Was he right?
Was he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jesus Christ it's a game
so is life faggot
If you're buying an M rated game it does not need an easy mode
You can make the argument for a disabled mode but if you're 17+ developers don't need to cater to your needs
What a sad post.
If you're going to spend the time doing something, do it well.
Person that wrote that post needs to get a life. The person who wrote that article needs to get a life. The person who made this thread needs to get a life. Me replying to this needs to get a life. It's just fucking video games.
does anyone actually have a life?
And this is the video games board.
Get a life so you can kill yourself.
He's correct because the writer of that article somehow thought he was cool for writing something like that. And then there's the shit justification in the article for why he used the cheats.
So yes, while cringe as fuck he is right in what he said.
>Get paid to review movies
>You just read the synopsis on Wikipedia
>People call you out for it
Show me a game journalist that doesnt deserve to be jobless
In this case why not just watch the ending on YouTube?
It's just a game
Why are you cheating?
what is life, user?
A cereal. Ask me about time.
My question why are the games are art crowd demanding a developer to go against their vision?
what is a life, user?
You should do something with your life
Now excuse me while I spend 6-10 every night watching tv
good question
Tell me what you're think of such an individual
>I fill out crossword puzzles everyday!
By that statement alone, you probably assume that they're pretty smart, pretty good at solving crossword puzzles, and maybe you press them as to how they're so knowledgeable to consistently do that on a daily basis
>Oh! I just fill in the answers that are flipped upside-down on the bottom of the newspaper. I have fun just going through the motion of filling in the answers :)
I don't get why this tweet is constantly being memed so hard when everything in the article it is responding to is just as cringe if not moreso
vision is problematic
first priority in those people's minds is feelings
Why go to such extreme measures to beat a game? If it's too hard, just drop it.
A measurement of the moment from an individuals birth until their death.
>Waiter, why is my steak all chewed?
>Oh, we made it easier for you to swallow, honey
THIS is what easyfags actually want
That's what makes it entertaining.
hes right but he's still a sperg
>comparing video games to food because its the only other thing you care about
American detected
Guy was being autistically passionate with his argument instead of layering it with memes and irony
not to the losers here, it's a way of life and their only source of self esteem
Because no one actually read that shitty article. They read the headline and agree with it because of the previous discourse, someone retweets with a reply against the article and people shit on it.
Twitter is a fucking echochamber
I arrived at the Ape, got bored and cheated, then the game became boring af, and i dropped
Someday i try again, but i was tired of the game, kinda repetitive
T. Casual
yes but he worded it in a really cringe way
>that fucking entire comments section
I like how he even pinned his own tweet as some sort of an accomplishment he made.
pretty based
The author of the tweet and the author of the article are both huge faggots who take this shit way too seriously. Games are supposed to be fun
Jesus Christ it's a ocean
> extreme measures
nothing extreame about cheating. it's easy to set up and use while others are tearing their hair out on vanilla.
the games are art crowd only care about story and very rarely graphics
I respect something like Ico far more than I ever will respect something like The Last of Us and I respect something like the ending of MGS3 far, far more than I ever will respect something like 2018 God of War
The "mainstream" games are art crowd fucking love TLOU and GOW tho
>fetusberry 'ass bastard' crunch
>taking criticism from a name like that
Who brags about needing cheats in order to win a video game.
Who types this seriously about a topic as trivial as video games.
Everyone in that screencap is wrong!
Fuck you, it's all I have
The dude bragging about using cheats gets paid to play video games so he's double wrong which means it's okay to be single wrong against him :O)
May as well watch someone else play it on Youtube if you're not going to play it properly. Save yourself time and $60.
The real faggots are the centrist posters
and google captcha
Is he wrong though? Call it cringe if you want but is he wrong?
Looking down on two people having a shitflinging contest isn't being a centrist, user.
the guy is obviously fucking around harvesting replies by the thousands
Pardon the food analogy, but I felt like it was the only appropriate response here as to how I feel about this.
>guy spends his day making a delicious meal for a close friend
>works hard and delivers a unique experience of delectable foods
>the effort shows how much he cares for his friend
>guy doesn't prepare at all when his friend arrives
>promises an unforgettable luncheon
>buys fast food and disguises it as his own cooking
>no effort put in at all
Which friend do you think cares more for you?
Wait, isn't this just Steamed Hams presented as an argument
>Brainlet casual doesn't understand where game enjoyment comes from, just wants to see pretty lights on his screen
The saddest part is that I can't tell if this is bait or not
The first one doesn't have aurora borealis
Yeah, wtf is the point in playing it if you're just going to remove the challenge from the game, that's the fun of it, otherwise just watch a playthrough of it on youtube.
What are you doing here?
i cheated my way through sekiro because i didn't really enjoy it
o'rin of the water was good though.
Underrated post
>know game is too hard for me
>don't buy it
>keep money
>Sir you only watched three minutes of this movie you didn't really experience it
>Sir this food taste like shit, I don't think you actually cooked it all the way
>Sir you're not actually driving the car you're just autistically pushing it, maybe you shouldn't be critiquing it
A game that the fag in question was paid to play and write about. He didn't do his job as intended and wants praise for it.
It's a game. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters really.
You didn't read the article
BURRP You tell em M-Morty. God isn't real
Counterpoint: YOU didn't read the article.
yet he cared enough about others opinion to write a clickbait article, trying to justify his actions
but it's genious, really, if I think about it
not for him, he is a game journalist; is like being a book critic and reading the start pages and ending pages of the book because it was tiresome and then making a statement about it.
Shut the fuck up you pathetic nihilistic fucking redditor cunt.
Is that PCGamer article peak "I was only pretending to be retarded"? I doubt that anything would write an article like that unless it was for the purpose of getting clicks.
^^^^ Get a load of this cunt spergs, he said bad boy words.
Just do everyone else a favor and end it all, you fuck
Imagine thinking that you can grow from playing a fucking video game. High school dropouts, I swear.
No. No. Get lost. Get lost and take your stupid edgy "nothing matters boohoo" bullshit with you.
>The same threads
>With the same baiters
>With the same people who believe the baiters are being honest
>Every fucking day
BAITERS SHOW YOURSELF. I fucking do not believe that anyone that frequents these boards actually agrees with journalists other than a small few.
>bringing america up when nobody was mentioning it
yuropoor detected.
If you want a good reason to be happy my dog just shit downstairs and my mum is going to clean it up cause its funny when she does it.
I read War and Peace. Well actually I just read the cliff’s notes of it, but that’s basically the same as reading it right?
fanboys act like FromSoft could not have possibly coded a shitty game with shit mechanics even though 80% of their games before dark souls were shovelware trash, and are pissed that people are finding shortcuts with cheats. cheat all you want, the game is cheating non-stop and you paid money for it
>he plays video games
>for money
>on a home entertainment system
>he takes "his" entertainment very seriously
>he bought it because it's the only a mount of joy he'll ever have in his pathetic life
>he cheats on games he doesn't beat because whenever he gets beaten he has an asthma attack
>he cheats on games he doesn't beat, because they interfere with the large backlog of interactive movied he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never have healthy hobbies
>he will never genuinely beat a game besides life is strange
>he will never have a platinum trophy
>he wikk never have any trophy
So close to
>review board games for a living
>"Oh, Monopoly was too difficult for me, so I just kept taking money from the bank until I won"
>and that's a good thing
Fromfags need to grow up, we got people out there doing cancer research and winning Nobel Prizes and you want to act like you're esports professional of the millennium because you beat a fucking trial and error video game for dumbasses. Do you want a medal for beating Kaizo Mario too?
Have sex.
1. If you have the resources to do so, it does not hurt the game to include accessibility options, which invariably will make the game easier.
2. If you are a journalist trying to convey your experience to readers, it is your professional responsibility to communicate your general skill and how you played the game as the challenge is often one of the primary draws in games.
3. If you are a developer who feels a challenging difficulty is important to the experience, simply make sure to convey that through the way options that decrease the difficulty of the game are accessed. For example, Assist Mode in Celeste is something you turn on and off, making it clear that it's viewed as a handicap, not an "Easy" difficulty you pick from the main menu.
Yup. Biggest proof is Genichiro. Most rewarding boss in BB/DS/Sekiro
Monopoly is a multiplayer game, the difficulty depends on the player
Because even though games are art and the creator's vision matter, it's very likely that I have a much better understanding of how that vision should be realized. As such, it is my obligation to guide the creator to making it better.
baby dont hurt me
>People actually getting mad about someone saying that cheating and taking the easy way won't help you grow
why bother buying the game in the first place then?
It's a fucking video game.
That would be the case if it were some nobody, but this is a reviewer who cheated. Someone who has an impact on the public perception of the game's performance.
This is the thing, he's factually correct in what he's saying but it's making other so upset. The only reason is because its challenging their already real insecurity in playing video games. People want video games to mean something special and be considered as something more than a waste of time, but they don't want to accept that you should be challenging yourself in a video game
It's not like he beat the game with cheats and lied about it.
Exactly, why cheat?
Sports are just games but athletes are fucking shamed for cheating
Why dont you just go to twitter if you want to talk about twitter. Why posting social media screencaps aren't bannable yet I have no idea.
>twitter thread #42323
>eceleb thread
>tranny thread
>faggot threads
i'm losing it bros
But does ign think any of his reviews hold water at this point? Will he continue to write articles for them or will they set guidelines for reviewers to prevent this from becoming the norm? They'll have to assign games to writers based on their skill level or just stop writing reviews altogether.
Yea Forums hates him so he's right yes
So leave, dude. God knows we all have better shit to do.
unironically this. who the fuck cares
you're right user, fuck this shithole
>people giving that much attention to absolute spergs
>thousands of threads per day about this
it's just a game I'll play the game in extreme hard, easy as fuck or with a dildo up my ass
stop spamming these fucking retarded threads you miserable pieces of shit
>literally telling someone to leave so you can keep talking about twittershit
cya tomorrow
the problem isn't that they cheated, but that they're a games journalist that cheated to make a review
They were expected to put out an article on a game they probably weren't even looking forward to and it was literally too difficult for a lot of people who mainly just play casual garbage like GoW or whatever the fuck to even get to the midway point, and this was a game they were asked to finish. Of course he fucking cheated, if he missed a deadline he would have lost his job.
If you care enough to cheat in a game, and feel okay with it, then there is something wrong with you, no matter how much you try to hide it behind 'it's just a game' because that in itself is what makes it sad and pathetic
Liberals have no respect for creators or their art.
The left can't meme.
>Nothing matters really.
Reminder that Yea Forums edited the wikipedia article for Nioh to change William's name to Ken-sama and a major gaming website ran an article calling him Ken-sama afterwards.
>and I feel fine
somehow I doubt that given their need to write a fucking article about it
thank you miyazaki for causing this shit, I get so sick and tired of people saying you aren't a gamer if you can't beat the souls game, how about you fags play ninja gaiden and then talk about hard. DS is the causalfags hard game
what the fuck is it with Yea Forums taking twitter screencaps of literal whos and trying to make forced memes out of it?
but again who are you to decide how a game should be played?
>giving any sort of shit about how someone plays a single player game
for what purpose
so then using cheats in a game Like gta is a nono and should be removed cause it makes it "too easy" and you don't get the full experience of playing without them
blame the mods desu
I hate that these faggot wannabes have laid claim over art.
Imagine half assing a video game.
Of course he is right. Even just being good at something as simple and stupid as a video game is now wrong, you have to be happy about being mediocre or terrible at everything (unless you are one of the oppressed, then excellence is celebrated).
I don't get why it's a big deal, it just a game after all, we will stop talking about it in a few years if that, it's short entertainment for killing time and leisure nothing more
Is this a poem? Pathetic either way.
>sad virgin gamers have no accomplishments in life except beating hard games
>gets the validity of this accomplishment challenged
Yeah he's right, if you're a cheater in anything you do it says a lot about your character. Twitter kids won't get the bigger picture though so they'll just drown out his argument in a layer or irony and memes and fall back on their support groups to insure that they're the ones who are right.
hot diggity devil doo
Yeah if you're an unproductive fuck with no skills or interests. Develop those now before it's too late you miserable piece of shit
This Some jannies were closing the Risk of Rain threads but when one user made a thread with a twitter screencap for the OP, it stood until bump limit
maybe stop making excuses for yourself and make something happen instead you coward. life is to be lived
Gamers don't deserve to live.
It works both ways, imagine being terrible enough to have to cheat at a fuckin game, then imagine being butt hurt enough to be upset at someone cheating.
Just Twitter taking everything seriously as always.
This. Who else cheats at Monopoly and Connect 4?
Cheating is a huge red flag.
back to plebbit
And your gf is only another slut
No one's gonna care about this in a months time.
Your right, this failure of a “meme” will be dead in a month
spoken like someone whose whole self-worth is wrapped around conquering virtual dragons