and watches you beat it to trap and furry porn
That's a YIKES from me dawg. Literally uninstalling right now.

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Gotta say I agree with Randy here, steambabbys are the worst

>Victim blaming
Christ Randy

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Also own the game.

>I love capitalism and hate socialism
>that's why I hate it when another corporation competes with my favorite corporation
>also I pirate everything

>Buying western games

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based Randy supporting censorship and the elimination of free speech and thought

Why are steam fags such dindus
>Kill someone
>Bruh the system made me do it mayn, I aint got shit my whole life it's the gubmas fault I got 2 kill 2 survive out here !!!

> buying chink stolen shit

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Cool jpg user

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This. What in the literal fuck is wrong with you all? When will you learn?
There hasn't been a single worthwhile westacuck game in years now.

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Unless you are some kind of a massive retard you should be able to do minimal research and make your own decision if the game is for you instead of just blindly looking at a review score.

Review bombing is stupid. The reviews are there for people who are thinking of buying Borderlands 2. If a review has nothing to do with the quality of said game it should be removed

>Tfw bought Borderlands 2, left a negative review and refunded just to spite Randy

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Yeah the chinese government is dying to know what games you own own Steam

this desu imagine liking redditlands

nobody complains about GOG because GOG doesnt do anti consumer shit

>devs lose money from refunds
>tfw i buy every game in their library and then refund it to maximize their lost profits

piratefags wish they were on my level

>mfw I'm not Todd Howard but Anthony Burch

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this is a great analogy
almost as good as sand coffee

man if only battleborne was epic exclusive

>Tfw retards don't realize with the new changes this behavior accomplishes nothing and people just let it happen

What hobby (if you can call it that) should I replace video games with? The entire industry is just pathetic these days. I want out.

i took boargames. its fun

User reviews in gaming in general have been steadily losing their value over the past decade or so as people who were born into this meme nightmare come to realize how easy it is take part in them. People don't have as much respect for reliable user reviews as they do their designated corporate overlords.


write books

I'd be excited to say all that shit too if Tim Sweeney paid me millions of dollars.

As opposed to NSA spyware in everything from Google to Steam? Get fucked, retard.

i'll look into it these

>50 pages in
>gets harder writing each page

dont waste your time.

Go back to /pol/

>Who cares which launcher you rent your games on?
Apparently Epic does

What is wrong with this man? He doesn't type or speak like a human.
Is it autism?

you won't run into a problem like this unless you don't have a vision

make me

Write shorter books then.

Todd Howard seduced me in the bathroom at a Fleetwood Mac concert

>Embracing a new evil to spite the old evil.
Good point


guys guys guys, its a timed exclusive, you can still play it on steam, just pirate it if you're impatient

same here

How do I achieve this form? Is the trick in the cheeseburgers and chicken fingers?

>imagine being enough of a cuck to care about reviews instead of just playing whatever catches your interest


>victim blaming
thought this shit was meant for rape victims, now its being used by butthurt hack gamedevs on twitter....

There actually isn't actually, and I very much agree, but the way Epic is going about it isn't competition.

They honestly should've postponed their store and released it with at least all the features that people find the necessary on Steam. Stuff like user reviews, forums, regional pricing/currency, a fucking shopping cart, and whatnot. Not everything, but the absolute essential.

But they chose to release it undercooked, and when they realised they did it unless they did it on purpose just to pull this shit, they started paying up publishers and devs for the exclusive rights to sell games on their store to grab consumer attention, since they knew it'd be a loosing battle against Steam, even with higher revenue spit for devs and free games every two weeks or something I dunno.

by not buying battleborn your are LITERALY raping gearbox

>Oh uh... hey there. That’s right, it’s me, Bethesda’s Todd Howard. Look, I know you told me not to come around anymore. I know after you bought Skyrim for the Xbox One, you said you were done. Well at least let me plead my case.
>Did you know that Fallout 4 is the perfect game? It’ll have no load times. Yeah did you like that? You can create any character you want. We even generate a baby based on the couple you make. Does that tickle your fancy? No? How about these?
>True dynamic soft shadows, radiant AI, real world physics. Go where you want, do whatever you want, dynamic volumetric lighting. All of this is being generated in real time by the game. Over two hundred dungeons all hand crafted. The most ambitious and detailed game world we’ve ever made. It works, it actually works perfectly. We have working very, very hard to create something special. You can play forever.
>I know your friends told you to stay away from me, and I know those paid mods? Man I screwed that up. I screwed that up real bad but I promise, I promise I’ve changed.
>Look, baby, I was under a lot of stress, okay? I mean, Fallout 3, that had over two hundred endings. We’re probably doing too much and working too hard. Player freedom still remains one of our major goals.
>We have a responsibility to do this game right. Our artists have painstakingly model over nine thousand objects. Even our dialogue is dynamic. We put a lot of emphasis on making this entertaining. I’m doing all of this for you.
>Our fans really are the greatest in the world. You're the greatest in the world. That’s why I’ve been working so hard: to bring you the kind of experience that you deserve. Now I gotta go.
>They are playing my favorite song out there and if I don’t dance, well, then I’ll regret it forever, 'cause when you think of me you think of fun. That’s the Todd Howard guarantee. Here’s my gamer tag. Now you behave yourself.

Who’s laughing now?

Yes, I was in the chess club

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I've only ever been finger blasted by Sid Meier at a Styx concert

>Dat literally who account getting more like than randy
Plenty of keks

imagine being the spokesperson of a company and crying on the internet about how it's the consumer's fault that they're dissatisfied with your company's actions and that you're the victim. why hasnt the board of directors cut ties with this faggot or at least told him to shut the fuck up?

Yes and no. It's certainly can be done in poor judgment and seem childish in some cases, but on the other hand, it's probably one of the few ways for people to get a legitimate message across to a company about their product for one reason or another. Look at Rockstar when they C&D'd the OpenIV mod, they got shat on hard with poor reviews because it was one of the only ways to show them people were not taking their bullshit. The practice isn't the perfect way to send a message, but it's one of the few that can work.

He's a showman. A magician. He gets off on tricking people. He's a habitual liar.

Gearbox isn't a public company

Despite being only 1 of 7.7 billion people on earth, Randy Bitchford makes up about more than 50% of the faggotry.

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how did he get out of that USB bullshit? surely he would've been kicked out by now.

Randy Pitchford fucks kids, and Gearbox is likely a front for child sex trafficking

just about every corporation has a board of directors, gearbox does too

>but the way Epic is going about it isn't competition
It very much is, just not for the consumer. The publishers pic the distribution network that will give them the highest profit. That's what Epic is competing for, through revenue splits and exclusivity payments. Valve competes for those very titles through its proposed revenue splits and install base; the more you stand to make on steam the harder it is for Epic to pay you to ignore it.

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It's a LLC. So Randy is the president and owner and doesn't report to a board because there isn't one.

What would be the difference if 2K released BL3 exclusively on their own launcher vs exclusively on Steam or exclusively on Epic?

>He keeps flip flopping between what he is and isn't able to do in order to weaponize comebacks in response to his parental company's obvious greed.
How the FUCK is it greed to not want to give away 30% of your earnings to some random company that just handles a transaction and stores some files for you?

If you had to give away 30% of your wages or neetbux you'd be losing your shit

Based Randy

guess im retarded then

How do I get a pair of these Badass glasses?

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Because it's their own launcher, people don't like uplay and give it shit occasionally but it never buys exclusive rights to other games it only has ubisoft games. Epic is paying other companies for their games and saying fuck everyone who doesn't use their launcher. It's an insult

>Because it's their own launcher
And why is that okay? I thought you Steam fags were all about muh competition

Even dudes who suck dicks behind a dumpster outside a gay bar are less gay than Randy.

>Its not the first time he shown his complete disconnect from reality and went on psychopathic rants.
Is this loss?

they came with the Day 1 edition of Battleborn

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>some random company that just handles a transaction and stores some files for you?
it also allows you to reach all the customers dum dum

This. Exclusivity being better or worse depending on who owns the IP seems like mental gymnastics.

I'll bet anything he was the kind of kid who would hit you, then run and tell on you if you hit him back.

>it also allows you to reach all the customers dum dum
Considering the butthurt over this they have no problem reaching their customers

Because when Nintendo makes a game with their own money I don't expect it to be on PlayStation.

When Atlus makes a game with their own money I don't expect it to be on Xbox only because Phil slipped them a fifty.

People want competition that plays fair and gives us reason to want their business over the others.
Not using illegal spyware shit that sells your info to China and paying their way to exclusives that they'll only have for 6-12 months.

Why? Oh, I know, it's because "muh competition" is just you Steam fags virtue signaling to mask the real reason you're upset: Steam is losing its relevancy.

>People want their games on Steam and don't actually give a shit about competition


Twitter ToS requires you relinquish your immortal soul.
>I'm a victim because a multimillion-dollar company I'm professionally associated with had meanie mean things typed about their business decisions
Or even worse, he's calling the company as a whole a victim, which is even more retarded. Industry types who don't understand the absurdity of saying shit like this only feel as comfortable as they do because journos and journo-adjacent wannabes deep throat industry cock 24/7 365.

Consoles buy exclusivity to third party games. Also using consoles as the gold standard is fucking nuts, the whole reason Epic's exclusivity is so fucked up is because it could lead to what's happened on consoles.

Well, yeah. Why would I want to install another launcher for another fucking webstore when most of my games are on Steam?

S-Should I?

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t. corporate cuck

Hey guys just stopping by this thread to let you all know that soon (very soon - this month), Valve will be announcing that their 30% take on revenue will be cut in half, to 15%. A few developers are already aware of Valve's plan to do this. See Microsoft releasing Halo on Steam, and Bethesda preemptively announcing their upcoming games will be on Steam.

Wrong, EGS just already failed the competition for consumers but won the competition for publishers/developers.

only way not to be is to pirate, chink

So why wasn't he tagged for having child porn or does he get a free pass for being a leftist?

>Yet another thread where Steamcucks are SEETHING for 300+ posts and going on massive mental gymnastics.
Just fucking pirate the game until you can suck Valve's cock like usual, is gonna sell gangbusters anyway

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>we did it reppic!

It was barely legal.

Not an argument.

on consoles

wait what?

False. History shows that despite the tantrums, consumers follow the products anyway.

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Not an argument, just facts.

Did he died?

You forget the bigass paycheck Epic gave 2k for the exclusivity + the copies they will say on Epic with better margins. They already won

Exclusivity deals are the excact fucking opposite of competition you retard. They are literally paying devs to avoid having to compete.

The Chinese constantly review bombs games for the dumbest reasons.

I did pirate them. I would had bought them on steam though, oh well sorry chinky.

Attached: 1552445696748.gif (480x270, 1.1M)

God I wish that was me

So are first-party and Steam exclusives but those seem to be a-okay with Valve drones.

Way to completely miss the point, dumbass

I think the most fucked up thing about this is how publishers are in a win-win situation and will get tons of money regardless of what happens.

They sell out to Epic, get a bazillion million dolars upfront, get backlash, tarnish reputation, but will get money anyway beause if the game doesn't well, Epic will still pay their ass to compensate the lack sold units. And then, despite tarnishing their reputation by being a greedy fuck, steam users will buy the game in droves once it drops on steam, to prove publishers that their choice was a bad one, making even more money.

And then they'll just pull the exact same shit with the next game. Get upfront money from Epic, get more money from Epic if game fails, sell game on steam, get a bunch of money from suckers, rinse and repeat. One could say that steam user wouldn't fall for it twice, but we all know the avarage steam is retarded, and would try again. Maybe a third time would be different, but until then, the publisher already made a fuckload of money by doing absolutely nothing but being a piece of shit.

I already can see Metro Exodus on Steam to sell truckloads more than on Epic, and for Deep Silver to announce their next, non-shitty, game exclusive to the Epic Store, and maximize the shit out of their profits.

Why isn't this magician behind bars? I thought he was arrested?

Attached: 1532637611610.png (630x691, 643K)

>steam users will buy the game in droves once it drops on steam
[x] doubt

Barely legal porn


Attached: 1551928229540.jpg (554x557, 47K)

makes sense

I was going to pirate it, save edit it, and uninstall it on the same day anyway just like I did borderlands 1 and 2

It does two things
>make me able to play a game I want to play without downloading EGS
>it bankrupts EGS
It's not only a win-win for publishers user.

Is Randy 12?

>They already won
I guess I need to start building my game library on EGS now

Attached: 1546591302111.png (882x758, 17K)

I've never found an answer. Why did he post this online? What was the context?

Wait a shirt has spyware like epic launcher retard?

Only if you take a shit on them and tweet it at Randy

Literally not the same thing, retard.

The story from Pitchford was that he thought it would be funny (I don't know why). The meme/conspiracy is it was some sort of piss play photo that he uploaded by mistake.

If I can avoid giving money to the Chinese I will. It's just getting increasingly hard these days.

Oh yeah, how did that work out for Battlefield 5?

Attached: 0e6.jpg (1440x2308, 864K)

of course they will. That's how they will "show the devs that Steam is the right choice" or something along those lines. I've seen more of that than people saying not to buy at all.

Morons deserve everything they get.

>Howsabouta magic trick?
>I'm gonna make this piss disappear!
>andit's gone!

Attached: 1537172592810.png (783x530, 620K)

>Buy my games

Let me stop you there.

It isn't a win-win for Epic because they keep loosing money that way. But for publishers, they have nothing to lose other than reputation and they don't give a rats ass about that, they'll just keep making millions of dollars in a short time and their game doesn't even have to do well on EGS for it to happen.

The whole CoD thing wasn't this big of stink though

Because they're trying to prove a point in internet debate. You think most of these 13 year olds actually have the constitution to wait 6 months to a year to play a game they actually want to play?

>Make next game exclusive to Epic and get tons of money upfront
>Also make huge Borderlands sale and free month/week/whatever on Steam to promote and gain tons of money over people who's pissed about the deal and think buying loads of Borderlands 1, 2 and PS will make them go back on said deal
That's smart, dirty, but smart

Why are western devs so disrespectful to their customers?
I remember that tweet where jump force fans shit talked a japanese namco guy for tweeting about ace combat 7 and he apologized to the fan

>Pitchford thread
>no how dare you speak to me

This must be rectified immediately.

Attached: how dare you speak to me.png (634x826, 94K)

>Is randy pitchford a fucking retard?
Well, he did need TotalBiscuit, a fucking YouTuber and industry critic, to explain why it was a bad idea to partner with G2A.

Attached: gearbox x g2a.jpg (1080x600, 61K)

Borderlands has some kind of power to keep Gearbox afloat, because Randy is a walking PR nightmare. working for him and working with him must be hell and I pray for the souls who do

Giving you the benefit of the doubt and saying you're baiting, but if not you're really retarded

>Is randy pitchford a fucking retard?
He can't do anything right

Randy's an idiot and liar; you shouldn't support anything he does. This is nothing new.

With each incident, it seems clearer that these people only see us as pigs complaining about our slop.

You forgot that some enemies are also named badass as well

Based Randy, making Steam cocksuckers cry and cry and cry.

Before valve PC gaming was seen as a joke beyond stuff like RTS, MMOs and a handful of shooters. That's why so many PC series went multiplatform or just straight up died, the result of this is that now a lot of games are console focused and PC is an afterthought.

You can't have digital distribution without DRM without having a ton of piracy, sure GoG exists but they're not doing so great and I'm sure if there was no steam and only GoG PC gaming would look a lot less attractive to companies.

>Before valve PC gaming was seen as a joke beyond stuff like RTS, MMOs and a handful of shooters.

Oh, we're talking about a made-up imaginary world?

I've seen it so many times but it still gives me a chuckle.

So, he was Biff from Back to the Future?

He's right - if you were around at the time, then you'd know the PC market was considered niche and AAA releases were few and far between.

Are you going to pretend that PC gaming didn't get absolutely shafted by console-centric devs? When PC got a port of a game from the 6th gen more often than not the game would be some bootleg shit put together by interns, assuming it's just not a straight up god awful port. Did you play DMC3 on PC? Or RE4? They make modern console ports look like masterpieces. Those companies didn't give a shit about PC back then that's why the ports were so bad.

I actually kind of agree with him in this case, though. Review-bombing isn't the solution, there is no solution, shitty company is shitty and nobody can do anything, it's the same story as it's always fuckin been

You're all autists if you fell for this

most people on this site are below 25, or started on consoles and moved to PC later.
I doubt even 5% of this site remembers what it was like play games on PC in the late 90's/early 2000's. This shit is just an vicious echo chamber.

>Randy's using Yea Forums-tier strawmans now

Really makes you think.

What's G2A and why is it bad?

Look above randys head.

Biff didn't do anything wrong. Marty gave him a worse life by manipulating the timeline.

Monkey see monkey do. We need to teach him to act even more retarded. For our enjoyment.

Biff was a dick though

Just a double bluff and/or attempt to distract from the fact he embezzled $12M from his employees' money. Or the other way around I guess.

>steam users will buy the game in droves once it drops on steam

Attached: 1552320481712.jpg (182x278, 8K)

And Marty's father was a dickless faggot that didn't deserve shit. Just because Biff was a dick doesn't make it right that Marty made him the family slave.

Luckily this stuff is well documented on the internet so people can't just sweep it under the carpet

Forgive me for linking youtube shit but for anyone who doesn't feel like reading all that shit just watch this
>developed by gearbox
It's funny how things work out.

It's a CD-key site. It's kinda murky waters where they get their keys from so people have been against them. They probably just buy them in bulk from some third world country and sell them at a slight profit.

That was after the console merge. Steam arrived in the peak Pc-games era about 4 years prior to all the aaa pc devs jumping ship to multiplat cancer.

Choices a company makes matters. It's important to know if your money is going to pedophiles like randy. Theres more then just quality of a product when buying said product supports things you directly disagree with.

There's nothing wrong, indeed. None of the garbage Epic picks up is even remotely interesting, and even then if you were interested in say The Division 2 or Anno, they would be on Uplay.

The rest? Metro? Literally free Subnautica? Wouldnt even pirate.

>Badass Rank
>Badass Tokens
>Badass Weekend
>Disrespecting Ghost in the Shell this badly by trying to associate it with this pile of shit
Wow this image made me hate Randy even more. Amazing.

Review bombing was fine until the Chinese were allowed in on it. Now they bomb shit just because it has Winnie the Pooh in it or because Chinese is not supported as a language.

The Chinese fucked it up for everyone as usual.

I've seen people OH NO NO NO posting about these games Epic has been buying exclusivity for and Metro is the only one I had even heard off beforehand.
I'm seriously doubting their tactic but if it gets Valve off their fat ass and improve their platform then it's all good.

Phoenix Point looks interesting, but that's probably gonna be alright at launch and only get really good after a year or so of updates.

Why isn't everybody just constantly reminding this guy about his CP USB stick?

>OH NO NO NO posting
Why is that fucking Shia Lababoon quote a meme? Sure, he said that shit too much in the Transformers movies he was in, but it really wasn't worth turning into a meme.

I was interested before they showed it.
When they did, I was turned off by the horrible jank.

steam literally just launched a system that differentiates between these sorts of reviews and other reviews to make review bombs less effective. this is literally the first case where this system has been in place, and he's still acting like steam doesn't do anything to help them? Valve may as well just go ahead and ban any Randy pitchford games from steam. The guy is actively lying about their company to hurt them.

Because there wasn't actually cp on it. Girl was 18


>victim blaming

This is a joke right?

Him not being in prison

>Complaining about the biggest gaming platform charging you for being able to publish your shit game in their store

I can't even this world anymore lmao.
That's the same as going apeshit when you ask a celebrity to advertise your product and they ask you a fortune for it as their likeness and net worth is worth more than your entire existence.

Seriously, what do these people have in mind?

Attached: 1364902507433.jpg (435x435, 97K)

Okay so nothing.

>Entertainment figures are always punished for their illegal sexual abuse

>defrauded millions from sega to fund battleborn of all things
>bought classic IPs like duke nukem and homeworld just to keep them dead in a lockbox
>makes poor to average games
>openly hostile towards his customers
>peacock parties and cp on a thumbdrive
>spent 50,000 on another man's ponytail
>invites guests over and forces them to indulge him in his fantasy of being a professional magician

why does Yea Forums support this guy again

Last I saw of it, it did look better, but who knows how polished it'll be by release.

please stop posting this thread
randy is objectively wrong and there's nothing to argue about (picrelated)
kys twitter screencap poster

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1128x760, 148K)

The best part is steam reviewed are "do you recommend or do you not recommend" and you can 100% not recommend someone to buy something and support a company that is anti consumer rights. All the "it's a previous game so you shouldn't mess with it" is retards. I don't recommend people buy stalker because the devs who made it are gone and that's seen as valid. It was okay to not recommend skyrim over paid mods as a form of protest against Bethesda, but suddenly it's not okay to tell people to not support multi million dollar corporations fucking consumers.

>go to movie theater
>enjoy movie
>sequel movie comes out to same theater
>If you want to watch sequel you have to go to a specific cashier to buy that movie ticket
>in 6 months the other cashiers at this same movie theater will start selling it
>"wow why would anyone be annoyed by this?"

From what he says and what's reported, 2K made the deal, not Gearbox. I have no idea why he's going this far into making himself seem like such a douchebag. Either don't comment on it or say there's nothing you could have done.

Attached: 1232929258910.gif (310x175, 1.89M)

no it isnt

The mental gymnastics valvecucks go through still amaze me to this day.

Because you can't have your own personal opinion about something as a person + they keep harassing the guy regardless of his statement.

>steam is the anti-China side, bros!

Attached: china valve.jpg (2064x1476, 449K)

making money off of china isnt pro-china

It's more like you are actually hitting yourself and everyone's telling you to fucking stop

imagine effort-posting this hard to make such a flimsy false equivalency

Whatever you say, Xi and Chang

Bullies can be bullied by other stronger bullies.

He's right though.

Why would a developer look at how easy it is to abuse steams rating system and think it's a better choice for them than Epic?

>actually wanting chinese shit in your house
top cuck

Who is this slithery slut?

>giving games bad reviews is abusing the system

He always sounds like an autist pretending to be a normal human. That or yeah he's just retarded.

I can guarantee he was the kid who hangs around with bullies while everyone, both the nerd he bullies and the actual bullies, think he's fucking pathetic waste of air.

I'm more convinced he just didn't interact with anyone in school and instead rented out the same 3 magic tricks VHS tapes from either Blockbuster or the Library

Do you really think Randy wasn't all in on this?The guy who embezzled money Sega gave his studio specifically to develop Colonial Marines, to fund his own pet projects, even though he already had 2K to do that for him? It legally may bave been 2K, but he wanted it, that's why he defends it so much.

All the other developers tend to stand clear from shitstorm, but he's diving in head first.

The new review system might prove to be a blessing in disguise after all, "negative reviews" are quickly forgotten and might not dent the overall score too much, but the "SCUMBAG DEV" symbol is forever.

Attached: SCUMBAG DEV SYMBOL.jpg (539x566, 283K)

Giving a game bad reviews for any reason other than it being a bad game is abusing the system

>everyone who disagrees with my behavior on the internet is a troll
>CEO literally telling customers to fuck off
He's legitimately retarded

nope. you are reccomending whether or not someone should buy the game. if you disagree with the company then you wouldn't reccomend anyone buy their games would you? very simple.

Being against pic related isn't the same as being "anti-China". Tencent and the Communist Party are more anti-China than Breakfast at Tiffany movie night at the Trump White House, and just because today many Chinese people don't understand this doesn't mean some day they won't.

Attached: 1558913947124.jpg (817x545, 188K)

No you aren't. You are rating the game. That's it.

Being from Texas, the only time a nigga gets hit is if they did something to deserve it.

Cornering the market ? Fucking lmao

>I prefer authoritarian Epic Games Store which doesn't care about the consumers at all
Do Chinks even know about the concept of freedom? Or have they been bootlickers for so many centuries now that it's just nature?

Games don't exist in a vacuum, the money you pay for one directly benefits a publisher. Its only right that customers get to say that the actions of a publisher are not worth supporting financially by purchasing their products.

nope. right here. you either reccomend it or don't reccomend it. there is no rating/10. have you even used the steam store?

Attached: Untitled.png (192x80, 6K)

Mental gymnastics? Are chinks so retarded that they think you aren't allowed to tell people to not support a company for their practices?

>misuse a system on Steam to and forever give that series a black mark that hurts their performance on that platform
>"This will bring them back! :))))))"

Then post about it on your shitty blog or spam the publisher on Twitter. Save the review site for reviews

With no other way to communicate with devs, what did you expect? There's currently no proper method for consumers to communicate with developers or publishers. In platforms like twitter, reddit, resetera or whatever, they can just ignore our ass and your complaint/criticism all they want, as legitimate as the criticism might be, because they're just like that.

So users use the only thing that make a dev take notice, and sometimes do something, lowering their game's on score on Steam. Because people are gonna see these sudden lower score, read into it, and probably want to stay clear from the game if the devs are pulling some scummy shit.

It is abusing the system? Kinda yea, but with no other way for devs to actually acknowledge their consumers in a way other than "Thanks for buying a billion copies of our game, suckers"

Hes absolutely right though. Review moving a game for reasons outside of the game itself is stupid and further proof why no one will ever take this industry seriously as long as it’s filled with whiny entitled babies.

>wanting a publisher that's fucked them back on their platform
Customers aren't as big of a cuck as you are.

it takes 10 seconds to look up the original article, go look at it and read it carefully.

whys the sink so dirty? it looks like someone was puking or shitting in it

>God, why don't these fucking protesters just stay inside instead of protesting outside the capitol

Nah this is actually the most based I've seen him, pushing in steam shitters.

You can protest however you want but also see
You aren't doing yourself any favors.

>false equivalence
Why don’t you come back when you have an actual argument.

Stillborn. What a flop lmao.

>fallacy fallacy

Still can’t disprove my point

Steam and Epic are competing for developer’s business, not consumers. Exclusivity deals are the opposite of competition. If you want to compete for consumers, out the fucking game in all stores and let consumers tell you what is most important to them. This is about greedy Jews being greedy Jews, nothing to do with competition at all.

Based Big Dimes Randy dealing with that PC simp

>company: ok fine we'll come back
>steam users: no, you "fuck us over" (even though you revert what you did), we're not buying from you
>them and other companies: yikes, I'm not selling to these guys anymore.
we're saving gaming!! :)))))))))))))))))

what is with the scrabble floor

You can't disprove mine

>oh fuck why are profits down 40%

The only time I've ever heard of a Chinese review bomb is some game not supporting Chinese. That's a 100% legitimate reason, though it does slightly complicate things that the language barrier makes it harder for anyone who doesn't speak Chinese to figure out if the reviews have a legitimate point and whether or not that point is relevant to them.

>less sales. doesn't matter tho, still got the better cut and a more loyal fanbase overall.
we're killing epic!!! :))))))

>valve: oh fuck why are devs/pubs not contacting us anymore

>Steam and epic are competing but they aren't competing for ME so its the opposite of competition t. faggot retard

Epic don't really care about competing for consumers. They realized that steam have been buttfucking developers for over a decade and have recognized their opening in the market is to actually work with publishers and devs. This is competing with steam hence its competition. Competition does not mean trying to be the best dicksucker of any retard consumer that mouthbreaths his way into a store.

so that taiwanese dev who got his game raided is a scumbag too, huh?

Attached: 4head.png (212x286, 48K)

Are you actually Chinese or something? You're grammar is abhorrent.

>Epic don't really care about competing for consumers.
Right. That's why consumers don't like it.

so if we both race and i shoot you in the face is competition just because we both were racing?

>the money from buyfags goes further on the Epic store so each purchase is more meaningful
>my piracy matters even less
Basically everybody wins except Steam who need this kick in the ass to wake them the fuck up. We all know Steam has been rotting for a while now, they need some competition to make them act properly again.

>anyone who isn't a native english speaker is a chinese shill. the hundreds of other countries in the world don't exist.

There is zero proof that it is in any way spyware. Go look it up. It sends out nothing. Fuck off with your nothingburger. Steam has competition now, and you can’t stop it.

Oh wow at least the retarded metaphor isn't a fucking food one for once. That's new for this shithole.
The competition part of the whole free market competition thing is against other companies. Securing deals with devs is a part of business and a strategy to compete with other companies. Its got nothing to do with selling the same exact product and just seeing who sells it better.

>100 sales x ($60 x .7) = $4,200
>60 sales x ($60 x .88) = $3,168
You'd need to have at least 80 sales from every 100 you'd have on steam to break even, which I doubt very much happens on Epic given that the majority of the userbase is fortnite kids.
Hell, you need MORE users to buy your game on Epic than Steam if you're selling at $50 like Metro Exodus is.

Its like herpes or genital warts.

>majority of the user base is fortnite kids
having advertisements for your game pop up in front of probably the largest group of players in the market is a great idea for these companies
good thing epic isn't literally only fortnite kids too, like people who don't give a shit which launcher the game is coming from.
>selling at $50
lowering your prices is going to attract a lot of costumers and make up for the hit your profits per game would take
it worked for the metro devs

how many "thanks for beta testing epic games store" threads are there gonna be when bl3 releases on steam

Randy gets to go home each night to his beautiful wife. Whose really winning here Yea Forums?

Attached: Winning.jpg (711x403, 100K)

>having advertisements for your game pop up in front of probably the largest group of players in the market is a great idea for these companies
It would be if the largest group of players in the market had incomes, or did anything other than play Fortnite after school
>good thing epic isn't literally only fortnite kids too, like people who don't give a shit which launcher the game is coming from.
Those would be the only people buying games, yes.
>it worked for the Metro devs
Still no sales figures

>Steam's review system is useless due to review bombing
no? Because anyone with an iq above 10 can see a real review vs bomb

>Big corporation man.

Attached: silence.jpg (742x560, 56K)

>People don't generally do that.
Yes they do faggot
kill yourself retard

He's right, it has no bearing on the quality of the product and shouldn't affect its review score. The same goes for politics. However, Randy Pitchford is indeed a massive retard and he isn't worth your time.

I worked a lot for people like him. As a simple employee in a buisness, when bosses, company clients or even slight higher coworkers act like your friend you should be careful. Until they get pressure, they are perfectly fine, and when not and confronted they take it on you. If you watch the fucked PAX reveal, he is almost showing his true colors. At first sign of trouble he was laughing it off, trying to keep it cool. When he is having a slight confrontation with the tech guys you can see the man getting impatient and nervous. By the end crisis adverted but a bit more and he would have snapped live into his true self.
The twitter shit of the last few days is exactly showing what I mean. The dude at first was laughing about it, saying stuff like “make hl3 valve, and we put it on steam”, but the pressure from his OWN fans kept going and he started to damage control and deflect it by saying “fuck off and talk to 2K about it, leave me alone”. Now it’s personal, he is finally like usual ranting to the same fucking people that were excited for the game.

I dont care about Borderlands that much to bother about this, might play coop some day when it’s on Steam with some friends, but Randy is not the type I wanna give money to.

>Whatever happened to "I just want to play video game #GamerGate"?
Kikes were exposed to be behind literally everything and it goes far beyond video game bullshit

Attached: gamergate truth.png (1051x501, 607K)

You really thinks games should be reviewed without context?

someone leak the REAL DNF 2001 that randy's got, come on now!

Attached: Image7.jpg (2286x1226, 99K)

Got any sales figures for any Steam game?

Reminder that Randy got defrauded out of $3million dollars by his personal assistant

Attached: Randy and Mrs Randy.jpg (634x844, 98K)

>He's right, it has no bearing on the quality of the product
People have a right to know that they will be giving their money to anti consumer kikes

remember, randy is a loliloving based god. he's ourguy

his wife is fat and ugly and his son is an autist

Attached: randy pitchford's wife.webm (640x360, 381K)

Give me a game and I can probably find some

hey man. thats got nothing to do with his personal viewpoints on gaming and is kinda unrelated to the subject.


Well said user.

>It worked for Metro devs
>Epic said the game sold 2.5x more tha vanilla Last Light on the same time frame
>Last Light came at a time Steam wasn't as popular as it is today
>Deep Silver at the time announced the game sold only around 300~400 thousand units in a month or so on Steam
>Deep Silver also have yet to to confirm about how profitable said partnership with Epic was despite making the deal specifically to get more money
>They have been extremely tight lipped about Exodus on PC even though it's the Metro series main platform, or was
>So far the only platform that got any praise from them was the PS4 and how Exodus did better tha Last Light on PS3

I don't believe them, there are too many variables. The fact that Epic didn't release direct sales figures but just a vague value is my biggest gripe. If they really wanted to prove how sucessfull it was, they would've straight up told us how much it sold. I bet it didn't even break a million units in a month's time, that's why they used a multiplier value over direct sales figures.

CDPR did that when they released Witcher 3 and gave us numbers and how it had sold more on GoG than it had on Steam at launch.

it probably doesn't matter if everyone who wanted were to wait. There will still be a ton of people who will buy it because they don't want to inconvenience themselves, and the money Epic is giving them/saving them will hold them out for long enough for that sweet, sweet steam money. this also encourages people to double dip (buy on console then wait and buy on Steam again), I've been seeing a lot of people say they'll just double dip. What's the point in being loyal to vocal community when you don't need them immediately to stay afloat? People who work day in and day out, who just buy whatever they feel like because they can, will still fund them along with Epic. These people totally exist. I have a friend who saw the shitshow if post Fallout 76 and bought two copies anyways because, "Fuck it, I make money." and also BFV even though he was constantly shitting on it up the way up until release. He doesn't play either anymore.

Is that his house? Why does it look like a fucking kids fun house?

>randy was robbed by some pozzed faggot

>steam was killing PC gaming
opinion disregarded