pick your side, Yea Forums
Pick your side, Yea Forums
I'm neutral
Dark side for sure.
Sekiro and DMC should be switched
For me, it's the McChicken
I pick Playstation, McChicken + coke, and then i pick Dreams for GOTY and then i pick Steam just because that is the only platform that has games i want to play. I would pick Battle.net because i love SC2 and BW and i can't wait for WC3 remaster online the campaign seems to be changed too much and that is about it.
For me it's steam, met a lot of people while playing, have good memories.
Always rember good day
Help me understand how you drug addicts stick around for so long, why don't you guys die sooner?? You are like the plague, isn't the drug supposed to kill you, but you don't die. Why don't you die??
Steam, Microsoft, Sekiro and Pepsi for me.
Have sex
>have PS4 Pro
>use Steam
>bought DMC5 but have no interest in Sekiro
>prefer the food on the left
Apparently I'm neutral/in the middle.
Why won't you die??
Is that Tealc from Stargate SG-1?
I can only imagine how disgusting you look
>consoles are for faggots
>pirating because $0 >$60
>AC7 >>>>
>McChinken & Pepsi
Well. I am mostly conservative. I own both PS4 Pro and Xbox One X. I don't use the Epic Games Store. I do use Steam, GOG and Origin. GOG is my preference but they are on their deathbed. Steam will be my backup. Sekiro is currently my goty but we are only 4 months in so thats bound to change. I think Platinum Games is terrible. I don't drink soda. Both of those fast food sandwiches look awful. I don't even know why I replied but here we are. 5/10
Yes. Also known as the voice of Kratos in GOW2018
>Fish Burger
>Coca Cola
Guess I'm a moderate
Can I be right but with PS4?
>same shit for most purposes
>who cares
>drinking soda in 2019
i refuse to engage in your plebeian monochrome worldview
>"gamer" """fuel"""
Yeah, its better than coke, come at me
don't care
I like this image because DMC being on "muh liberal sjw" side will trigger Yea Forums
Am I alone in being confused how the actual fuck OP came to any of these conclusions on this list?
found the online nigger
After a few years in this hellhole you stop questioning shit like that and just roll with it.
I could really go for a McChicken®
Steam, Dmc, left burger and coke. And bloodbornestation 4
>Consoles at all
>faggots having good enough taste for DMC, if anything they would be more likely to play sekiro because fromsoft
>shitty looking fastfood
Yes, I'd recommend you go back.
Hey Xbros, let Banjo join Smash and you'll have my support.
PS4 since my Xbox became obsolete due to having literally no exclusives I’m excited for
Steam because why the fuck not
Both of them
>Eating Fast Food burger garbage
I’ll take Pepsi though
>Conservative right is on the left and progressive left is on the right
Haven't played either game
Don't eat trash food or drink cancer
nu/v/ aka reddit aka newfags have to reply to every trash they see come up as they repeatedly refresh the front page
Says the user who just did the same thing. Kek.
Don't use either but if had to - obviously PS4.
Pepsi and McChicken, Coke is shit
It's a combination of people actually feeling bad for these disgusting fucks and narcan. We just need to let them die, they are willing to die for a good time so let them.