How hard was it for you to learn how to code?
How hard was it for you to learn how to code?
Far harder than it should have needed to be. I learned more during the first week of my job than I did during the several years I spent in school for it.
I never learned because I am a subhuman consumer and refuse to create anything that might bring myself or another any sense of fufillment or happiness
I spent five and a half years at university and got a PhD to end up making a furry porn game.
IMO if you can't learn to program you're literal braindead
I'm not saying you have to get a high understanding and be able to design complex encryption/decryption systems but you should be able to understand how code works & be able to make it do simplistic tasks
to me it's pure logic at the base level & anyone that can't program likely can't do simple math either
I get so far in then spend more time playing with my creations then working on them. Exploding voxel objects in a physics stimulation proved to be too much fun
I never bothered because it's the ultimate wageslave skill.
I feel like you're missing the language component. Coding is very logic based, but the languages used to interpret it can make it harder to understand the meat and potatoes of it
Did you learn by yourself? I started doing a basic course for C#, and it kept throwing at me exercises with a lot of -variable function whatever crap and I just couldn't get it right. I've had basic caluclus in college, but I had a teacher and classmates to compare results, doing the self stufy became a bit annoying and just got discouraged I didn't have anyone to ask basic questions.
Post that game if you're so great.
Best way to learn to program is to program. This has been known for a long time. The uni course format doesn't work for teaching how to code.
Why do you believe that?
uni teaches you the basics to learn how to code
It's not their job to make you learn how to do yours
About week. Im from Blizzard.
I'm using and I have no idea what a list, array, or any of this other shit is.
Oh this is yours? I don't really begrudge it but I've seen this shilled a number of times. What's your playerbase looking like, out of interest.
But then why should I pay their wages for 3+ years if all I'm getting out of it less than what I would have gotten from a few weeks of watching youtube tutorials?
So that your employers will actually fucking hire you.
>user, it says here on your resume that you watch Youtube videos.
>Yes, that's right. I'm really good at it.
How do you not understand what a list is?
At least 4000 players last month! Probably way more.
Resume > degree
You need internships and projects more than anything.
because professor that do that shit as a job are usually better than MiNeCrAfTCrEePeR200Xx explaining shit better, in a more formal way, and they don't insist in smashing the like button and clock on the bell
They'll let anyone into an entry-level position as long as they know FizzBuzz.
>youtube tutorials
for programming? wtf are you doing? just read written tutorials and use documentation and stack overflow.
What exactly is a "list?"
you usually can aspire at better job than code monkey in wagie cagie with the right piece of paper
Literally what it sounds like. It's a list containing multiple objects.
I'm taking a course right now for C# before jumping into Unity. So far I've learned the basics of
>datatypes and variables
>decision making bool etc
Anything else I should know before making my game? I plan to make a 2d/top down rogue like hybrid.
lists are one of the more simpler data structures
they have in their most basic form 2 elements: a valor and a pointer to the next valor
think it like a chain
its not really hard
its mostly logic and understanding the concepts
>4th year in uni
>several people in my group can't even do a for loop
Generics and interfaces.
An ordered collection of objects/elements/entries/whatever you are putting in the list. Just like in real life.
thats a linked list specifically. a list can be a simple array.
learning to code is impossible unless you have autism or are japanese
Does your country offer free university education?
>thats a linked list specifically. a list can be a simple array.
clarification: a list is a collection that allows sequential access. an array is a collection that allows direct AND sequential access.
Yes, but thing is they're paying for this one.
event driven programming
japanese aren't that great
they're honestly too archaic with how they do things
>1rst teacher we had as an introduction
>couldnt explain shit worth dick
>taught us fucking meme languages that didnt apply to anything else and nobody cared
>barely anyone could do a thing and a solid 70% flunked
>new teacher explains everything with clear examples, concise words and python tutor
>everyone can do shit 25 times better than in classes from the previous teacher
>0 complaints, actually having fun
Shits whack.
I think the hardest thing is just finding shit you need in an engine, finding proper function/procedure for your situation.
Last summer I tried to make a program that solves sudokus. No really other reason rather than see if I could do it.
Lost interest halfway, but I managed to make it capable of finding trivial cases, refreshing itself and finding the next trivial case until the board is full. Basically if the board is set up in a certain way, it works, but those are only a fraction of all possible setups.
Sad thing is, because how beta the industry is women who "need a week" would be moved to the front of the line ahead of any guy with 3 years experience
Not him, but what's wrong with youtube courses? There are some very extensive ones, with examples and excersises on top of theoretical content. It's literally the same but in a more friendly format, where you can also ask questions to the content creator..
in uni you learn how to learn. without it youtube tutorials will do fuck all
>Stack Overflow
Worst advice ever. It's a cesspool of retards.
got any examples? Just out of curiosity
Learning the basics of programming is the easiest part of making a game. You dont need to be a computer scientist to get a game to run, and can pick up most of the basics needed within a month
If you're trying to solo game dev and dont have any sort of artistic skill, that's when you're fucked. And learning how to draw is a much deeper, hellish hole to fall down. If you're starting from scratch it can take a solid year before you can do anything decent. And then transferring that knowledge to modeling ot Sprite work and animations is another effort in and of itself. And then theres music and writing and stage design etc
t. Software guy who can hardly draw stickfigures
>in uni you learn how to learn
I must have missed that class. Sounds like something they should have started with.
coding and "learning a programming language" is really simple. you can easily "learn how to code" in one week, if you are not complete talent free.
writing a useful application is another story.
If you're getting stumped by lists and arrays, Learn to Weld m8
>Learn how to program on the internet
How do you retards need a fucking teacher to explain to you how to program?
Stackoverflow is how I find the answer to 90% of my problems though.
Yes, but they're all in Spanish because that's my language. Sure as hell there's got to be courses for English speakers as well.
>he doesnt know
user, life lesson. Whatever the fuck you learn in uni, 99% aint worth dick shit out of class and in the real world.
Get internships, get pals, get conections, inflate your resume, if they like you and the job is guaranteed, great, if not, shit, go to another place, do more shit, get more buddies and keep playing the web. University is proving you can learn, shows you have learnt and that you can learn in the future instead of being a unteachable neanderthal.
some people are really dumb
This is a university class user, everyone is 20+.
>paying for college/university
Gets me every time
Stack Overflow answers are worthless and it becomes very obvious the second you have any idea what you are doing. Go ask a question about a pointer on Stack Overflow and see how many "answers" you get telling you pointers are evil, "smelly" or other meme shit instead of answering your fucking question.
That's how any learning path works, you dumb fuck. You coming into something without any knowledge, so you learn a lot at first but then you get to plato.
>learning python
>learning how to code
pick one
seriously, they teach python to 7th graders in my state
hows that student debt treating ya user?
>writing your first .bat program to automate Sims 3 datafiles cleanup
>it works as intended and doesn't FUBAR your computer
So? Are you saying functioning adults are smarter than me when I was a child with my only resources being a few internet tutorials and then documentation?
Is Python a good place to start? My biggest fear isn't the code itself, I already have a basic notion and it's all a matter of practice. Why I'm really worried about is creating assets and sprites. That I cannot do, and probably never will. I suck at making art.
And don't even get me started with bgm
wow you are so smart and don't talk nonsense at all
Except that's the opposite of what he said retard.
>get university education for free
>get taxed for over 50% of your salary for the rest of your life
I didn't waste money on college so I wouldnt know
>Youtube tutorials.
Yeah, put that on your resume and watch any potential competition for the job you have get picked over you.
>Being THIS contrarian.
Where do you find answers when you stuck? In your head? Doubtful.
Start with a compiled language, I'd suggest C++ but others might disagree.
The switch to interpreted languages is easier this way around.
How about hiring an artist then?
My country isn't a shithole so non existent.
>started learning how to program on my own time
>realize I dont really have anything I want to do with it
I can't motivate myself to practice just to practice, I need to genuinely have a purpose. Any anons have suggestions?
Oh shit. Yeah i am a retard, sorry.
I'm currently learning user-defined fuctions and it's already getting too confusing for me. Should I just give up?
My company pretty much let me watch pluralsight videos for the first month because they realized what I learned in university was fucking worthless.
Yes? It's my job. The only acceptable stack overflow answers are of the nature of "msvc is broken in this specific way, how did Microsoft fuck this up and how do I fix it." because it has nothing to do with programming and is just tech support. Otherwise why the fuck did you learn about datastructures and programming to try to get some website full of subpar programmers to do the job for you?
That's great, user! I'm proud of you!
make a game
make a game obviously. Where do you think you are faggot?
Its a good starting point. 7th grader and someone who doesn't know how to code at all are the same thing.
No, Im saying that a good teacher can make people actually study, care and do much better at learning something compared to a absolutely god awfull one which makes your very soul be filled with dread at the mentioning of dread. Stop being a child user.
What is confusing? You make a function, that sometimes takes some augments, then does a task, and sometimes gives back a solution.
The only real confusing part is sometimes the arguments you pass are not the things themselves, but addresses, and changing them inside of a method will change them everywhere.
Why are you using a while loop to listen for user commands?
I started with expressions in After Effects, then I started writing scripts in ExtendScript, then JavaScript, then Python to use in Fusion, now started dabbling in C#. Coding is addictive now, it's all I think about when I shower or shit
So you are a retard who needs your handheld? Again, I was fucking teenager who spent half my time masturbating and playing video games and still learned how to program, and you are an adult blaming a "bad teacher" on your retardation.
Try modding or something
it's a good way to find purpose, at least it was for me
obviously you need to mod a game that requires more to mod than an ez pz tool
Try creating a remake of an older game. Something simple enough that you won't get bogged down in the management of but complex enough to help you grow as a programmer. You are going to have to make dozens of kusoge before you even begin to be skilled enough to make your "dream" game, whatever it is.
Programming is only one component of making games, and chances are you don't have a motivation issue, you have a scale issue.
functions are just commands with parameters that you create and use through a big programs multiple times.
is that python in your pic? it looks beyond awful because it couples a white background with an almost complete lack of punctuation.
>In most other programming languages, indentation is used only to help make the code look pretty. But in Python, it is required for indicating what block of code a statement belongs to.
yep. sounds painful to code in python without a proper IDE that shows nice pretty color for keywords and variables.visual enjoyment helps learning. dark mode makes coding 40% more fun.
My job isnt finding where i fucked up. I usually do it right in the first place. But you cant know everything. So dont pretend you are some ultimate human being who can easiy track any little fuck up you made. Yeah, apparently you was sooo fucking good you learnt to code that way and never googled anything. Get the fuck outta here with this bullshit, you faggot.
Okay thanks I thought it was something more complicated than that.
>It needs to be an answer taken from two variables
This can't be real
Oh, I barely studied or cared because I imediately saw this teacher was not going to do anything. He gave 50 slides worth of stuff in an hour, then the remaining three he taught us what a string was and then asked a class he knew didnt know shit or catch anything to use a meme language with almost no doccumentation to do a programn with menus and recursive functions.
I essentialy just said "fuck it" and waited till a non meme language came around and for us to actually be integrated within real shit. Even actual coders within our class admited nobody learned anything, it confused em even. Your attempts at trying to look macho and cool over being a teenager and doing what we are being taught only make you seem like a bigger autist than our class sperg, lighten up ya fag.
Are you actually mad that I read books on data-structures and algorithms and still do so I don't need to ask some faggot on stack overflow how to balance a tree?
>I usually do it right in the first place
Even if you fucking don't you just go through what you did and find the error. Making mistakes is common, not being able to figure it out is what makes you a brainlet.
>I'm retarded so now I'm going to just try insulting him
So you are a woman I'm guessing.
i don't even know how to use these things after learning tbqh
i can do the tasks when they're given but how do i create a program lol
how would you create a damage system that goes beyond HP, MP, damage, defense, and movement/attack speed?
I'm incredibly frustrated that even a game as complex as Path of Exile just does dumb calculations that increase/decrease those values in some way, everythign else is mostly fluff in how those values are changed via different sources. How can you represent a character being sick, missing limbs, having different flaws, being enraged etc. The only thing I sort of figured out is a character having hallucinations by adding some feedback on the screen, but other than that seems you can't break the mold.
Because I don't know how many names the user wants to input.
No. I use IDLE. I screenshotted it as plain text because I'm on my phone.
why are you so hostile towards the fact that someone learned something at a different time in a different way? holy fuck get over yourself you sperg
I am not mad i just dont believe you. Such a cool faggot like you wouldn't even sit here with us Yea Forums plebs. And even if he did he would be such a faggot who needs to push his contrarian view on stack overflow by saying he is so fucking smart and never googles shit.
>I read books
Yeah right, its not like they can get old or something. IT improves constantly. What will you do then? Try to go and find freshly written book? How will you find it without google, though?
I never said I never google shit, I said stack overflow is a terrible website. You are just putting words in my mouth because you are angry your code bases are copied and pasted from Stackoverflow.
>Still attended university.
Nice anecdote that doesn't reflect most of the world and entirely misses the point of university and what it means to employers but hey! You tried.
What if the sum is greater than 16 bits? Checkmate
Floats are 32 bits user, doubles are 64. I think I omitted the word "double" in my dumbfoundedness though.
That's a pretty good start then.
sprölölö :DDD
I never did that. I come there to read other people experience with teh same problem. I dont need to copy their code.
And when you google code related stuff it will bring you to stack overflow. A lot of good famous programmers lurk there and answer. You just hate it for your personal shitty reasons. Because its "popular" or some other contrarian shit
I always quit coding and stuff because halfway through I always realize how much of a confusing garbled mess it was as well as boring. Always had my life dream being creating video games but if the price I have to pay is being bored out of my mind then I better find a different dream.
making a overcomplicated damage system never works
I don't like it because the answers are garbage and I personally hate garbage.
programming is easy. Understanding the math behind physics is way harder
Not really. Most of physics doesn't require very advanced math, just your basic vector calculus, linear algebra, differential equations and probability theory.
oh no no no look at this dude
This guy's videos are fucking awesome, unfortunately they lack a good applied section and if you don't have at least a basic understanding of how a game actually works you will be lost.
He shows methods in action but they're in abstract classes from other titles and not how to directly use them.
Protip, grab a simple game engine and try to apply the first 10-30 (there's like 100) this guy's lessons and you will have the tools to make many different games.
For me coding was never something incredibly hard. I cant say its absolutely easy, of couse, but there are always easier options for everyone. I wad always curious how coding is not that common among people but then i saw how a lot f people in our front end class struggled with fucking html and css in the beginning. Some of them even left like "shit thats too hard for me"
Math for game developers on youtube btw.
>when they start teaching you matrices
>when you start solving shit with matrices
>when you don't even need to solve shit for yourself since Excel does that in a couple of clicks
Where do you even apply them other than finding optimal prices and shit? Something related to graphics, 3d space or something similar?
That's not what I said, what I said is no matter how complex you make a damage system it gets reduced to HP/MP movement/attack speed, it's been decades since those system have been used and no one seems to be able to break the mold for for standard rpg mechanics at least.
>actual coding
Get atom nigger
you can transform meshes with matrices. Think of rotation and translation matrices. Other than that, solving linear equations.
Someone from a thread yesterday told me to start with this to learn how to code.
Just about every engine has prebuilt functions for vectors, you just need to know which parameters to send it.
Even if you're building your engine you can just look to see how those functions work and copy them verbatim. You dont need to be able to do the actual math, you just need to know when to use what (which is a knowledge base in and of itself to be fair)
Literally everywhere.
t. physics
It was a good advice, Python is beginner friendly and a pretty powerful language as well. Keep on coding, it's fun and rewarding
lmao'ing at all the buyer's remorse replies.
>but think of the connections!
>muh resume!
>please someone justify my massive student debt!
Projects mean more on a resume than paying some Uni jew for 3 years.
I really don't know what to do after I've done some introductory textbooks. Like, I've learned a lot but I also have coded relatively little myself. I just don't have any ideas on what projects I could undertake that would both help me properly understand the stuff I've familiarised myself with and make me learn new stuff. A lot of people make shitty games so I guess that's pretty practical and to the point but I'm really not interested in that.
Don't listen to language bashers. The key is picking 1 language you like(or learn to like), preferably a simple one, and doing shit in it until you know what's going on.
Find a solid tutorial that isn't just "LEARN X IN 1 LESSON". You do need to learn the lang, but you need to do SOMETHING with it otherwise the syntax means fuck all.
ASK QUESTIONS! ASK ANYTIME YOU ARE STUCK FOR MORE THAN 20-30 mins. Anons and others might shit on you but it's because they cannot put themselves in your shoes and forget what it's like or they have some complex.
Try to push yourself to not rely on too many packages(other peoples code they publish for you to use) if you know you can solve the problem yourself and and it wont take you a ridiculous amount of time. And the packages you do use read the documentation to understand what it does and try to think how it does it.
I will but it's kind of weird. How long have you been coding?
Hard because I simply opted to teach it myself with Stroustroup's 1000+ page book, which is excellent and the exercises are great. But then I got heart surgery and major depression and lost some IQ points in the process, now it's impossible.
Yes python is an excellent place to start and is very easy to learn
t. taught python for 2.5 years
But I don't want to be a code monkey. I want to be a director of a game.
You have to have a pretty big dicked brain to be able to actually become somewhat decent at programming and actually understand it. Being over 110 IQ is a must but you'll still be struggling.
Also you have to be relatively young when you start learning it, since your brain kinda turns into a mush as you age and it gets harder and harder to be analytical and quick thinking.
So it's kinda cruel to tell some boomer coal workers who just lost their jobs to "just learn to code".
>Feeling like Il fail another course
That might be if you want to be a good coder ever and work with something exciting. Like with most professions, most coders don't work very hard or well, and work on smaller projects that are fairly routine.
Need some help. I've worked with a fairly long introductory textbook to C# where I learned a lot of stuff, did some exercised (but not many), but now I'm a bit stranded with what to do. I feel I'm way overdue to actually code something, get stuck, solve problems and learn more about why all these things I've read about are important through practice. So what the heck do I do? I've searched for exercises but the ones I find are typically very small scale and focus on testing your familiarity with a single concept.
Don’t be like me and think you can make the next Final Fantasy in RPGMaker.
Start with something simpler and work your way there, unless you’ve already done a few already.
I need to do more 2d arrays because i still dont understand how to write them very well.
Watch economy collapse because 2 generations of adults can’t afford shit due to loan debt. We’re fucked regardless.
>then you get to plato.
I am laughing my fucking ass off at this and I can't even tell if it was intentional.
just build write a little app? writing a ray tracer for instance is a great way to develop further skills if youre intermediate
Guess I don't know anything at all because I wouldn't even know where to start. Guess schools and universities exist for a reason.
I’m a bumblefuck retard and I always get stuck on the basics whenever I try to learn programming.
It was trivial. I was 10 years old
Not very, but to be fair I have high IQ.
The drop off for me, is I know how to and have written alot of simple things. Basic webscraper, temperature scale conversion wrapped in a GUI. A very basic move left and right game. However, its like there is a gap where I was supposed to learn something and didnt. I have no idea where to even begin writing something more complex
Living the dream kobold friend.
I hope I can someday make porn games.