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Magic is for retards. Even if you're playing a non-brainlet deck like Desire or Long, you're still a retard.


get rekt shitlords

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I run a grixis deck full of counters and pestilence spirits.

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It's a shame that we won't see Garruk show up in War of the Spark and off the majority of the Planeswalkers.

Sounds very brainlet.

That's pretty hot

Red is the thinking mans color, you obviously wouldn't understand.

Hs is just better

The playstyle is to make my opponent suffer.


Fucking fun game honestly.

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>tfw running Izzet drakes with Spell pierce/Dive down

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Fuck gates. No deck really pisses me off but that gay shit. It's not even that powerful just boring af to play against.


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I stopped playing after I realized how political correct the production crew has gotten.

Wilderness reclamation xDD
Btw I have an 8/8 now and if he dies he comes back next turn : )

>Being this mad

>Running out of mana ever

At least that's not Wilderness Reclamation, only faggots that get jumped outside their local game store play Bant Nexus

Is there a lore reason why buff zombie man is about to splat that witch?

Looks like someone is unfamiliar with Link summons.

It's also cheap as fuck to put together so every asshole and their grandma is playing it. Fuck it.

Man what a waste of potential MtG is. The card game could've been fantastic, but it just isn't

>casts on turn 5

Attached: NexusOfBullshit.jpg (200x279, 21K)

Local game store FNM consists of tryhard Modern players playing RDW, Gates, Control in casual play against rookies. Then they wonder why they're not enjoying the game and don't turn up the next week. l o l
Magic is suffering. Draft and Pre releases are the only way to play.

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RDW is literally the most patrician deck ever.

She likes it. It's just foreplay.

She cursed him after he came at her for killing animals. Eventually after chasing her for too damn long he just accepted the curse and started hunting the most dangerous game.
Hes been absent for years because Green has an identity crisis when it comes to choosing which planeswalker represents mono green.
They keep saying he will be back next plane we visit.

It's great when playing with friends on the kitchen table while shooting the shit and having a few beers. Cube draft is probably the most fun format you can play in any card game and it's endlessly modable.
Never play with tryhard nerds.

Haven't tried playing with friends in a casual setting. It's always been FNM with my friend who's super into it, and the crowd there seems pretty hardcore into it

>Not having won by turn five already
EL EM AY OU fucking pathetic

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So is War of the Spark shaping up to be a line wide reboot like I keep hearing or just shitposting because muh planeswalker wasn't included?

Who knows but the spoilers I've seen so far have been pretty underwhelming.

reminder that yugioh is the more cerebral card game

How will Tibalt embarrass himself this time?

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>Hes been absent for years because Green has an identity crisis when it comes to choosing which planeswalker represents mono green

Surely you don't believe that's why he's gone.

Fuck nu planeswalkers and specially Jace and Co.
That shit ruined MTG lore

how can one yugioh card have deeper lore than anything in MTG?

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He doesn't like her very much.

People will laugh and scoff at you but holy shit modern yugioh first turn combos take 15-20 minute to execute in real life.

Urza's block is the best timeline.
Change my mind..

Why's he really gone?

I can't

>it's another fish tribe episode

Did someone say sorcery shitflinging

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m8, have you ever played the good old Firewall Gouki deck?
There's 3 to 4 different combos you can do based on the starter cards you draw and there are ways to play around any 2 hand traps, but if you don't know what you're doing instead of winning turn 1, you'll end on basically nothing.

The current "vomit your entire extra deck onto the board" single player masturbation deck is fairly brainless, though.

People complaining about the picture in is why he's gone.

he's cancelled due to sexist card art

YGO cards hurt my eyes. Why is there always so much small print?
Also the art style and borders are hideous.
I'm sure it's a fun game but those reasons alone have kept me from trying it and the fact that no one near me plays it.

Playing Arena makes me REALLY hate dumb fucking players.
I get matched against netdecks for the majority of these games but these players are fucking frauds. They don't know shit except their braindead Top 8 netdeck, and the handful of match-ups they see in ladder.
In the past 3 weeks, 3 people have tried to Thought Erase a Nullhide Ferrox I've had in my hand, only to scoop once he's plopped onto the field for free.

Attached: jack is tired of your shit.webm (1280x720, 725K)

I love playing weird jank because it completely throws those retards off balance. You can always tell the moment they shit the bed because they don't know what the fuck is going on.

Have they said anything about adding in older sets to MTGA? It would be pretty much free money for them.

And then you still lose because there's a reason no one knows about what you're playing

The reason there is so much text is that the text is unambiguous. You need to think about reading a yugioh card like reading a legal text. There is exactly one way to read a yugioh card. There is exactly one way the card can function.
Many cards have complex and varied effects that you can't really use keywords for them.

For instance the phrasing on this card's first effect is very important, due to the way targetting and effect resolution work in yugioh. If you can get the card you target with it off the board after you activate the effect, but before you fully resolve it, then the effect still resolves, because the condition to activate it is only targeting a card you control.

>Also the art style and borders are hideous.
art styles are so diverse, but honestly yugioh is a game you play for the game's sake.

This shit gave me headache, explain please
So srocery/instant cast after this hits the board resolve, but then are put elsewhere instead of graveyard? And then whoever played that sorcery'inst gets a free 0 mana copy?

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Well, it's confirmed that he survives the Bolasening

That's more than can be said of Gideon

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BE AT 1HP AND HEAL FOR 9999999999999,999999,99999999


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Sure but when it works it's great and playing the same five meta decks is boring as fuck. I play mtga to have fun. Not endlessly grind with the same deck.

100% agree with you constructed is a waste of fucking time.

A player plays a sorcery or instant. He also gets a free copy of every other sorcery instant that was casted when Eye of sorvery was on the battlefield. It's pretty simple, really.

RIP my blue eyes guardragon deck

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but does MTG have Rei, though?

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it doesn't resolve, instead goes to exile. then you copy every spell you exiled this way.

so you play a spell, it's exiled then cast. opponent casts a spell, it's exiled then he gets to cast your spell and his spell.
couple spells later, every instant/sorcery spell triggers a shitstorm

I only play Cube with friends.

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You need to resolve Summon Sorceress on a dragon or you don't really do anything, it's unironically a bad deck.

Fuck this cunt and fuck ash blossom too

>doesnt even rhyme
fuck off try again

control cuck detected
stuffing all of your opponent's spells until you can cast bunga big creature requires zero brain power

I love gates. They only have a handful of creatures so I can save my mortifies for their card draw (or rhythm if they run it) and they cant do shit to my teferis

someone post the mona lisa image

Player A plays Eye of the Storm

Player A plays Sorcery A, and exiles it to get a copy of Sorcery A

Player B plays Sorcery B and exiles it, getting a copy of Sorcery A and Sorcery B

Player A then plays Sorcery C and gets a copy of Sorcery A, B, and C; so on and so forth until the game is ruined in flames, combine with this for infinite sorcery works

Attached: arn-10-shahrazad.jpg (672x936, 251K)

>playing formats other than commander with your buddies and a mutual understanding not to construct decks with gay instant win cons

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Are you frustrated?

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>OTK: The Card Game

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Only two of the top 4 decks actually OTK in the current format and those two arguably FTK.

>Ixalan's Binding a chainwhirler
>guy casts light up the night and exiles another whirly boi
>see it light up 3 or 4 times
>long pause
>ixalan's binding lights up
Every time
Too bad I lost because he had 3 more light up the stages in his hand and drew all 4 bolts and shocks

But Garruk was mostly black at that point

>Not getting a group of friends together with a giant pile of pooled together cards
>Not making nonsense themed decks with silly playstyles from the pool of cards, and then having someone else use the deck to their frustration without having any idea of what the fuck kind of monstrosity you made for them

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>4color edh deck is just a pile of combo pieces with fucky interactions
>Eye of the storm just happens to be a park of multiple lockout combos in there
>Also makes the game a massive headache along the way
I just want to see everyone at the table groan whenever anyone casts anything.

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Yeah, link summoning really slowed the game down, bro

The lighting up is the funniest shit because of situations like this

>started playing magic like 2 months ago
>think Rakdos look like fun, spectacle is a cool concept, and you're playing red/black so something has to be doing damage
>too slow against mono-red
>mono-blue continues being mono-blue
>have a plan to get spawn out by turn 3 that never goes through, he always costs 4 in the end

why do I always pick the things that suck.
Doesn't help most of the rakdos cards are clearly trash

Attached: spawn.png (265x370, 180K)

I love the feature so much
>hold lands in hand after getting flooded and keep blue mana open
>hold priority and mouse over my blue lands whenever opp casts something
>they start holding back threats for fear of counters

I sold my collection several years ago but this kind of shenanigans was why I loved the game. I've been thinking of buying a huge box of cheapo cards just to do dumb shit like that with my friends again.

Firewheeler and blade juggler are nice

>Playing Magic for fun

are they ever going to make a game where you can fight bots again like the duels of the planeswalkers games

firewheeler would do alright in a slower, more defensive rakdos but between its more stringent mana requirements and its one and done ability compared to spawns free spectacle every turn I'd rather just stick with the latter. Putting both in a deck usually makes it shift too high in mana cost for black/red, too.

More like it came out before links. Also, dont pretend links didn't speed the game up even more.

I have a mono black that gets him out on turn 3 pretty much 100% of the time if I just have him in my hand. Pilfering imp and kitesail freebooter just because they're flyers, vicious conquistador and footlight fiend are your friends.
There's also spear spewer and fireblade artist for rakdos.
It will still lose to mono red more than it wins.

Being able to use links to link summons was a mistake

Does anyone actually think control takes any kind of skill? Everyone runs the same meta garbage it's really easy to predict what your opponents are gonna have.

Control only takes skill in the mirror match

Is white the redpill colour?

Links being usable for link summoning is the only reason the current generation of link 3/4 cards are even worth playing.
If you couldn't link climb, even Firewall Dragon would be dogshit, because people would just make a link 2 and sit on 2 ED monster boards while setting as many negates as possible.

Try playing Dracopals in link format, that's what all decks would be if you couldn't link climb.

red/blue is

It might be specific, but it's also extremely waffly. MTG is also a highly specified game, but it both has better command of concise language and descriptions as well as a mandate on the production side to avoid effects that demand paragraphs of text for explanations.

has 97 words explaining its effect. Here's a quick-and-dirty MTG-templated textbox for the same effect under MTG conventions:

>T: Reveal the top 3 cards of your library, then you may sacrifice a permanen. If you do, put a revealed card named "Sky Striker" into your hand. Then, shuffle your library.
>When Sky Striker Airspace enters the graveyard from play, you may search your library for a card named "Sky Striker Ace" and put it onto the battlefield. Then, shuffle your library.

That's just 63 words. The Yugioh! conventions makes it 50% more wordy, as well as being a complete wall of text instead of breaking seperate effects onto new lines. They're just horrendously templated and formatted.

Meta decks are meta decks because they almost run themselves. Even in the hands of a pro, a deck that requires too much decision making will often lose to autopilot decks. If you can fuck up you eventually will.

Reminder spoilers are out.

>Kiora is swarmed by Eternals.
>Dovin is killed by Chandra and Saheeli.
>Domri is killed by Huatli, Arlinn, and Borby.
>Jaya is ganked by Ashiok.
>Dack gets ganked on Lili's orders when she catches him trying to copy the chain veil.
>Gideon solos two Gods to protect the dying Lili and is impaled by Bolas.
>Bolas is attacked by the remaining good walkers + Gruul/Boros/Selesmya reinforcements + Guildpact empowered Niv Mizzet and when he dies Kaya kills his soul when it starts to manifest as a spectre through sheer force of rage.
>Lili goes missing with the Blackblade after being last seen lying with Gideon and Jace thinks she somehow survived.
>Vivien is blasted from afar by Bolas but isn't confirmed dead so might come back.
>Tezzeret goes spastic when Bolas does because his magic wears off and he randomly planeswalks away in a blind rage, Karn sees new phyrexia appear in the planar portal briefly before he does and thinks that's where he went.
>Vraska and Jace hook up.

Been playing Thousand Year Storm the past 2 days, and it's fun. All or nothing.

I just don't care about the new planeswalkers and their bullshit.

>Kaya doubletaps bolas
oh fuck off

It's OK Liliana will save him!

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I honestly could not care less.

My friends suck at making decks, so this is never fun with them.

ok but where's Ugin in all this?

>make a new deck on arena
>play against control like 5 times in a row
I don't even know why people play so much control on arena when the games take so fucking long

I've never cared about the lore and I've played since Mirage. Never read any of the books or those tiny booklets that came with packs. It's all just whatever for me.

>Kaya kills his soul when it starts to manifest as a spectre through sheer force of rage.
I'm starting to get real sick of wizard's mulatto wunderkind and her fucking bullshit

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Jace has
>fucked Liliana raw
>had Chandra tsundere for him
>walked in on Nissa changing
>whored around with pirate sluts for weeks
>gotten the hot gorgon girl to fall for him

[chair clattering]

Cubing sounds like so much fun
Also, great flavor text on the card. I'm guessing the card itself is total shit, tho?

>running out of mana in mtg

obviously you've never had a dude edge their storm deck into your face for 30 minutes before blowing their tendrils load all over it

and Sorin and Nahiri

meant to reply to

Vraska can do better.
So tired of this Gatewatch shit, it was the death of individual plane focus. Now its just these fucking MCU aaaholes.

Tries and fails to play peacekeeper between sorin and nahiri, apparently talks with karn, and is otherwise offscreen until him and sarkhan unleash the dragon storm on Bolas during the last battle

>MTG is also a highly specified game, but it both has better command of concise language and descriptions as well as a mandate on the production side to avoid effects that demand paragraphs of text for explanations.
Yugioh needs this level of detail to convey what the card does.

>Here's a quick-and-dirty MTG-templated textbox for the same effect under MTG conventions:
This fails to convey the two unique interactions in the first effect of Airspace. The first is that you MUST send the target, if you are able to and if you revealed a Sky Striker card. The second one is more intricate. If your target leaves the field between targeting and revealing the 3 cards, you still get to add one of the Sky Striker cards you revealed to your hand. And this interaction is a major reason why the card is actually good.

Your wording does not address either of these interactions. PSCT is unrivaled in clarity.

>as well as being a complete wall of text instead of breaking seperate effects onto new lines
That is a legitimate problem, the OCG handles it better. Here's the same card in Japanese.

Attached: SkyStrikerAirspaceAreaZero-DBDS-JP-C.png (494x726, 891K)

Their cards show them just fighting against each other and not giving a shit about the entire war, so probably that

>tfw it's a control player episode where he is doing god knows what and goes to rope every single turn

>*kills nicol bolas*
Nothin personnel cracka

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Get shandalar with the extra cards

They're baiting so hard for incels to make this a race thing instead of a bad writing thing.

Also, if anyone wants singleplayer against CPU, get Forge. All the fucking cards, all the fucking formats. Even a quest mode where you gradually build up your collection.