Why do weebs get so triggered when you say you prefer the English voice actors over the Japanese?

Why do weebs get so triggered when you say you prefer the English voice actors over the Japanese?

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Why do retards think people should respect their retardation?

The game is literally set in Japan.
Why would you choose the inferior experience?

Have sex

I don't but the English voices in Sekiro are still asscheeks. No Gyoubu sounding cool doesn't make up for it. He's the one exception. Kuro sounds like a text to speech program ffs.

weebs are just retarde, really thats it

>Be non american
>Choose japanese dub
>There's no dub for your language
>People still sperg over you choosing japanese and not english

Every time

english is not my first language either and i vastly prefer english voice acting over the fucking cringe that is jap
cope more weeb

I don't speak Japanese.
Why should i spend time to look away from the action to read some subtitles?

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Because in this case, the english dub is shit. It's literally a cheap crew of american temps that do "voice acting" on the side complete with hideous california accents.

Nobody plays Bloodborne in Japanese because the English dub uses British stage, school and TV drama actors and is therefore actually good.

Low IQ argument

>he can't read using peripheral vision
Are you disabled user?

the english dub was made by activision, not from software
might as well play call of duty

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Hey Trump! Stop being a racist piece of shit!


Because seiyuus are the most skilled in the world at their craft. They appreciate their fans and always put 100% into their role. Those who dub over their work are cheap imitations.

Meanwhile, English VAs are a bunch of entitled SJW shitheads who only want money and fame and proceed to threaten to unionize when studios want to explore new or cheaper options for voice acting.

I'm going outside and burning a fuck ton of Styrofoam right now because you made this post.

>dark souls releases, has english voice acting
>japanese players "makes sense, the game is set in medieval europe after all"
>sekiro releases, has japanese voice acting

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Gaijin Gyobu doesn’t sound good either. WWE wrestling voices sound stupid in a world full of characters who pride themselves in being Laconic.

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thats a random thing to do

because it's worse

Say goodbye to the ozone, shitass.

>not burning Polystyrene

Please understand them. Amerifats have no contact with other languages other than Mexican Spanish. Anything that isn’t in English scares and confuses the American

i dont care, im not going to be alive 100 years from now

I make an effort to consume media in the language it was originally produced in whenever possible.

The VA for this game isnt that great and with A list

Kuro is the only decent one ane sekiro just fucking grunts or tries very hard to act emotionless

In case of an actual weeb (=Japanophile), why do you even need to ask that question, except to troll?

If you are asking (Me):
For Japanese games, Japanese VAs all the way.
For American/British games, English VAs all the way.
It's not about the language (or the people in front of the mic), but about being true to the creator's intention.
That is usually kept intact with the original dub, and grossly violated with the foreign dub.

It’s not like english is the most predominantly spoken language in the world. Or that games with literal aliens have all of them speaking human languages. You can have your jap dub, I’ll enjoy my english dub.

>Murricans trying to pronounce japanese words

I cringe every time

>”he said, typing in english”

>It’s not like english is the most predominantly spoken language in the world.
That's right, it's not.
But of course a typical dumb burger like you would think that.

>Americans stole English.
>They can't even invent their own language
Lets all laugh at America

Just play in the corny English then play again in Japanese

>It’s not like english is the most predominantly spoken language in the world.
It literally isn't.

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You’re right. I’m not afraid of foreign languages. Which is why I play sekiro the way the developers intended, in Japanese. There’s a reason it’s the default language. Bloodborne should be played in English.

Because anything that isn't from their ~*GLORIOUS KAWAII ANIME POCKYLAND DESUDESU =^______^=*~ makes them shit their pants and cry. There's appreciating nice things from Japan and then there's these giga niggers.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Exhibit D

Attached: kill yourself.jpg (960x660, 55K)

Sekiro has a bunch of actual translation errors anyways.
Activision is shit.

>forcing burgers to read and listen to a foreign language
>at the same time
Lord have mercy on them!

Posting that image is very counterproductive to your point, user.

>look guy i watch anime too please take me seriously

The dub is the easy mode. Change my mind

I'll try and actually answer the question, though its almost certainly yet another thin premise for a pointless argument that will not be solved here.
Everyone has their own reasons, but the primary two are as simply put as possible: A) As with written translation, they perceive that quality is often/always changed from the original intent, and that this is often/always a detriment. and B) sometimes they are denied access to this because international versions do not carry or have easy access to the original VA work.

There's more nuance to it, I could speak at length of the nature of VA work in Japan opposed to overseas. The strange effect of woolseyism, and the modern improvement/deviation (depending on studio) of VA direction for dubbing, and the simple fact that the option should always be offered for the original VA work because objecting to more options is almost always moronic. I'm really into VA work and have an incredibly underwhelming career in it, so accept there may be some bias in what I'm saying. However, the two points I've raised really are (at least I think) a fairly universal answer to: Why people get upset when someone else suggests they prefer English subs. Surprisingly, it actually has very little to do with your preference over the effects your preference has over their preference.



>implying English isn’t a meme lingo for European zoomers melded from German and Latin when they were the official languages

Weebs hate you because appealing to philestines corrupts the maestro's original masterpiss and then they have to get the original from a dodgy Chinese market stall printed out of macaroni.

>english dub was made by another company
>lol go play CoD

>nips speaking english
are you retarded?


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Weebs hate me? I play the games the way the developers intended it. In this case in Japanese.

Because they are ashamed of/disgusted by their own culture and heavily idealise Japanese culture.

The dub was made by activision. FromSoftware had nothing to do with it. Activision most likely forced from to have an English version.

ふく う ばか がいじん

I would too if I were American

'murricans are fucking gutter trash

For all I know all the Japanese voices are phoned in, but how would i know I'm not Japanese.

Same with Yakuza, for all I know they butchered the Chinese in that game and nobody give a shit.

100% Quality post
Based and Redpilled.

But French is just drunk Latin with German thrown in.

americans don't have culture to be ashamed of in the first place, unless you count racemixing to be culture, they're literally a bunch of fat disgusting shitskin nigger mongrel mutts

How am I a baka gaijin for playing a game the way its director wanted. Respecting the directors vision is the argument against an easy mode. If you decide to shit on his vision by playing in English you might as well be agreeing to an easy mode. It’s the same kind of rape on his vision

why do autists remake their shitty b8 threads two times in half an hour?

You shouls be able to tell tone pretty well regardless of language unless you're unironically autistic.
Like look up Musashi Gundoh, everything about the show is awful including the VA work and you don't need to know moonspeak to hear that

Normally it doesn't matter, but when the game explicitly states
>hey dipshit, play this in Japanese
on the title screen you end up looking like a dipshit when you don't.

Activision shouldn't have wasted money adding the dubs in the first place.

Listen to Gyobu or Owl or Isshin in Japanese and tell me those are phoned in performances. It’s some of the best VA work.

Also I hope you served sake to Isshin constantly to get his banter going.

Because the japanese dub clearly had the most effort put into it + the game is set in japan. I honestly have no idea why other dubs even fucking exist, waste of money. Subtitles are enough

Implying you would even understand his post if he didn't.

The Japanese voices sound like they actually tried the English sounds like they pulled some cheap VAs to read from a piece of paper

That's always the case, gaijin are soulless

For some reason I can't shake the feeling that should be "molden", but that's probably wrong.

At some point you should be able to tell just purely based on tone and inflection.

how could you possibly know how well the va is done if you dont speak the language you absolute retard

Why do anons post bait on the internet?

Yakuza 1 is the only good english dub because its so goofy it matches the quality and tone of the game.

No the problem is that activision did the dub. The bloodborne english VA is great

holy shit you are retarded

yeah you are

why the fuck did I have to be born a gaijin

pic related is proof English voice acting is superior.
btw what was his name?

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>supporting wester voice actors

Isshin, Owl, and Sculptor are fine in English. Everyone else is shit, though.

i mostly always go for subbed because i don't know japanese so even if the japanese voice acting is shit it's masked by a language barrier in a way that benefits me

I dont know, I played with the japanese voices

Melded is actually a better term. Moulded would imply it was shaped from nothing into something. Melded implies the pre-existence of two or more separate independent things combined into one.

The Japanese have 2 tones.

>Super over the top excited

If you can tell me that more than those two tones exist then I'll accept I have autism.

Underrated post

>this is what gaijin consider good voice acting

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You can hear the difference between monotone and fluctuation and power in any language. You can hear emotion and power in voices you can clearly tell the difference between someone yelling and mumbling

Gonna go with english voice on ng+

Learn to read.
I was suggesting that mold feels like an irregular verb (it isn't).

>jap voice screaming so jap voice must be good XD

“I’m going to waste some material/money in a lonely display of impotent spite, that’ll show em!”

Did you destroy your own shoes because of an advertisement as well?


He sounded intimidating in Japanese in English he sounds like a push over

>He sounded intimidating in Japanese

50% of communication is physical/body language
40% is tone/intonation
10% is the meaning of the words themselves

These stats are based off a study from Carnegie Mellon.

Real question here, are you on the spectrum?

I'm not a weeb, and I don't get triggered, but i still wonder why would someone prefer the english dub that sounds like shit, like a disney channel cartoon.

I chose English cuz I wanted to play it like it was those games made in America but takes place in another country. The dub was good I guess.

I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt because molden would be grammatically incorrect in the context of the sentence I used and also is misspelled. Apply yourself.


>game literally set in Japan and made by the Japanese
Go to Yea Forums and declare that you love dubs of foreign films, you will be laughed out the board.

>english is the most predominantly spoken language in the world

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You're not fooling anyone you dumb weeb.

You’re not fooling anyone ytecuck

Is that why Dark souls 3 and Bloodborne got JP voice overs?

false equivalency, movies and shows are not in retarded nipsquiks.

>why do people get triggered when you say you prefer english voice acting over japanese voice acting in a japanese game

the same people would get just as pissed off if you claimed to prefer the japanese voice acting in god of war 2 over the english voice acting, it's all about soul

lmfoa what a fucking autistic retard
believe it or not, there is more to acting than simply reading words off of a fucking paper.

FFXV was the game that taught me to always opt for nip vo. 80% of the camp aesthetic associated with weebs comes from the fact that they can only afford to hire q-list talent for the dubs.

You will get 10000x the emotional delivery from a nip actor as you would from the english backup, because they are just better actors.

Imagine if you were consuming American media with a bargain-bin dub over all of the dialogue of the top-billed talent.

Daily reminder that the manliest voices come from BLACK BVLLS

Pic related. The three tenors with their wh*te bitch.

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Oh damn! you looked right through my charade!
Kek, this is the type of person that likes the disney dub of Sekiro. I bet your favorite voice is Kuro's in english.

>muh soul
subfag are subhuman, fitting.

The funny thing is that these controversies arise only with americans. Such crybabies.

The funny thing is, we own your country.

So it's not okay when Japan does it?

not sure about DS3, but BB only got jap voices much later, after the DLC came out
and most japs play with the english voices, despite not understand it, because it's the original voice and more fitting for the setting

not an argument

fuck japan fuck japanese and fuck weebs

No, you just have a lot of loudmouths

sub or dub i was too lazy to change the language option. the story was shit anyway

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>game is set in medieval europe after all
Imma take a wild guess that you're an amerimutt.

I hate weebshit but listening to English VA's makes my ears bleed.
A lot of the dialogue in Japanese media has characters screaming and being larger than life, so when made auditory in a language I can understand I can't help but cringe, whereas when the vocals and dialogue are split by a language barrier and digested separately it makes the media much more tolerable. Then the English VA's just sound like garbage by themselves, so there's that.

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I agree with your post but don't do that

> tranny incel can only understand his 26 letter baby language lmao

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>the same people would get just as pissed off if you claimed to prefer the japanese voice acting in god of war 2
Bullshit, people ITT unironically think that japanese voice acting is inherently better than english voice acting just because it's Japanese.


I can guarantee that people here will say that the jp version of God of War is better than the English version just because it's Japanese.

>american education

It still got them, so that doesn't matter.

I'm not a weeb nor an anglo, so I can objectively tell you the english voices are trash and don't fit the setting.
Food analogy for the Americans; imagine walking to a Sushi restaurant and getting a Big Mac.

Those are weebs.

nice strawman bro


Mix the styrofoam with gasoline, and then burn that mixture

English VA sounds like they're just reading lines of dialogue. It's choppy, often has no emotion. Japanese VA sounds like acting, like they actually understand the characters.

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If it's not an animated movie intended for 5-year olds, don't dub it.

so what
they gave the option to brainlets like you
the intended language for dark souls and BB is english
the intended language for sekiro is japanese
those are the languages that best fit the setting and are the ones that were actually directed by from software so they actually sound like they're supposed to

To be fair German or French would fit dark souls a lot more

He sounds like a general in the JP version. He sounds like WWE fighter in the EN.

I pirated the game and only installed the English dub by accident, don't really want to reinstall the entire thing just to change the language, so I have to play-through it with just the English dub. I recognize it's bad, but my time is more valuable

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>Japan knows this is dumb!
>but japan also
>SHUT UP!!!!!!
How mad are you, weeb?

>the intended language for dark souls and BB is english
Yeah which is why the jp versions of the game got jp dubs, despite your claim that Japanese people know how stupid it is to use a dub for Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne.

By humans*

>people ITT unironically think that japanese voice acting is inherently better than english voice acting just because it's Japanese.

perhaps god of war 2 was a bad example, how about any of the MGS games?
most of the weebs you speak of love those games to death but you'd be hard pressed to find a person who would prefer the japanese version of armstrong to the english version of armstrong

like I said, it's all about soul

This is the part I can get behind, good VA direction is vital no matter the language. The problem is that a lot of people who say this (and you might not be one of them) abandon the pretense of this arguement when you run through a list of games where the international VA was good work and it rapidly turns out they just don't like English very much.

Is armored knight supposed to be hispanic? Why is he speaking japanese?

if the chinks weren't a bugmen shithole and had free and open access to the internet, you can bet your ass you'd at least have a working understanding if mandrin.

Fair point

It’s for the memes

As much as I love nips, I actually don't like the casting here that much. Kratos sounds good, Atreus is passable, but I really don't like the voice for Freya.

Pretty much my opinion as well, a major reason I played Near Automato in Japanese was purely because 2B sounds like a completely different person.

Daily reminder that over 50% of the Class A war criminals were pardoned by MacArthur, The authenticity Rape of Nanking is still being contested by Japanese nationalist parties and imperialist version bushido, revisionist attitudes towards WW2 history and cult-like figurehead worship are making a comeback in Japan.

Be wary, be cautious.

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It must sound so silly in English when he falls, you can't shout ROOBBBEEERRRRT and sound good, unless you ad OUUUUU on the end

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Portuguese missionaries were Japan's number one western contact in that time period. It's why they call bread "pan".


Gyobu uses neither.

Oh please, Some people unironically think his name is 'Roberuto" or Roberto because of the JP dub, despite the fact that the Armored Warrior is European, specifically from Iberia based on his armor, and there's no reason for his death throe's to be in Japanese if this is the argument coming from someone saying the game should be played in Japanese.

He's just screaming as he falls.

If he’s from Iberia his name should definitely be Roberto and not Robert. If he’s actually Iberian then the English dub is wrong

its would be an inferior experience if it didn't have a quality dub
listening to the game in a language you cannot understand while a perfectly well made english version exists is pure retardation

But the jp kanji for the kids name translates to 'robaato' . If his real name was supposed to be Roberto, then it would be translated as 'roberuto'. The kids name is most likely supposed to be Robert.

Playing a game in a language you understand makes lines much more memorable, they have much more impact on you than reading text at the bottom of a screen.

The Japanese voices aren’t a dub. They’re the original. Learn your words properly you plebeian brainlet. A French film isn’t dubbed into French, it is in French. Sekiro isn’t dubbed to Japanese, it is in Japanese

Being a brainlet who can’t read and who doesn’t understand that certain expressions require the sounds of a foreign language to be expressed is pure retardation.

>quality dub

Plebeian opinion. Try telling that to Yea Forums

English is the lingua franca of the world.

You know what I mean you fucking retard. Christ, you fucking weebs are seriously autistic.

To be honest the Sekiro english voice actors are pretty shit. Why did they not just use the soulsborne series actors?

I’m not a weeb. It’s not a dub. Dubs are for children, women and amerifats

Own up to your mistakes dumb child

Seethe more you fucking retards.

Because from didn’t have anything to do with it and it was activision dubbing the game

>Kuro sneezing in the dub

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People who played Sekiro in Japanese can only remember ROBERTOOOO, they have no other memorable lines. Nothing will stick with them after playing the game, cause all they heard besides that is incomprehensible gook speak.

>getting this mad and calling people children because someone didn't get your sub vs sub weeb faggotry semantics right

I played Sekiro in Japanese because that's obviously the language they wanted you to play it in. Same thing with Dark Souls having English voice actors.

Post characters that are superior in the dub.

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oy roight dey did wasn't no changes neever

How about we all go back to good ol' latin. No one gets their own language anymore. So sayeth Gawd.

I picked Owl's side over the Divine Heir. Did I fuck up?

I mean if you go there, it's mostly white people.

Not unless you wanted to kill your friends while missing a whole section of the game.

>this is the power of zoomers

I'm normally a full on Sub only weeb but the dub was actually pretty good. MY NAAAAAAAAAME

Fuck, I'm just gonna uninstall.

I'm no zoomer, you're just getting pissy like a fucking autist over the use of the word "dub". Fuck, get over it already. You know what I meant.

only casuals play with dubs

>he thinks he’s not a zoomer even though he’s under 30



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PLEASE can someone post the source for the Corrupted Monk r34 pic where she has green skin and a drooling cunt

I dunno if that'll help you. Unless you mean you're just done.

I think weebs should get gassed but the game is set in Japan. Come on.

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I speak english,so I prefer to listen to it in english.
I don't speak jap so I prefer it to be in a language I do understand.
I don't really care what other people choose to play it in but anyone who actually complains about people playing it in english is a raging fag who doesn't deserve to be taken seriously.