>Fight pic related
>get filtered a good 15 times by his leapgrab
>finally strafe his ass and beat him
>find out I need to exchange the bell for the flamegun
So how many of you casual fucks beat him with the crutch?
Fight pic related
I beat him second attempt without using any tools.
nigga is easy as fuck
I beat Owl on my 3rd try. Was he supposed to be very hard?
which one?
Dissappointed with how easy this game is. I got to, and beat the sword saint or whatever in 10 hours. That's a bit short for a souls game I think.
>loses 15 times to a tutorial area midboss
>calls others casual
The self-awareness problem on Yea Forums is getting out of hand.
Is running away until you lose aggro and then sneak stabbing him a crutch
I needed at least ten to fifteen tries
what crutch
Op used the crutch of actually getting gud at the game instead of relying on crutches like a real gamer.
Does the flame barrel even make a noticeable difference in the fight?
I've seen some streamers use it but all it did was set him on fire without dealing any damage/changing how he fights
I got Shura ending before I realized you could use the memories to upgrade attack.
are implying the flamegun has any bearing on how well you do against the boss? You literally stand there for a full two seconds waiting for the fucking thing to charge, better off just getting out the way in time, best tip I figured out was to dodge forward instead of side or back.
The first time you fight Owl it's not that hard. The second time around is definitely in top 3 hardest bosses.
No spoilers you fucking faggot, have some common sense.
I used oil and lit him, you can do it as many times as you have oil so if you have enough you will trivialize the entire fight
Using it once does nothing. Just like enemies do to you, you have to inflict burn status. Once you do, he will chimp out like a retard for a few second.
I beaat him before I found out how to sprint you pampered casual using the kite exploit
I beat him before I got the sword in the tutorial
Same for me. And I discovered on the last boss that you can heal yourself with the gourd
I discovered when I started NG+ that you can deflect attacks.
Must've accidentally skipped the tutorial window on my first playthrough.
oh, he oiled him up
Didn't get that until Jouzo. Don't know how the ogre gives anyone problems, unless they've never played a souls game. The samurai dude at the start of the area was way harder than the ogre
You can just run around him in a circle and wait for openings. This works for most bosses.
I beat butterfly first try
I beat chained ogre first try
I beat blazing bull first try
I died like 15 times to gyobu oniwa, until I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and beat him the next try
butterfly phase 2 is bullshit with the constant spawning of the butterflies. between having to dodge them and her jumping all over the place I couldn't build her posture
Try playing it on consoles with input lag and broken parry detection, it's a nightmare
>lady butterfly
>master of illusions
>throws illusions at you
>somehow they actually hurt
How did you manage that but beat butterfly on your first try?
Butterfly took me like 15 tries but Gyobu I beat on the second try cos I thought after butterfly my brain finally reprogrammed itself to stop playing like souls. Currently trying to beat 7 spears ashina I think his name is.
Shuriken tool was my best buddy during that fight.
Lady Butterflys AI is broken
You can literally kill her from 100% hp but just dodging from side to side and using the dodge attack, her AI just breaks and she can't do anything
If you want REALLY easy mode you can just glitch her into the wall
Sekiro is a horribly programmed game, every single boss can be beaten with exploits
Rinse and repeat and you win