What makes Makoto so likeable in comparison to the other BB girls?
What makes Makoto so likeable in comparison to the other BB girls?
She`s so motherly.
She looks like she's having fun a lot of the time.
big titty
fluffy tail
but a lot of BB girls have huge tiddies (Litchi, Mai, Nine or Es)
does her tail smells like ass
I want to give Makoto my NUT.
she probably sucks at lax, i'd put her in the fucking mixer
I love my perfect wife Makoto and want to start a family with her.
Yes I know how many kids she said she wanted in that one ending. I'm ready for her.
me on the left
I want to FUCK the squirrel if you know what I mean
I love my wife Makoto!
Girls with animal ears and a tail are just objectively better than girls without. It's science.
Cat girls, fox girls, squirrel girls, bunny girls, doesn't matter. They're all perfect wives.
She's fun, she plays honest rushdown, has the nuts to not take shit from anyone, and she isn't obsessed with some dude like all the other girls.
Name one other Blazblue girl except for Taokaka whose entire life doesn't revolve around a guy.
How long does the pregnancy of a squirrel last and what are the chances of her conceiving twins?
I love my wife Mai Natsume!
Didn't she fall in love with a guy in her manga or whatever. Don't know anything about her since she only made like a 10 minute cameo in the actual game story.
Kokonoe is daddy issues: the character. That and she's totally obsessed with getting revenge on Terumi and has a huge soft spot for Roy and Litchi.
Mai likes Taro but she isn't obsessed over him.
I love your wife Mai Natsumi too!
Good. My perfect wife means the world to me and more people should realize how great she is.
>fluffy ears and tail
>big titties
What’s not to like?
Muscles and big tits. Her /ss/ fetish might help.
fuck, why are the colors are so vibrant, it hurts my eyes
I want to sniff her tail.
She wants Roy's dick though
>her /ss/ fetish
I was not aware of this. How much do they play it up in the games?
shut up Noel
Good personality and probably the least crazy BB female
But they aren't squirrels
>least crazy
>wants over a dozen kids
This is bad because...?
nut addiction
>introduce friends to Blazblue
>all they care about are the waifu characters
>any discussion about the games is just about how much they want to fuck/be them
>her /ss/ fetish
Why the fuck are there no doujins if this
Compared to all the other shittery, wanting a big family is positively pedestrian.
>Kunaboto will never finish that doujin
Based user friends
she actually doesn't has muscles, this is just a fanart meme
She’s pretty much canonically diddled a kid at the academy, so, yeah.
Kunaboto recently uploaded some pictures of Mai, and one of them had the picture of Makoto and Mai sitting next to each other. Looked like he touched up upon it. Maybe it's a sign of things to come.
Stuck with a cronic idiot syndrome. For a long time in the series she lusted for a blob of dity flesh
She's a big turn off if you're not into hard femdom (protip: most aren't)
Was a dude, that shit's gay
Boring as fuck, and that's an achievement in this series.
borderline retarded
has the most horrible taste in men in the entire series
the only other decent one.
Like, for a series that's filled to the brim with waifus, it's really hard to find one that isn't boring or annoying and Makoto at least manages to have a sexy design while being a decent and interesting character herself.
Blazblue really shines on its male characters, though. Too bad its nature as a waifu-focused fighter prevents that from shining.
She's a Squirrel and Squirrels are cool
Pretty sure there's a few win quotes of her wanting to molest Carl.
BB is painfully absent of doujins as it is.
She's a fist fighter, and it's anime. Having nice abs and glutes is something that fans will fix in their own material.
>Having nice abs and glutes is something that fans will fix in their own material.
I agree, but the fact remains that if you check her official artwork she has flat belly and noodle arms.
And my wife is perfect the way she is.
Underboob is great but I hate how trashy her outfit is. The jacket would be so much better.
It was from a time where underboob was new.
But Mai is a woman now, how's that gay?
Im not into fandom and I like nine
deez nutz
Less clothes makes her move faster
for me, it's bullet
>No new Blazblue game
This really hurts. I guess this is what I get for loving the series.
Why not both?
whats not to like about a tonfa wielding airhead
Even in the spectacles gag reel she was acting way less crazy than the rest of the girls.
I want to nut inside of the squirrel until I can't feel my legs.
Imagine playing a male character.
I'm a Bulletfag and even I have to admit that she's only a small step above Tao in intelligence.
she needs a doujin with facesitting
She seems like a fun, easy-going girl.
cross tag a shit
killed almost any chance of having an actual blazblue game
she needs a doujin where you motorboat her tail
>at bloobertag
it's funny how everyone that likes mai comes from that hellhole
is like they can't play fighting games for shit
>borderline retarded
Calm down Noel. We all want to touch fluffy tail.
He's not wrong though
Don’t like Mai as a character and I don’t play her in CF or tag, but I love how Babytag and Mai make retards like you absolutely SEETHE
She's a slut and will let me fuck her.
>Touya anywhere above last place.
Literally the worst character. I couldn't finish X Blaze because of how much a dumb motherfucker he is.
He fucking better. I don't want to live in a world without his musclefat girls.
so you don't play fighting games at all and just post porn expecting for me to give a shit?
wait you aren't even posting porn
yeah,she is definitely retarted, but she is still best girl
This but it's only one friend in my fightan squad who's a waifufag who hates labbing.
epic XD
Monster Girl obviously.
This makes the retard SEETHE
In every single fighting game I pick up, I go in wanting to play a waifu character but end up with a dude
>Wanted to play Karin in SF - play Guile
>Wanted to play Asuka in Tekken - play Lars
>Wanted to play Bullet in BB - play Naoto
>Wanted to play Yukari in P4AU - Play Yu
>Wanted to play Baiken in GG - Play Answer
>Wanted to play Yuzu in Uniel - Play Akatsuki
>Wanted to play Yuzu/Hyde in BBTAG - play Yu/Hyde
The only games where I have female mains are Arcana Heart and Skullgirls, but those don't leave much of a choice. I'm just not destined to be a waifufag.
Isn't a phone game in the works too?
Exact same, although I don’t really go searching for waifus. It’s also always the last character I’d think I’d like (durr because you stop trying when you find one) which is always kind of interesting.
Only exception is Labrys in P4A/U although I don’t play her in Babytag.
how the fuck do you go from bullet to naoto, grappler hybrid to a dude who spits dash cancels like no one else
She's one of the only ones who isn't insane or a mary sue
I did actually main Bullet in CP/EX, but the changes to her D moves in CF made her unfun imo. Would probably have switched to Naoto anyway, nigga is mad hype.
I initially started learning Naoto combos just to flex on my friends, but I fell in love
I love Noel!
Man I hate how Jap artists give monster and kemono girls such small paws. They always make them sized as if they are still quadraped. They should be bigger to support the weight without snapping.
I love this Boston Robot
is there any website where i can read more indepth stuff about CF like how to play certain characters (along with info on their normals and shit) or combo faqs?
I watched some youtube vids already but would rather have read stuff than watch.
Well lets see
>Nine: Psychopath that will drop a literal meteor on you if you look at her sister funny or piss her off in the slightest way
>Mai: Used to be a dude but got space time reality hax'd into a girl or something. Other than that she's okay
>Taokaka: Dumb but goodhearted. Also apparently a great cook.
>Noel: A bit annoying and has all this crazy bullshit revolving around her. She does have a sweet ass though
>Celica: Annoying as fuck Mary Sue
>Rachel: Better than thou bitch who will electrocute you if you annoy her or will constantly talk down at you
>Kokonoe: Crazy and a bitch but not as bad as her mom.
>Ada and Ignis: Robo WMDs now
>Platinum: Loli and a bitch
>Trinity: Dumbass who got bamboozled by Hazama easily because she wanted to jump on Kazuma's dick
>Izanami: Another Ada, acts better than thou, annoying, shitty villain
>Tsubaki: Justice Autist with bad taste in men.
>Saya: Cause of all the bullshit. Brother crazy autist who keeps smacking the reset button on the universe
>Nu: Robotic or psychopathic depending on if you look like Ragna or not. Will most likely just stab you
>Lambda: See Nu but dialed back a bit and not really psychopathic. Still only decent if you happen to look like Ragna
>Bullet: Kind of boring and stupid
>Es: Robotic and boring but happens to have huge tits
>Litchi: Probably biggest moron in the series but happens to also have huge tits
>Makoto: Loyal friend, supportive, sexy, huge tits, comfy soft tail. Main issue she had was she was supposedly bitchy prior to the story due to heavy racism against her.
I would try looking here dustloop.com
and dustloop.com
She’s pretty great.
thanks, good to see some forums having guides and the such for fighting games still.
>tfw Tao's HMPK scene
>tfw Smart Tao's voice
Don’t expect it to last, or rather expect it for games coming out in the future. Discord killed them all and zoomer faggots insist on using Discord exclusively.
yeah i know about discord pretty much killing shit like this.
Worse is that most of the time these character specific discords are always full of assholes that don't wanna help newcomers and rather just talk about their lives and shit.
Or when they straight up don’t have/deleted the character specific channels (bloobertag). Discord was a mistake.
It'll probably come back at some point. Someone's bound to fuck with Ragna again and crazy snake asshole will somehow return
>Someone's bound to fuck with Ragna again
>crazy snake asshole will somehow return
Well Hazama fucked off to fuck with Naoto so he might come back and start something.
>pic related
>Rachel wanting that Bloodedge dick
>Hazama just to cause a chain reaction of horseshit to occur. He did escape at the end
>Ragna's dick energy becomes so powerful that even his genderbent self wants his dick
I'd pay to see that gag reel.
>tfw all those girls want your dick
>tfw 90% of them are crazy or look like your sister
Ironically Tao is probably the only one who is cool with him and doesn't want to rape and or murder him. She was also pretty good wife material in the anime.
But Tao is a lazy sloth that would eat all of your food.
I love my squirrel wife!
Casually lewd
Not a bitch
Not retarded
Fluffy tail
I want to use that tail like a pillow while Makoto rides my dick
>makoto putting her fluffy tail under you while she rides your cock
Interesting use, I like it
In the QUALITY anime after Ragna gets BTFO by Hakumen's 6A or gets injured by some other thing, Tao finds him and takes him in nursing him back to health with some help from Litchi
She makes some horrid looking food that she gets him to help him heal and Ragna is surprised that its actually pretty damn good (though she does try to overfeed him).
She's basically like an inverse Noel when it comes to cooking
Makoto using her tail like a blanket while sleeping on her lap.
>Walking with Makoto on a chilly but calm winter night
>She wraps her tail around you as you get closer together for warmth
Spending a lazy morning together brushing that big tail of hers just the way she likes it.
That was pretty great
>tfw no smart Tao to condescend to you
Blazblue had a pretty good dub. It's a shame the finale of the series didn't even include it.
Also Tao is the finest retard wife material and undeniably deserved to win the Ragnabowl.
>no more English Help Me, Professor Kokonoe
>Mori’s Jewish stooges at ASW took it all down from YouTube
I hate Mori.
Nice cat.
>tfw they didn't bang and Tao didn't get pregnant and pop out a Kaka that looks like Ragna, with the white hair, red coat, and heterochromia
>try to do nofap
>see Makoto's fat tits
>two playable catgirls
>both made from the same cat man
>one is the smartest person in the world but has zero tits
>the other is the dumbest person in the world but has giant tits
really makes you think
>tfw Xboxfag
>tfw no BB for me
That's not good for you, user.
Nofaps aren't healty, user!
C'mon! Hand over your nuts!
>In hindsight probably the only girl who straight up liked him for who he was and who didn't want to murder or rape him
>Wants to protect Ragna in CP Arcade ending, counting him as among those she loves
>Is the only one who was able to recall and help him in the arcade of CF even with the reality warping fuckery at play
>Canonically makes good food and is very caring to those she cares about
Tao was the true waifu for Ragna all along.
Stop tempting me
Do it, coward.
>Brown cat girl
A big, fluffy tail
>Makoto helpers
You'll feel a lot better once you just let loose, user. I promise.
>reminding me of the gag reels
CF's were just disappointing
Oh boy, here comes border line ERP
Seriously stop. You're both going to be on clean up after I'm done now
CF's gag reels were mediocre.
Post more quality Ragna.
Better get your GBP and report them
Is Taokaka's face meant to be left to the imagination or is that what her face actually looks like?
don't hold back. just let it out user
CS was best game in the series no doubt
>Best Gag Endings
>Help Me Professor Kokonoe and Teach Me Miss Litchi
>Brutal Bad Endings
>Based asshole duo or Hazama and Relius are the main villains
>Lots of other fun shit
>tfw no Ragnakaka
Can't seem to find it offhand. They took down most of the dub ones.
The only one on youtube I found is the sub version of it and Tao's sub voice sucks. Its probably buried there in some random playthrough series or something
What would Taona even be like anyway? Dopey jerk with a heart of gold?
>Brutal Bad Endings
Damn I forgot about those. Why would the series about time loops and time travel drop something as good as bad endings?
When I first popped in my CT UMD in my PSP nearly 10 motherfucking years ago I knew that Taokaka was something special.
In an entire series where fate shovels shit on Ragna, Tao was one of the few who seemed to genuinely care about the guy, in her own animalistic and autistic way.
One one hand I don't want to fuck Makoto because of the tail, but on the other hand I want to fuck her so hard her tail falls off.
Alright, I'll keep going until I explode.
>not liking the comfy tail that you can use as a pillow
Probably just Tao with Ragna's temper
Protective big sister figure who tries to reign in her siblings from doing stupid shit while being somewhat naive / stupid at times herself Knuckles style
Basically take Ragna's temper but good heartedness and combine with Tao's caring attitude and a bit of her dopeyness.
Would make for a fitting guardian type person for the village actually
on one. fuck
It's fine for cuddles, but I like a sexy back. Makoto having a bigass tail gets in the way of that.
None of you fuckers actually play BB
Don't turn this thread into a faggy ERP session.
do not slander the squirrel slut
>That one bad ending where Hazama ruthlessly tears Ada apart in front of a helpless Carl before killing him
I hate rodents
Post Litchi
Litchi is a dumbass bitch that helped nearly doom the world. She also wouldn't hook up with based Bang
I'll stick with Makoto posting
I'll stick with Makoto
I love her because she' has big tats, I like her carefree personality and the thought of her being in heat because "lol animal girl" makes me fucking diamonds
good job, now my dick is now small and soft.
I shot a squirrel today. What if that squirrel was Makoto? Oh well, I hope she taste good in a stew.
My dick is hard now
Having sixteen kids with Makoto!
Well Carl is a little shit. Though it's only in CP he became an iredeemable little shit who rats his friends out including the person closest to a proper father figure to him.
His dad is WAAAAAY more likable.
The NOL did nothing wrong.
>tfw Bang got betrayed by both his beloved Litchi and his protege Carl after he basically just saved the fucking world
>Still paragon of manliness and works to rebuild his home in the ending
They didn't deserve him anyway
Just how Makoto likes it
oh no
>people shitting on Carl when he's actually Relius-tier galaxy brain
>We will never have a game where Relius and Carl manipulate the entire cast as chess pieces in a game Father versus Son.
>There will never be that sweet team-up moment
>One of the only people in the cast who doesn't have broken magic bullshit and mainly fights with his own strength
>Saved the world
>So based even Hazama hardly trolls him and shows a modicum of respect for the guy
>Even Hakumen respects him
>Discover close friend's wife has a lewd makoto cosplay photoshoot set
that was an interesting fap
post or you're a bullshit faggot
>borderline retarded
What I want to know is why Mori took her out of the story as of Chronophantasma when she was able to sense Izanami when Rachel couldn't at the start.
more squirrel Mammaries pls
can do
I need to nut as hard and as deep inside of the squirrel as possible until she bears my children.
literally because Celica showed up
Get in line.
There's no lines in love.
>Tao's sub voice sucks
Shit fucking taste
>tfw no makoto to run a train on
>hating chiwa saito
I want her to sit on my face while I use her tail as a pillow
I've also seen way too much porn of her either getting fucked by horses or jamming her fat squirrel dick into that one chick racist towards beastkin
>tfw know makotoanons discord but to afraid to engage
Makoto needs more huge nuts on her chest.
Feels like poor form to share someone else's discord publicly, I probably shouldn't.
What about some nice, thick yogurt?
Good morning, user.
Any morning with my perfect wife Makoto in it is a good one.
No, I mean literally who is that
Oh, the user who usually comes to these threads and ERP's with a handful of other user's as Makoto.
Now that has my attention
I like to pretend girls wearing shirts with lewd stuff on it don't know what it says, so they ask you to tell them
insert nut here
I just finished... but it still feels like my nuts are in danger
Makoto would be pretty gud at that kind of thing. That and being vigorously mating pressed.
Makoto is the type of girl who, when giving you a post-sex blowjob to clean you up, would kiss your dick all over like she's in love with it.
I like her EZ paizuri access shirt, but the lack of a cleavage hole means you can't give her a facial
But no cleavage hole means she can just save the nuts for later
I could definitely see that. But would she really just leave those balls all alone?
Is this the fate of every blazblue thread? Just a den of horny faggots who can't be assed to use a nsfw board?
Tends to happen when the girls are hot and the game is dead
If Makoto is in the OP and you open the thread expecting discussion about the game you're a retard. If OP actually wanted to discuss the game he would have used another image.
I ask about lobbies sometimes and get 0 replies.
the thread is literally about BB Girls
If you wanna talk about how to fart-cancel into overdrives and shit, go make another thread then.
For me its Kokonoe, but Makoto is fine also
Cumming inside of the cat
I wanna fuck this idiot
But that's Litchi
Do not cum in my wife
i know
But best girls are Nu, Celica, and Rachel.
Imagine the paizuri
I want to put a baby in Litchi after marrying her.
dumb lovable babies
i need to empty my balls between those
>tfw she got btfo for being a traitorous bitch and basically lost in CF
I love her!
dead game, not even at evo. Based uniel chads kicked you posers out. Stick to the sidelines little bitch.
good to know there's actually some Litchi love
Nice abs, Makoto
High Energy personality goes a long way. We should all smile more
She's decent, for a titcow.
She works hard.
Look at this thot
Litchi has the best pain sounds in CF
Prove me wrong
These sprites are amazing
She deserves all of my love.
How soft is it, Yea Forums?
it took fucking forever for spriterips from the most recent game to come out but I'm glad I checked back every year
But where are all the izanami gifs
I don't know how to make 'em, and I forgot that for some stupid reason all of the sprites don't use the default colors
...Thanks for letting me know that Mori does not know how to story.
Oh I guess Spriter's Resource has them in their normal colors. Looks like I have to redo my folder. Again.
the softest
*licks tummy*
Thanks for this thread. Makoto is my favorite character.
Are there super high res images of all the distortion drive seals for anything beyond what was in the first game? Those things are so fucking cool but the only images I can find of them are tiny
do people play CF on the switch?
No fair I want to give a nut too but I missed it.
No you didn't. FGG.
CF is on the Switch? I know CTB is.
Do people even plat netplay of Blazblue at all? It's kinda old by now. Even Guilty Gear is kinda old by now. ArcSys is too busy tuning Cross Tag Battle and Dragon Ball FighterZ
I need to be introduced to this user. For a number of reasons.
Witch tits are my favorite
I played it today on PS4. It has a small amount of players sadly but it has some people on during the day. I also have it on the PC and it has some player rooms up so it's not completely dead.
yeah, it got released not so long ago
damn, Bullet's bullets are THAT big??
When I first played CT I was pretty into her, I especially loved her motherly vibe
No, the picture is totally inaccurate.
The only BB girls I'm not big on are Litchi(shit design) and Taokaka (REALLY SHIT HUMOR)
prove it
Stop. Do you realize how fast you were fapping?
but im not
Fuck off
Thanks for reminding me how hard i fapped to this.
PS4? I'd join.
I'd do one earlier when I was playing but It's too late right now.
Seriously? People bought that?
she had too many
>has all dlc and good netcode
Also switchfags will buy any port.
full image plox
It was cropped for a reason
Mokoto just wanted to protect her friends.
thanks for the nut
Lacrosse is a super underrated sport. Why isn't it bigger in the west?
>All of them show their navel except for Tsubaki and Kajun
>no tail
Litchi has been declared to have the biggest breasts after Bullet was already in the game. (No official word in the Central Fiction era though.)
They really do have a waifu for all tastes, don't they?
Chicks in Armor. They don't have that.
Wait for Tsubakimen in the next BB.
cute tummy, shame about the face & lack of boobs
short hair
It seems they do. Even the archetypes, that haven't made it as a primary focus, are somewhat represented in some characters. Ojou-sama (Would be Kajun, partially in Rachel), suicidal emo (Mu-12 kinda) and the mysterious one (sort of in Tao and Rachel). But I'm probably forgetting a lot.
She looks like she fucks black guys
except for THICC. Everyone in BB (at least in-game art) is STICC.
Nine is mommy gf
Litchi is yellow fever
Mai is >she
Makoto is spunky tomboy
Bullet is angry bitch
Tao is autistic catgirl
Es is Saber clone
Celica is nice girl
Tsubaki is stern military girl
Lambda is moe robot
Nue is yandere
Izanami is villainess/doll thing
Kokonoe is crazy cat bitch
Noel is shy girl
Platinum is self explanatory
Rachel is ojou
She fucked the Black Knight. Close enough.
Quite true, but I have some disagreements.
Nine is instead dominatrix and violence.
Litchi is also glasses and older woman.
Tao is also retard.
Celica is also mommy gf, purity and deredere.
Tsubaki is also Justice
Rachel is mostly tsundere and only then Ojou.
>(at least in-game art)
Were you thinking of some story illustrations, like the one with the academy trio sitting in the transport cart, or Remix Heart here?
>beating someone you used to get destroyed by
I love this feeling so much.
Because unlike most of the others she's neither insane or comes with baggage.
She also has a fun personality and a nice "personality"
darkstalkers is better
new game when
Oh right that happened. Thunk they had an alt color for it already too
She's honestly the most rational character besides Ragna and Bullet
Makoto's there for her friends and is a very good person in general
most of the earlier ones are fucking huge
I love my wife Makoto
No love interest. BB's thesis is that love makes you crazy and retarded. Nearly every single problem in the story is caused by a dumb bitch doing something crazy and/or retarded because of love: Trinity, Litchi, Ragna's sister (in every single form). Girls with no love interest at the very least have a chance.
I love fapping to your wife Makoto
fluffy tail
i would like bullet more if she had one
To be fair Bang was also all about love it's just he didn't let him go full retard or psychopath mode. Sure he was a goofball but he was always awesome
Same. I pretty much constantly fap to the thought of making my wife a mother.