Anyone else here enjoying Risk of Rain 2?
*lid pops off
*Oh no… Not again!!
*WHIIIIIIRRR-RRrrrrrrrrrrr r r r
*strides away
Risk of Rain 2
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someone host modded
do I just pretty much have to let this faggot heal himself if I'm a merc
>tfw Yea Forums_burn_multiplier 0.5
Unless you have good damage that can kill him through his heal and defense buff, yeah. You can kill the other stuff he's sucking in to lower his healing though.
does the clover just basically upped the chance of every on hit item?
This thread is at 178 posts right now, but ror threads yesterday were getting deleted at 50 posts
I'm sickened, but curious.
>cruising around on Monsoon HAHAHAH+++++
>nothing phases me
>see tiny fire elite
Real men don't need artificer or huntress booty.
They only need shrooms.
yep, it rolls your procs again
host when
see >he doesn't have the mod to fix headhunter
109775240998729925 EU vanilla
>Gesture of the drowned
>Glowing meteorite
Should I get them?
>Can kill every single normal boss easily
>Even 10 Blazing Stone Titans don't phase me
>Overloading Magma Worm
>Can't kill it and it kills me
Who the fuck decided to make overloading worms tanky as fuck
>"men" getting carried by baby sentry guns
you're better than this user
Literally turn it into a risk of rain user.
How do I solo Mercenary? It's a pain in the ass killing flying shit
My turrets are part of my body same as sword being just an innuendo for merc's penis.
r m2 shift shift shift
fucking yes
Damn no wonder i was hitting lighting bombs and bleed everywhere
unironically, if you cant kill flying shit you need to git gud. You have more then enough tools to use to kill flying shit easily
That was a fun MP run.
Do you like fun?
Can you dodge?
Yes that combo will legit carry you through games but you better dodge
1 more for 4 man
If blazing elites were nerfed, how would runs get ended except from boredom-related kysing?
Can a draw do this with a titan with like 6 stickies
I shit you not a Single bazong hit will end runs.
Yes BUT WARN your teammates.
Because if its jew lizard room you will kill them.
T.Meteorite user
The problem I have with games that use swarms of enemy to judge difficulty... they all don't have enough enemies.
Increase enemy count by 25% for each difficulty.
items are all wrong
why does everyone meme merc with backup mags when huntress is the one that's actually more useful with them
Unless you have a bunch of Will o the Wisps then it's not worth it to get near him.
I did it during a Monsoon MP session (also had a couple fuel cells). Everyone died and I was the last man remaining since I was a 20+ shroom engie. God that was fun.
Not much later I died a horrible death, still. Not enough Tougher Times.
I do not regret it one bit.
when the blighted are added in
right now the game stops spawning enemies after you pass a certain point because it's trying to spawn them
>Huntress uses the lens sideways
>Puts banana mags in her head so it looks like hair
It's pretty funny seeing items you have show up on your character
I could easily add this, but it wouldn't necessarily make the game harder
enemy spawns are based on a budget.
it's crucial for staying in the air. with alien heads you can never touch the ground.
I'm the guy who downloaded RoR 1 a few days ago.
The game is fine, relics make it much better especially Glass which in my opinion should be a default game mode. But I'm done, the game is too flawed and at the end of the day with very little actual content.
What's everybody opinion on the last boss? I feel like he's very poorly designed.
it's almost like you hate fun, but everyone memes merc with them because they like beyblades.
lobby when
How did this happen? I assume picking Gesture up before you have an active goofs it?
Because the ground is lava
You mean brass balls? I guess although it would need to spam a ton of them to hit you during a misstep once you reach mach speed.
Sure the game breaks eventually but I mean what else currently makes you go 'oh fuck better watch out for that one' once you're all roided up.
>right now the game stops spawning enemies after you pass a certain point because it's trying to spawn them
not exactly, the director has a budget larger than 4 elite bosses, and thus it considers everything a "too small spawn" and too small spawns are skipped
did you try
It makes 4 elite bosses never considered "too small spawn"
I've offered to implement blighted mobs as well, but I never get any feedback on what I should do with them, do I just make their multipliers higher & give them all three elite affixes or do I give them some of the implemented but not currently used affixes
Do I try to give them some items? if so, which would work well for them?
But it has more content than RoR2 currently does?
And Providence wasn't the best boss, but he was the only one that actually felt like a proper boss because of the multiple phases of the fight.
Chris Chris has a fucking hurdle to top Precipitation as a boss theme
Gesture makes it so your on use items have reduced cd but have auto use
Meteor will summon meteors from the sky that like a fucking truck and apply your items on whoever gets hit.
By themselves they are very good
Together they turn the game from risk of rain to risk of run
yeah, try to not pick up gesture unless you already have an active, it will end in your death or a ctd
gesture does weird shit anyway
Drone it.
this game is super gay, you can't get past 40 minutes in monsoon like you could in the first risk of rain
give them 1000 stacks of will-o-the-wisp so that if anyone dies everyone dies
My issue is that as a last boss it shits on critical possible builds.
Like an 'On Death' build is completely useless against him.
I feel that a last boss for a game like this should be strong, but viable against all kind of builds.
two possible outcomes
>dude fuck off I got one shot
Spoken like a true pussy
post the rest
also are the archives still being updated?
make it gasoline then, so that everyone slowly burns to death instead
>see shrine of order
>touch it
I guess I don't really mind being invisible forever
the game is playable as is and I would rather just wait for hopoo, even if it takes a year. the only mod I really cared about is the 16 player lobby.
also blighted aren't really blighted unless they are invisible half the time.
Do you want a lizard gf Yea Forums?
actually wait, due to one shot protection nobody else would die
lads, can anyone with a spare copy treat a fellow user?
why did hopoo give a beetle ass and tits
When I had meteor and gesture it worked normally - auto-use meteor with 1/2 cooldownm, which was still fairly long.
just use the cannon on him
fuck, you're right.
He truly is /ourguy/
I mean it also has 16 player lobby
>also blighted aren't really blighted unless they are invisible half the time.
I wonder if the stealth buff actually makes them invisible to the enemy team, if so I could MAYBE do that
Why is fire damage so overtuned?
Unless they had less than 90% health.
>Brittle Crown doesn't work with engie turrets
just get ifrit's distinction bro :^)
Does she really have them?
He came from Yea Forums, why do you think they gave Huntress a big ass, and gave the beetle queen a fat ass and big tits.
your turrets get money
if you place them near a chest & they get enough money, they can open the chest & take the item
it actually does, but the turrets have their own gold counter seperate from yours, just like infusion.
I mean yeah you can win with any build, but the way he's designed trivialize most builds. How can you not see this as a problem?
To provide you with enemies that can actually kill you in the late game.
Wtf is this game? Every thread I see has webms full of particle effects and I can't figure out if it's a survival game or arpg or what
>He's never experienced beyblading up a magma worm with 20 backup mags.
It's like you're actually anime. Also shitters don't know that merc can attack through his skills so endless beyblades massively increases his damage output since you can M1 through them as well.
Is hunter the best class simply because you never have to aim?
Yes. What do you think queens glands is.
it makes your chest and butt bigger on huntress/artificer
You know it
That's a rookie mistake though.
if you are disabled then yes
it's a japanese real-time strategy/rhythm/third-person shooter cross-genre erotic experience.
>if you place them near a chest & they get enough money, they can open the chest & take the item
W-what? You're not just messing with me, are you?
Trust nobody, not even your turrets
No, I want an Acrid bf. Or Ifrit.
Then make pretty much anything else deal damage intead
Dying in RoR feels like falling asleep at the wheel
she can't snipe so no
unlike her ror1 counterpart where she can kill enemies offscreen
Should I do solo or quickplay rn?
Binding of Isaac + Doom
>when your turret gets a spooky mask & decides to kill you for your ghost
Have you tried looking into it
>tfw only one pic of Artificer transformation
>it's not the tar one
i keep the constant threads, help a bro out
I thought you were complaining he was too hard. he's fuckin easy. he's too easy. the stage is harder than him, beating prov is just what you do when you get bored of looping.
play with Yea Forums
RoR is a journey, not just the destination.
i keep missing the constant threads
i also keep missing words out of sentences apparently
early game it doesnt really matter outside of mass wisp spawns during tp and late game you dont really have to aim on anyone
she cant really kite like she used to so shes not that great
here, this webm shows what the game is about
>Go to get loot after boss is dead
>Turret #1: r?
>Turret #2: r
>(You): w
>They start the teleporter anyway
This and Enforcer please.
>They add enforcer
>Take away his shield
I kinda want a shotgun guy
>(You): r?
>Turret 1: r
>Turret 2: w
>turn around to look at Turret 2
>it's staring intently at a chest 2m away
USE 109775240998768317 1/4 vanilla
Absolutely not. She doesn't do enough damage imo. For getting into later stages without the scaling getting out of control, you need to kill fast. Huntress stays alive, but doesn't kill fast enough. Still my fav or tied for favorite class.
I think Engineer and Merc are much better from a purely strength factor.
Other than the Lizard stuff. Loader has little art for himself.
Never seen him with other survivors like the others either.
Action game, you get one life to fight increasingly difficult hordes of enemies. Killing gives you cash to open randomly spawning chests that contains powerups ranging from garbage to godlike. You can unlock stuff for future runs by beating special challenges. There is multiplayer. It's >early access so we're expecting a bunch more content to be added - there's no real win condition at the moment, you fight until you're killed or until you decide to oys.
Same. Although I'd like him to keep his shield, but give it monster hunter lance style hops.
>Never seen him with other survivors like the others either.
Too busy fucking Lemurians to talk to the other survivors.
>tfw I haven't ran into any of the old risky players from RoR 1 yet.
Shield would be really useful right now. Not sure why people don't think it wouldn't work. Blocking damage from one or two key enemies would be amazing.
She kills plenty fast if you stop looking for nothing but backup mags and actually get some attack speed. Her auto aim means she's the easiest to survive as late game because you can go full movement speed and focus on nothing but zooming around.
>For getting into later stages without the scaling getting out of control, you need to kill fast. Huntress stays alive, but doesn't kill fast enough.
What is banana mag
I never used my steam profile name for my in game name in RoR 1, but in RoR 2, I dont have a choice
I hope hopoo gives you the choice to put in a player name instead of using your steam profile name
Overloading Magma Worms should be pants-shittingly difficult every time you see one, no matter how many items you have. It serves as a good filter to see if you actually have skill or just got lucky with items.'s always about how lucky you got with items.
The main question is how low his mobility gets, and how easily he can shift between shield and unshielded. If he can still jump around with wax doves, then it'd be good for blocking lasers/vagrant blasts and stuff. If he can whip it out and then quickly put it away it'd be fantastic.
If it just forces you to stand still like a sitting duck it'd probably suck.
I'd agree with you, but the thing that made magma worm hard in the original was because it was faster, did more damage, and had a larger hitbox so staying away and not getting hit was a skill based thing.
In ror2 it's tanky as fuck, so not getting hit is more of a luck based thing then skill based
GET IN 3/4.
is there more to this?
>play commando
>hose leccyworm with item effects from halfway across the map
Nothin' personnel.
The problem is they aren't particularly difficult, but they have a ridiculous amount of health. The difference between if you got lucky or not, is just if the fight takes 2 minutes or 20.
>have mediocre items
>stand from far away shooting it
>run away when it gets close
>whittle its health down over 4 minutes
Damn, I'm super skilled. Worms are extremely non-threatening assuming you're aware of their presence. They're just a bit tedious in how they evade you underground.
They're not even very threatening to Merc assuming you have some airtime items, and don't stand near them on the ground.
True but only to an extent. If you get absolute dogshit items, you won't be able to get very far no matter what you do, but that happens very rarely no matter who you play. Skill in this game is more about adapting to the items the game gives you and being able to use them to their maximum effectiveness.
True, I hope hopoo makes them a bit quicker and smarter and takes their health down about 1/3.
>Worms in RoR2 launch high in the air for no apparent reason.
Also should Hopoo put indicators like the first game?
>be commando with 30 sticky bombs
>completely fucking destroy worm from across the map in less than 15 seconds
Wow, really scary boss.
I was pissed when I had my best run ever, got back to the startt... and then the teleporter didn't spawn so I was fucked.
Is there anyway for official clients to play with cracked copies? tried "connect" in the console but it doesn't work.
>been playing since launch and never even used drizzle mode at all
>never had a "so OP the game's broken" runs unlike 70 % of these threads filled with 30 stacks of every item
>best run I had was 11 stages as MUL-T solely because of tesla coils
>78 hours in
Fucking how?
Quick tippy
If you find the teleporter, and see a blue orb circling the pedestal, there is a Mountain Shrine somewhere on the map
take the monsoon pill
Fine have your fucking lobby
I just said I hope hopoo makes the boss harder and smarter. Everytime I see "The Reminder" no matter how good of a build I've got, I want to go, "oh shit, here's where the real fight begins"
Any south america/Brazil lobbies?
US east works too
I did 3 days ago. never went back to rainstorm ever again and still die around stage 8
>didn't spawn
if it was distant roost i bet you fucking anything that it was pic related.
you cannot spot it from a distance unless you actually go there to check for it.
do i
Use the damn printers user. Who gives a shit if you lose your 1 syringe and 1 backup mag when you have 9 other items you can be turning into good ones like stickies. Other than that, always be jumping and moving so that those ranged attacks miss you. Watch out for lasers, and fight things like vagrants near cover.
yes of course
Make them do less damage over time
Allow sprinting or dashing to put you out instantly
The answer is always yes and the result is always bad
which artifacts with ModAnon to get the most fun possible ?
The blue orb means there's going to be a shop. Does a mountain shrine always spawn on a stage where the shop is there without using the newt altar?
incoming first aid/whips/headstompers
With the way the particles are now the only place you have to check to deduce it's there if you don't see particle effects is the location through the doors that can be closed.
Do you die in like the first loop?
>nearly 200 minutes
The game is literally about to stop spawning enemies so you may as well ruin your build and end the run.
no, never. I always finish the first loop, but 90% of my deaths are always second loop when I don't have enough power/health to wipe out the spawning bosses
enemies have already stopped spawning
HOLY FUCK, what a run, got a 3D pritner for bombs and Sywinges, my turrets were killing machines.
But in the end, I got a REMINDER
A lot of the really crazy screenshots are the result of a modded game that lets you get many more items.
wops heres the pic
Its not fair merc bros...
I'm surprised there aren't any crying/pissed merc images, especially considering how often he gets cucked
Hudson need not apply you ameritard bastard
finally, ive died
Dynamite plunger when?
I ended up with 18 energy drinks and I died jumping to the edge of the map
Fucking golem
>get red item
>le jump boots
>frost relic
every time
I feel like this game hasn't perfectly translated to 3d. It's a shame becuase I wanted a bit more from this game, but it's still in early access so fuck it.
All that said, this game is awesome, at least on par with the first one.
Also I miss Bandit.
How do Queen's Gland stack?
You turned into a rocket ship.
didnt mean to reply
you just get more beetle buddies
you get one beetle boi for every gland
moar beetles
>Hating on Martian moon shoes.
I cannot fathom how anyone can be this bad at video games. You should consider being a video game journalist.
109775240998805127 EU
Imo the most balanced, and best/most consistent for solo play
on my fucking dick
Damn, a possible army? Works for me, thought it would give them more health and damage.
So whats the logic behind the chests locking at teleporter activation? Do they only lock in a certain radius, or are they all supposed to lock until completed? Because I've seen some chests still work while the teleporters charging
Artificer is FAT
Why does a beetle need tits?
what does procs mean user?
Go away
fuck waifufags
fucking disgusting degenerates get the fuck off my board
more when
i've been having this shit with the menu for a while, if i quit a run i have to quit the game, otherwise, it softlocks itself,does anyone else have this?
I fucking hate humans
to feed all her children, duh
just played a game with Sacrifice and Command
kinda feels like cheating but it's a lot more fun
early game it doesn't drop too many items to make it OP but later it saves you the trouble of looting all the small shit
Does anyone have a reference sheets for any of the survivors? I want to draw someone but I'm not sure who
My steam name is different to my handle
Maybe her butt hurts
Do you not realize how terrible that would be? Turrets facetank everything so you'd be out of gold for the entire level
Cheating is even worse than being a drizzlet.
Requesting a meme edit/draw of the spicy keychain but instead it's hopoo games burning a survivor with a blazing elite.
still super worth it on him, just stack a bunch of fireworks and fire at some enemies yourself for gold, you can basically spend all your time looting while getting gold for it
I second this
Fun fact there's a type of beetle called Whirligig beetles that have chemical substances that they produce to defend themselves that young women in East Africa lets them bite their tits, as it also acts like a hormone-like steroid in breast development
Hopoo ain't that deep though.
The heck? You're not supposed to be here.
it can also be rusty keys
yeah i had this too how do you fix that shit?
i really really wish this was a thing
I don't know
Why does Sniper have a shotgun?
>you weren't using the printer to give me fungus
he doesn't
I made it for him :)
source then? this has to go deeper, user
how do I fix this it's very annoying
host modded please
Thank you. Now please make Enforcer pls and thx.
They seem to be stuck under that pillar. Lucky, I guess.
Dab on em
i see that awful flavor text in the chatbox, you got one of the worst spawn modifiers in the game just behind the golem one
i fucking hate getting this one on monsoon
when you say enforcer, what part of him are you referring to?
Shotgun, shield & knockback seems pretty easy to replicate by modifying things already in the game, the ult looks much harder however
chests within the TP bubble dont get locked, all the others do until 100%
Is merc OP or am I just gitting gud?
I can consistently now get to the third and fourth level and beyond before I die to something, and i'm only playing merc. Before only character I could do that with was artificer because of her damage.
or could it be that blasting the mgr soundtrack is giving me strength to proceed
All of him. Make him work in 3D the best you can. pls and thank
Hopoo has always had deviant tastes.
>Is Merc OP?
>Third or Fourth level
That childlike innocence. Keep it.
I need the full image, pretty please
Ultimate best early game pickup: drones of any kind.
to be fair, the third and fourth level is where the games difficulty kinda just doesnt get any harder. Sure it spawns bosses as enemies, but past that you can do whatever you want and take your time as the difficulty just doesnt get any harder overall.
Post soundtracks with characters
>DOOM 2016 OST
>Monster Hunter OST
Worth? Probably not.
sauce me, bro
Where my modded lobbys at ?
Yeah, drones are really good early on. I stopped buying them for a while because they become useless and then die mid-game, but they'll help you get there really well. And they make great distractions for all the trash to help you from getting overwhelmed during a boss before you have good damage.
>mall/elevator music
us south/east
Can confirm
The fuck are the odds?
drones are always nice because it draws some aggro away from you and enemies can never hit the fucking things for some reason. the less wisps shooting bullshit at me the better I say
can you kill shop guy or does he just warp you away always?
Show me WEBMS
WEBMS that makes me want to BUY this game!
Rip no pic
Could anybody post the .dll that makes artifacts work? Cant find it on the pastebin.
>should Hopoo put indicators like the first game?
i think they should, it'd make it easier to aim Huntress's 4th ability.
>He bought gesture of the drowned?
>Crash eet
>Cant find it on the pastebin.
must not have looked very hard
Installation instructions for mod: (Version: v1.4.1 || 5th April 16:08 CET)
Anybody else think the soundtrack this time around sucks some ass compared to the first game?
Except for maybe the menu music
how can you top this kino?
the dll from pastebin makes them work
any EU lobby?
Since ror2 is 3D drones have a 3D plane to navigate around projectiles and rarely get smashed to bits, stage 1-2 drones last all the way until loop 3 for me.
you can
>it's a blue meteorite episode.
It is more mediocre, theres less of a feeling of being trapped on a hostile alien world, and more of an adventurous, exploring said alien world feel instead. Which makes sense since it seems like our characters went back to said planet they escaped to retrieve items or someshit they left behind.
normal est
>M1: shotgun blast
>M2: shield slam
>SHIFT: block (hold, either seamless or anim speed set by attack speed)
>R without blocking: stun grenade
>R while blocking: SHIELD FUCKING CHARGE damage set by speed like mul-t, can direct and aim because enforcers now have a jetpack because fuck you that's why
both R share cd obviously
block has no speed penalty: either disables your jump and makes you shoot faster like in ror1, or the other way around to compensate for the extra protection, maybe the former would be better since the later might become a joke when using gorillion syrynges but then again the former also might as well given enough movement shits
I don't know mang, a man can dream
> You are not allowed to view this image due to the content filter settings.
nigga I aint making no fucking furaffinity account
rip loader
Well, Engi is easy mode indeed, but I didn't even need the turrets anymore at the end, just stopped cause nothing but bosses spawned anymore, for some reasons they stopped giving me lunar coins and my frame rate got to single digits constantly.
I also don't have a single mod nor anything of the sort.
>content filter
Shit. Can you post it on imgur instead? If not, thanks anyway friend
that was even worse than I imagined
16 person online:
>enemy bodyblocks me in a corner
>dash on cd
Yeah its kinda lacking. The teleporter boss-battle tracks are great but the map themes are oddly generic
Nevermind, thanks
I found several dlls, none of them specifically said if it made the artifacts work or not. Thanks for the links.
Thanks. Is it possible to turn off the 16 man lobby thing and keep it at 4 while having the artifacts? Im not sure if it would even matter if im not hosting.
just eviscerate bro
>just stopped cause nothing but bosses spawned anymore
it only buys things that aren't below its budget, at that point, elite "normal" units were below its budget
> for some reasons they stopped giving me lunar coins
lunar coin chance lowers for every lunar coin you get in a run
I had the same thing with Pauls Goat Hoofs today, so maybe a bug?
is han-d actually going to function well in the game?
seems like he'll struggle since his current kit doesn't have a lot of ways to deal with aerial enemies.
>do well
>fire attack of any sort touches me
how do I make shadowplay work on this? also why is the steam overlay so fucking slow?
the change log is incremental
unless I forgot something, it'll have the previous things
lol, never seen a man so hilariously in denial
Fair enough. I'll keep that in mind for the future.
Would be cool if Commando's burst fire ability could fire at a secondary enemy via an auto-aim or something so as to make it more similar to the RoR 1 version. Also if his default shooting pattern was more of a two shot burst with slight pause instead of just continuous alternating shots.
he's getting a grappling hook
The biggest threat right now is that super tanky worms can take really long to kill, which from a meta perspective is really harmful (due to wasting more time on a single level while scaling is still going up) and it's just not fun.
still waiting on 2
You guys make it sound like he isn't getting his mini bots and overclock back.
I swear, if Hopoo removes them.
Nothing. Nothing will ever exactly copy the feel of RoR1's OST. Being trapped on a hostile planet after you attempted to strip it from its precious resources, knowing far too well that you're the sole target of all the lifeforms, that you will only become more and more desperate to escape.
Then you get to the UES Contact Light. The atmosphere is more and more tense, and this song starts to play.
Desperate hope for survival, and an alien race's attempt to stop you from leaving the planet alive, because once you do, they know you will be back for more. Which will ultimately lead to the extinction of their planet due to their resources being stripped clean once your next fleet of soldiers and engineers arrive for the next wave.
It's them, or you. A whole planet, or a crew of alien tyrants.
Not saying he dropped the ball on RoR2, but it's early access still. New tracks WILL be added. A story is bound to continue.
How do we make commando M2 good and how is it making it into the Righteous Bison?
if that's his only option for aerial enemies, then he's still going to struggle compared to someone like mercenary.
overclock is probably coming back, but idk about the mini bots.
what the fuck is this place
this is a thing?
Risk of rain world?
Commando is the pseudo mid-range tank class. Good at running, put plenty of healing on him and make sure he takes the aggro. Only good until loop 2, since everything will eventually two-shot him and he won't be able to keep up.
Welcome home.
somebody post their full Beetle Queen collection on imgur already. I know somebody is making one.
overclock is coded in, but currently 3 of his abilities are hammer swing, big aoe fuck off hammer slam & grappling hook
they might make overclock his utility
It's his M2 so you can backup mag it and it's on like a 4s cd
Somewhere you should come back with 10 lunar coins to unlock artificer
currently there is a bug where the enemy spawn director gets too much funds and can't spawn anyone since it won't be big enough of a spawn
NA east
Buy items of double edgedness.
user here is correct.
Going off of the game files his grapple hook will have two functions,
The First Function being like ROR 1 Loader where he can grab onto an object and grapple towards said object.
The Second Function being the Grapple Hook can drag aerial enemies to the ground to be hammered into submission.
Hes getting Overclock, hes drones are most likely being given to Sniper when hes further along into development.
lizard jew island
>No mini bot drone buddies
>Literally saved me in situations of healing and damaging enemies especially cornered.
It's not fucking fair bros, my janitorial sons are gone
why did it have to be this way
What if his overclock removes the cooldown on his M2?
I really loved that sweet ass motif segment or whatever I don't know how to call it mostly all songs from ror1 shared, no such thing in 2 so far, or I didn't notice it.
EU 109775240998864147
fresh lobby
I really hope Loader still gets added despite his grappling hook being given to HAN-D
Really hoping this is actually for Loader and he was just testing it on HAN-D since HAN-D's model is made, but his kit isn't complete. I'd be really sad if Loader doesn't make it in, or if he has his thunder stolen by HAN-D.
>Loader getting a grappling hook
No user Loader with be able to grab enemies
>assuming he's even getting in
i've said this a billion times. he was dropped in favor of Merc. MUL-T is his replacement. get over it.
MUL-T got stun drones, he also has code for heal drones
his overclock seems like it'll heal in this game tho
I feel like it's going to pull you regardless
i loved when commando did that in RoR1 im mad it didn't carry over
>artificer's shift isn't a circle
>doesn't knock up targets
>Has no movement abilities
we'll see user
we'll see
I doubt they'd have made a model for him if they weren't planning on putting him in
that's the reason sniper & paladin don't have a model yet
it stuns, wouldn't a knockup just make it worse since it'd make it harder to hit them?
Think he means
>When they come back down take fall damage or shatter
> had a good run going with 2 other anons
> get dc'd at snowland
the fuck
If HAN-D's hook pulled enemies towards him, then it wouldn't really be stepping on Loaders toes. That's even assuming HAN-D with grapple will even actually be added at some point and he wasn't just dropped.
Redpill me on huntress. Why is she so good?
Paladin's probably not gonna be in, but I have a feeling that Sniper is because they showed a gif of being scoped in and killing wisps.
barely better than artificer desu
Im ready to commit maximum tax fraud
If you've seen Chris's stuff on Instagram it's painfully obvious he's holding back and he's subverting (I think that's the right word?) expectations. He's gonna come out with some good shit I believe.
she's good on damage at the start, so you put more focus on speed/support items, idiot
We will definitely get the best songs when the full game comes out.
HAN-D was likely their first attempt at a melee character. The reason they have him modeled is because they got up to the point where they wanted to test out his abilities to see how viable they are. obviously they stopped after realizing the grappling hook shit wasn't going to work, so they shifted gears to Merc, who clearly translated better into 3D.
MUL-T was made as the replacement robot, because they wanted to at least have a beep boop character in the game.
and then you have this tweet from hopoo himself, which is the final nail in the coffin for every unreleased character except for bandit.
What happens when you fire the Crowdfunder with the Brittle Crown?
>tracks so far being a bit mediocre is somehow 4d chess
doubt.jpg but yeah that stuff is more in line with what RoR should sound like. Probably also more complex to nail, therefore not yet implemented
>that first one
oh well
how do I git gud?
>he's subverting expectations
This was fun.
Tax Fraud.
Either way this would be fantastic:
>Loader's grappling fist pulls him towards enemies
>So long as he keeps a combo going, the grappling fist's cooldown resets
>Grappling and pummelling wisps in the air alongside merc
>Loader's grappling fist pulls enemies towards him
>Can pull down wisps, use them as stepping stones to get higher in the air
>monkey smashing around with big loader arms on the ground, pulling aerials down, thinking they can escape
>you are the king of the jungle
>Drone buddies have a chance
Based Hopoo
Still waiting for my sweet bandit boy to come home.
chris would be my favorite music artist fucking ever, if he subverted expectations until like 1.0 and we get this shit.
The sound design in general is a bit lacking. Why is the level up sound so generic now when it had one of the coolest jingles ever in the previous games?
Why don't boxes do that satisfyingly silly "BLING" anymore?
we need an image of the newt rubbing his hands together
That's obviously damage control
Early game: Powerful AoE glaive that kills trash for you, and deals heavy damage to priority targets assuming there is something else nearby.
Late game: Auto aim left click means you can go all in on mobility items and focus purely on avoiding being hit while dealing heavy damage without having to worry about aim.
Also she has one of the best mobility skills. It never becomes useless unlike Commando's, and is just an instant "oh fuck get me out of here" button.
>The reason they have him modeled is because they got up to the point where they wanted to test out his abilities
so why isn't sniper modeled when he has as many abilities as HAN-D?
Why didn't they test HAN-D's most important skills during the prototype stage?
>which is the final nail in the coffin for every unreleased character except for bandit.
you seem to misunderstand "not all datamined content is coming" with "no datamined content is coming"
Please stop before this "holding back" meme actually starts catching on
the space merchant's shack
you can buy his sex slave for just 10 lunar (plus tip)
t. chris
Pros: Doesn't get hit/very mobile, good trash clearing/multi-target attacks
Cons: Lacking in single-target damage, low health (for when you do get hit)
I don't really get why that first track isn't playing fully on snow level. We only have the first part while second part has all the energy and action. But well, it's early access after all. Overall I'm really happy with music.
>Why yes, I was holding back and gave you the half assed ost for Early Access, how did you know?
why are all japs and gooks on twitch playing as the huntress?
>Try out the meteor with drowned.
>Works well
>Works too well that all I hear is ticking noises
Keep playing, learn enemies' tells for their attacks, learn what items are good and in what combination/amount. Never stop moving.
>Why yes, I'm still holding back during the full release
>I'm waiting for the GOTY edition to release the true soundtrack
>don't need to aim anything but her R
>Even that you don't even use her R for the damage but to dodge stuff
wheres the modded lobbies, we dont even need to play with artifacts, I just like to play han-d. Every lobby is vanilla and its making me sad
no it isn't. what I described is normal in game development. you try out things and drop shit that doesn't work.
>so why isn't sniper modeled when he has as many abilities as HAN-D?
dropped him earlier in development
>Why didn't they test HAN-D's most important skills during the prototype stage?
they must have felt good enough initially about his abilities to make a model and texture for him, but eventually stopped at the grapple because it was one of those "good on paper" type things that didn't really work as well as they hoped.
>you seem to misunderstand "not all datamined content is coming" with "no datamined content is coming"
did you even read my post? I said the only character that has a chance is bandit. not that ALL of the characters aren't coming.
>100 word ehsay due tomorrow
>all I can think of is playing ror2
I believe this is grounds for a lawsuit, prepare you're ass hopoo
>unbox red
>wake of you-fucking-die-in-one-hit-if-you-kill-a-shield-enemy
Just helped two new players to Merc unlock, fells good man.
was a pretty awful run, I didn't manage to get any loot on the 3rd stage cause webm related
Shrooms and Concepts though
i had a pretty damn good commando run a few days ago, got him pretty low but he just managed to teleport me out before he died
maybe ill get a good sticky + syringe build with him one day to really see what happens when his health his 0
US East Unmodded lobby, all items unlocked
fun balls and glass when? dont tell me everything is being replaced with lunar coin shit
Unlock items. It's extremely stupid how some crucial for some classes items are locked behind stupid challenges. Best way is to do all of them asap and then finally enjoy the game.
report it on the official discord bug report channel
inb4 hopoo told chris to not worry about making a great soundtrack for eaccess and as soon as it goes on sale chris starts working on the final half of the ost for us and it's his best work yet
because according to the lore, it used to be human
Post OC.
>your version: >Mod user
>their version: 74859230
Which log entry did you read this?
Post it
us south/east van9illa
>30 lunar coins, everything unlocked
>still can't force myself to spend them
>playing with Yea Forums
>find meteorite and use it
>whiny faggots tell me to stop it
What's wrong with all of you? Do you hate fun? Fuck you
what's that mean?
>play drizzle after a few really intense rainstorm/monsoon runs that lasted until 4 AM to wind down
>all engineer
>run ends eons later when we get dabbed on my Aurelion
>me and a bud have The Backup and 20 fuel cells
>other bud has 40 bustling fungus
>tfw The Boys get healed by his ground turrets for 1700 HP per second in a radius slightly larger than the teleporter radius
everyone should play drizzle at least once to see how boo boo fucking busted it is compared to the rest of the game. maybe it was the sleep deprivation but i was about to cry every time we hit 40 combined charges of the Backup and my fps dropped like a reddit baby
it means that I have 16 man, artifacts, and characters unlocked. So I can't play
I think it's the entry for the aqueduct level?
the tar turned the person writing the log into a bug
Based. Holding on to Lunar coins is the true way to gague how good your run is. The more you have when you die, the easier to tell how good your run was.
>playing with Yea Forums
>Find meteorite
>finds brittle crown
>He'll use at the start and when the boss starts
>Same user finds Gesture of the drowned
>not backing up all your shit beforehand
You did this to yourself, user
Fuck. That build was fucking great
>learn that merc's m1 can be held during his other attacks to keep doin damage
>shit just plain melts
Pretty sure that emtry implied he was turn into a clayman.
im not a fan of lunar coins desu. its gonna get to the point where everyone has too many to use or just cheats infinite amounts.
>Magma Worm and Vagrant logs unlocked
good fucking lord you deserve it
never knew that, so thanks for pointing that out.
i hope they don't patch it out.
No, it wasn't there - I know that one. It was the two-tier map. I transversed the entire map like 5 times over half-an-hour and didn't see any particles whatsoever.
You might be right, but CHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT sounds way more like bug noises than clayman noises
Plus, there are no claymen yet and that level is absolutely swarmed with bugs.
that wasn't even as bad as I imagined
Lunar coins are a man's trophy. NEVER use them.
The zappy dildo nearly ended my sucessfull 20 stages run, luckily I had one of the red Teddys.
>these items.
>invalid id
I was stronger before trading most of the common items, even without a single sticky.
I wouldn't say tac roll becomes useless. If anything it becomes more useful later on because it gives you better air control and once you have some speed on you it actually moves you further than half a foot.
does he stay with me when I teleport?
EU vanilla 109775240998895911
no lag edition
user, you're going like 4 times slower than you should. Your items were fine, pretty good even. But you completed 2 stages in nearly 40 minutes.
Yes, he gets stuck really easily though, please be patient with him.
He also cant heal on his own.
he did say it was vanilla user
stationaries never come along and i wish they did
Oh my god why is commando so fucking baaaaaed
>Two behemoths
RNG fucked you
so i've seen brown teddies and white teddies
but what does a BLACK teddy do? is it from dios that were used up?
Because you never live long enough to see how good he is.
NA east
I didn't see the stage count. Holy shit user, what the fuck was going on with him?
27 syringes and still only got through 2 stages?
He's a tanky boi, only good for running towards the enemy to draw aggro. Melee characters will do better and make commando useless in the future though which is sad
yes, the black teddies are used up dios.
EU, modded, no artifacts, max 4 players
aee there any references to Yea Forums stuff like there were in the first game
>You died lol
>Git gud
>maybe you should play on Drizzle
> $Name request a difficulty drop
I respectfully disagree - way too defensive. Like 20 minutes of that was the 3rd stage because I couldn't fucking kill anything. By the time I got flame/explosion I couldn't do much.
all drones self heal, just very slowly.
NA four player
Two behemoths is fantastic. Sure, one clover and one behemoth would be better, but multiple behemoths is still really really good. Far better than that big chest giving you a rose buckler.
You couldn't kill anything because you went so slow. The difficulty ramps up far more from time spent in game than it does for advancing stages. Stop trying to get every single item each stage. You're making yourself weaker. Just go to the next stage after you've cleared the easily accessible areas where there will be plenty more chests waiting for you.
Quick lads, which should I keep on my commando - Royal Capacitor or SUCC QUBE? Keep in mind I've already got tesla coil
you mean this
NA four player
Goddamn, every time I play commando and get a rose buckler I just wanna stand completely still and let the beetle guards eat me alive.
Taking requests
Behemoth doesn't scale is the problem, it's always a flat 60% damage increase and the only thing a second one gives is a slightly bigger explosion. It's no wake of vultures, but seeing a second one in single player causes me to die a little inside
I've been doing my best not to read any guides and figure out the game for myself, but what does donating to the Newt altar do besides make a shop portal appear?
Always capacitor, Succ Cube will betray you at a bad moment and suck something you didn't want succ'd
Nothing, that's all it does, gaurantee a shop portal. They can appear at random though.
NA four playerrrrr
items have a x% chance to proceed to do something
with clovers it rolls several times
Engineer playing pattycake with a lizard in his shield bubble while chaos occurs in the background with the other characters fighting everything.
Should I get this game? I'm not really a rogue-like guy but I somewhat enjoyed Enter the Gungeon and the last shooter RL I played was Ziggurat (which is great).
pic related, it's how I like my rogue-likes (other than card based ones)
Thanks buddy, wasn't sure if I was missing something
this with mercenary
I too will take requests
lewd ones too
>have a perfect huntress run
>this is it lads, time for that stage 20 rainstorm
>slingbell unto the ground and get gibbed by a spike rupturing my anus into a 6 foot wide chasm
FUCK Hopoo
You'll love RoR2
Merc fucking a hot character, I'll leave that up to you
Even beetle If you're into that
every time I go down there with 10+ lunar cois artificer isn't there fuck you hopoo
Doesn't that oil in lore turn people into fucking [CHITCHITCHIT]
join faggots
There's also an item unlock for using 8 different shrines, they can appear in fixed locations, 2 in every environment as far as I know.
How the fuck are you guys going so goddamn slow, Jesus Christ.
artificer getting mating pressed by blazing elder lemurian
doin it then, lads
will play it for a while to get the hang of it before I try playing with any Anons
I don't want to ruin a run by being a shitter
shit can ramp up pretty hard in RoR, theres a lot of cool shit you can do in RoR and just about all items combo with each other
ex. tesla coil hits enemies around you and triggers on-hit items like stickybombs, so you can passively tag enemies with stickybombs
I still believe Blazing should basically be changed into being more of an igniting effect where your healing is halved, it can still damage you but just less
Literally who cares.
I saw that one. Do I have to use 8 individual locations? Or just 8 shrines total throughout my runs?
what the fuck
Because I met worms without capacitor as Huntress, jackass.
its sacrifice you faggot
give the guy some privacy
This with commander with glass
never got why gungeon got so much praise, it's slow as fuck and all the fun shit is hard-capped like boss damage, no duplicates, and spammable use items only triggering use-item synergies once in a while. So you're only allowed to use game approved™ ways to cheese the game like explosions spam and casey
>drizzlets struggle to reach 60 mins
>meanwhile I'm over 110 mins in a monsoon game with hardly even trying
Jesus christ, how bad can you guys be.
Rate my run. Going to see how far I can make it.
This but don't which characters
wait wtf
Artifacts are cheats idiot
Yeah, it's required to unlock an item that's semi-decent. Getting 3+ opinions in any run is fun.
>Great Engineer Run going on Monsoon
>Magma Worms start spawning as regular enemies
>Boss is a Magma Worm Horde
>Lose my Dio Bear and Die again trying to escape
I don't know where because here in Yea Forums your opinion seems to be one of the most common ones and I agree with you
>play on imac most of the time
>friend gets me ROR and we play it all the time
>have so much fun and pour so many hours into coop
>ROR 2 announced and comes out
>windows only
>my only PC shits itself
>Don't press E
>Just wait
I dont see gungeon threads here often but when it was at peak hype, it was defended to the death with "git gud" nonsense
I found a sticky printer that carried me this far.
>Also shitters don't know that merc can attack through his skills
You can spread them between runs but once you've activated a specific shrine it won't count if you use it again in a different run. They always appear in the same places so you can't just hit the 'same' shrine over and over.
>It gets good after 40 minutes!
I've never played any risk of rain games before.
Is this something I should get if I enjoy co-op games like l4d and vermintide? or does it play more like a mmorpg
so what the fuck is this supposed to be?
also does anyone know where the merc textures are?
this but with hunter
Miles/Kilometers per hour mod when?
I want to see how fast we're going. Either it's a really flat number because they didn't do the actual math of distance or we get doomguy tier scaling.
Yes, if you play it with others it's a co-op game. Also fun solo.
Each run is separate, they don't persist besides a few variable
It is a coop game. Best played with friends so you can talk to each other and share items and stuff. Also really fun in single player because you get all the items and can do increadibly overpowered builds. Coop with randoms is ok I guess but I personally don't like it that much.
god i want to be a small tiny bulge in her giant belly
Gesture of the Downed, but for skill cooldowns instead.
Closest to vermintide of those for sure, but faster paced, and more focused on movement.
Have any other context for this image?
isn't this the gold golem's?
I want a mod to disable that teleporter screen darkening, hurts the shit out of my eyes
its aurelionite's sword
I think it's hilarious that the UES crew are rolling up and murdering every body on the planet while being strapped by all sorts of mutating drugs and infused with the supernatural power of a billion SCPs
Arti/Hunt butt plug
go on....