Sephiroth is holding a gun to your head

Sephiroth is holding a gun to your head.
He's going to cunt your entire neck off if you don't get a vidya related tattoo.
What do?

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Other urls found in this thread: ankle tattoos&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqjebzhMHhAhULLKwKHZXTCgAQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=648

Dark Souls sigil on ankle, say it's the brand from Berserk.

fucking based

>ankle tattoo
i guess girls really do post here

this on my neck

Attached: hunter.jpg (250x251, 12K)

Shinra logo on my right shoulder.

I have several questions

>Cunt my head off

Wrong Scissoring

Shadow of the Colossus weak point sigil in UV ink


I said I'd never get a tattoo but the blood echo symbol has tempted me.

what is berserk you weeb?

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C'mon might as well just get the extra lines and go full berserk if you're going to put it on your neck

That being said my next tat will probably be the mark on my arm

I was just driving home from the liquor store and some old lady or possibly a guy with a stuffed bra was pushing a small cart of groceries on the sidewalk. Her/his back legs had the Mario mushrooms, one was the red one, and the other was the green one. They were large enough I could see from a distance

To fill my entire back

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Probably a fable tattoo.

It was about as big as these.
Chicken chaser? Do ye chase chikkuns?

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Shave then wax my head and get this

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just kill me please

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I get a tattoo that says "Yea Forums - the Vidya"

This on the same spot
Simple and subtle

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Something that looks decent even if you don't know what it's from.
>Brotherhood of Nod symbol
>Quake 1 logo
>Wolf medallion
>A STALKER faction patch
I might get one of these this year, just gotta decide which one. I'm sure I'm not getting two vidya tattoos.


it has to be about video games
Sephiroth pulls the trigger

I get this, now fuck off, Sephiroth

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It's a wrist tat

i'd get a "homo-unculus" symbol on my butthole and "spread my 'infinity' to 'one and another'"

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Funky Kong on the Flame Runner

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monokuma's head above my ass cheeks

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a small but tasteful Ryu and Ken fistbumping on my left shoulder

Attached: SF-Special-Intros.jpg (750x400, 95K)

what's his team, Yea Forums?

Ah yes, so your gay boyfriend can feed It despair while fucking you in the ass

I have tats and I regret them. Never get them on your arm.

six bidoof

I worked with a guy who had them on the inside of his arms. This guy also did not play videogames ankle tattoos&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqjebzhMHhAhULLKwKHZXTCgAQ_AUIDigB&biw=1280&bih=648
Guys get em user. Hell I got a goomba's shoe on me ankle.

i would prefer him to lay his head comfortably on it while playing danganronpa on vita but yes

I'd get an arrow to the knee so the ladies would know I was spoken for.

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guess what scifi opera

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i wouldn't mind having this

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the worst one?

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of course not, it actually looks good

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Ah, a soft fist style rebuttal, I can respect that

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tattoos are the dumbest normie thing
might as well carry a piece of paper around and say "hey look at this drawing"
then when you get tired of it you can stop carrying it around like an idiot

i have no idea what that means user but yes

Yeah except you have to physically hold the paper for everyone to see so It's troublesome. Plus the papercan be easily destroyedby elements but you didn't think of that huh, idiot?
Think before you post

i agree
want to remember something? post it note on the fridge
but it's important?
fucking set an alarm on your phone

this think of probobly getting one of thease

laminate your post it note
take a picture of it with your phone, i know you normalfags can't go 60 seconds without checking it because you're so uncomfortable existing.

A Diggle from Dungeons of Dredmor on my back near my shoulder.
They're cute, toony, and I don't ever have to let anyone see if I don't want.

still, going to get in on my arm someday

>Sephiroth is holding a gun to your head.
>He's going to cunt your entire neck off

I too hate when people cunt my neck off with a gun.

Attached: eyescreams.jpg (720x720, 42K)

Omg, you still have to carry It and make sure It's there. You can lose or misplace It. Think a bit about the future.


Imagine an ice cream cone shape with King boo as the scoop of ice cream and the cone as a bunch of regular boos, most of them covering their eyes.

ok, now what?

Accept my fate and die as a well adjusted person.

I let kill me, it's been a good run, but getting head-gibbed by Sephiroth is a pretty brutal way to go.

If I ever get one it should be subtle. Like picrelated.

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Anyone who tries to ride the high horse and calls tattoofags fucked up should remember thathe is posting here of all places and that makes him a massive hypocrite desuyo ne~

Tattoos are fucking stupid. If I want to wear art on my body I'll buy a graphic t-shirt.

what are the other places I can post to senpai?

Get a Triforce on my ankle like the THOT I am.

I slap the gun out of his faghands and snap his gaylord neck

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tattoos are for gross ugly people

gross, don't do it
by the way i didn't know what the hell you were talking about, i just said the meanest thing i could

>every single tattoo needs to have some deep meaning
God these are the worst kind of fags. I very much prefer the retards with face tattoos who got it because they thinks it looks awesome and not got it because their second cat died

Rate mine.

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>My mates. Larry, Barry, Harry, Garry, Xarry and Sneed

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Probably one of the sigils from Pathologic, it's a great game and obscure enough that the average normalfag would have no idea what it is.

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a "." from Dwarf Fortress ontop of my "." sized birthmark.

That has to be painful.

>my "." sized birthmark
your penis?

Nintendo fags are restless. They HAVE to show people they PLAY GAMES
spoiler image for gore

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>add watermark
>make it completely unreadable
what's the point

For you

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Well fuck you weren't wrong. I don't know what I expected

fuck you

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Get the only Chad-tier vidya tattoo: the Zanarkand Abes logo.

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Holy fuck I haven't thought about that place in years. I remember watching the pain olympics and thinking it was real.

Absolutely based

You know, these threads are oddly motivational in a way. I can look at my life and be disappointed, but fuck, at least I don't have an absolutely retarded tattoo.

Pic related on my chest just above the heart.

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based and humanitypilled

underrated post

>pip boy

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I'm surprised that no-one has gotten a Sonichu tattoo yet.

i can't imagine someone liking Brian enough to do this at any point

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I'd get the black scrawl text from the original Nier.

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I would never, under any circumstances, get a video game tattoo.
You don't see Star Wars fans getting Yoda tattoos, or trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar.

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like movies will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise

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That's how I go about it. My first tattoo is of a ufo building the Egyptian pyramids, zero meaning at all and people love it

Not bad, not bad at all. I also wouldn't mind Squall's Griever

I guess it depends on how large it is, but that is a very detailed martini glass with the toothpick sticking out the short end even.
How do they do it?

I'm glad to know you can be my angle or my devl

>that moment when the girl in the middle turns around

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>that newfag triforce
I chuckled

>You don't see Star Wars fans getting Yoda tattoos

Are you fucking serious?

Marathon symbol on right shoulder I guess

>"angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

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>muh scarring gruesome life-changing job story
Do you ever stop complaining about stuff you chose to do?

Why would you ever get a fucking Zelda-themed trampstamp?

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It looks cute and them symbol is cute if it wasn’t from a video game and just some symbol I found I would have gotten one already

8/10 shitpost

Thirsty for gamer semen

Nice pasta, but really though people who get words tattooed in a foreign language they can't read are retarded.
It's entirely so whenever someone spots it and asks what the words are the person has an excuse to go into a 10 minute rant on what it means.
You might as well Tattoo "Folckity Yoarina" On yourself and tell everyone it's Yiddish for Seize The World as if it's some big motivational bullshit.

The Dragon of Dojima.

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is that vile or bobafet helm?

Would you?

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>not the original version
fucking weak

But who took the picture?

Nice pickle bruh

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I'd let him shoot me and cunt my entire neck off. At least it could never be said of me that I was a faggot.

My waifu on my arm. Sure, it'll fuck my chances of ever getting an actual gf(or bf for that matter) but I gotta show dedication.

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>mfw it takes multiple sessions and thousands of dollars to fully remove a tattoo
A fool and his money, etc.

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Tiny Quake logo, there ya go.

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Can I be that thing instead


Sephirot fucked your headless corpse and mare you a dead faggot, what now white boy

To be honest, I didn't even realize the shading on the tamborine head was a birthmark until I read the filename. Actually pretty clever.

Based and WKUKpilled

I have a butterfly and voodoo angel
But not video related
I will eventually cover my arms legs and back of neck in occult themed stuff

the top 6 most popular pokemon

Garfield with his cock out

Majima's tattoo is legit too.

You got me. For a nanosecond I actually thought tattoos are not all bad.

Tats are for criminals and whores

>sacrificing your body to the devil

You will never be as cool as this guy.

Attached: DZ9J4iXW0AAZEZt.jpg (782x784, 102K)

Never heard of gunblades?

Why would someone get this?

irrefutable proof that bloodborne fags really are retarded, tasteless cringelords

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sephy-chan ish bishi ^-^

>not getting the bloodborne one to not get shot then going back later and getting it turned into the brand of sacrifice

>Get to look at Vaporeon in a supine position while you fuck this broad from the back

Yeah, I'm finna

>the legs should have been skin color not black

God I want Satan to raw me so badly and use my body as his vessel u and ram his horns up my ass and deepthroat me with it then kill me with his horns stuck in my ass as he slowly drains all the blood from my body with his fangs

Why not?

Where is the nazi symbol that’s all that’s missng

Related to this, a small "0451" in a simple font somewhere not visible to otjers.

Get some fancy arrangement of the Eternal Darkness runes. Maybe the Protect Self spell

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People who get tattoos are retarded, prove me wrong.

>get ripped
>tattoos are distorted now

Nande kore wa

If there's no choice.

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>tribal shit
Eww beyond belief

the devil is the embodiment of evil user. you're not evil right?

What are u a faggot


I mean if he's fucking paying and arranging it sure, since I'm not asian and thus fucked if I ever want to go shirtless anywhere, and they're good tattoo work.

preferably not Kiyru's though, I'd spend the rest of my life in fist fights every ten metres. Any of them would be good.

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So do we just ignore this? Or....

This but on my shoulder

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virgins insert video games into their real life

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imagine having a friend like this, and he always has to go over every aspect while he's out with you. It's not just a, "oh you have eagle tattoo?", it becomes a whole process. It can't be "yeah"

This post raises several questions.


Attached: VSRood.jpg (800x600, 66K)

you wouldn't visit ModBlog bm e ZinE - com?

It’s literally a tribal design retard

Attached: bro.png (283x221, 36K)

Obviously gir from invader zim in a pig costume haha

Get this tattooed on my shoulder, possibly in black. Most people will not know where it's from or if it's even vidya.
That or one of the symbols from Hollow Knight, like King's Brand

Attached: cantguessit.png (82x104, 18K)

>pepe the alt right frog

Here's your video game tattoo bro.

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There was only ever one option...

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but in Cyrillic so women and children don't run away because they think I'm going to rape and murder them or something.

Attached: How+do+yall+s+like+my+newest+tattoo+_93ca7421e38390088f643e438bfd0b67.jpg (1000x750, 196K)

Smack dab center of my forehead.
I'll tell people it's meant to represent a lack of free will or some gay shit like that.

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Do u know Russian
If not fuck u stupid Faggott

SMT logo on my right shoulder

moots face on my back, with the words 'ride or die' in that thug cursive

Why would you have a tattoo?

Name a single advantage.

shut up gopnik

Because fuck u that’s why

I'm scared too user hold me.

Don’t get language u don’t understand u retarded inbred cow

I'll start with the silhouette of Sol doing the j.D and think of something to do with it.

Any other good ideas for FGC related tatt? It's been a huge part of my life back in the day.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-08 dustloop - Google Search.png (400x400, 36K)

bad sim
you're getting one on your arm and it's going to be a black panther (the movement) symbol

Just avoid ominous mansions when visiting Egypt and you should be fine

That's actually pretty cool.
Aesthetic enough that not knowing the reference makes it a cool design

Supporting one of the least stable start-up businesses beyond vape shops?

do more krokodil

>5 head

Go suck ur mothers cock

I mean I already have a huge, weird as fuck birthmark that changes color with the seasons, might as well get some kind of understated tattoo and slap it in the middle of it

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I thought about getting the Berserk symbol tattooed, but since it actually means "Sacrifice" I' rather not.

You wouldn't tattoo the symbol for "Beta" on your arm only because it looks cool, would you?

have sex

That nigga added to it!

>Get "Battered fish & chips" and "gay foreigner" on my forearms
>Stand in gyms and tell people who ask I got them while on holiday in the UK and they apparently mean "Strength" and "Hero"
The master plan

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>What do?
Make my own damn game, get a tattoo from that.

berserk tattoos is pretty bad, anons. dont do it.

I don't mind a chick with tattoos as long as it's not on the face.

>I’m Korie Sapp and did you know that I’m the king of these kinds of memes

Cute hair

"Yo dude don't freak out but I think they fucked up your fire kanji."

more slugcats when?

I guess this is a design i've always loved.

Attached: latest.jpg (1000x734, 48K)

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Are those feet haha
Sniff sniff braaaaaps on theme

What a sket and what a shit tattoo

Maybe this? Most game symbols are already tattoos I'd hate to find another person that has one

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Attached: 19th Shock Troop Battalion(Helljumper ODST).png (448x568, 115K)

Are you brain damaged, or just retarded?

Easy. Simple geometric design, solid black color. Classic, timeless games still relevant today. Normies just think it's some "tribal" bullshit, but those with power level notice and compliment.

If someone had this video game tattoo on, say, their calf, I'd agree that it is probably the best one you can get. Everything else is either not subtle enough or the games are/have become shit.

Attached: Triforce1[1].jpg (612x450, 29K)

I know multiple people with this tattoo and I cringe every time. It's like they didn't even play the fucking game.

I was gonna post this.

Or this kind of seems generic though

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Lmao they just legalized CBD oil in my state and now there are dispensaries all over fucking town. I dont see point except they are trying to get ahead of the game for federal legalization.

Except this tattoo is only for people who only played OoT.

Accept strange astonishment instead of asking for depressing answers

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Lvl 200 in al maplestory classes baby

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I completely forgot about this fuck.

No one else's opinions matter, user.

He seems like a really nice guy. Here's a picture some random guy took of him when he saw him in public. Even though he's basically a meme, he seems to take everything in stride.

Attached: YqTccUk.jpg (2390x4250, 995K)

I paid some slut 100 bux to get my name tattooed on her
Do u boys think it was worth it

Thats fucking great, cant tell if it'd be better if you're fully white and its obvious you did it knowing what it meant like a madlad, or if you're asian or something and would play it up with an accent to see if you can convince actual retards you cant read english

He's probably a fat bold guy now

A drawing of my wife

Attached: 300px-JustinRPGReshiramTattoo.jpg (300x531, 23K)

You can't have a wrist tattoo on your ankle. That's not how anatomy works. Or language.

you think mexicans get scared when all they see is ICE and skulls tattood on a guy?
Fuck I would

Why would he cut a man's neck off before shooting him in the head? Anyway I'd get pic related slightly above my heart.

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It'd be weirder if he didn't want the attention.


I've seen this image a dozen times and this is the first time I notice this.

>He's going to cunt your entire neck off if you don't get a vidya related tattoo.
>going to cunt
moot warned us about australian posters but we didn't listen.

I'd go with Taiga Saijima's myself

Its one of those things where it just doesn't matter, it works both ways.

Cool guy user. cool guy. Fuck's sake.

>Classic pinup style
>Dressed in vidya character style
Best of both worlds

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Being fair to the tattoo artist it looks exactly like how it was originally drawn

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This on my arm.

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How to spot a Russian/Ukrainian.

Attached: triforce.jpg (750x840, 105K)

Brock was in a game so does Venture bros count? Otherwise Brock is pretty cool

It doesnt, but no one will actually believe you are a zelda fan.

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>He's going to cunt your entire neck off if you don't get a vidya related tattoo.

Do I have time to start working out and get buffed first ? If yes, I get the far cry 3 tattoo.

If I Iever were to do a vidya tattoo, it'd probably be something like a status effect, or a skill referencing my persona.I like the simplicity and cool headedness about it.
Pic not really related, just an example.

Attached: URS57.png (688x526, 47K)

Easy, liquid snakes tattoo on the left arm. I was planning on doing it already.

100 percent yes I would, regardless of any cringey tattoos

Not really, as they pointed out there is plenty wrong with it. It just looks way sloppier in general.
This is why professionals draw it on first, and you should not get your friends to do it.

thooooooooose weeeeeerrrrreee the daaaaaaaaayyysssss!


Dispensaries in vape shops? Same for my state too. CBD is alright though I like it more than weed

Holy fuck look at the phones being used to take those pictures
How did this turn into a nostalgia thread


I met a Buddhist monk who had Psyduck meditating in a lotus flower on his chest once.


just so you know, 47's tatoo is a barcode for dildoes.

No, they just sell CBD. There are plenty if Vape shops. They shot up everywhere overnight in every single strip mall.

Is it really that good or anything? I will admit I havent done much research on it. I used to smoke a lot of cannabis, so my perception of it is basically that it is a placebo for people to go DUDE WEED LMAO even though there is no thc.

I show him the Mark of Mastery symbol on my right arm.

>he never played on N64

God, you lot are so fucking insufferable. Do you sign up not expecting to experience the gruesome reality of warfare? What'd you expect, a cushy ride through a bunch of Arabian shit-holes? You knew what you were getting yourself into. Everyone's been well aware for decades. The worst is when they come back, bitching and moaning for years to come, demanding others throw respect down at their feet, and cater to their "PTSD" needs.

This is bait, granted, but so many of these obnoxious dickheads roam around where I live.

>getting an anchor as a scrawny non sailor
pretty pathetic

Tattoo on bottom of foot where no one will see it

>That feel when someone randomly sees your tattoo, comes up to you, and sys ironically:"So, you're the reinforcements ain't ya?"

I'd get the Blood Knight phoenix tattooed on my shoulder

40k is still vidya fuck you

Attached: Aquila.jpg (3543x1343, 433K)

It's cheese

>ask for shit art to be tattooed onto your body
>get upset when shit art gets tattooed on your body
I fail to see the issue here.

eat your pea, professor!


Attached: rottingcorpse.png (253x229, 133K)

The outsider mark from Dishonored.
at least it look alright + it's my favorite vidya, there's worst things to get tattooed.

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sorry zoomer here, wtf is sphiroth and why should I care?

Excellent, really.

that's not real, right?
someone drew that on in marker as a lark, right?
I have to believe no one was autistic enough to get that as a real tattoo

It is my favorite pokemon's footprint. No one would recognize it, and I could tell people it's a mole.
I will never get a tattoo, but if I did, that is what I'd get.

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>weebposter calling anyone cringe

Quirrell on a bench. Will tattoo it on my calf seph, don't cunt my neck.

Attached: quirrell.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

good choice user.
Still trying to find a vest with the logo on the back.

I have considered getting an Aquila tat but it is easily confused with Nazi iconography, so I flaked.

I'd get pong tattooed on me. Just because thats probably the easiest thing to get removed.
Tattoos are for suckers and people that think they're special and unique despite following literally every single fucking trend.

>yikesposter posting

>being scared to be labeled a nazi

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I wish he was my dad lol

nobody will understand the reference.
The Eyeless gang from Dishonored.

Attached: Eyeless_Logo.png (459x580, 1.02M)


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The idea was shit to begin with but they did trash work
I kinda wana become a tat artist but I can’t into art so I think I will just end up doing piercings lol
Also it helps that I really like needles and using them and sticking them in stuff haha
I don’t know many jobs where u get to listen to ur own music and where what u want while sticking needles in people haha

Litteraly nothing wrong with him
I would let him fuck me haha
But he looked a lot cuter with longer hair

the mutilation was all real, the backstory was the fake part

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Bet you have a buttplug on now fag

>You will never be a cartoon.
Why live?

>not symmetrical

Are you perhaps gay user

>implying u know their gender
Ah okayy.....

>cunt your entire neck off

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triforce right on my forehead

>hey user what does your tattoo say?

The inspiration for every souls game


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Humanity was a mistake.


God, so many of the masks in that game would look great in a style similar to that, but I'd probably go for a more generic composition like a minimalist design made up of just the shadows of the mask in 'default' lighting or whatever, I'm pretty sure you can work out what I'm saying.
Now I gotta go on the wiki and see if I can remember the masks I actually ran with, might look cool just to fill space

>Oh, it's just a symbol important in my heart.
i could probably bullshit an answer.

Thank you Jared dines

Are tattoos heresy?

Wait, that guy cutting his balls off wasn't real?

That looks nothing like a fire hanzi, fool. Looks more like "thus" desu.

Need to know, too. I never watched it because that wasnt something I wanted to see, but have heard of it plenty of times.

>you will never have a foursome with these sluts

>trekkies getting tattoos of Admiral Ackbar.
wanna tell you you actually made me chuckle good job

I no longer want to be alive

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That fuking shirt

i don't want Jews to dab on me, is that so wrong?

Only 12 days to Hitler's birthday, how are you celebrating?

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Attached: yakuza6-kiryu-tatoo.jpg (700x394, 144K)

Shrug. Already have a small one. Narokath Santak Xel'lotath runes, or the recover sanity spell from Eternal Darkness. Seemed appropriate at the time.

I'm considering something with the Soul Eater rune from Suikoden.

I guess I just like runes or something.

By putting a swatistica buttplug in my ass and putting on a s s hat and lighting my tounge on fire while I run around naked

Something small, it doesn't matter what, on the heel of my foot.

I’d get this

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You know the answer to that, EVERYTHING IS HERESY!

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>le duality of men
Everytime I see this I get fucking mad,because it's too real.
some fuckig retard out there actually thinks like that.

Best girl

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Not really gaming tattoos but more to represent my tastes in music and/or life choice.

muh nigga

He'd be so cute without that shit in his ears.

SOTC sigil it would be an underboob tattoo

>he doesnt know johnofe

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it's not, use your eyeballs.

I believe no one actually exists
How do we wake up from this I don’t believe this is actually real how do I end this

Man what is it about pop culrure crossovers that are always fucking disgusting?

>Courage, wisdom, and bravery.
Should someone tell him?

Hurrdurre I put underboob
Sooo people gib (You) so they tenk I’m a gril hurrdurr
Fuck off u retarded attention needing faggot
Here’s ur (You) now go eat lead or something faggot

incel, whats next? b&r samefag? stupid loser

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castlevania logo

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Rebel by not getting a tattoo,

Actually pretty rad.

why would you get it if you don't even know what it's called, you fuck? it's the hunter's mark

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Maybe a small "Melody" runeword from Diablo 2 on the inside of my right forearm since I am both into archery and the violin and I have sunk tens of thousands of hours into that game.

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Isnt this upside down?

Adoring fan, on my back or ass cheeks. It’s a counter measure against prison rape


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uh huh id get a yakuza tattoo those are cool

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holy fucking shit is this really how BB faggots are? This level of retardation is insurmountable. Go fucking read berserk you losers holy shit.

Maybe this one

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>having even one tattoo

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Tatoos are degenerate.

Stop harming your body.

You're making a doctor or sugeron's job much much harder.

Can't you degenerates just be satisfied with temporary body paint or something?

no, probably smells like shit, has a fucking frog on arm, face made out of plastic, and no tit in sight to compensate for all this garbage
pity the fools who'd say yes






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Okay now this Is simply American

Imagine being smug about this shit

Icon of sin from doom, somewhere where I can show it off

Sleeves exist. The rest is correct though.

You want a tattoo of John Romero's head?

Momoka a best

>Kagome cosplay
>Anime fetish art tattoo
Fuckin hell the early 2000s were a cursed time for anime fans, and most Kagome cosplayers seemed to have major issues.
I cannot for the life of me understand what would make someone want to get that as a tattoo to begin with, let alone let their amateur retard friend do it. Then again to do it, they must be retarded as well.
White trash, I swear.
She probably squeezed out 6 kids, is stuck on meth, and watching Inuyasha, and Naruto DVDs on loop in her late 30s.

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A phrase:
"Don't trust the skull"

I wish I had a dad

blue team logo

I'd probably get this on my shoulder or something

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The ball from pong

boy oh boy I sure hope not man child

you're on Yea Forums retard
we're all manchildren

is that an arthouse sphincter?

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What is going on in that picture?

what if some redneck thinks that you're a muslim terrorist

if that counts then I'd do a chaos star

Not even with a stolen dick.

I don't know this person. But that picture makes me want to cave their skull in with a brick on general principle.