How do we save the horror genre?
How do we save the horror genre?
Gives a shit. It's never horror.
is yume nikki supposed to be scary? dotflow wasn't even scary
I really don't think anyone thinks Luigis Mansion, Deltarune, and LISA are horror.
Damn you covered all the bases, I got nothing on you. Faggot.
forgot Quake. Or is that one the unSoy one?
lol so true
how in the fuck is this a horror
lol so true
by resurrecting team silent
whoever made this is fucking retarded.
This imagine is an absolute masterpiece
I'd really like to know what is good NOT-söy horror? Is it seriously just the fucking paranormal activity and conjuring shit?
LISA, Doom, Undertale, and LSD aren't even horror.
Other than that you are a mondo faggot and should remove yourself from the gene pool.
lol so true
>Re4 making fun of tropes
The hammy cutscenes in that were unintentional and added in localisation
What are some good horror games then? let's see your enlightened taste user
body horror of course, the joy mutants are somewhat disturbing.
>silent hill 2 and dead space on that list
This and the Yea Forums version are genuinely the worst images I’ve ever seen
>Onions horror
>Every single horror game that OP could think about
lol so true
t. NPC
Imagine actually spending time making that image
>This thread
This means Scratches is TRVE horror then
>Onions horror
>Every single horror game
>this is what happens when people take Hamsterson seriously
imagine making this pic
>Yea Forums told him to go fuck himself so he made a Yea Forums version
>Yea Forumsermin actually replying seriously
the problem with the Yea Forums version is the same reason the Yea Forums one is so shit. He just took all the entryfag shit and popular cult hits then made a strawman.
The problem is that like vidya are a billion examples of "you forgot this so is this good" that he assumed he could do the same thing for vidya and not expect comments like
I know this is bait, but God damn
>He just took all the entryfag shit and popular cult hits then made a strawman
gee don't you possibly think that was intentional and the point was to fish for easy replies
lol so true
>the problem with the Yea Forums version is the same reason the Yea Forums one is so shit
Yea Forums at least doesn't make retarded out of context shit like this
You forgot to include this counterargument in your strawman section:
I am sad I breathe the same air as you you shart gargling retard. Go neck yourself.
Needs to add Eternal Darkness on the lets pretend its scary tier
>Needs to add Eternal Darkness
You mean Bloodborne?
Sure add both
nice recommendations thanks OP
lol so true
haha he said the S word
Go back to Yea Forums
>popular things: the chart
>Clock Tower
kill yourself
okay OP wins the internets
not an argument
Do people actually say Half-Life and Doom are scary? They have elements of horror, but I wouldn't call them horror games.
I probably should have read the whole thing before I posted that.
>the last bottle edition
Click Tower is badass
Neither is >ONIONS XDDD
OP is a faggot
But I will add that I still think horror needs to have fixed cameras and tank controls to be great horror. These things combined forced devs to make atmospheric horror games.
this is bait
imagine actually spending time making that image
those aren't even horror!
lol so true
noice, lemme try
>shitting on ss2 and stalker
Good one, here is your (You)
who takes the time to make images like this seriously.
Who tf is that
This image made me vomit.
Alien Isolation is legit scary if you actually play it in the dark, with headphones on, and on one monitor.
No game is going to be scary if you play it while shit posting in between deaths on the second monitor, streaming music/Netflix/ at 3 pm or with the lights on.
lol so true
holy shit is this what they call memes nowadays?
Rolling a 02
>Jump scares are great!
>hates dead space
93 please god
Horror is dead. No one gives a fuck to put in the effort anymore. Team Silent will never be surpassed.
Here we go, gimme a 27.
I'll take anything
reroll, i'm not a fucking lolicon
Resident Evil 7 is the best overall survival horror game of all time and Capcom needs to continue that style. Argue me faggots
7 is just 1 with first person and cajuns
Can you actually imagine someone spending time making this image? Those games arent even horror, faggot. [I'm trying to copy the npcments lol, dont judge I'm not actually NPC XD I'm a vtard]
rolling for cammy
It's literally 10/10
Pretty sure like half of those aren't horror
lets rooll
Thanks for saving the thread user
>lists ever horror game
shit bait
very lynchian
I'm not sure if this image is supposed to be making fun of people who like those games or people who don't like those games
>It's not horror because I don't like it
FNAF actually had an interesting story that makes the animatronics a lot more scarier.
Taking the plunge
There's some creepy moments in lisa but I mean it's the same stretch that got undertale on this list just because it had the lab bit
The pic is just pure bait, it's even so lazily made that they knew people would say this so they tried to preempt this at the bottom with the "NPS response" it's so lazily thrown together
oh hey lol what if I take a bunch of critically acclaimed games and just say they're bad? haha I'm such a troll!
Revive Silent Hills
damn, horrorfags are fucking insecure they gotta gatekeep the genre
sorry but according to OP image we are only pretending Silent Hill is scary and therefore part of the problem.
According to OP's imagine what the hell is actual Horror then?
Yume Nikki is definitely supposed to be surreal, but scary I'm not sure about. I think it's just horribly bleak in a stimulating way that defies description.
Jumpscares are extremely important. The sane human brain doesn't give a fuck and can bravely venture on in the pits of hell itself so long as it isn't jumpscared. You can be brave and traverse spooky pits with demons flying overhead, but the moment you step on a certain place on the ground and a giant wolf-spider comes crawling out to jumpscare you and you only have 1-2 seconds to get out of its way, you'll shit your pants and have extreme fear of continuing on any further.
>getting scared by a videogame
>I Have No Mouth is in "making fun of tropes" section and not Vintage
you had one job
There is literally ONLY one (1) game that has ever truly make me feel "fear", and it was the Alien Resurrection from PSX. And it was mostly due to the lack of music, the relative silence where you only hear the sounds in the dark enhances the immersion by removing that distraction. The high difficulty helped too.
but le no mouth man fun is epic funni
I can't stand all this cheap, 1st person shit. They're worse than straight to stream movies made by 2 people.
It really is bait, but lol it's so true
I love how if something is onions you don't have to explain yourself or your position at all, and you can make the dumbest claims.
Rolling for Kat
>Unironically including Luigi's Mansion in your horror list
how about letting them stay dead.
there's a reason Owaku didn't write SH4.
What is the a24 of video games?
lol so true
And another thing - I agree with OP that most "scary" games that come out are pretty trash. REmake isn't scary. It's an overrated average adventure game and a slow slog. RE7 fixed horror's issues and you stupid faggots can't even recognize it for the instant classic is.
Horror fans literally kys or recognize RE7 for the underrated and best horror game ever released.
I know this is a bait image, but the who the fuck considers Undertale a "horror" game?
At least shit like Lugi's Mansion, Castlevania and Left 4 Dead have the general aesthetics down, even if they aren't horror either
But nobody considers fucking Undertale or Deltrarune 'horror' to any degree
The Evil Within is THE BEST horror game in existence. It has everything - scripted jumpscare segments, freeroam levels, slow paced moments, fast paced moments. It's literally the ultimate horror game. And if you dislike using guns you can get the DLC where you mostly sneak around and can't fight back. I fucking hate each one of these onions journalists that called this game le bad for being too hard and not having a "straightforward story". waaah!11 this game is mysterious and convoluted instead of having generic hollywood tier story #55583!!!1 waaaaah shit game!!1
It's not as good as RE7.
lol so true
Capcom is saving the genre for us, just wait for RE8/r3make
>it's not as good as 7 hour game
What exactly is better in RE7 as compared to The Evil Within?
RE7 - same enemies everywhere
TEW - varied enemy types with different skin, multiple boss fights
RE7 - 7 hours long first playthrough with everything explored (second half is shit)
TEW - 30 hours long first playthrough if you take time exploring
RE7 - boring story, forgettable characters maybe except for Jack, le evil girl is the villian hollywood cliche
TEW - mysterious story, memorable characters, cool edgy villian
RE7 - first half is set in a cool mansion, but everything goes to shit when you move to that boring shipwreck and salt mines
TEW - set in dreamlike atmospheric levels ranging from deep forest, old village, modern city, medieval castle ruins, churches, asylums, mansion
>bu-but re7 is better!
Half of these aren't even horror
so with your bottom row you have now said that no horror games have ever been made?
fair enough. film and games arnt scary because you know its fake.
nothing is scary except a gun in your face
I personally don't play horror games to get scared. I just like the comfy atmosphere.
Isn't it funny when you realize just how bad basedboys were destroying games? People believed that garbage because they're weak and want to play walking simulators. As the last user said, Capcom is saving it. The thing about RE7 that makes it so fun to replay after you know the jumpscares is the dialogue from characters. It's borderline humorous because it's so badass. It was expertly written. Leave it to Richard Pearsey.
>Take an obvious bait image from Yea Forums and lazily add videogames to it
>Kids still fall for it
>nothing is scary except a gun in your face
>actually being afraid of death as an adult
>saying I’m wrong makes you an NPC
What a fag
Made me reply
Yea Forums is the dumbest board on Yea Forums(nel)
Any living, breathing human being considering Castlevania and l4d to be horror
If you can't even bother putting the effort to create your own bait image, why the fuck would you expect I would put forth any effort replying? You don't even get a (You) for this one bucko.