How often does Yea Forums drink when playing?

How often does Yea Forums drink when playing?

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I only enjoy vidya when I’m drunk now.

Fucking end this already.

I did it playing Fallout 4. When i stopped doing so I realized how shit the game is and felt nothing but shame
Fuck you Todd

Rum and cola


i don't drink



I drink a white russian as breakfast before starting the daily grind, then it's just beer or sometimes whiskey until night, still am pretty sure I haven't had fun playing anything for years now

I used to but I would just get progressively more frustrated as I lost my motor skills

Quit drinking two years ago because I was a raging alcoholic and had a serious problem. Haven't touched a drop. Much better physically, mentally and emotionally. But goddamn, do I miss the taste, the smell, the sound of that first beer opening, the quiet splash of a shot glass filling up, the drunken conversations with strangers, the clink of the bottles, that giddy anticipation when the weekend arrives and I walk out of the liquor store with brand new bottles of booze and unopened cases of beer and a whole weekend of soaked hammered gaming ahead.

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I rather dude weed lmao

god, I wish I were drunk right now

Hey, y'all, Scott beer!

Last time I got drunk I tried to kill myself.
That was 5 years ago and haven't a single drop of alcohol since.

water because I can't drink most forms of alcohol and the ones I can drink taste fucking awful

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Not nice

Every day. I need help.


Hey Scott, all here

For me, its water.

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Too often. I try not to but about once per week.

Beer fucking sucks.
Fight me niggers, drink a real man's drink like whiskey or scotch.

>american alcohol

Barefoot might be bottom of the barrel but that isn't grape juice.

i usually shitpost on Yea Forums when im drunk. its really fun

I have a bottle of water on my desk at all times.



Yeah, love me some antiseptic!

I'm always drinking something it's reaching a point where I can't go more than two days without getting drunk. Video games are the only thing that keep me away from alcohol because it's too hard to play once I drink enough.

i only stop drinking whilst playing

twice a week

I stopped drinking last year, health stuff yadda yadda

Also stop shilling yourself here Scott

You're thinking of gin.

I don't remember writing this post

Usually when with friends playing multiplayer. My friend bought me GT sport for Xmas and we and a couple of his friends had a GT Sport drunk driving private session.

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you might have a problem, man. and it's spelled scotch.

Occasionally I'll make myself a bloody Mary or something, or just have a glass of whisky


who cares about some crummy old water, you should be drinking pokemon creatures

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Cheap vodka and whiskey every saturday, when I play Holdfast nations at war.

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scott is for marriage only!

I only drink water. Soda is for fatasses, and alcohol is for retards.

not very often anymore

I want to drink his cum



I hate this nintendo nerd,
>make a video on rare special edition "consoles"
>nothing but nintendo systems
just say you are a nintendo channel or is he afraid they'll demonetize him

A real man's drink is whatever the fuck he wants to drink, trying to compensate by picking the quintessential "manly" drink?

>drink a real man's drink like whiskey or whiskey
I feel like if you're gonna be elitist about alcoholic beverages you should know what you are talking about.

he wasnt being elitist user
youll understand when youre old enough to drink

only when I can't smoke weed

only an insecure faggot monitors and cares about what another man drinks

Hate him cause he looks like he's 12 and YouTube won't stop recommending me his videos even though all I use it for is to listen to tokusatsu opening themes while I shower.

i don´t drink and i don´t play