What's your favorite alcoholic drink to drink while playing vidya?
What's your favorite alcoholic drink to drink while playing vidya?
you know the fermentation process in beers changes phytoestrogens into estrogens our body can absorb and produce?
I just suck the alcohol from the atmosphere
This. I know becoming a tranny is cool these days but I enjoy my testosterone.
angry orchard is awful cider
>poisoning yourself with alcoholic jew
Very good goyim
Literally every food/drink by Yea Forums‘s standards causes some hormonal changes
i-if i drink beer i will become a girl! /pol/ told me and they totally get science!
If only it were so.
It's pretty good though, better than reds
I don't care, beer is good.
redds isn't cider at all, it's fruit beer
I’m a server at a restaurant and I make sure to offer our house IPA to anybody that has a beard and looks like they like Nintendo games. They’ll get several, every time. Every time.
>drinking water
It's a conspiracy to flood yourself with jewish tempered minerals and florid. We're going back to ye olden days where they needed beer to survive.
For me, it's Blackthorn.
>I’m a server at a restaurant
That's nice but for that very reason I won't take life of science advice from you.
I've tried all kinds of hipster beers.
Almost all micro brew beers are garbage.
Adding fruit or spices to a beer makes it garbage.
IPAs are just beers with way too much hops causing them to become bitter and pretentious people pretend to like them.
I like drinking crisp, cold, simple, cereal grain flavored beer.
I drink this or Coors Banquet.
let me guess you only drink guinness 4% beer
>saying beer is onions
Retard, bet you drink soda and water.
>IPA to anybody that has a beard and looks like they like Nintendo games. They’ll get several, every time. Every time.
This is incredibly accurate.
i don't drink beer
Well that explains everything. (you)
For me, it's woodchuck.
are you sure you're replying to the right person
Saké unfiltered
Imagine being so RENT FREE that you can't enjoy anything without thinking it'll turn you into a woman
Jesus christ think for yourself for once
weebs need to sudoku themselves, they bring dishonor to the yellow fellows they imitate.
Literally everything is trying to turn you into a woman though.
I’m not giving life advice.
>doesnt have enough testosterone to tank the beer
It’s the only alcohol that doesn’t give me digestive problems, nerd.
>americans and their piss water so called "beer"
How can you guys drink that piss?
for me, it's all day IPA
>all these things turn you into a woman
So what do you eat to go the other way? What food makes you turn into more of a man?
How can you even survive a day with out being self destructeded by a turban monkey?
Drinking IPA is like drinking a pine tree.
Why do Nintendo beards pretend to like extremely bitter beer?
It's literally just beer where they intentionally add far too much hops.
It's not like you have a refined palette for liking beer with too many hops.
The only IPA i drink is bells two hearted ale. Not that bad desu but i still like apple ales more.
I like to crack open a can of this while I play my Switch.
>get an irresistible urge to drink and drink insanely hard when playing vidya
It’s gotten so bad I’ve pretty much stopped playing video games during the week. I don’t have this problem with anything else but video games. I can read a book, watch movies for hours straight with maybe 3 beers max. With video games I just keep accelerating as I play and can easily kill a an 18 pack in ~3 hours.
I don’t get it.
It's an acquired taste like everything else alcohol.
A nice bourbon goes well with vidya
I have the same problem but with smoking. I can't have more than 2 beers or i'll want to smoke and drink until i puke. It's awful, i blame genetics.
>coming to Yea Forums for life advice
seems like they don't make it anymore; was it that good?
for me it's ROOT beer.
How many school shootings were there in your country last week?
FFXV made my problem the worst. With all that downtime in that shitty little car, there was literally nothing else to do but smoke and drink.
Red meat, foods high in fat
IPAs will get you drunk more than other beers.
I hope you drink bang's
>beer thread at noon
get help OP
That’s called Barqs, user.
>caffeinated root beer
God level
porters and stouts are better for cereal beers
>doesn't even mention sours
It's a shame they don't teach your generation cursive in school these days
Love this beer
Fuckin love this stuff
Red wine. Big into Malbecs lately.
ah, the root of all beers. this is what our ancestors got drunk on.
Americans can't into cider
IPA is best beer
I don't drink while gaming, but fuck yeah Angry Orchard
Except it's not.
I refuse to believe people pretend to like IPAs for any other reason than they are pretentious.
Every IPA I've seen has comparable 5% alcohol or so.
are you an 18 year old girl
Whats the best game only for players over 25?
extra strong lager
Most IPAs huddle in the 6-9%.
I found a 32oz can of unfiltered beer in my dad's fridge last week. It was from the local brewery, but other than that unlabeled, which was disappointing. Best beer I've had
You've only seen 1 or 2 IPAs, yet you've convinced yourself the only possible explanation is that people pretend to like them.
I enjoy this shit. Passion fruit is the only good flavor they have though. all the rest suck.
I too own a Nintendo Switch and watch Adventure Time.
If you're trying to get drunk than just drink liquor and regular beer.
Or malt liquor like Steel Reserve, which unironically tastes less shit than IPA.
How sad of a human do you have to be to throw a fit over what other people drink? Or worse telling others how their tastebuds are?
But it is youngling. I don't pretend to like whiskey and stick to beer but i know if i keep drinking whiskey and find the good stuff i'll like it. Just like IPAs and coffee. I used to hate beer in general but it's also an acquired taste, the only thing that isn't are girly martinis.
My mother instilled a shame complex in me about video games, so I prefer if I can't remember playing them the day after
Have a friend who only drinks IPAs and brings them over all the time.
Literally all of them are shit.
IPA is characterized by intentionally adding too much hops, they all have that same bitter hop taste.
for me it's pic related or veltins as of recent.
lmao get over yourself, IPAs are mainstream as fuck nowadays. the 7-11 down the road from me has more IPAs than it does lagers. just because you can't enjoy a bitter beer doesn't mean nobody else in the world can either.
>you must be over 25 to drink this drink
>steel reserve tastes better than an IPA
I guess sometimes people just have different, albeit awful taste.
ive gotten into a bad habit these past few years. especially beer. if im on my computer dicking around, i sometimes dont even think and go grab a beer. im more worried about my fucking weight. a half litre can is like 400 calories. i can nurse like eight of those in a night, and ive been drinking every day. im not even a 'drinker drinker'. when i go out and keep up drinking pints with my friends i can handle about 5 before i get tipsy, because i tend to drink faster i suppose.
Can someone tell me why hipsters like IPAs?
Read the history of IPA beer, it's literally over hopped because that was the only way to keep it fresh during long voyages to India
They didn't invent it for taste...
For me it's shitty Mexican beers
Us gamers, huh?
I like whiskey, obviously it stings because it's high alcohol.
The only reason an IPA is so bitter is because they intentionally add far too much hops.
Nintendo beards think that adding an excessive amount of hops makes them look manly.
Ironic because hops are estrogenic.
Beer in general is shit. It taste and looks like piss. Drink a whiskey like a man who has balls and shut the fuck up.
they're very popular with craft breweries, and so it just follows.
I don't drink anymore.
After my second bender ever I woke up in the ER with a BAC of .47.
Funny, if I hadn't been addicted to painkillers at one point and my body used to depressant effects, I would've died
Haven't touched alcohol since. Holy shit, alcohol withdrawal is a thousand times more awful than opiate withdrawal.
my man
they all taste the same and they're all just fine for me
Enjoy your estrogen.
>BAC of .47
Holy shit dude
If you're not lying that may well be a world record
I don't drink it because it's manly user. I like the herbal taste and I like bitter things because it reminds me of the candy warheads I used to get as a child.
>drink malt liquor instead of beer
You have such bad taste I don't really see any point in speaking further with you.
The highest BAC was a Polish dude with 1.480%
>people that think drinking awful tasting shit makes them bigger/better/superior
If you ever enjoy eating anything pickled, dried, smoked etc or eat cheese/yogurt you should spend less time thinking about the "hipsters" and focus on your own disgusting hypocrisy.
I'm a cider fan; as dry as possible. Ace has some good ones.
For mixed drinks: Gimlet, Screwdriver, or a Moscow Mule.
Those spiked seltzers aren't bad, either.
Very refreshing
port wine
For me it's Dragon's Milk.
It's actually just hops.
Hops are what contain the estrogen.
IPAs are characterized by adding excessive amounts of hops
Coincidentally IPAs are extremely popular with s*yboys, coincidence?
self-brewed cider.
>Mixing your alchohol
I like screwdrivers too, good taste user.
Difference is IPA tastes like ass, but jerky and cheese are god tier foods
If I wasn't a semi alcoholic with low standards it'd be undrinkable, disgusting
g o d t i e r
I've never enjoyed any cider I've ever drank that was commercial, but homebrewed cider has always been so fucking good
Thats a sex toy isnt it?
user cracked yet another esoteric truth of the universe
Someone screencap his post
I actually really like Dragon's Milk
Where my Heineken boys at?
Got to the scene of a low speed collision once, old lady took her foot off the brake and bumped another old lady. Figured it was just old lady stuff until we got a whiff of her. A cop did a breathalyzer and she blew a .78. Barely seemed drunk.
Real drink, but he put dragon dildos in the case
Bud light is disgusting and you should feel like the schlub you are for drinking it, if all your locals can't make a better beer then I feel bad for you, I would drink a strawberry mint saison over a fucking bud light you absolute pleb.
For me its going to be a rum and coke with a lime wedge
That’s a Cuba libre
My go to's are Asahi, and if I'm in phoenix in the summer, San tan's Kaffir lime leaf beer. Absolutely refreshing beers, as for spirits; a good quality vodka (Usually Tito's or Ciroc (Only blue label)) with some Seltzer water or Tonic and a squeeze of lime, ice cold hits the spot.
There's a company called Hopwater that makes Hopped sparkling water, and their lime flavor is amazing with some vodka.
Going to the Asahi tower in japan was a magical experience. Fun times for a beer fan
Angry orchard is not good.
Your only option is Crisp apple, and mix a shot of cinnamon whiskey in it for a decent drink with the family at thanksgiving.
Sours are wonderful, also if you like Bud; Try Asahi. It's a japanese rice beer, and my personal favorite beer to just throw back, tastes good with anything, and it's refreshing af.
Strongbow honey is good, for being a cider
I wish I was an 18 year old retard again.
You're one step away from the "fuck drumpf and fuck white people" level of groupthink.
Coors is worse than bud, at least it's not Coors.
Blue moon, i drank a ton of it in college and now nothing comforts me like a blue moon at the end of the day
My go-to drink
For me it’s Rolling Rock
This post reeks of some underage faggot that thinks drinking is cool
he said coors is his other go to lol
35 from Milwaukee, come at me scrub lord I'm ripped
best post itt
It's a shame you taught yourself wrong.
Weed makes you gay, dude
First you suck a joint, then you suck cocks
My teacher unironically forced me to write in cursive because my regular writing is chickenscratch
Cursive slowed me down a bit
I just picked up a 6 pack a few hours ago. It's ok, not the best but i'm not a huge fan of oranges or the flavor so the after taste bugs me. It's excellent when extremely cold though.
I liver an hour away from the Yuengling brewery so it's dirt cheap around these parts
Cans only of course because bottles are a hassle
Simply the best.
Mead is better than beer. Fight me.
Not that user. But school system never taught me and my folks hated my signature. So I created mine from stealing different styles from the declaration of independence
>Branding your beer with viking shit when everybody knows vikings drank mead
but I buy the 1.5L bottles, 2 or 3 times a week. I don't have a problem
Are you supposed to pour a bear with that much foam?
Every time I feel myself slowing down, I reach for the refreshing taste of oliet Bang's
I agree, provided most of the sugar is fermented out so it's not too sweet
Alcoholic sarsaparilla is better
That is actually dish soap in the glass to fake the amount of foam.
For me it's oliet bang's
Nothing wrong with drinking enough alcohol to kill an asian every day of the week
Puts hair on your liver, makes you a man
Absolut lime is better, but you should really slow down user, That's a lot of alcohol in a short amount of time, and really affects your health.
There's nothing wrong with drinking, shit drinking a lot on a weekend is pretty ok. But don't harm yourself drinking 5 liters of vodka a week.
T. Someone that was once in your place.
That much foam is unappealing, why fake so much?
I love Asahi but I'm openly a weeaboo so I always feel a little awkward getting it
that's like trying to teach yourself japanese by studying chinese...
You mean diet barg's
It's a European thing
Nah man, never feel awkward reaching for the best beer Japan has. And if someone presses you, don't tell them you get the beer because it's japanese. Tell them you love Rice beers, and Asahi is damn refreshing.
Strongbow cidre
I like this one
What do other anons think about it?
I unironically enjoy really hoppy shit like IPAs and get insecure about my taste when random people on Mongolian cave painting forums say that my drink of choice is for hipster numales
Obviously, and it's also spiced with tyme. love that stuff.
He said man, not 50 year old corpse
>Alcoholic sarsaparilla
Only the best.
I live in a small Australian town
They stock it, but I do get funny looks if I buy anything Asian
Most people here just drink Boags Red
For the first name. My last name is in that grouping so it just takes repetition and muscle memory.