Why does Yea Forums hate him?

Why does Yea Forums hate him?

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He died as he lived — spouting cancer from his asshole.

an absolute trash of a human being


Said mean things, that's it

I just don't get all the praise and seeing all those pathetic buttlickers cry on reddit after he died was annoying. Also dude was an idiot for not going to the doctor despite shitting blood.

you say mean things all the time though

Because he is balding.

Because he reminds me of the cold kiss of death.

I think that's the least of his problems now

Cancerous narcissist who lived off thrashing other people's livelihood, while being incapable of resisting criticism himself. He literally believed he was hurting others as much as he was being hurt and made a profit from it, fuck that delusional pile of shit and his ass cancer.

better question would be why that guy even got so famous
it reflects how retarded gamers are

this, he apparently was shitting blood for years and didn't even bother to check himself until it was too late, having his fridge filled only with American Cousine didn't help his asshole either, he literally brought this upon himself

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Press P to pee on his grave.

Attached: P.jpg (335x226, 34K)

>not going to the doctor despite shitting blood
i already shat blood countless of times, but it's always just a phase and goes away again

it's pretty normal to do it sometimes, except you shit a huge amount of it perhaps


you absolutely should not shit blood, your asshole can bleed sometimes but literally shitting blood is bad

Imagine being this buttmad over tweets

Do you guys cry when people say means things to you over game chat?

ok yea, i was not literally shitting blood, there was just simply nothing but blood when i wiped

Because he has become pretty lazy with the release of new videos in the last twelve months or so.


you should still find some cause for it, i sometimes leave a small bright-red smear of blood after getting fucked in the ass by my bf for example

Sounds a lot like Yea Forums desu

>terminal cancer patient "gets lazy" with the release of new videos in the last twelve months or so

Dr. user here.

Many people develop small cysts or ingrown hairs near their tailbone, especially if you have that dimple at the top of your crack. If you have particularly bad swamp ass or don't shower for a couple days those cysts can burst and release a surprising amount of bloody puss, but it's bright red so it looks like it's all blood. It goes away after a couple days you just have to make sure to clean your ass out more often.

That's probably what's happening to you.

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Are you 12?

yeah maybe relative to his own problems but that doesn't make it less of a problem for me

holy shit