>Game lets you customize yourself
Game lets you customize yourself
Pls be a girl (male)
>game has a gender slider
That's fake.
you sure about that?
Name 3 (Three) games that do this
dark souls 1-3
bonus: demon's souls
Is it even really a gender slider when all it does is make your face slightly more/less feminine?
i dont think so
Silent Storm, a WWII game made by a bunch of Russians
3rd from the right is perfect
I am impressed user
Saint's Row 2
yup, that takes me back
God i hate the internet fetishes faggotry infesting everything these days
>real life fetish shit
It's impossible to make this look good
What do the other sliders do?
God i wish BE was real
Why do 3rd and 5th from the left have the biggest hips?
haha. ball(s) dropped. get it?
GOD I fucking wish that were me
This one's pretty impressive imo, looks fairly convincing at a low resolution
Based and BEpilled
The usual stuff like size, ass, belly, abs, dick
the angles wont hide that weird cretin shape head
isn't that last one Quiet?
Are there webms of those too?
7th 8th and 9th pic are the best
>being born with already feminine features
Fucking cheater I swear
Piero is the fucking best.
That girls waist-to-hip-ratio was amazing in that doujin.
Imagine how much people would be triggered if that were released today and somehow popular
>middle value is 300 pound tits